2 i t VOLUME YTL ' IA OKA SDK, CNIOX COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL SO, 1.08. .. , ' nmrn ntt FREELY PREBICTED EM FRIENDS CLAMOR' FOR -VJ-a -, 'II l Mil SAY FULTON IN 1912 SURE . Senator Bounte's Pet Scheme Given Setere Knifing Yesterdaj. :i'EHISTENT ROOSEVELT . BOOMING RESPONSIBLE. Senator Fulton Warmly Endorsed by Oregon State' Republican ; Central ' Committee, Which Says That lie- ' ney' Charges Against Him Are Un manly and Vicious Sen. Fulton' I Friends Say He Should Gb to Chl- cago Convention and NcV Bourne".'' f: J Portland, April. 80. Open warfare etween-the factions In the republi can party -to be participated in by "United States' Senators C. W. Fulton amd Jonathan Bourne Is predicted In he Portland Journal tonight, as th. result of the meeting of the republic - , SEVEN DOZEN LADIES , WAISTS WORTH, REGVLAR, 75c to $3.50, THIS WEEK '. ac, Sfrc and 11.18. Waists mad. from Linens, Lawns and. mercerised Walntlngs, In plain white and a few , figured material., pleated, tucked and lac and I riser- ' tioa trimmed. Slightly mussed and oiled, but otherwise A-1 Waists. 8pe ' olal this week ' ' tcte 11.18- , fan fen Buy a Suit W.1Y i THE ROYAL TAILOR 4 WILL MAKE YOU A SUIT, AND GIVE YOC A LEGALLY. DRAWN AND SIGNED GUARANTEE THAT IT WILL HOLD rti K1HPE AND STYLE CNTIL- WORN OCT. LET VS TAKE YOCTR ORDER IF 6UT DOES NOT FIT DONT TAKE IT. . . ,, 88 SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM, AT 817 JM) UP. - AAaAAAAAAfttfftttft lean .tat, eentrtl committee Wedge,-1 pi p n rr rnn j n . . , , , . . can state central committee Wednes day. The Fulton men, declares the Jour naU will not allow Bourne men to head the state delegation to hte Chi cago convention. . This Dne Fulton. This Is an honor due to Fulton, as sert Fulton's friends, as he Is a Taft man and Taft has been endorsed by Oregon republicans. Likewise, Ful ton men predict that Bourne will be detested at the polls In 1H and that Fulton will succeed him In the senate. Work Secretly for Chamberlain. .' George E. Chamberlain, tt Is hinted, will receive the quiet support of the Fulton men In the coming campaign for the aenatorahlp. , Frustrate Bourne's Plana. .... ' oHiwni, April u. in At When the state central committee . ... " . , muuis nu ie mis city ror Hon of the republican party adopted a ,., region endorsing th. Taft dacy for nomination tor president Wednesday afternoon U struck faUI ; to bring Oregon , delegation to th. ?ST 77 TnTT-' K L th t 7 .rder" day that Bourn, ha. lost hi. grip on th. stAt. organisation because of hi. elective term for Roo.evelt.". . Senator Fulton wa. warmly en- aorsea oy tne state central commit-1 su c.9IM, DVWVnB UpUH VO' vet vtid uruuuuL'eu hi "iinmin iin ... .. . , mamy ana vicious. W. M. Cake was elected chairman. .? Full Death IJnt. New Orleans, April SO. Practically complete reports from ' the .... tornado districts show that 602 were killed: and the injured number 229S, In the I recent tornadoes south. I . : i' . throughout the J -"- f J ' ' Some Special Good Values in Ladies9 Suits, Caracter istic foi Splendid Style, perb WorkmansM . . . And most beautiful shadings In all the popular colors in black, brown, tan and blua, of the Cadet, Navy and Kopenhagen hue, made from Serges, Panamas and Chiffon. Panamas In plain white striped and self-strlped weaves. Jackets trimmed in flat braids and oriental Silks, with full Silk linings. Skirts made In the most approved styles, and trimmed with folds, etc. These Suits were a llt.le late In reaching and In order to move them quickly we prl;ed them from'jt.OO to $7.60 below what they would ordlnarl'y sell for. Choose one today and tomorrow for J ' 818.50, 820.00, $28.50, 125.00. lfa The sensible thing to buy for the woman who feels that . she cannot afford a Suit for every occasion, and for that matte. ., de(rble for most anyone If you possess a Jacket which can be worn with any kind of an extra Skirt, you can be stylishly ' dressed at any time and have a. many changes as you desire, at very small cost. Don't fall to Inspect our line of Jackets. 83.50 TO 815.00. NOT CetAI! You Pay For Jla tttttMttimiigg..a.aa.i LI LL I III I III IIHIIII IIIIUI- III purpore. are pet forth In th I, i h m i sr im. - f i ILLLI.UII IUII UflllU DUId III. HONTEREY DAY STEALS AWAY FROM " SANTA BARBARA EARLY. ' " ' Atlantic Fleet Heaves Anchor From I Bottom of Santa Barbara Bay This Morning and Headed Toward Mont Msrey veparture Announced for a later Hour and Many Cheated Out of Imposing Right San Luis Obispo Will See Fleet. 0 T . A . .. ' . . iTZZiZ .,, , four me, ,n , Aamlnil Thom.. AeclAeivhn M of Ban Ml. Obispo might have an op- portun,ty " " th.y P". "Wnal time scheduled for th, j,., departur, O.cfock and tn, WM people saw the fighting ship. tak. ,eave ... . , , SuRIWnd Army RegulaUons. . . j San Francisco, April Id. Army ... . regulations are to be suspended on ih, d., , i . , . - ...w v . .i . i i : v ctiiu vessels will be received by the boom Ing of the big 12-Inch reloading coast defense guns, the biggest In the Amer ican service. The regulations do not provide for the use of the 12-Inch guns for saluting In ordinary cases Mrs. C. C. Perry came up. from is land City this afternoon. ' . ' FREE THIS' WEEK. And m thl. connection let us Im press on your mind that w. have an Immense line of Boys' Suits too many. In fact end will sell them to you at Special Price Reductions for thl. entire week and. In addition, will glv. th. boy. . , ABSOLUTELY FREE, ' a good, hard-wood baseball bat, and ball,' with each Suit. r oranoe 0REOCN X I , - '-'"-'.'w f ,,,1fTtIfff fflflfff BROKEN SPIRIT DISLOYALTY TO BAND HEARTILY DISCOCRAGING. Second Performance of For Brother ( Tom" Could Not Be Given as Ad- vance Sale of Seats Totalled .Less ; Than Five Dollars Band Boys Ex tend Thanks to Those Who Aided Them With Work and Money in cidentally sadly Deplorable State. A discouraging story to relate Is the Incident which occurred last eve ning when public action In thl. city made It Impossible for th. La Grand, band to glv. Its second benefit home theatrical. On the night of the first performance, th. att.ndanc wa. such that th. expense, of producing th. play and hall expense, could not be cleared. Last evening, an hour nr an 'before time for th. first curtain call, th. advance asle of tickets showed lnmhln Ilka tt.KO. Naturallv. th organisation was not In nosltlon to Incur additional expense with onlv that sum t A m&lr, ,. 4 I - I - "ciivtoih Lt (Jill j the night before and hail rent for last evening. The city itself will suffer the most for this bit of carelessness oil , the part of theatergoers. The band heretofore has appeared on the streets with Its members dressed in civilian clothes for the simple reason that the organization was not financially strong enough to purchase uniforms. Tre receipts from the two produc tions planned would have netted suf ficient, funds to do this had La Grande displayed its customary loyalty to home enterprises. As It Is, . the La .Qrando band has been elven a severe Setback in spirit. ,;, 1 . The- organisation has - requested thanks be extended to those who did help to meet some of the expenses and to those who so ably aided In arranging and carrying out the play. Th. show Itself Is credited by all who saw it as being excellent and well worth the money asked. Th. one di rect result of the Incident Is that the band will continue in Its old rut barely able to buy new music, or to pay th. Instructor, let alone procure uniforms as every other organization of a similar nature Is equipped with. I llllirfllM lVniif. fk., , New York, April 30. Itu- mors that Qnvarnn. r w Hughes will withdraw from the presidential race and ask' for renomlnatlon to the governor- ship of New "York, are being persistently circulated about New York and Washington. Mr. Hughes' desire to force throueh. his reform measure. I. given' as the principal cause for his with- drawal. . , .a CIRCUS MEN IN TROUBLE. Made Vulvar Remark, and Reeeirr Bruised Heads. Portland. Ore., April 30. A special from Grant, pas. tell, of a free-for- all fight between th. employe, of th worn. s Row. circus and a crowd of local men, In which half a dozen men wer. bruised and nit. nn..ki.. were called out but before they ar rived a .malt teat was demolished. The fight started when a clrcu. em- Ploy mad. a vulgar remark about t coupl. that wa. passing from th. dr. cu. grounds. Clury, fence rail, and brick, wer. used freely In the course of the battle. Hearst League Invade. Dixie, , Birmingham, Ala., April 10. Free lance politician, of Alabama and rep resentative, of various labor and re form bodies met her. today In what Is "i lied a .tat. convention of th. Inde pendence party of Alabama. The ronventlon will nam. an electoral ticket, select delegate, to a national convention and perfect a permanent organization. The party la affiliated With William Randnlnh H T-x. . .. .. . . . .... rj . uu- pendenc. league and will act with that ' I'ooy in national elections. It. ob- Vtts and purports are set forth in th. following language We bellevu that the time has come ?or lndepnd. n( polltlca. action, and ffal a great national party Is lmpe,-- klively de,aan.1ej, that will unite In en. solid phaianx th. farmer, the wage-earner and the non-urlvii. seeking business msn. These three elements represent the worth nrodu. era of this country and are Its back- Don, and sinew, but, remarkable a. tt may seem, they have no vole. In making law.." Frisco Fight Tonight. San Francisco, April 10. Brooklyn Tommy Sullivan and Abe Attel who meet tonight In a JO-round fight, cam. from their training camp, for th. welgh-lo at ; noon today. They will weigh In at 5. Betting la 3 to 1 Attel. ' . Chicago Editor Dead. Chicago. April 10. L. H. Blckford, associate editor of th. Chicago Inter Oce.n, died thl. morning of appendi citis. . - ... . ,., . , STATE AND DEFEXSB - EACTI TAKE REST, Closing Argumeiiu Begun In tlio Tl- rev L. tw r-...... Defendant DIsmtaaM Z.Z. Z t M. 0 cee. Joopardls, on Z Samo Cliarge RuctTrlal on In Finest and Firs, W toZ fo, the . Slate Are Called. , : i. ::' !; "can Francisco, April lO.-Both the Poople'and the defense rest!d Joda, In the Tirey L. p0rd trial Jne was charged with bribing sujcrvUors the overhead trolley els. and Z Cosing argument, wer. begun 1 Jomey Moore began his argument for me defense with a motion th vn.A be dismissed on th. ground that he had been placed one. in Jeopardy for lire orrense, , First Ruef Witness Called. San Francisco, April 30 John n. han. a clerk In the board of supervis ors, was the first wltnes? called In th. trial of Abraham Ruef. charged with bribing supervisor. In th. Parkside cas. today. He I. charged with of fering a bribe to Jennings FhllliBs. ex. supervisor. - i . ' .,,.,.. Bchan's testimony was reUilv the fitaus ordinance at th. time of the alleged offense. ' ' ' -Maine G. 6. P. Convention. Portland, Me., April SO. Four state' delegates at large and two delegates from the First district will be .elected by the republican.' convention which was called to order her. early this af ternoon. The bnly Important contro- IIOHU I. ft..- ,.,. ... . , . " Pledg. th. delegate, to Taft, and thos. who demand an unln.tructed d.iM. w-iirRrn tnose deatrin tlon to repent Ma.n. at Chicago. rrrtt 3UCHT TO BE THE IT i every jitim .j s FORD TIL IS IlfnillED liow citizens will esteem him for his goodness, t his klnrJnesf, and his usefulness. The principles of lood citizenship should constitute the code of rules for every kind of business This applies particularly to the dru business, he cause, owin to the limited knowledge of the qualities of druls by the general public. It follou tht h r. X liability of the druiilst jood service. HILL'S DRUG STORE La Grande M Ml ESE IK WITH Si CATASTROPHE OCCURS TO TRAINING SHIP, Flagship Which Figured In Russo- Japanese Naval Battle, But In Kerr. Ice as Training Ship for Japanese Cadets, Sinks Early Tills Morning Flrrt Reports Say 800 Drowned Magaaine Exploded, Tearing Me to Ptecea, . . . JAPAN . Tokloy April 10. Supplementary report, received from Admiral MoshU amlsu, of th. sunken Japanese train ing .hip Matshushtma, say. that 141 men wer. on board that vessel he It went down' early thl. morning off Pealadero. Island, were rescued. If this is so, th. number of dead will exceed 200. Among th. missing are th. .on. of Field Marshal Oyama and Vic. Foreign Minister Chlnda. Th. young men were cadets, or which the shlo carried 100., .Anuin .' . the survivor were 41 cadets.'-?"' " "'T'"" The disaster was caused by th. ac cidental explosion or a. projectile In a magaslne. The entire magasln. blew up before the boats could be manned, and the ship went down like a plum met. ,;.' . . Men Torn to Piece. The men In the vicinity of1 th mar. ",nB wera ,or, to P'- Thos. be- . ,ow h, 1,0 chnce to "CP n t"m th ,h,p- ' .? w Ui .k-. & "P th J , -urvlvort. The c.puin and other of- ;flc?r re among the dead. ; i. ! 'UrV,Vof' T aWe to 1 Mai hi ' T "M Th" " WM a flBB"h,p ,n th 1 t .i . . 4 . """I " frm AmltaX UoaM- ' 'm u .r-Jin, the. sinking of th. - training aphIu. r - - .. 1 - hiiay pniy AOS . nav perished. , Th. accident I. now believed to have occurred late Wed nesday Instead of this morning. A telegram expressing the .orrow of America over th. accident to th. Jap anese training ship was received hare today from acting Secretary of th. Navy Newberry. .: BLIGHT ON WHEAT, Valley Farmer Must Resow Large (' .. . . 4 Wheat Fields Tills Spring. (' - John Frlswell, a prominent wheat- I grower In the valloy, is In town today. Mr. Frlswell Is having some bad lueir asome sort of A blight has struck i08 acres of his. wheat after it grew to' two feet In height, and will have to.' be resown. , v - - ' ..- i ' Clevelniid's Nephew Released. ,; , - j Toledo, O., April 10.-1-Wllllam i,HJ Cleveland, a nephew of th. ex-preal. dent, was released from th. 'county i II st. . j ' : ' ' j mornmg aner .erving a flve- day. sentenc. on conviction a.'.n ..-f . th " " He alio paid a fin. of .300 ' 'TT 7 . 7. 7.' " " 4 HAP?IESS A0 CL0RY iivsaij ast that fei whether public or-private, f w mwwmm V m Is the chief guarantee cf I Oregon r.