f PAGE TWO. ' 'I . KtcnT FACE .v OREGON. WEDNESDAY. APRIL S9. 108. -J ETENINO OBSERVER, LA GRANDE. ICE CREAM I X We are now prepared to furnish first-class Ice Cream 2 f;. , - ' v 4 In any quantity, at the following prices: 25c per pint 50c per quart $1.25 per gallon . .i if ' X, No deliveries made for less quantities than one gallon. I BLUE MOUNTAIN J: i '.in. !i -ft I. .; . 5 S ! : 1 ' VI! MARY (0 jo in Demonstrating the right spirit confident of capturing several ptaces In the trt-state track meet at Walla Walla the La Grande high school track team left this morning for Walla Walla where, tomorrow . after noon, they enter the preliminaries for the finals on the afternoon following. It Is Impossible to predict what the outcome of the meet will be, lut It Is plainly evident' that la Grande '' has never been In better shape to carry away a point here and a point there, with the result that the total will be larger than has ever been credited to the local school at that annual event. The races, fiprlnts and distances will be taken care of by Wlllaimson, Bol ton, Earls, Carpy and Peare. while Meyers will toss the weights and Young juggle the pole vault and the hurdles. The Island City team should walk away with from 10 to 12 points In the weights alone, and if Walters makes good In the dashes, he should get two seconds. ., In that event Island City will be well up, to the front : The bear story sent out from Pen dleton about Jay's illness will not ma terially 'effect that team's ; success. Jay is ably to Vie out. although' he has been 111, and should win his 15 or 18 points, even though he Is handicapped with Illness. Baker City, the other eastern Ore gon team which is to be In the meet Is an unknown quantity and trie pre Umlnarles will be necessary to tell the story. t . . . . , . " - ; . I jjoomg 45 1 t ' . Orders solicited for ice, cream. t ?Ve deliver' all orders In quantities of one gallon) or more. " ' 1 . BLUE MOUNTAIN CREAMERY. Evening Observer 65c per month. SECOHD RIGHT OF THE . PASSION PLMIS EXCLENT - Patrons of the Electric theater have learned that If they wish to the ...... .i,.,., miiKt ba there on nrsi wmi nw . The Passion" Play U such a favorite that by the time the doors are open the crowd is sufficient to fill the seats. Remember, the bill will remain the same the rest of the week. If you have not seen the "Passion" play you should not allow this opportunity to pass. If you have seen other rep resentations of the Passion" play, see this one anyway. It will pay yo" 'or the time and expense. For Sale. We have some choice seed oats and brewing barley. ' BLACK & BRAMWELL, $5000 HOTEL FOR SALE For 13600 if sold this- month. Ham hot and cold water, electric light, furnished. In a good location for steady roomers and . boarders, and transleuts. 11 roms and toilet upstairs. Office, dining-room, kitchen, parlor, two bedrooms and bath room down stairs. Good basemen under all. Any one wishing a good proposition e this. kind can call on W. J. Ransom at thei Palmer house, or 'phone Black. 402 - For Rent. 9fl-.ra farm un Sandrldge for rent cheap. See us at once. BLACK A BRAMWELL. C, G. HOLST,' i I j Contractor and Builder. Satisfaction guaranteed; estimate furnished on any kind ' of masonry work on short notlct. Mantels an fireplaces a specialty. Room No. 1 Smith Rooming house, La Grande,. Ore. 'Phone Red 141. : i t j Inquire of A. B. ' Branson, jV agent for Portland I Livestock Insurance association, - .; ! La -' Grande, Oregon. Call at Bom- mtr hotel. , ; .?, ,.' - I SN0DGRASS GROCERY Mcli 43 PHONE Main 43 i .? We are headpuarters for Armour's Star Ham and Melrose Bacon. A Trial Order will Convince You that we have the best. Two delivery wagons at your service J AS. 0. SNODGRASS Main 43 PHONE Main 43 FOR THE HORSE AS WELL AS FOR THE P0CKETB00K Our steam rolled barley pleases the horse be cause it is just what l:e likes, and pleases the owner because his dollar buys more of it , It will pay you to see us before you buy Hay, Grain or Feed of any kind or coal or wood. Do your self the Justice to investigate. Seed Grain and Seed Potatoes. I GRAND R0NDE CASH CO. . - , "' ' i;i Main 6,' either phone ' i; LEWIS BROS.i Managers. 5 LACRANDE OREGON ! BRICK IS CHEAPER 2 . jErick building, at the present price of lumber, is SheapeT as well' as better.' It has been demonstrated 12 tnat my brisk is superior to any Jmade' in Oregon; t oan furnish common brick in any quantity. , No order 2 too large or tco small to receive prompt attention. I Correspondence with contractors and builders Roiir:itflrl. 2 Estimates cheerfully furnished. BPricea i m OUR HEW QUARTERS SATITRDAT WE MOVED INTO OCIl NEW QUARTERS O.V TIIE NORTH SIDE OF Hit STREET, AND WE ARE NOW DOING BVSINESS IN OVR OWN BUILDING, AND ILVVE NO RENT TO PAY. A SMALL ITEM LIKE NO RENT TO PAY COILD NOT LOWER TIIE PRICE OP MEAT VERY Ml'CH, BIT NEVERTHELESS OCU PATRONS WILL RE CEIVE THE BENEFIT OF IT. WE WISH TO IMPRESS ON YOTIl MINDS TILVT WE ARE IlESPO i NSIBLE FOB LOWER PRICES ON EVERYTHING IN TIHO ME.T LINE AND SHOCLD ILVVE THE PRERENCE. SOME OF THE THINGS WE CLAIM FOR, OCRSELVES: WE SELIj FOR CASH ONLY, AND THEREFORE CAN SELL MCCn CHEAPER, AND DO SELL CHEAPER TILVN ANYONE ELSE. WE CLAIM TO HAVE THE CLEANEST AND MOST CP-TO-DATE MARKETS IN THE CITY. YOV ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT EVERY DEPARTMENT. QUALITY IS OCR MAIN AIM. IT IS AT ALL TIMES THE BEST THAT IT IS POSSIBLE tO PROCURE. OUR DELIVERY SYSTEM IS SECOND TO NONE. YOUR TELEPHONE ORDER WILL RECEIVE AS CAREFUL CONSIDERATION AS IF YOU WERE HERE IN PERSON, TO MAKE YOUR SELECTION. WE HAVE ON HAND AT ALL TIMES ANYTHING THAT A FIRST CLASS MARKET SHOULD HAVE. OUR LARD, HOME-CURED HAMS AND BACON ARE OUR PRIDE. ' . ...... j . .'.W. WE GUARANTEE THEM IN EVERY RESPECT. . REMEMBER THE PLACE: NORTH FIR STREET MARKET JUST NORTH OF GEDDES BROS.' GROCERY. . THE MIDGET MARKET, ON ADAMS AVENUE, NEXT DOOR TO J. D. McKENNON'S GROCERY. jfi Ik GRANDE CASH If y - i MEAT CO. TELEPHONE MAIN 16. ' TELEPHONE MAIN 96. Af. A STILWELL Props. P. F. R0HR 1 on'applicaton. ' ' ' t I Phon.t-RMii.ncr.'.BUvrOl.YardlReju ? U'.Qrandr, 0r, ..- ,, .... . in. - l f MUtlllM Ml HfWMMMMMMMMMt MMMIMMH MM , "Wry -.- fl