La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 08, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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I Now is the time to fence your, chickens in.
t Gome and get some poultry fence. I'have it in differ-
X ent kinds and all heights.
X Just received a car extra Star A Star shingles.'
They are first class.
Gall and see my souvenirs," 25c to $2.00, each.
X They are nice presents to send to ypui friends.
Even in its early stage Catarrh is almost intolerable, caused by the
stuffy feeling in the nose, the buzzing noises in the ears, the continual
"hawking and spitting" difficult breathing, etc. But when the blood
becomes thoroughly polluted from the catarrhal matter, the inflammation
extends to the bronchial tubes, causing hoarseness, and often an aggravating
cough ; the stomach is affected, resulting in dyspepsia, loss of appetite and
strength, and gradually all the mucous membranes of the body become dis
eased and the system upset and deranged. Frequently the kidneys and
bladder are attacked, and the constant passage of impure blood through th
" Wlungs, diseases these important members, and Catarrh terminates in Con-
C sumption. Catarrh is a deep-seated blood disease, and must be treated con
stitutionally, for it is beyond the reach of local treatment. 8. S. S. cures
Catarrh by cleansing the blood of all the impure catarrhal matter and at the.
same time building up the entire system. It goes down and attacks the.
disease at its neaa, in me circulation, ana
removes every trace of the impurity that is
causing the trouble. Then as rich, pure
blood circulates through the body, the in
flamed membranes commence to heal, the
tnnmiiH discharges crow less and finally
VEGETABLE cease, andall the disagreeable and disgusting
svmotoms ol Catarrh disappear, a. a. a. nas
tin enual as a cure for this disease. It refines and purifies the entire circulation
and repairs the damage done by Catarrh. Special book on Catarrh and any
medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA.
J. M. Rom of Baker City, Is a Dull
ness visitor here today.
Eight have applied for application
blanks to take the examination for city
carrier In this city on May 23.
Mrs. Kilkpatrick of Island City, Is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. B. Hue-
lat for a few days. j
Attorney Leroy Lomax, district at
torney of TBaker county, Is transacting
business here today.
, L. L. Foster, Oliver Philips of Ba
ker City, George Brown and Mr. and
Mrs." H. A. Hug of Union, were land
office visitors this morning.
Davld(Brlchoux and E. P. Staples
went to Baker last night, where they
were called on account of the extremo
ly critical condition of Mrs. CBrl-
choux, mother of David Brlchoux.
The Tennis club will meet this eve
ning promptly at 7: SO, at the office
rooms of Cochran ft Cochran. All
members are urged to be there on
The water suit hearing has been In
definitely postponed. This is due to
the fact that so many of the attorneys
are Interested In cases before the cir
cuit court of Wallowa county.
Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Schleck, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Harrison and Mrs. M. Har
rison of Elgin arrived this afternoon
are conveying the remains of Mr.
Harrison, who died In Elgin May 6.
La Grande's Greatest
Suit Sale-$25 Values
The above is only an example of the difference between the
regular price, and the safe price on all our Ladies' Tailor Made
Suits to close. There are fancy mixlures, stripes and plain colors.
Examples of these suits can bs seen in our windows. There is a
big saving in these prices and would suggest an early inspection
while the stock is complete. . ' '
lawn Necessities
Sporting Goods
Fish Linos, from ..... ,5c to 75c
Leaders, ctu-li, from .60 to 2 Ac
Hire, for 35c
I twin, common, from . . . .20c to f 1.25
Automatic IUm-Ix ,$4.75
Guns, .22 Rifles .... . .11.50 to 112.00
Large Assortment of large Rifles
and Shotguns, with Ammunition for
J. L. Courtney returned last night
from Portland.
Miss Vera Wells Is visiting at. the
home of Ed Halley, of Allcel today.
William Phy of Elgin, came over to
4k hear Governor Chamberlain.
Mrs. Elva Edmunds returned from
' Union this morning.
Mrs. M. C. Hann went to Elgin this
morning for a few days.
Mrs. Hattic Page went to Elgin this
morning to visit Mrs. J. D. Grandon
for a few days. ' "
Mrs. W. S. Hamilton of Summer
vllle. came over last night and re
turned by the noon train today.
Dr. Phy came over from Hot Lake
1 JLthis morning to receive his new auto-
f mobile.
The "Mrs. Temple's Telegram"
troupe arrived here this morning and
will be seen at the Steward tonight.
A Norrls & Rowe advertising car
arrived In La Grande this morning,
attached to No. 6.
irs.w. R.
Mr. and Mrs.W. R. King of Colo
rado Springs, arrived on last night's
train and left this morning for Elgin,
where they expect to locate.
Mrs. John Couch leaves this eve
nlng for Buhl, Idaho, to Join her hus
band, who has purchased a arm at
that place.
Supreme Judge Eakln. went to Union
today, where he will visit friends for
a day before returning to his home in
Salem. " ' '
Mrs. J. C. Morris of Elgin, passed
through the cify last night on her
way to Helena, where, she will visit
friends for a few weeks. . .
Editor Lee Tuttle of the Elgin Re
corder, came over from Elgin laBt
night to hear Governor Chamberlain's
Mr .and Mrs. Guy Powers of Port
land passed through La Grande this
morning on their way home from Hot
Lake, where they have been for sev
eral weeks.
Don Steffa, assistant city editor of
the Portland Journal, who has been
touring eastern Oregon with Gover
nor Chamberlain, arrived in La Grande
Hold Cooked Food Sale.
The Ladies of the Maccabees will
hold a cooked food sale at Bohnen
kamp's hardware store tomorrow, be
ginning at 9 o'clock. All kinds of
cold foods will be on sale. Cakes,
salads, pies, cold meats, pickles, can
ned fruits, etc. Come early and take
your choice.
Postponed Indefinitely.
The Crawford tea, which was to
have been given soon at the home of
Mrs. George Palmer by the ladles of
the Neighborhood club, has been
postponed Indefinitely on account of
the evangelistic meetings.
Dr. W. D. McMillan. Red 851.
Painless detraction.
Expert gou; work. Special attention
to children's teeth.
La Grande National Bank Building.
Mlutstcr 100 Years Old.
London, May 8.--Klng Edward to
day congratulated Rev. Thomas Lord
of Hornlcastle, the oldest minister of
the gospel in the United Kingdom
who today reached his 100th birthday.
He Is Btill preaching.
T. A. Rlnehart of Elgin, Is In Union last evening, and after spending the
today. Mr. Rlnehart spent yesterday night here, went on to Join the execu
In La Grande and heard the governor tlve at Pendleton.
speak last evening. County Fruit Inspector C. D. Huff-
Water Superintendent Gllman went man, accompanied by his wife and
to Pendleton today on matters per- daughter, expect to leave tomorrow
talnlng to his offlcei He expects to morning for Eugene, where, they will
return this evening.' .attend the state grange meeting which
Miss Nash, who recently arrived In will last several days. Mr. Huffman
La Grande from Portland, has accept-, will read a paper before the meet-
ed a position with Roadmaster Mc- lng.
Cann In this city. Mrs. Patriot Bruin, wife of the ex-
Mrs. J. W. Love went to Kamcla captain of detectives of Portland, ae
this morning to spend the day with companled by Mrs. Thomas Fltz Ger-
her daughter, who teaches in the Ka
mela public schools.
Jack Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
1 v W. S,
this morning for Meaeham, where he
has accepted a position.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Karvey. who
: have been visiting friends In Joseph,
' returned to their home In Yakima
' valley today.
Mrs. Lois Blum, who has been
! looking after business affairs in this
I city, returned to her home In Baker
City last night,
a- Mrs. Multnoma Tlllson of Umatilla,
! .n arrived last night for an extended visit
ih her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whlte-
'nuntv Commissioner J. M. Selder
returned to his home In Cove this
morning sfter attending the May term
of the county court. The court ad
journed last evening. No particular
,.nr of interest presented thera-
l selves to the court at this session.
aid, wife of Judge Fits Gerald of Pen
dleton, arrived last evening and are
guests with Attorney and Mrs. Geo.
Hamilton of Summervllle, left T. Cochran. Messrs. and Mesdames
Bruin and Cochran were warm friends
when both families were In the Phil
Governor George , E. Chamberlain
departed for Pendleton last . evening
after a brief' stay In La Grande. The
local lodge of Elks had prepared an
elaborate banquet for the executive,
but the hurried departure partially
robbed , the event of Its elaborateness.
Mr, Chamberlain called on the lodge
Sitting on the speaker's rostrum
last evening with Governor Chamber
lanl were Attorney W. T. Slater of
Pendleton, who is a supreme court
commissioner, and Herman Rothschild
of North Powder, who Is Union coun
ty's representative. Mr. Rothschild
cams down last evening and returned
home today." 1
Scavenger Ai-rcntcri.
B. M. Rogers, city scavenger, was
arrested this afternoon on a charge
of breaking, quarantine. The case
was dismissed after hearing.
For (3600 if sold this month. Has
hot and cold water,, electric lights,
furnished. In a good location for
steady roomers and boarders, and
transients, 11 roms and toilet upstairs.
Office, dining-room, kitchen, parlor,
two bedrooms and bath room down
stairs. Good Basemen under all. Any
one wishing a good proposition of this
kind can call on W. J. Ransom at the
Palmer house, or 'phone Black 402,
To the Hon. County Court of Union
He, the undersigned legal voters
and actual residents of the precinct of
Kamela, Union county, Oregon, and
having actually resided In said pre
clnct at least thirty days Immediately
preceding the date of signing and fil
lng of this petition, hereby respect
fully petition your honorable court to
grant to Charles W. Estes, a license
to sell splrltous, malt or vinous liquor
or fermented cider, commonly known
s hard cider, In less quantities than
one gallon, In the town of Kamela,
Union county, Oregon, commencing nn
or about the Sth day of June, 1908.
Dated this first day of May, 1908.
F. o; Eyre, F. L. Wright, J. P. Ad
ins, C. W. McFall, D. Charlton, A. C,
Sherman, U. Graybeal, H. C. Hanson,
N. Page, G. W. Allen. 14. T. Burnett,
L. E. Tipton, G. Kllng, Ed Monll
Wm. Dye, Wm. Horton, Jo Connor,
John Somen, R. 'J. Smith, J. I:
Thompson, E. Rice, I. L. McFalls, Joh
Richards. June Sanford, W. D. Adams.
W. A. McFalls, August Mosher, H. K
: Notice Is hereby given that I will on
the Ird day of June, 1808, apply to
the county court of Union county. Or
g on, at ths court housa la La araad,
Hose, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 7-ply, IT foul,
from v. . . , . 0c to 25c ,
NouIch, Gent and Oakland, each 40c
Whirling Sprays, "Pacific," each 81.50
Croquet RcW $1.85 to $3.00
PAINTS Complete line of Heath's
and Mllllgan's prepared Paints and
Varnish, boiled and raw Oils;
RFFRf fiF R ATHRQ The great "Northern UghV Refrigerators are highly
LA LI lUUeLllrtlimO polished wjth fuU bms Mmmings, and zinc lined
, . throughout, also a special ventilating feature In the
Ice Chest guaranteeing more protection to foods with less Ice than any other refrigerator.
PRICE: $18.00 to $23.50
Country Cured Hams, Bacon and Lard
The sweetness of this meat has been
verified by the reorders from our many
customers. Beinz raised and cured in
the very best possible manner a trial or
der will convince you of its superior quality
Hams 16c, Bacon 15c, Lard 15c
Bargain Basement Special
Turkish Towels, Revalues, Sat - 9c
Roiling Pins, 25c values, Saturday, 17c
Shopping Baskets in Rattan, 30c values,
Saturday only 23c. 40c values, - 33c
60c values, Saturday only 3c
Oregon, for a license to sell splrltous,
malt or vinous liquors, or fermented
older, commonly known as hard cider
n quantities less than one gallon, in
the town of Kamela, Union county, d5-S-30,
Oregon, commencing on or about the
5th day of June, 1808.
Early Rose
Seed potatoes for sale. Trus to name.
At ths Grands Bonds Cash Company.
Evening ObserverlSe per month.,
I Make Your Hot
Porch Cool . . . . . .
Ask for
Vudor Porch Shades,
Wc Have Them in Four Sizes
4 ft., 6 ft, 8ft, and 10 ft, 7 ft 8 incheg high
Wisconsin Peerless White Enameled, as Good as
a The Best
Fine New Carpets Arriving Daily
A Full Line of Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Art Squares
and Linoleums
. - . . . - - Dealers in Furniture and Carpets - - - -