La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 27, 1908, Image 1

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I- . 3
volume ra. .., T" "
" '. r ' ' ' XVMBF.R 228.
rn rnnpp ni pi iu v- company ue.
ui. uuim DM
, ... i-Horn uw fully dis-
After an Even Month of Absence In
j .. . ...
iDlcago, Whore General Managers
and Representative Were In Con-
ferenee, lUfi (tentative Kd Cross
"Returned Saturday Night O. R. A
S. Employes Benefited by Outcome
of the Meetings. , , ...
: The federal H-hour law' has been
djudlcated, as It were, and O. R.
V. employes are ' now acquainting
themselves with the new agreements
that were reached relative to this
-'. - . .
ger representing 14 railroads and
representatives from the four broth
erhoods who have to do with the mov-
tng of trains. Representative Ed
"Cross returned from Chicago Satur
day evening and Is now in La Orande
conferring with the local orders, and
reporting to them what was done.
In the main,' the outcome of the
conference was very favorable to rail
Toad employs, especially to those of
the O. R. & N. There are several
features of the agreement reached
-tv-ere n nearly a month's conference
that apply directly to service on the
iounta!ns. ' '
The Law.
The requirements of the federal 16
Tjour law for 10 consecutive hours off
duty applies only to such employes
ts have .been on duty It consecutive
hours. The requirement for eight
consecutive hours off duty applies
-only to employes who have not been
on duty 16 hours In succession, but
"have been on' duty 16 hours in the
.-aggregate out of a 24-hour period. '
Tho Agreements.
Two hours leeway was given the
roads. Hence, if the roads see fit to
tie a crew up after It has been out
4 hours, the tie-up Is considered to
"have been done under the law, and
the company cannot put them back
In service until after eight hours of
i ' . . -I . . . " f
: . - ' . i
j , . ' j
rest If, however, the company ties
a crew up after 16 hours have elaps
ed, and before 14 have been reached,
the tie-up is considered to have been
done by the company the crew Is sub
ject to call at any time afterwards.
. . Must Obey Law.
The law must be obeyed. If a crew
Is out 14 consecutive hours, It be
comes obligatory for that conductor
to tie up his crew at the nearest side
track. The only way he can leave it
or do any work whatever In the fol-
.... (Continued oa page I.) ,
. More Tornadoes. ,
Mobile,' Ala., April 17. An-
other tornado raged through
Mississippi and Alabama last
night and this morning;, causing
a property loss of 12,000,000,
and killing scores. In Perry
county 1 were killed, which
' raises the official death list of
tnman vWlma tn . .
By Sustaining Demurm to J. S.
. Smithy Salt for $5000 Damages for
: Libel, Whic h the Latter Says Fulton
Committed Against Him, Judge Bur
net Us Pratt lea Uy Drives From Court
tlie. Slander Suit Postpone Ross
Salem, Ore., April 27. Judge Bur
nett today sustain Senator C. W.
Fulton's demurrer to J. S. Smith's
suit for $5000 damages for libel,
which will probably cause a dismissal
of the suit. Smith charged that the
senator slandered him when he ac
cused Smith of perjury In regard to
Smith's affidavit, given, to Francis' J.
Heney, In which he accused Fulton of
(Continued on page E.)
T '
Headquarters for Taft Presidential
Boom Give Out Figures Which They
Say AreCon8ervatlve, But Whieh
Moan .Taft'. . Nomination "New
I ilea". Republicans Bolt to Put Re
form Ticket In the Field This Will
' Throw New Jersey Bryan-ward.
.Washington, April 27. Taft head
quarters today claimed 282 delegates
In the national convention on figures
obtainable up to date, and declare
that there Is no possibility that 272 of
- will Tita hn.
Taft's managers claim 200, but this Is
considered to be too high, as 15 of
this number at least, are taken from
the contested column,
i Because of the ' bolt of the "New
Idea" republicans In New Jersey, led
by Everett Colby and Mayor Fagan
of Jersey City, Bryan hopes to capture
electors from that state should he be
nominated at Denver.
The "New Idea" republicans declare
that they will put an independent
ticket of electors In the field as a
protest against Boss Lentz's tactics.
The new Idea men control 20,000
votes In Essex and Hudson counties,
and beat John T. Dryden. president
of the Prudential Insurance company.
for the United States senatorshlp last
year. ' Colby acknowledges the bolt
may defeat Taft In New Jersey, but
declares It Is the only way possible to
reform the republican party In that
Wheeler Offered New "Sit."
Berkeley, Cal., April 27. It Is re
ported here that the assistant secre
taryshlp of the department of com
merce and labor has been offered
Benjamin Ide Wheeler, president of
the University of California. Wheeler
has asked for a few days to considnr
the matter. ' It Is not thought that he
will aocept
The Dalles Among Eastern Oregon
Cities Which Are Liberal With
Money Baker City Alive, Too
Albany Full of Boost, About to
Build Much Pavenieat This Sum
mer Entire State Looking With
Interest on Electric Railway Devel
opment. - ; i-. . ,
Portland, Ore., April 27. (Special
correspondence.) The greatest suc
cess has attended the Oregon Devel
opment league ''meetings throughout
SS06 In a few minutes, besides add-!
ing greatly to the membership of tts
Commercial club they Wui complete
fund of 16000. Elgin business men
subscribed 2600 to advertise their
city; The Dalles will continue their
publicity work on an even more lib
eral scale than heretofore; Baker City
Is alive to the value of similar work.
Headquarters of the Rose Festival
association look like an Immense
Valentine shop nowadays. Thousand!-
of beautifully engraved Invitations
art being sent out In rose-garlanded
envelopes in prose poems in accord
with the occasion. "The queen of
flowers will have a perfumed whisDcr
of welcome for you, and her sweet
hospitalities humored for your tar
rying" closes the message.
The scope of the excursion party
which will visit Lewlston-Clarkston
on May 1 has been widened to Include
various Oregon cities. President J
H. Albert, of the Capital National
Bank at Salem, President E. W. Lang-
don of the Albany Commercial club
ana resident George H. George ,of
the Astoria National bank will be of
the party. A ladles' auxiliary will
provide for the special entertainment
of the feminine visitors.
io announcement made In years
has been more interesting to the state
at large than the publication of tho
plans of the Oregon Electric Railway
company, which mean a system ag
gregating 381 miles in length, and
reaching the principal towns of the
entire Willamette valley, with an ex
tension to the coast as well. McMJnn-
ville, Newbnrg, Dallas, Eugene, Al
bany, Cascadiu, Hlllnboro and Tlll:.
mook, with innumerable other com
munities, arc Included. The line be
tween Portland and Salem has ,
celved such excellent pntronaRe that
on several occasions It has been nec
essary to revlec the gcfhdule to ac
commodate ad'Hltona! trains. In the
eastern stales the multlpHcu'lun r'
trolley linos has derrea.'.! tho pA.r
cnger traffic on the steam mart, but
the latter have felt' so marked an In-
crease In freight traffic thut the pas
senger loss has been more than com
pensated in earnings.
,A very largo delegation from A'.
bany visited Portland last wek fo
a double purpose. First, tho city
council came to Investigate the sub
ject of paving, and as a result Albany
will Immediately begin the permanent
Improvement of , her main streets.
Then the committee representing the
Albany Commercial club completed
arrangements with" Bury I. Dasent to
take charge of the city's publicity
or as manager of the club, May 1.
Mr. Dasent Is now advertising man
ager of the Portland Railway. Llht
Power company, secretary of the
Rose Festival association, and Secre
tary of the Pacific Coast Advertising
Men's association, and his experience
will make his work effective.
Fred Houxh Tliroun From Hwsc and
His Hand Broken.
Sunday morning the horse ridden
by Manager Fred M. Housh, became
frightened- by an automobile and gave
a first-class exhibition r,r - m-k.t .
horse fresh from the range can do In
the way of bucking. The first Jump
Mr., Housh bald, his own, the second
his hand 'Was' broken, the third the
saddle turned and he was precipitated
the ground, his fsce bajly bUed
and the ligaments of the hand torn
loose. While he will probably carry
a bad hand and a black eye for some
time, it Is hoped that nothing serious
will result from the fall.
Mr. Housh was able to be about the
city yesterday afternoon, and In spite
of his suffering wore a smiling face.
. Costly Fire at MUton.
Pendleton, April 27. Fire destroy
ed the opera house and two dwellings
this afternoon at MUton, In the ex
treme eastern part of the county. The
loss Is estimated at 210,000. Proper
ty in the Immediate vicinity was seri
ously threatened for a time.
Frost Tonight. '
The weather bureau predicts
killing frosts for tonight.; . Tb
cold winds and . snow flurries
this afternoon give weight to
the prediction. j.'j. (-.,-.
Fro!!!wvZeVRr'"IVr,'"nl F-"" "me he was rendered un
FrontUMwV ,le. Mowed ,, congtlou, y . W6
and Great Damage Inflicted on the from a blunt Instrument In th. hand.
Lnemy-Turk. Massing on Border.; of a thug .nd robbed of 2200 in "he
I Division street cut on the night of his
Vienna, April 27. Terrific flghtlna- rti
Susso PerV" T T"'
I nusso-Perslan frnn n Th.
iorea as mysterious y as it had been
.Th orth0e T? reKln ,08t Whe" h9 fe fr"m
2 L th n , ' 1S r""n r6nch "ear He,en' Mon'. Aprn 21.
against the Russian force, now about and sprained hi. ankle.
l?TvenVnt the" Untry t0 H0W h "covered consciousness af
punlsh the Kurd, for raiding the ter being beaten Into Insensibility by
czar , territory. the footpad, where he went afterward
The Cossacks continue to hold their and how he came to be working on a
eoTn n?, " very-crMlcal' ac- ranch .n.Montan. are alike problem,
cording to dispatches here from St. which are shrouded In the deepest
Petersburg. Available military forces mystery." The victim of this remark-'
In striking distance of the theater of able experience reached Spokane on '
righting, are exhausted and the ores- a NArth.n. r .......
ent body In the field will fight out It.
own salvation. The Cossack. , with
modern machine guns, have no trou
ble In battering down villas wall.
and Inflicting heavy loss on the ene
my, out are overwhelmed by
weight of numbers. . I
The continued maiming of Turkish
ir.iops on tne sultan's frontier ureatlv.
adds to the czar's apprehensions.
Grand Duke Nlcholalvltch has de.
parted for the C'aufusus, presumably
to take charge of the military forces, Dr,Sm . nlgUtr A I ws. passing .
In that region. ,; , through ttio fjcH vv tih- piv(8ln
, "-' '"'"treot I heard the sound 6i tMl''pZ
"-- -- . . ' j "teallng.up behind me. I npected v.
Anotlier Sii.M k Was A-it. ", j'obbwy and was Just on the point" of
Hanford'. Cl April 27,-a earth-' l""1" roUntf"t0' rt. Whvtl i ya.
quake shock was felt here at rfi,.i,
.ms morning but there was no dam
age. At Coaling, the shook was heav-'
Icr. , j
I IT I every pltlz?n to sj
II hi..'. . ...
i iuw euwns win esteem him for his goodness, j,aridhls usefulness. ' The principles of j;
iood citizenship should constitute the code of rules ;
for every kind of business whether public or private. ; ;
This applies partlCLlarly to the drujl business, be.
cause, owing to the limited knowledge of the qualities j ;
of drugs by the general public. It follows that the re-
liability of the druggist Is the chief guarantee of I
good service. Z
La Grande m Oregon
Forme La Grande Man Wlio Myster
iously Disappeared la Spokane
Weeks Ago, Returns to His Home
nd Tells a Story That to Full of
Physical Phenomena Wae Hit oa
Head and Robbed Severe Fall,
Weeks After, Brings Back Senses;
Friends and relatives of OtorM
Harman, who lived tn La Orande and
who for the past several weeks" had
given up hope of 'hearing further
from the former La Grande man or
rounding his . mysterious dtsaoDear.
ance In Spokane some time ago,; ar
pleased to know that Harmon stllf
lives. .La Grande relatives have been
notified of the man's finding and re
turn through, telegrams and private
messages; '; The Spokesman-Review
explains the incident in detail as fol- .
lows: - '. ' '
Living for several weeks with his
mind an absolute blank, although to
all appearances his brain was In a
normal state, was tho strange psycho
logical experience undergone by Geo.
. . . .
......... "i-iuv i i run ih(q rinay
night and went at once to the home
of Charles L. Downer, E5 Montgomery
avenue, Mrs. Downer being his sis-
HI. reappearance Friday1 ntmM"-V.
came as a distinct surprise to his wife '
and friends. , K , ' ,
'After leaving the drug store with
this strana-er we went tn min-
plcfure show," said Mr. Harmon in f
rf lat!n ' "perlence. ."Coming out
1 aec,ued to wall home, a. It was a. .
I1' "ta 10 Ultconsclout, '
VuM Blrtgw Hint to , tutto-.?
"The next thing I knew 1 was Jy.
.(Continued on page I.) . ;
HAPPIMFCC tun Mnau 1
live and act that fef el- 1
' ,.?vJ;-r
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