J. - EVEXIXG OBSERVER, LA CltAXPE. OHEGON, MCNBAY, .MAT 4, 1908. 'II i m . Bn. -mAA. A. ' iii I'If MnittmiiiMitl ttt i . , - PAGE HVE. I POULTRY FENCE Now is the time to fence your chickens in.. Gome and get some poultry fence. I have it in differ ent kinds and all heights. ' Just received a car extra Star A Star shingles. ; X They are first class. v . v Gall and see my souvenirs, 25a to $2.00 each 1 They are nice r resents to send to your friends. I MRS. T.N. MURPHY HARDWARE and CROCKERY ' FORTYEMS SUCCESSFUL SERVICE ' When a medicine has stood the test for a period ot more than two gen erations and is then more popular than ever, there can be no doubt of its merit. This is the record of S. S. S. Its period of existence is marked by a lonjr line of cares of blood and Blcin diseases of every character, and its value in the treatment of such troubles has become so well known that it is today Hie most extensively used blood medicine on the market. For Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases and all other troubles due to an impure or poisoned condition of the blood, S. S. S. has no equal. It counteracts and drives out the poisons, humors and germs, cleanses the system of all unhealthy matter, cures the disease permanently and restores . strong, robust health. Where the blood is weak or anaemic, and unable to furnish the body with the nourishment and strength it needs, S. S. S. sup plies it with the healthful properties and acts splendidly in toning up and reinvigorating the system. It goes down to the very bottom of all blood disorders, and in this way reaches inherited taints on which the ordinary blood medicines have no effect. Not only is S. S. S. certain in its results, but it is at the same time an absolutely safe remedy. It is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks of known healing and curative value. It does not contain the slightest trace of mineral in anv form to damage the delicate parts of the system, and may be nsed by children with the same good results mnu pencci ,aieiy as Dy oiaer people, a is not an experiment to use S. S. S. ; it is a remedy with a record and one that has proven its worth by its forty years of su cessful service. If yon are in need of a blood purifier for any cause begin the use of S. S. S., write our physicians and they will send you a book cone ruing your trouble, and will give without charge any special medical ad-ice that is required. . ' , . - THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. . LOCAL ITEMS. 4 . . . : The May term of the county court convenes next Wednesday morning. L. A. Wright of Union, Is In town for the day. J. W. Mlnnlck of Union, came over from Union today. J. M. Kochensparger is transacting business In North Powder today. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Buell made a business trip to Elgin this morning. Mrs. T. L. Pierce of the Sound coun tiy. Dr. M. K. Hsll returned from Port land this morning. j Division Foreman J. H. Watson spent the day at Huron. Dr. May ot the Radium Springs san ltarium, had business here this morn' lng. The drive wheels from engine No. 198 were sent to Alblna today for ex tensive repairs. Miss Ruby Broughton is reported to be seriously ill at her Home I North La Grande. Miss Dorothy Fttxpatrlck of Gol dendale, Wash., went to Elgin on the morning train. S. L. Burroughs of Elgin, came over from Hot Lake this morning to spend the day. - Pauline Lederle visited relatives in Pendleton yesterday, returning : this morning. ' ' ' Archie Bason Is home from Fort land, where he successfully under went a critical operation last week. . Return Visit. Q DAYTON BROS., the eye spe cialists, will have their office at the Hotel Somrncr again the- com ing Friday and Saturday, May 8th and th. '.,''. Doiens of La Grande" references. Eyes examined" free. . ' Mrs. Arthur Keating left this morn ing for her home In Spokane. Mrs. L. Smith, one of our leading milliners, spent Sunday In Baker City. The regular meeting of the city Council takes place Wednesday eve ning. Managing Editor F. B, Currey left last evening for a hurried trip down the Willamette valley. D. M. Hunt, the well drill man, went to Baker City this morning to attend to some business matters. Mrs. R. JC. Carpenter left this, morn ing for Tacoma, where she will visit relatives and friends. F. D. McCu'ly returned to his home Ir Wallowa county this morning, af Ur lilting tot a few. days in northern Maho. . Mlss Emma Clark, head dressmaker In Griffin's store at Ontario, Ore., is visiting friends and relatives In La Grande for a few days. Mrs. NAnson, who has been criti cally 111 at her home In the valley, was removed to the Grande Ronde hospi tal yesterday. The entertainment which ' was ' to have taken place at Grange hall Sat urday night, was postponed on ac count of the sickness of Mrs. Anson, Conductor R. A. .Harned went to Portland today on business connected with the Brotherhood of Railway Con ductors. ' . - DIvlBlon line Superintendent Tim Donovan went to Pendleton today to look after Western Union wires in that section of Umatilla county. Garrlt Oldenburg is home from an extended trip through the middle west and south. He goes to Portland this evening to be gone a few days. The professionals won from the Summeryllle tea mat the ball park yesterday afternoon by a score of 13 t ( . ':-). ' A black hat Was taken from the rink yesterday morning by mistake. The owner can .'Change It by seeing Rev. W. H. Gibson. - ' " . , , Prof. Hendricks returned from El gin this afternoon. Attorney J. D. Slater, and W. R. Deal went to Pendleton last night Messrs. A. H. and R. D. Lemon of Salem, brothers of Engineer Lemon, are registered at the Hotel Sommer.' , Mrs. S. O. Gates of Union, came over last night to visit her sister, Mrs. J. W. Earles, who Is quite HI. -' Mac Wood, proprietor of the Golden F?ule store, returned this morning from Portland, where he transacted busl-j Dr. H. A. Ketchum, district super intendent for the Sunday ' schools, came in on the Elgin train. W. K. Davis of the Davis-Jordan Music company, made a business trip ' to Elgin this morning, ties several days. District Attorney F. S. Ivanhoe went to Pendleton yesterday, where he will be present at the opening ot the su preme court today. . . .r Governor George E. Chamberlain passed through La Grande last eve ning on the eastbound He speaks In extreme eastern Oregon early, this welc. - ....' ' . T. Bouque and family of New Hampshire, arrived on last night's train and are registered at the Hotel Bnmmer They will rn to Joseph, where they expect to locate. !',....., Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McCubbln re turned to their home at Lostlne on the n.ornlng train, after having spent the winter In southern California. They were accompanied by their daughter. Master Eldred Ireland, who Is visit ing relatives In the city with his moth er, spent Saturday at Hot Lake,, a guest of Miss Wilcox, a nurse at the Institution. 'C '-'-" ',' . Judge Corkins and Hoii. James Bur leigh of . Enterprise, passed .through La Grande yesterday to ' Pendleton, where they will attend the meeting of the supreme' coeVt, ' j : . Andrews at Berry have: just com pleted one of , the finest up-to-date French plate - glass windows ever placed In La Grande. - And from now on their display will be one of the best In the city. Mr. and 3m: C. B. Harvey and lit tle daughter, of southwestern Kansai tassed through La Grande this morn ing on their way to Lostlne, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scott. ' ; ; , '. v.- ." ".;': . Mrs, M. J. Cojesman of Sioux Falls. 8. D.arrlyed this morning to visit at tne home or her brother, James Mc Ewen of May Park. Mrs. Coleman expects to go on to the coast before returning to her home. . . ; . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reynolds returned from Walla Walla Saturday night. wnere they went a few days ago to visit friends and attend the track meet, which was held there Thursday and Friday, . " , Mrs. Cull Smith came over from Hot Lake Saturday night to spend a few days with her family. Mrs. Bmlth Is Improving rapidly and thinks that In a few weoks more she will be able to leave the sanatorium. - Quite a crowd met the westbound tram yesterday morning to see Mrs. L. D. Reavls and children, formerly of La Grande, who passed through on their way from Kansas .City to Port land, where they expect to make their future home. ' Governor George E. Chamberlain will be In La Grande Thursday eve ning of this week to further his chances for the election to the office of United States senator. He has se cured the Steward opera house and will speak In that building. He has a thorough tour of eastern Orea-on planned. The Island City and La Grande track teams.' composed of Virgil Bol ton, Joe Williamson, William Peare, Fred Young, Frank Earls, Arlo Mey ers and Stanley Carpy, returned home from Walla Walla Saturday evenlne. The rooters who returned with them were Henry , Heldenretch, William Nell!, Harold Grady and Clay Woods.' J vfhe l :-. .... 9 Golden HELPING THE AGED. South La Grande Children Carry Mny Baskets to Infirm. Two McCall Designs ' ;' : From McCall Magazine You cannot spend 20 cents in any other way that will bring you more real pleasure, oe more etuKfialiuuy, uKiylul and practical, than by sub- scribing for :lc-. ' McCsll Pattern No. 210s ;t MISSES' SKIRT WITH JUMPER McCall's Magazine By mail, 50 cents a year,'' In- ill kr J To be worn oW a Quimps. Fash- eluding any pattern free: looabls , Princess front Varjd broad, ; . . . rshouMer sffeet Vary desirable for . r 7,' T " -v linen, or for light-weight cloths and . ' , , . , .. suitings,, , -j; . . : McCall PstUrns Not. 2081-2039 . EFFECTIVE STREET GOWN Wh ti Linen and Embroidery, show ing the Frsnoh "Butterfly" siasvs. Excellent also for Pongs Silk, Pana mas snd Wool Mixtures. , , siwdKMw;! ' WU.BE GIVEN FREE . One Gun and Caps With Eyery Boy's Suit i Just received a shipment of high grade ready-to-wear apparel for MEN, In prices from $12.50 to $15.00. Handsomely tailor ed throughout. We are showing 500 of M. BORN 6 CO'S samples for Tailor Made Suits. Prices from $16.00 to $39.00 Ladies' Corset 23c Bargain Basement Toilet Paper He A new feature of our Bargain Basement Is our 5c, 9c and ilc TABLES. Almost everything useful tor the home can be found on them CROCKERY One Week Only hhnson's Semi-Porcelain . 51 -piece set, former price $9M 75-piece set, former price $1H.80 100-plece set, former price, 15.93 SPECIAL CROCKERY One WeekOnly - Ware Holly Leaf Pattern SPECIAL, $7.98 SPECIAL, $12.63 SPECIAL, $15.48 Rule Go The Golden Largest Store Smallest Prices ness and consideration for the aged by the custom which they have adopted I of carrying May baskets to all the The young children of South La j old people In the neighborhood. Grande, showed unusual ' thoughtful- . ' Hold Memorial Sorvlcra. Pendleton, May 4. (Special.) The city of Pendleton will hold a memorial service here this -evening in honor of the memory of the late Judge Thomas O. Halley,:-who died in Portland soma time ago. Justice R. 8. Bean will de liver the chief address of the evening. " MMMMMMMMMMMM MIIMMimMMIMMIMMMMMI MMMMM EooMrmd!Mfltwnew Femmdn's Tor some years we bava bad Mcm on the subject of the propr method of condoning a Book store. Since we were able to pnt those theories In!o practice few months ago. oar conviction that WE KNOW HOW has ben strengthened. At any rale, our competitor, have found M worth imitating. . Perhaps yon have notioed It; we have, and not without compborn. cy. Neat week, U we may, we shall teU yon what our ideal store hv We imagine that some win disagree with us, but we want to be undrmumi by the buying public and are entlrrir wllllnc to pay for the privilege of eaplanltnc our metliods. We shall be glad to wekonie yon at any time, escept Sunday. We close on that day. At any oilier time "NOTHING IS TfJOBfUCHTROCBLE.- n ; ? "V'. Mil . M. .li it , . , " , ;". ' '..i . ' ''..'.''. ' - : . - . i i . S :