. . j . r -7 . - . . TOLtlME m. uatANDK, rjooic conmr, oregon. : Friday, jlh i, mos. T V f m sSe! SfllTS M GIUXDK DID NOT WIX ? ' HEAT IN RELAY RACE. 31 p j era Did Not Qualify In the Shot IWt, But Nevertbes the La Grande , 'Team Qualifies SoTert Men to the ; Final at WaUa Walla This After- noon island City Has Seven and ', Baker City Five Fine Showing . Throughout. . ' ; ?v La Grande In seven events. "' .",' Inland City; In seven events. " - ; v Baker Ctty.'in five event. .; Pendleton, In fourteen events. A: .; : Tull returns from the preliminary track meet at Walla Walla, yesterday afternoon brings the highly pleasing -news that the La Grande high school ateam qualified ' In seven .events' La Jrande did not qualify In the ; relay :race,' nor did Meyers get Into the fin sals In the shptput..: Island City played . sas fortunate as did La Grande, ' for -aseven events will i' be' "contitea . by 'I Inland City In the final races which sare taking place this afternoon on An . keny field. The full list of successful Xa Grande aspirants in the prelimin aries yesterdayv follows: .tf Williamson, first In his heat of the "100 yards; tlme,: :1 4-5. William son, seconiwNJTBt f heat ':: fti-: SEVEN DOZEX LADIES WAlSTB , 1VOIITIL REGt'LAH, 75o to $3.50, THIS WEEK . ' .' " 39c, A9c and $l.tK. Waists made from Linens, Lawns' and mercerised Walstlngs, la plain white aud a few . figured . materials, ; pleated, tucked and lace and inser tion trimmed. Slightly mussed and sotted, but otherwise A-l Waists. Spe cial this week -''. '' $ "' S9c to $l.lg. - V"--- 1 '- 'v V ...; ., - .;.' r ' When You Buy Suit WHY NOT Pet All You Par For THE HOYAt TAILORS WILL MAKE. TOT. A aCfT,.AND . GIVE YOC A LEGAIXY'DRAWN AND SIGNED GrARANTEC; , T1HT IT WILL HOLD ITS SHAPE AND STYLE I'NTIL WpflXr OCT.- LET TS TAKE rOtH OIlDEIl IF SUIT DOES NOT . FIT DONT TAKE IT. . ", .. . ' ' 2 SO SAMPLES TO CHOOSE Time, for the event. ,. Peare, first In' his heat, of the 880 yard run.;.:Tlme, t:17 4-8. Y , Young, first in his heat of high hur dles. ; , Young qualified in the pole, vault, going more than nine feet. ;''.. Carpy qualified in the broad jump with If feet ti Inches. '; v ; ' Williamson qualified In the same event. with 18 feet 7 Inches. ''-' -v Island City's Winners.' V ' ' ' . For Island City ther following reg istered for the flnalBf- Behwebke In the' discus,, with 1 feet finches. ' .. ".:"''.'' Perry, in the mile run, winning sec end place. ; .'.. ",v -.".; Irwin second In the quarter, the event going la 1,1 flat . , ' ) " V' ; Waiters ouallflRd In th auarter without runnuig. a .';".wJy';,'J Behwebke' took the hammer event with lit feet .,,. '-' . .. V":V Walters took second place heat of the 100 yards. ; . in his , Wa4tersWon ils heat In the tii with 23.S-S. ' "i;.-": '..y v-: The following events show the full list of winners and exhibits the' time that was In each of the heats! ; , . i ti5 yard ,dash ijaCJieat'-won by Sturer, Lewiston; Eaei 'lkee ." City, second. Time 101-6. second heat won by Cohn, Spokane.' BteL.'. Walla Walla, second. Time, 10 l-j,:;, Third heat won by Williamson,; La Grande; Thompson, North Yakima, sifcrad. Time, 10 4-B. ' , Fourth "heat Won fey Gordon, Pendleton; ' Willis, Spoknf,.j second. mi ' . 'a A A . cili.i. ' 'l . V Aiiiiv, av a-o. ruin rneai, won by Eckhart, Lewiston; tVAlters;. Island City, second. Time, 10 S-5. , Half mile First , heat -won , by Knotts, Palouse;' Shumaker, ' Baker City, second.' Time, 2:08 8-5. Second wort by Severance;: Prosser; Fan- the 220 yards. fiditie Special GoW Values iscforSpte . ' '."'',' v. -. .f ;. I pern wommansnip .' i "i-S-xf--: j-i- ,. 'i ':'. "V'a rtvV ' i . ' :.. ,':"'..' -i-,'-., .-, :. i-, r-. . i And most beautiful hadlnes Iq all the popular colors In-' . black, brown, tan and blue, of the Cadet, Navy and Kopenh'agen hue. made from Serves. Panamas ami Oil ffnn' Pan unto iir niiin . - :.- .wuiih Hinpeu ana eu-sinpou wrnve. jacicolg trimmed inflat . braids and oriental Silks; with full Silk Hnlngg. " Skirts made" Ifi ) ' the most approved styles, and trimmed With folds, etc . V ! -:V " - These Suits were a little1 late In reaching and Jn order to move them quickly we priced them from $4.00 to $?!oo below V what they would -ordinarily tomorrow for " 1 18.50,' 20.O(, 22.50, $25.00. Ladie&Jacketi . ,ins sensinie ining to she cannot afford a Suit for desirable for; toiosj anyone If h mnrr with a n . A'..; . n.Bjira DKin; you can he stylishly , dressed at any time and have as, many changes as you", desire,' ' kt very small cost. ' Don't fftlf to inspect our line of Jarkt'.' ' ... ..... k ''' -.--. 3.50 TO FROM, AT $17J54 TP, POPE REFUSES mwm WILL NOT ANNUL THE '. l j . DE CASTELLANE SlAItKIAGE. Ajuut Gould and Count De Sagan ; Must. Marry Without the Consent tr . Mie Rotnaft CathoUo. Churoh, as (tie Pppe'Haa Hefosed to Annul the Mar- rlage ". With Count BonlWtand ' Against Influence' of Influential Prelates to Favor Anna;.'.' Rome,' May, 1. The pope' . has Gould" to Count Bonl da Castellans. This means that the proposed mar riage with 'County -'Hellg de ; Began must be accomplished without sanc tion ot the Catholic church. ' It is said that a number of Influen tial prelate everted their influence tq have the pope annul :. the" formed marriage, but the"pope was UdamanV In this regard. ' He, declared - the church only annulrfnarriage when in doubt as to the validity and that there could be no annulment when one of the parties wished to 'marry" again, Anna Gould came here to see the pope personally to act favorably, but it Is believed the pope will not receive her as Bhe Is a divorced wom-m. - A.- cher, Spokane, second. Time, ti09 l-it Third heat won by Peare, L Grande; Irwin, Island : City.' second. , Tme, t: . . ..... , .. ' .. ..... 2:1T -6. Fourth heat .won by Buck qf Spolsane; Hemy of North Yakima. secondV; Time, 2:18 4-B i 'J. ' : :( V -'j'.'l,..- 1"'-"'. J ' I ! ;,? ?s : '' ' ' ... i . soil, tor.' "Choose one today and ; ur ror the woman who, feels that every occasion, and for, that matter you possess-a Japket' which can r,-,' ' '. $13.00. (-)- ,1 .,41. , "' ''' ' . ;: FREE THIS WEEK.' ; --T'' -'; ' i ," ': ; .. ; : And In "this connection let' us itn-'' -- press on your mind that we have an Immense line of Boys' Butts too many, lii fact and will seir them i to . you at Bpeclat Price Reductions for" thls.entlre week, and. In addltioh, will give ibe boy, : . ; ' V .- ' . -. v '' "c .', -.:'.' . -V'' :-i"),':,"'' " '',; -ABSOLUTELY-FREE. ") ' t .i.'.i' ?" f, a food, . hard-wood baseball bat,' and : ball,' with each Suit. V .tfi,-' - ' I . J. . ...... , . ' ; ; FLEET CKCS EQLO TO FRISCO THREE HCNDRED THOrS-V ' ...',,,'i':! '. ANDWILL SEE SENTRY. Santa Fe Railroad EHtlmatoa Tiiat the Spectators to tiie fleet's Entrance Into San Francisco Wilt Spend Mil- ' :' Uoiia Monterey Welcomes the , A t lantle Fleet With Flowers Pretty Reception Tendered the Great Ar- mada's Arrival. ..;Ji Ban Francisco,' May l.-rThr hun- ...... ;. .. . i. . ...... - , -j.. .. ... j fleet come into the Golden Gate and hefore they and the fleet leave' San fVanclsco, It h ' estimated ' that $2,, 100,000 will be spent In the city. "', , ,Thls Is the last estimate made by the Santa Fe and Southern Pacific Of ficials. , Of this amount 8800,000 will go Into the railroads' coffers. 1 1,000, 000 into hotels and, restaurants and the fleet will spend $800,000 for sup plies and Incidentals. ii: l Vi ( ;f;. ;t i -' ' Weleome at Monterey.. f, f Monterey, Cal.i May L-rOld Mon terey welcomed , the battleship fleet today , and no prettier reception has been given the great Armada since it left Magdalena bay "',' ,','' ' . '. .'., ., "'At ' daybreak. committees Y went aboard their boats 'and went out to sea to welcome the Incoming fighters. Dozens of launches laden with women and girls were on the bay to add their welcome. A slight fog obscured the view until the i!un was well up, 'when it lifted. As It' did so, It. revealed the big white boats lazily rolling In the se off Lovers' point. Sighting the fleet was a signal for blowing of whis tles and cheers. '.j'..''':.';,1.;''.' r.iThe reception;" committee, headed byrayof: acks,. boarded heHnc. tkcu and extended official welcome, to Kea, .Admiral Thomas on. behalf of. Monterey and Pacific Grove, . N. . , i l Spread Poppies In Path. - ; s' . (Aii the fleet .'steamed Into the bay, launches preceded; it and cast a thous., and golden California popples on the Surface of the water to mark out the path to anchorage, ': Officers and men lined the rails aii5 ihecred. as the womi-.n hurled-. th golden blossoms on the sparkling blue and green waters. Tht fleet anchored four abreast off the Id custom house' ':?''"''::. . 444444444444444 .r '1, Ivons Totals $20,000, , i ' , '; Pittsburg, May, 1. M, B, Slai ' fr tcr, agent for the Adams Express' 4' company, said today' that, tlie 4 two men who held up the St, "'4 Louis exiiretik' Tin 'the PeitriWjrJ-'f -vanla road last nlulit, 8Mi V kers- hill, s- probably ' secOred. f about 820,000, but he was not certain. He' I cqnfldent the loss; would not exceed that amount ' "4 ti -r JEFF DAVIS BETTER ''.' '.; THAN TILL.MAN IX Wiit. Southern &mtor Grmvs Almost Fren L-sled aa He AHurUl tlrn Prem of the Conntry Hie nnmarka Sound Mice yt Senator Tillman, Eloc-orat Flow ' : of Bitter Words PotW Onu-Dcffm ,Tlie Prem to Crltk-lxe n K Sub i aUlised.', ..'": ,'':''-, 4; ';.v : ;'..' -- ;""j'.:.' ' j Washington, May, 1. OnUc State Senator Jeff pavis , lashed the ''syn dicate", and "subsidised", press of this country today In a speech, which for the bitterness of Its Invective and the fury of its - utterance 'ha had o eajialis . within the dignified walls of the senate since, Senator Tillman laid aside his five-pronged fork. J ' Davfs idmltt'ed ' that 1 ther ''Z wam some honest newpa"persln the coun try, but declared thai lho Journals that triUclced . h is remark 'last De cember wr subsidised by tha trust. Swinging his long arms wildly" abov his head, and raising his voice almost to a scream he defied the 'correspond. ents In the press gallery to do their worst Turning to . his colleagues bout him he solemnly warned them that In "the country they were regard ed as,,' the ' defenders of predatory Wealth and he Urged them to purge Itself of the odium of this opinion by "doing something for the people." He declared that the trusts influenced the senate in an Indirect' manner, but that the men who made up Its membership were possessed of ; the. same weak nesses as other men. Closing, he said: "l challengethe subsidized press to do their worst with me, , Go, damna ble Imps, of pelf and greediv I defy your taunts, y Tear to fragments my political career i it comfort your exe crabla wlIL. ', SUfle. distort mv. ut Ur nceH nt ;'iucn'W'''your'QbarransrT Lash my poor form into Insensibility; howl ht wretched bestiality as my in ert blood .'drips from your fiendish visages. JDrag what remains upon the a!tt of Baal Or scatter It to the, crows of the field, t care not !, : ".. V ' 4 ' ,"-,r, Fulton Exonerated. ."V' Salem, May I: The suit for 4 damages fif 5000 against Sena- 4 t i C, W; Fulton by J. S. Smith. . was formally dismissed today by ' Judge Burnett because of the t .failure of Smith" r to file an amended complaint against Ful- ton,, whose. j demurrer', to the original complaint was ; aus-" Ulncd last week.;. Smith charg- ed Fulton with libel. 11 ' ' ' "s . uwn,- . , r, T t and acqMainUnce throughout the statw ' : j - ', ' " ;. 'r '.''.' '''""d Mr',' Patterson is, Indeed, . well . BOY Fffi J isiinnrn nmnnr : .hi K kK HAH r . ? IUUIiUL.ll UIIilllUL ''''." '-ilil'-''':; ':'ii;'' j ACCUSED OP. DEALING, - ' ,v' . '. DEATH TO SCHOOL GIRL. Kanab.,Utah, Hae . Murder 8en.Uo jrWr.l IT Years Jtaees Charge of Having Murdered a Girl . In ' Her : Torn Evlilcn Strons ' Aiwluxt -Uio Accused Rtuls.nf riM iiv... ' w.. muiuvr in. AiHrv HIPVani n riV txl i-unuiureu nun, umiet Hole- Boy V8 Cy press. There was no attempt Seen Stealing Away."'. " :'to chastise anybody by the adootfoii: A .: . V .. j resolottonr pr any other V, an Kanab, Utah! . May' 1. Accused ftf'"' wt.'.tO maka the action 0 thtt ' Sin, Aivin Heath,,. IT. years bld.'was re-juugmenf ot tne nurtTopoIi-. amlgiiAi toda ht)d entered '"niea'e'rfa P.PW,n Pn account of the lone not fulltyi A'-.':. '' ; . 4 f"y; l ,'.The, bodyof'.the gldji was''', foind ' April 20. v Three bullets wflre-'fniinil ' in her body, ir.'.V -v- i.The prosecution state that the eAl-: iancfl'igalnst Heath. s very strong, , -it :.ti4-hi shoo nt the. orin..-i,t ... ... iiuu fii ; ine.- prints-leail- " " uuuy. no. way from the a Ihs tlAv 'nA ..l ' icene fof 'the cflw. ( " " . '..v." 1 ad to have bought V a re-A-' r two day. before the erimv,.". He tolver two davs befnr. tv. - " commit 55 Id n how, i. . . - - 5m ,.:;r'. "' toupa wno, win ..hat .they "iaw; Heath 'comlni wear. , . ... ... . , - -"- -way Y!V;VM''''''V';v'Miihiiiiit.. OyCHf TO 1e THE IT VIM 11,11 1EI l SI j.,,. i--, ,7 , " 1 y!' 2 food service. " ; ;vV';': v''- J 1 I ...... HIJ cr a, . . ti-S;,?!!,u etij(8i of his fe, r ; usefulness.;: jirlnclpfes- . f V for tHiy kind er bust(it whether public 'or, prvati. i : . I .w.toiflit fimlted knoviterfof the qualities 1 ;by J: HILL'S DRUG STORR ' 'i v'.'': ' .'Mi(,i!'. - : - "' ui EOTL" STATE COMMITTEE ; ; ' PEAOEABLE THROt GHOl'T State Committeeinan Cochran la lltmi? .From Portland, Where He Itepre- : Rented t'nlon County In the Stai Central OnmmlUce Meeting Port land Press Erred When It llojMwteJ Ltberal Vse of Clout oa Fulton Cue. nilew Cake Logical Cliatnnna. . .... State. Committeeman CL . Couaxaa retoftied" Oil hiOrnln-from PortradX" where he had been In attendance at a meetlng of . the republican state cett- . tral committee. . :" . . This was the first meeting of tha newly elected state committee, mem -bers of which w, ere selected by the various county committees throughout the' state, and some' of the prlnciti 1 duties of the committee were to lect a chairman and aecretary, appoint executive and campaign committees, and to -consider ways and means of setting forth beore the state the good qualities-ot the' party's candidates, i W. M. Caka was selected as chair man and Otis'-Patterson, of Grant county was made the secretary. Th selection, of W. M.. Cake; was regarded especially a strong point In the tne'e; of electing the entire republican stato ticket, owing to his vast experleno qualified for the poxltlon of secretary. I The, action of the committee was en-'' tlrety unanimous and the best of feel-' Ing prevailed.. There were represent ed on the commltten trends of very leadlnr renuhllona In tha iiiia R.na.- i' J tor Fulton' friends were there, Semi-' i tor Bopmas.lij'len1i ,cre there and the friend of the next. senator from. Oreaon. Mr. Cnke: Wore than nH alt of the various views nf fc1 committer members -Avero freely", expressed and : : . . . .- . . ,.-'. unanimously auoptea. - ' ''v. -: . ; '.;,nrmdnlo. Thmugtooii. ' '' 'rhraii, "the meeting vi-as IlitMnHt'b.jiuv.. 0t and f extrorllBiry harmony nd quit the contrary from the cow vivnn it h It by . i ' - ""e uii i. , S?!,P5.n?blV,n thadlMCtlwi,' .'ff the : '"tI!rsion th tta'cQmmttte fs !n,1PA,h!f the, feeling throughout t'hl?,e wt"oa''iia chance for gentlemen jf j the ' :oppositlnn to :'an? .hrtl, of clectloa to any' ?. U" - ; i . -t ; v I " " -) - - '"'vri ; 7-77 tekln. Mair lii ' ! .' lM4 Japan, ' ."ay .' i-oisorJers have, l-Dlsorders , holt and Ho Dm . rv.' u Mob l Ylns, Sjian was destroyed, the lammun, or c'ourtf hoiiim. bnm,. . r roun nouse. nnrn.-rt taxes na caused the outbreaks. ' X rlPPISS AlVtf CLy l ISI fltll Stt Ibl'U. -' . niiitliai, HIS ler" e. of v. '.V - r.. j - "' ---" "V" V'.;4-...',"i"'-'.v V' 41 jr. v . 4 .:. ' ':'" I i