EIGHT PAGES. EVENING OBSERVER, LA GKAXDE. CKEGOX. THrilviDAV, APRIL SO. IMS. PAGE FIVK. i POULTRY FENCE . , Now. is . the time to fence your chickens in. Gome and get some poultry fence. I have it in differ- f-j.nt kinds and all heights. LI " Just received a Mr) wAWaV4rA01ir smngies. They are first class. Call and see my souvenirs, 25c to $00 each. They are nice rresents to send to youi friends. MRS. T.N. MURPHY r ' HIQMIiinr -j ' . 1 , ana uKUurvtKY . tttttMl r . 4 , : - ' - ., . ' LjOCAL ITEMS." ?'"' . v4 JL J. Palmer went to Summervllle this Turning. '. ... y . ; j m IPmjI nnlk.l . - I ... , inuue b Business trip to Elgin tjils morning. ' -'Mri. Ett Hopper and children left this morning; for Payette, where she will visit her mother. ' . ; ' Miss" Edith Anderson . visited La Grande frionds last evening. She Is making her home at Hot Lake.' J. B. Eddy, right of way agent for the O. R. & N., had business matters to attend to here today. j M. J. Alton, one of the clerical force t Hot Lake, transacted business here last evening. M. Scully and Charles Marno of Coeur d'Alene, are business visitors In La Grande today. Mrs. P. J. Hendrlckson of Portland, Is visiting at the home of Mrs. Will French. W. R. Dredge, a prominent business man of Imbler, returned to his home this morning. Mrs. Arthur Keating expects to eave for Spokane Saturday morning o Join her husband. Mrs. T. J. Scroggln Is aulte sick with typhoid fever and was removed to the Grande Ronde hospital yester day afternoon. , Miss Nina Glenn, who accompanied her sister Miss Hattle, to this city last evening, returned home to Summer vllle this morning. Mrs. Ida Watson of Walla Walla, Is a guest at the J. H. Watson home. 8he Is a sister-in-law of the division foreman. w. L. Merrlt, commercial salesman for the Keystone Type foundry of San Francisco, Is a visitor In the city to day. . Hon. Will R. King of Salem, was a passenger on this morning's train en route to Ontario, where ho goes to register tor the June election. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cooley returned this morning from La Grande, where they had been on a brief trip. Pen. dleton E. O. 3, W. Scrlber. cashier of the Far. mera Traders National bank of La Grande, was a business visitor In the city today. Pendleton E. O. Fireman David Graybeal has been taken to a Portland hospital. He was Internally Injured In the wreck near Pilot Rock when engine No. 199 top pled over several weeks ago. His re. covery hai not been satisfactory. Frank Bowman of Joseph, left for Pendleton this morning. " " i': Dan Sommer came up from Elgin last night.; ' - . Mrs. H. L. Anderson leaves tonight for Ontario.; '"V " ' . George Monfelt of Bannester, Neb., is looking for location In the valley. Dr. H. A. Ketchum of Baker City, is In La Grande today, : A. Palmer Is moving Into his home on the corner of Adams avenue and Fourth street. .. V', t Attorney R. H. Lloyd spent -yester day in La Grande, returning to his home In Elgin this morning. Mrs. M. J. Helly, sister-in-law of Mrs. J. H. Peare, arrived from Wetser this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schilling left for Coos Bay this morning. Mr. Schll ling expects to locate In Marshfleld. Miss Kate Schilling went to Marsh field, where she expects to spend her vacation. T. E. Shumard, the telegraph oper ator at Kamela, Is visiting friends in La Grande. . '. T. O. Anderson and Otto Anderson are looking over the valley with the Intention of locating here. R. H. Semple and .Loren Semple of Missouri, who have been visiting friends in this city, went to Pendleton this morning. Mrs. Arthur Brassfield, who has been visiting Mrs. George Good for several days, returned to Hot' Lake last night Dr. E. W. Barnes, who has been spending a few months In Jackson county, was a passenger on this morn ing's train en route to his home at North Powder. . Miss Hattle Glenn of Elgin, passed through the city' this morning, en route to Ontario, where she will ac cept a position in one of the leading stores. ' . ' Mrs. T. N. Murphy and party left here yesterday afternoon for a short automobile ride. When near Hot Lake one tire blew up and the party was forced to return home by the late train. Mrs. L. C. Grout, who has been in the city the past week with her son, who submitted to. an . operation for Clover L. 8. Mackey . of Streator, 111., Is ! visiting Claud Mackey of this city. The county Jail Is empty today for the first time In many months. Tomorrow will be May Day. Don't forget to send some one a May basket. Delyle Green, who was operated on for appendicitis last Saturday, is steadily Improving. , Mrs. A. Buckley. Miss Rita Bolan- der and Mrs. Frank O'Hare returned from Elgin on the afternoon train. K. J. Taylor of the Baker theater at Baker City, was in the city yester day on business. XV. A. Robinson of Hot Lakei had business at the land office this morn-il'S. J. T. Williamson, Dr.and Mrs. See- mann and others who attended the preebyterlal at Union, returned last even'ng. i B. C. Casper and wife of Promise, arrived on the Elgin train, and will go to Parma, Idaho, where they ex pect to locate. " ' ' .Miss Emma Clark, who has charge of the dress-making department of Griffin & Co., of Ontario, is expected home .for a few days' visit. Among those who left on last night's train to attend the track meet were Albert, and Gilbert Hunter of ' R. F. Falk, of Pasco, arrived In the city last evening and will remain a few days looking after property In terests. Mr. Falk is also one of the heavy stockholders " , of -the Aurelta Mining company. ' The Pendleton baseball team, com posed of high school boys, clerks, and workmen and, a professional battery, defeated the local professional - team yesterday afternoon by ' the score of S to (. The teams are flaying again today. : The Golden : ,:' 60CXL.1V'. .. At Home. , Mrs. Chester Newlln and Miss Mar garet Newlln entertained last evening at cards. About SO guests were pres ent. A dainty luncheon was served the hostesses being assisted by Miss Dorothy and Margaret Corbett Five Hundred Club. The Five Hundred club met at the home of Mrs. William Alllnson this afternoon. Kaffee Klattli. The ladles of the Kaffee' Klatch will be entertained by Miss Margaret Newlln Friday afternoon. DENTIST. Dr. W. r McMillan. Red 581. Painless extraction. Expert golu work. Special attention to children's teeth. La Grande National Bank Building. WIICIIIC GAME A pick-up "scrub" baseball team Is being organised here to play North Powder next Sunday. The boys will probably make the trip by automobile and anticipate pleasant day's out ing. Womens' Tailor Made New Spring Styles Many of the new models shown are of handsome Pana mas and fancy suitings In all the new colorings, some style being extremely plain, and others elaborately braided. Special attention la called to the following numbers; . V...', Women's , tailored. Spring" i Suits, made of the finest Pan ama. In plain colors, single breasted, semi-fitted 2-lnch ! coat, with full plaited Skirt, v ': trimmed with folds of self ma terlal; very special value see Illustration ) ........ $35.00 . Splendid models . In short Spring Coats tn stripe and plain uu.uiI.l back, In all the newest shades (see'lllustratlon) from . ts.su ip tu.o. SILK COATS. 4 iile Co, Suits 4 sr - t z women In black Taffetta, trimmed In Bilk braids, length 41 Inches; splen- $1.S ' Long, loose-fitting Coats for did value' ' Rennalsance Lace Coats, In 2 4 -Inch length, Taffeta silk lining, tn blacks only; a coat of extreme beauty .......... ..I1S.0O, 91JM and t8S-M i ...... .Toilet Soap : per doten . 4So . In Basement 4 , Only THE GOLDEU RULE CO. LARGEST STORE. SMALLEST PRICES. Toilet Paper Per roll , 4o Ia'Baaement Only lAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAAAAAAAAAAA 4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A Bid HUH AI OR The "Passion" play at the Electric theater still continues to draw crowds. At every performance' last night standing room was at a premium. Mr. Sherwood Is certainly to be commended for the class of pictures he carries, and the people of La Grande have shown their appreciation by their constant attendance. appendicitis, returned to her Creek home this morning. Her son Is now thought to be past the danger J point f EntTprllng L Grande. Speed Garrett, the expert electrl- Talking about enterprise In Interior clan and moving picture machine cities of Oregon, you might as well sit operator, announces that the wiring up and take notice of La Grande af for the Pastime motion picture show fairs. Portland Telegram. Is about completed. Mr. Garrett will ' .' . remain In La Grande, to have charge of the machinery In the Pastime. Soda water and Ice cream at Silver thorn & Mack's. - . ' Gruesome Suicide, New Tork, April SO. Shouting to his wife, who wss In the street below, that he was about to, orvmlt suicide, Meyer Glaffenburg 'raped from the sixth story of a tent-men building and landed on his heal at his wife's feet He was Instantly killed. ,Urn. Glaffenbutft was irt riarting for a synagogue. Glaffenbu.vf had been sick for some time and became discourag The Observer always first with the news. Son Danger in a Cold Because you hare contracted ordinary colas and recovered from thorn without treatment of any kind, do not for a moment Imastas that Colds are not dangerous. Not only pneo monla.but also the Infections dlsouesucb as diphtheria and scarlet ferer start irith cold. The cold prepares the system for tna reception and derelopment of the germs these diseases. Take our advice cure you cold while you can. Chamberlain's Coueh Remerlv m.. (Mm. A .or.nl. V. w v..... . i . by its remarkable cure of colds has become damage done by the washouts near s stapls article of trade and commerce, lets Huron last winter, Is longer than at srompti It Is ettectnah It Is reliable. Try is. first anticipated. It Is announced ' NEWLIN DRTJO CO. that fully a month's work yet remains - , , ... . a to be done In that region of the moun-1 Trains Late Again. ' tains. So damaging were the wash-' After several weeks of almost "am OUtS St that time. When 'mountain time"' records, both overlsnJ trrflna traffic was crippled for several days, through this city are arriving lata that work trains have been working this week. There Is' but nttle In- for several weeks and still have a creased traffic and no apparent re, month's hard work before them. ' The son for the slew schedule. washouts are being filled with heavy! ' ' - v ..... " rock. ' When completed the company will have the roadbed tn as good shape or even better, than It was before the spring rains did their damaging work. Hay for Sale. Alfalfa and grain hay for sale cheap. $5 per ton In the stack. Ed Reynolds, R. F. D. No. 2, La Grande, Oregon. Soda water and Ice cream at Silver thorn it Mack's. - DATTON BROS., the well known eye specialists, win have their office at the Hotel Sommer ; Friday, and Saturday, May I and U Dosens of La Grande references. Eyes examined free. ., Rooms 4-1. . Orders solicited for tee cream. -JO deliver all orders In quantities ot ooa gallon or more. .'. BLUE MOUNTAIN CREAMERY. ..... ' '. - SPECIALS A MHsoti r ' ' -' ' ' $1.25 2.00 : Negligee Shirts J f.75 Values Saturday Special HegligeeShirts '2.50 Value 's S 9 Silk Shirts .50 Values Saturday Special Pongee Shirts 2.50 Values Saturday Special Summer Weight Jackets $h.50 Values Special EVERY SHIRT WILL BE REDUCED PHEN0MINM1Y 3.50 2.00 3.50 , IM1 M i , i , - . wsmBmsjasjmmsHmmmmmmmmmmm Men's Furnishers and Tailors 1 rtetmtmT4vmm44e4et444f ee44i4W4W4W