LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON. SATURDAY,' MAY 2, 1908. VOLUME vn. 1 &4 Si" SEARCH FOR BRUTAL FIEHDS PORTLAND' DETECTIVES AND POLICE LET LOOSE. One of the Most Brutal and Blood ' Curdling Murders Took Place In i Portland Last Night Wealthy and .:' Aged Pawnbroker 8tiot In His Store l and Dragged to Back Room, Where - His Head Was Beat to Pulp Ser V ral Theories Hatched by Police. ', He was Circles, and very , First street, prominent in J 7 that one of the The. police tnan tt- othw murderers Is Zan md th. (hoot. and that thtf9t ghot Wo,ff ey, Ing. Afterth, ,efi an(, the'ta dentiy Jumg hl, ftlm flred th6 raurut"r'ilch reached Wolffs second neck, man w; of blooi ntture He agon ught the unfortunate ed down In a spatter renched articles of fur- portion of the store. e struggled In his death he fell, as one of his here was evidently knock- teet7 the Revolver butt when he ed wi his In an effort to quiet movements, i ", the body had been dragged to room, the fiends struck It at 7 blows on the head with the and blunt . ends of an ax. In niggle the taller burglar was ev- Portland, May I. With every , de tective and plain clothes man In the department and many ot the regular officers drawn In form their beats an Tut on the case, the Portland poltcff'X wounded In the hand aa a trail eel confident that within U hou'a followed his tracks about the they will, have arrested the two m"' " Botn men washed the blood -derera of Nathan Wolf, the . wealm ihtir nnd "er the killing, at -pawnbroker, who was so brutally dered in his store In the heart o: "business district 'at o'clock evening. ,', The police are working on ory that local men did the -work. It Is estimated that curea udoui' tiauu wurcn ng tand coin. Two suspects ahaaowea. lut 6 The murder was comraljf the -o'clock when two men neck. . a .1 . fwr -- M a f 1 :siore unu snui wuiii ,. ivnto a They then dragged th0 necij rear room, hacked his ..into an unrecognizaoiuiitea an(j r The store was tne.rme wag the men left about Uer R0bln- dlscovered by Spe son to minutes mttfer at 1C5 .'- Wolff was a Ing IX 7 -' vj w y yy y yywwVW'W f lavatory In the rear of the .building. SATURDAY ATTRACTIONS. La Grande Band Boys Give Open Air -r t-i'.'- ' '. Concert.. ' The third of a series of regular Sat urday attractions came off today when the La Grande band gave their second open air concert. i In spite of the fact that the day was cold and disagreeable, the mer chants did a rushing business, and the restaurants were crowded to' their fullest capacity. The streets were a scene of much activity. La Grande Is certainly coming to the front, and our citizens are showing public spirit. Keep on with the good work. IIII! L FOB SHI. BAILEY PRIMARIES IX TEXAS TO DECIDE ISSUE TODAY. Primaries in Texas Today Toll the Story of Whether or Not Senator Bailey Is to Be Politically Decapitat ed or Not Bitter Fight Against His Nomination as Delegate to Ui Den ' ver Convention Will Resign If De feated la This. ',..- . j-' Waco, Texas, May Unusual In terest centers today In the primaries li Vlaw u& klie avI LitAt Nsutur rf w. Bailey's political life Is at stake on the result If he is not chosen aa a dele gate to the democratic convention at Denver by the voters, he states he will resign hi position In the senate. A bitter fight la being made on Bai ley, his relations with the Standard Oil trust being used against him.' The feeling runs high. ,; MILLER TO SEE FLEET. While There Will Look After Mai tern ''Regarding Commercial Club. William Miller left last night for 3an FrancUco to witness the arrival of the fleet, which will be In San Francisco May 6. While there he will give special attention to the require ments of the publicltybureau as re gards the. La Grande Commercial club. and make a study of the various plans for getting "booster" literature before the public. . - .- - Some Special Good Values in ladies' Suits, Caracter istic for Splendid Style, Su perb Workmanship ... . And most beautiful shadings In all the popular, colors In ' black, brown, tan and blue, of the Cadet, Navy and Copenhagen hue, made from Serges, Panamas and Chiffon: Panamas In plain -white striped and .self-strtped weaves. Jackets trimmed In flat braids and oriental Silks, with full Silk linings. . Skirts made in . the most approved Styles, and trimmed with folds, etc., '-(' These Suits were a little tate in reaching and In order to ' move them quickly we priced them from $4.00 to $7. BO below -.what they would ordinarily sell for. Choose one today and tomorrow for ' '-,'- v .' ' 918.50, $20.00, 822.50, $25.00. ... m" Ladies' Jackets ' The Sensible thing to buy , for the woman who feels that " she cannot' afford a Suit for every occasion, and for that matter desirable for most anyone If you possess a Jacket which can be worn with any kind of an extra Skirt, you can be stylishly dressed at any time and have as .many changes as you desire, at very small cost. Don't fall to Inspect our line of Jackets. SEVEN DOZEN LADIES WAISTS WORTH, REGULAR, 75c to I3JS0, Tins WEEK 89c, 890 and $1.18. . Waists mVls from Linens, Lawns and mercerized Walsllngs. In plain white and a few figured materials, pleated, tucked and lace and Inser tion trimmed. Slightly mussed and soiled, but otherwise A-l waists, spe cial this week , 39c to $1.18. en You Buy a Suit WHY NOT Get All You Pay For , ia- ratit. rlTann WII.T. MAKE VOIT A SITTT. AVI ' ; lie ' ' (E YOC A LEGALLY-DRAWN AND SIGNED GUARANTEE: At IT WILL HOLD ITS SHAPE AND STYLE UNTIL WORX OUT. I.r7r IS l.AttCj 1UIIV U1WU1V U DVU rrr dont take it. . . ' $00 SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM, AT $17.50 UP. $3.50 TO $15.00. FREE THIS WEEK. .i .... r 1 And In this connection let us Im press on your mind that we have an Immense line of Boys' Suits too t . ... i many, In fact and will sell them to you at Special Price Reductions for this entire week end. In addition, will . give the boy, . ' ABSOLUTELY FREE, " a good, hard-wood baseball bat, and ' bail, with each Suit. . ' PUT DYNAMITE UIIDERUIES ROBBERS WRECK TRAIN . r . . NEAR BUTTE,-MONT. One Engineer Killed, a Tramp Fatal ly Hurt and Other Crew Members Badly Bruised by Explosion of Dynamite Under an Engine on the Burlington Flyer Near Butte Last Night Explosion Scatters Cars and . Engines Searching for Robbers.' . Butte, May 2. Armed ' posses are searching every bit of territory with in it miles of Butte In an effort to discover the bandits who blew up the Burlington Flyer, No. 6, a short dis tance west of the city last night and killed the engineer, and tore the arms and teg off of a man who was riding the blind baggage. What booty the robbers secured Is still unknown, as details of the robbery is still held up In meager messages. .-.... v physicians and a wrecking brew bave been sent to the scene. - V V y.News has just been received from the scene and says that Engineer Bus ty was burled under the debris and was killed. The message also gives more details of the explosion. The dynamite was exploded under the sec ond engine and completely wrecked it' Three cars carrying fish, mall and baggage, were blown off the track. Besides Engineer Buesy, Fireman George Ehle was probably fatally in jured and Carl Ming, a tramp, danger ously hurt. The big mogul engine which received the full force of the explosion, was lifted from the track fully 10 feet The fish cars was blown on end and the mall car derailed. None of the passengers were hurt. Splinters of the wrecked cars wero found on the hillside 150 foot away : The engineer of the leading engine states that he saw a blinding flash be neath his engine and says his fireman was lifted clear from the- cab and thrown . out, the engtner being later derailed. . Detectives believe that the dyna mite was Intended for the North Coast Limited, which was due on tho North ern Pacific tracks a half hour later than the Burlington train, - lipes of publicity to pursue. Which to select Is a problem which the mem bers feel should be done with extreme rare, and the board Is doing it In the near future f announcement will "" be made of the selection. Then th.ere la the matter of perma nent quarters, which has 'pot been de cided upon. All these things combine to make a long category of serious problems which will be dealt with In turnas their Importance require. It la likely that a meeting of the club It self will be called soon to take action on matters which the board believes should be done through a voice of the club as a whole. President, Collier and his board of aides are as enthusiastic today as the day they were selected. ' In fact, there is not an lota of depreciation In Inter est anywher. in the city,1 As soon as shaped and put Into action, I Grande will be given such notoriety as , has never been attempted before.' ' . ,Ford Not Guilty J - San Francisco, May (.After being out but six minutes, the Jury in the Tirey L. Ford case. In which Ford was charged with bribery of supervisors to secure the overhead trolley , franchise. was found not guilty. '"This' la. Ford's third trial on this charge. 85 DAY SLEEP MRS. HAWKINS FINALLY i . REGAINS CONSCIOUSNESS. ; Remarkable Case of Long Sleeping ' Comes to an End Today When the Subject Awakes and Calls tor G1mt of Water Slightly Weak, But Oth- erwlse In Fine Health Ha Ne Recollection of the Past Two Months Was Sound Sleeper for $& , L-um Aunnm, stay . Arter sleeping for It days without a glimmer of con sciousness, Mrs. Beulah Hawkins,' whose case has excited Interest all . over the world, awoke at J2:10 this morning at the' county hospital And asked for a glass of water. ' Mrs. Hawkins Is In good health and chatted breezily with Dr. Barber. She '; hat toot the slightest recollection of, any event during the past two months. Although quite weak she Is .. In good j health, but will remain In the hospital ' ' for some time. i . ' t :i Parade of Great Magnitude. ' New York, May J. A great parade) composed of 80, 0001 priests and lay-j men marked the close of the week's ( celebration of (he beginning of the : second century' of the Catholic diocese ) of New York. It was the greatest Broke Commlu Suicide. , , San Francisco, May 2. John ' M. Gates, a commercial broker, commit ted suicide last night and his body was found by a night watchman at 2 O'clock this morning. It Is believed that business reverses caused the rash ; demonstration of the kind ever nr- art. John D. Casey, proprietor of consid erable Hllgard property, is In the city. r NOT LA GRANDE ' OREOCN SEVERAL AFTER NO TROUBI,E TO C.F.T ' ' BOOSTER HEAD HERl CLEVELANDS ranged by any church In this country. , Eight hundred thousand spectators witnessed the ceremony. Fifty bands ' were in the line of march. HEALTH CRITICAL BELIEVED THAT THE EX- , 1 .... PRESIDENT IS DYING.! Mil CONTEST REDUCED RATES R. A N. OFFICIAL ANNOUNCES THIS TODAY, While Not Admitted by the Family Physician General Rumor Has il That tho Only Living Ex-Pnwldent Is Nearlng His Death Doctor at V Bedsldo An , Night N6 ' Statciiu ia ' Wucd This Morning Klouly Slnkv ' lug and Uio End la Ncarlng. ; . , Lakowodd, N, J., May I. The feel- Board ot Managers Work Dny nml Nlglit to Get Bct Manager 1'onnlhlr ; and to Select a Dim-t Line of I'uh lklty Interest as High Now as II Ever Wa Pofwlble That Club May Bo Called Together Definite Ac Hon In Near Future. Although the new board of manag ers of the Commercial club has held several sessions and have worked con scientiously with the many problem which confront them, it has not as yet taken decisive action along any feature of the many with whloh they have to contend. ' This reticence In taking decisive steps In so important matters Is commendable. . During the past week the members have held two long sessions. i Many things are now In embryo. Such things aa deciding upon what course of publicity to follow, the se lection of a manager to properly car ry out the echeme which Is soon to be adopted aa the most suitable, the se lection of permanent quarters and various other matters, are up for con sideration. . ' Managers Seek PoMltkm. The board now has in Its possession the applications of several prominent publicity men, among them experts In their line from Boise and Portland. The board expects to take definite ac tion on these applications as soon as references that have b'en presented are .carefully considered. The board has now la mind several General Counsel Cotton of the O. R. N. Tells Iortkiiul Business Men at ,! Rlparla That Ilia Company Will 1 Contest Freight I Intro Ordered by !?. (the Commifwlon Which Affect East- " ern Oregon Action Taken on Ma 13, Ho Says. . , Lewlston, Idaho, May ' 2, W. W. ' ing is general here that ex-President Cotton, general counsel for the O. R. 'i drover Cleveland ta slowly sinking and ft N. snn iunced today to a party of ) that the end Is approaching. . Neither, Portland, business men here attending 1 Or. Bryant nor Mrs. Cleveland will ad- the opening., of the Rlparla cut-off .;; mlt this. , celebration, that bis railroad will fight Today Mrs. Cleveland refused to the recent reducUons In freight rates give out any' Information concerning ordered by the Oregon railroad com- ' her husband's ' health. The secrecy mission, rnlatinv t fiht t rnm : Portland to points east of The Dalles. Cotton announced that the injunc- tlon would be applied for In the fed- ' eral court probably on May it. TheVj rates In question go Into effect toraor-row.-' '', that is being maintained, la one of the causes that leads to the ' belief that the ex-presldent Is near his death. Dr. Bryant remained at the bedside of the statesman all night and was still there this morning. ' rMMHM) " n IT 3UGHT TO BE THE HPPIIMESS AND GLORY every cUlun to S3 Ilv3 aiJ ast that his fel- i low citizens will esteem him for his goodness, f ------ m his kindness, and his usefulness. The principles of i good citizenship should constitute the i code of rules for every kind of business whether public or private- I This applies particularly to the drug business, be cause, owing to the limited knowledge of the qualities of drugs by the general public, it follows that the . re liability of the druggist is the chief guarantee of good service. HILL'S DRUG STORE La Cirande. pregon I id WW