PAGE SIX. EVENING OBSERVER, IA GRANDE, OREGON; THURSDAY. APRIL SO, 1008. La Grande Professional Directory PHYSICIANS. Q. I BIOOERS, If. D, Physician and Surgeon. . CXaes Ralston Building, OTsr J. If. , Berry's 8 tors. Cities Tphons Black 1111. . ' Residence 'Phone Red 1001. X H. HUBBARD, II. D. Physician and Surgeon. fflee la New Bank Building. Room , 'Phones: Residence, Mala ilOfflcs, Main 7t. Pnratclan and Surgeon. ' OfllN orer Hlll'a Drug Store, OMtoa 'Phene 111. Resldsnce Main II N. MOUTOR, M. D., Fbrriclaa and Surgeon. -; Corner Adams Are. and Depot Bt Offloe Main IS -:- Residence Main II BACON HALL. Physicians and Surgeons. , tries t- a Grande National Bank Building. 'Phone Main II. C T. Bacon, Residence, Main 18. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main l, rr. sr. i. MwOuu DR. H. C. P. MOORS Osteopathic Physician. , ' Kh-hsrllle Graduates Under Founder. Office Sommer Baildlng. Pbonee: Office Main IS; Res. Main 14. C. II. UPTON, ML G., M. D. Physic-Inn and Surgeon, special attention given to Eye, Ear Noso and Throat tsfice In La G'anae Vatlonal IUnk - Building. . Tliones Office, Main 2; Residence, Main S3. VETERINARY 6URGEON8. DR. P. A. CHARLTON, Veterinary Bnrgwn. Office at Hlll'a Drug Store, La Grand Resldenoe 'Phone Red TOL Office 'Phone Black' lill. Inderendent 'Phone II. DR. W. H. RILET. Graduate Ohio State University Vao ainatlun. Dantlstnr and Burnr nf all kinds. Country calls promptly aa- wared. ,-, . , ; Office 1414 Adams Ave. . 'Phones, Pa elflc, Black 1901. Independent, . ..' Whit SO. DEN TUTS. C B. CAUTEORN. Office over Hlll'a Drug Store. La Grand Oregon i.C PRICE, D. M. D. k ' - . Dentist. Room SI, La Grands National Bank Building. 'Phone Black 1IIL La Grande . Oregon. Dr. S. If. Easley Dr. 3. E. Stevenson Res. Red 11. Res. Black 111. E AS LET it STEVENSON. Dental Parlors ana UuwtMWf. Aluminum Plates, Crown and Bridge work, a specialty. ' Office Opposite Foley HoteL ' Office 'Phone Black 111, MISTAKEN IDENTITY. TEACHERS OF MUSIC PROF. E. PORTER DAY, PrtnclL . La Grande School of Music Mrs. Day assistant School oppo site Foley Hotel. Phone Red 47S. MISS STELLA D. OLIVER. Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio over J. M. Berry's Store. KLSXTKICAIi ENGINEUKB. L. A. PICKLE R. Civil, Mining, Irrigation Engjnecrinf ' and Surveying. Estimates, plans and specifications. Office In Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande Orego C It THORNTON. Arc'ltllui'l und iit;lucer. Surveying. Civil and Structural Engi neering. Twenty Years' Experience. - Portland Paper Gets Joe Blakeiy Mixed Willi Sheriff Clillders. , Joe Blakeiy, - deputy sheriff, has been the victim of mistaken Identity and today he has been heavily "josh ed" by the others In the sheriffs of fice, relates the Pendleton East Ore gonlan. ' . In last evening's Portland Journal appeared a story describing how Deputy Blakeiy had passed through Portland en route for Salem with George Miller, a most desperate char acter. According to the Portland story the prisoner wore an Oregon boot and in addition was adorned with handcuffs and while waiting for the Salem train to depart he was locked up In the county jail for safekeeping. In writing the story the Journal re porter confused the Umatilla county deputy with Sheriff Chllders of La Grande for It was the Union county sheriff that had Miller In custody. But at the' same time Blakeiy was In Portland bound for Salem with McCoy and Erlcion, the two young men who robbed the Furnish ware house,' They were mild young men and were not put In Irons by the dep uty sheriff, who like many other of- ticers, uuu li iis2'.!rs I""1"- oners without humiliating them with too much hardware, unless occasion demands. '. , 't ; But in view of the notoriety he vai given by the Portland paper it has been hard for Joe to convince the others "In the office that he did not make use of the boot and handcuffs. son of the taking an appropriation of said property by the plaintiff, and upon the payment by the plaintiff of the damages assessed and awarded on the trial of the said cause the plaintiff take a judgment appropriation all of said property upon which to construct, build, equip, operate and maintain additional side tracks, switching facil ities and repair shops within the town of La Grande. This summons Is published for six consecutive weeks by the order of the Hon. T. H. Crawford, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 24th day of April, 1908; the date of the first publication thereof being on the 1st day of May, 1908, and the 12th day of June, 1908, Is to be the date of the last publication thereof. W. W. COTTON. W. A. ROBBINS, and COCHRAN & COCHRAN, . ' Attorneys for Plaintiff. ABSTRACTERS. J.R. OLIVER. Abstracts of Title. Fire Insurance. Office next door to La Grande Na Uonal Bank. La Grande - - - Oregoi ATTORNEYS. Chaa. B. Cochran Geo. P. Coctim COCHRAN ft COCHRAN, ' Attorneys. La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande - - - - , Oregot R. H. LLOYD. Attorney at Law. Practice In all the courts of the State und United States. Elgin - - - - Oregon SIEGRIST & CO. JEWELERS AMD OPTICIANS We wish to call your attention to our REPAIR DEPARTMENT Wi are better prepared than ever to do first class work. If you have a watch -that does not give you satisfaction, oring it to us and we will guarantee we can fix it Diamonds reset or mounted in new mount ing is one of our specialties. , All our work guaranteed and promptly done. We will save you money SIEGRIST & CO JEWFLERS AND OPTICIANS J Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. In the District Court, of the United States for the DlBtrict of Oregon. In the matter of Jas. E. Blrdsell bankrupt. IN BANKRUPTCY. To the creditors of Jas. E. Blrdsell of La Grande, in the county of Union and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: ' Notice 1b hereby given that on th- zuth day of April, A. D. 1908, the sal Jas. E. Blrdsell was duly adjudicator bankrupt; and that the first meetlnt of his creditors will be held in the of flee of the referee In bankruDtcv Ir La Grande, Oregon, on the 11th da: of May, A. D. 1908, at 10 o'clock Ir the forenoon, at which time the sal" creditors may attend, prove thel: claims, appoint a trustee,' examine ttu bankrupt, and transact such othe! business as may properly comu before said meeting. ' April 30, 1908. JNO. S. HObdIN, DA30-M1 Referee In Bankruptcy. A Twenty Year Sentence. '"I have Just completed a SO-year sentence, Imposed by Bucklen's Arni ca Salve, which cured me of bleed ing plies Just 20 years ago," writes O. & Woolever of LeRaysvlhe, N, Y Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals the worst sores, boils, burns, wounds and cuts In the shortest time. Sle at Newlln's drug store. To Exchange. Want to exchange second-hand or gan for some team work; also want some poles. See Hendricks, the re liable piano tuner. Guild Rummage Sale. St. Peter's Guild will hold its sprln; rummage sale in the Slater building Friday and Saturday. Parties having rummage to donate please notify Mrs. Mac Wood. ur u RRENHOLTS, Ast I maimer fiFORGE PALMER. President W. H., GEORGE PALM- . WILLIAMS, 2d Ass t Cashier J. M. BERRY. Vice President p T MEYERS, Cashier 3655 La Grande National Bank Of La Grande, Oregon ; CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $160,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY J. M, DIRECTORS Berry . I A. B. Conley F. J. Holme. F. M. C. C. Pennington F. L. Meyers -.: Geo. L. Cleaver W. L. Brenholts George Palmer Brvj tea MUM " You'll Pay With Pleasure For every meal you eat hers. It -will be a combination of good foH, crnod cooking and good ser vice. 0ur restaurant is inieuu td for people who appreciate good eating, also for people who like the good things of life at a moderate cost. If you belong to -that cUs, ccme in and see wha wa can do foi you. The Model. Restaurant J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. $4.50 We ssll weekly meal tickets for W T I Let Me Clear That ; j I Window With My! SPECIAL I GROUND i GLASSES j f e j Satisfaction or Your j ft ' A Money Refunded . . .....ft WITH TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE I should be capable of fitting your eyes correctly. If the Glasses I furnish you do not give absolute satis faction, I stand ready to refund your money : : : ,: I am here three hundred and sixty five days in the year to make my assertions good ::::::: J. In Complete equipment for rubber buggy tires. resetting and repairing i LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops ad Foundry . SVMMONS. the Circuit Court of the State o! Oregon for Union County. .. The Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, plaintiff, vs. John Eaatlnc! and Susan Enstlack, his wife, Alonzr Crane and Ethel Crane, his wife, Al fred W. Crarifc, a minor, and Christo pher Crane, a minor, defendants. To the above-named defendants, John Eastlack, Susan Eastlack, his wife Alonzo 'Crane and Ethel Crane, hlr wife, Alfred W, Crane, a minor, and Christopher Crane, a minor: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to , appear and answer the compliant filed against you In the above entitled court and cause, on or before the 12th day of June. 1908, that being six full weeks after the date of the first publica tion of this summons, and If you fall to so appear and answer said com plaint, the plaintiff herein will take Judgment against you for the relief demanded In Its complaint herein, to wit: For Judgment of the above en titled court In the above entitled appropriating to the plaintiff all of lots two (2). three (S). four (4) and flee (S), of block twelve 12), in Riverside addition to the Town of La Grande, In Union county, Oregon, for the purpose of furnishing additional side tracks, switching facilities and repair shops within the town of La Orande, Oregon, to properly serve the public, in order that the public and different persons traveling or ship ping freight over plaintiffs road may be accommodated; and publlo Inter est requires the construction of such side tracks, additional switching fa cilities and repair shops and the pros ecution of said enterprise, and for an assessment of all the damages that will result to the said defendants, John Eastlack, Susan Eastlack, Alon so Crane, Ethel Crane, Alfred W. Crane and Christopher Crane, by rea- 0. A. HEACOCK . . . . LOOK HERE! I AM IT! The right man In the right t place Is what you want Before ordering your sale bills don't fall to see O. J. RICHARDS, proprle- tor of the Little Gem, next door to the postofflce. , EIGHT YEARS' EXPERIENCE i AS AUCTIONEER. 4 Satisfaction Guaranteed. 4 H- PEARE LEADING PIOIYEER JEWELER 0 m pre-Re- ICE CREAM This is the open season for Ice Cream and we are pared to furnis.T the trade with the very best. marnber refreshment parlors are the finest in Eastern Oiegon. A resort for Ladies and Gentlemen :::::.: E. D. S ELDER, the Candy Man coughs KIHGi OF CURES golds THE WONDER WORKER FOR THROAT PR. KIMC'S l LUNCS EB31IW I FOR COUGHS AMD COLDS I 'V? FOR COUGHS AMD COLDS PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I bad the most debilitating: coiigh a mortal vaa ever afflicted with and , when I left my bed It would aurely be for my pave. Our doctor nfn,my ?Iends exPed that but thanka be to God, fo bottle, of Tit.Vl&WT toennibto, v ertown.'TnH wucwiy mat i am all Bound and well.-MR. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Prici 506 and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUAPAMi-trpn. - SOU Trial Bottle Free t GUARANTEED BY NETHXIN DRCQ CO.