EIGHT PAG: LTEXIXG OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, OREGON, SATURDAY, AFRIL 25, 1908. page Forn. la telle tveninj Otetfver Published dally except bunday. CURREY BROTHERS. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS Cnited Press Telegraph Ken ice. . 0aliy, per month ti Dally, single copy . OS Dally, ope year In advance ft. 50 Daily, els months, In advance... I.5J Weekly, one year In advance. . .11. do Weekly, six month. In adunce. .75 Entered at the postoffij at La Grande a second-clan matter. This paper will not publhft any ar ticle appearing over a nom rte plume Igned articles will be received lab led to the discretion of he editors Please sign your article and save dlt appointment . i. (' Advertising Rates. i ' ' DlapUy ti rates furnished upon application.) ',-'1 f' ': " Local reading notices lOo par line first Insertion; (o per line for each subsequent Insertion. Resolution of condolence, 6o a 11ns. . Cards of than!:, 6o a Una. La Grande Is already receiving , iiiucii vaiunuio nuvei tiaiita Hum tuv Booster campaign, , Nearly every pa t per in Jhe state has already ' men tioned the fact ' that La Grande" was out to "Do Things." It Is safe to say that La Grande has had more news paper space devoted to It the past three day, than It has received during . ha previous three months. The fol JpWlflf If a fair sample of the treat . meat hp ff(H (t the state Is accord' k1"S h l4 li -taken from jh,e Pendletofl East Orsgonlani La Grande is experiencing an In dustrial and commercial awakening such as has not been witnessed, east of the Blue Mountains in Oregon be fore. She Is going to have new set tlers If boosting and advertising and eggressive, wide-awake action will se "cure them. ' But La Grande has the advantage of having fruit and garden land right up to her doors. The land adjoining the city limits on all sides ' will support families on small tracts. Nature ha done much for her In that way. ' SOCIETY. . fcu-plH-ns-Guvlii. Harry D. Stephens of Hot Lake and Miss Mae Gavin of La Grande, were married in Baker City Wednesday eve ulng, April 22.' The Rev. Father Kerr officiated. The bride la well known In La Grande, having been one of the "Hello" girls for some ' time. . The happy couple expect to make their home at Hot Lake. MiHHloitcry Meeting. Tho Home and Foreign Missionary society of the Presbyterian church, met at the home of Mr. F. B. Currey yesterday afternoon. The topic under discussion was "India." Light refresh ments were served. i '' "X f. Kaffw KlaUli. '( , ,The Evening Kaffee Klatch wsa en tertained, by Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Scrog gln end Mr. and Mrs. A. Newlln, at the home of the former. The house was beautifully decorated with cher ry blossoms and tulips. Five hundred was the game and honors were won by Mrs. William Bohnenkamp and Jay Van Buren. ; : A Utt!MI iUilCHUUU MU S1'VU HilU Miss Mabel Williams and Mrs. W. W. Berry entertained the guests with sev eral musical ' selections. Thse pres ent were: ; - Messrs. and Mesdames A. V. An drews. W. W. Berry, William Bohnen kamp, E. E. Bragg, J. J. Carr, Robert Newlln, E. D. fielder, Jay Van Buren. Charles Vurplllat, Turner Oliver, Dr. 1J Mrs, Upton, Dr. and Mrs. McMll "., fjt, Bfld MM. Richardson, Dr. F. B. Moore, tc ti, C, F. Mor?, M.,, William Alllnson, Mrs. X M. Berry, miss Anson. Mabel Williams, Miss Burke, Dr. Price, , ' & 0 MARKET DAY SetlVCNIRS SATURDAY, APRIL 18 I will present each customer whose pur chases are $5.00 and more of any GOODS we carry, a beautifully framed Souvenir Picture 16x120, one only to each customer Special LOW Prices for Market Day on all my stock. You are cord ially invited to price my goods. See our Acme Range, best made. 'Phone Black 641 213 FIR STREET F. B. HAISTCN Thone Red 1161 1411,1413, 1415 "Adams Ave "What do we want with this vast, worthless area? hat can we ever hope to do with a coast of three thousand miles, rockbound, cheerless, and uninviting, without a harbor on it? I will never vote one cent from the public treasury to place the Pa cific coast nearer Boston than It Is today." ThuB spoke the learned and eloquent Daniel Webster In the sen ate of the United States, with refer ence to a bill before congress, In op posing a bill to establish a mall serv ice between the Missouri and the Pa cific. ' Had Daniel Webster been per mitted to look upon the booster meet ing Wednesday night, when that 13500 was raised, he would have blushed , I for shame. : The Union county public schools will receive $4000 this year from the atate. Only eight other counties In pe state receive more than this amount, and 18 smaller amounts. ' ad the Oregon school funds been 1 tirlven the proper attention and pro ' Action, Union county's appropriation, " well as that of every other county ' I the state, would have received , (any times this paltry sum. A great rime ha been committed in .this J'Vate In allowing the waste of the pJtte public funds, and a great wrong 01 m been Inflicted upon the school " Udren of Oregon. :' . 4.1 LCVTe are now In Anniversary Surprise Party.-'' Mr, and Mrs. Cj C. Bull were agree ably surprised last night by It friends. The cause for the event was the first wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bull. Games and cards were the amusements of the evening, and after a dainty luncheon, the guests present ed Mr. and Mrs. Bull with a hand some picture. Those present were: Misses Dorothy Zuber, Nora Frits, Justin Clark, Ivy Long, Bess Good nough, Leila Day, Anne Alexander, Lulu Gulling, Mrs. Lloyd Scilber, Mrs. C. Bull, Messrs. Noyes, Glllllan, Pfelf. er, Bay, Scrlber, Bull. Juvenile Musknle. The Juvenile Musical was entertain ed this afternoon by Mrs. Fred B. Currey at her home at 801 P street. ine little people were given a most enjoyable afternoon and those who participated in the program, without exception, did themselves, as well as their teachers, great credit. Refresh ments were served after the rendition of the program. About 30 little folks were present. a position to land e payrolls. Remember, It Is the Tolls which build cities. Wipe out . ' t payrolls of La Grande today and would not have very much of a left. . La Grande has the basis of DENTIST. Dr. W. P. McMillan. Red 881. Painless f (traction. Expert golO work. Special attention to children's teeth. La Grande National Bank Building. SUMMONS. ,ty of no less than 10,000 within next five y do It. year. Payrolls will am on 'Ti ( alt hosieaperybody should raise a bed of jlar.at r" tnU y"r- . We n"'t a grand lde . ' show last year. How would It thafn 'Have the display this time on the es 0 lat' R"l'e off a section and make lonlijj Pg of our Saturday afternoon feat- .. Th, would bring In all of the fUmt of the valley ,nd woultl be nal( apPto th how a a crowd imtn hsse . v., iv, fm nrt IT-Ia. It a to fir.t-1 awuion. 1. i the clt iM nm rani n... . . "A.A.X 1 Mau," ectlon. , -f.-iM na oeen engaged in r. ins lines after the Pendleton E. O. rtrlo V I d a flvo In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Union County. Samuel T. Boo the, plaintiff, vs. Myr tle Boothe, defendant. To Myrtle Boothe, the Above Named Defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you art hereby summoned and re quired to appear in the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Union coun ty, and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause on or before the 2nd day, of May, 1908, or In default thereof the plaintiff, will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, to-wit: for a decree of tho' court declaring the marriage contract between plaint iff and defendant null and void, and for uch other, and further relief a may be agreeable to equity and good conscience.' Thl lummon I served by publi cation thereof for six consecutive weeks In the Evening Observer, a dally newspaper of general circulation published at La Grande, Union coun ty, Oregon, by order of Hon. Thomas Crawford, judge of the abova entitle court, made and entered on the list day of March, 10. R. H. LLOYD, ' Attornsy for PlMntlff. alsten. rscent . 1 Evsnlng Observer lie per month. TAFT-BRADLEY MEN FIGHT. Congressional Convention Seat of Bit- t- Political Warfare. , Newport, Ky., April . 25. A bitter battle is being waged today at' the congressional district convention be tween adherents of Secretary Taft and Senator-elect Bradley, whose men favor Instructions . for. vice-president Fairbanks. -The' Taft men took pos session' of the hall ' and locked the doors) barring the Fairbanks forces. Later in the day the police cleared the hall and then admitted all the dele gates. ' SUSPECTED ASSASSIN. Supposed Assassin Caught in Oakland and Held for Examination. San Francisco, Cal April 25. One of the men who blew up ex-SupervIa or Gallagher's house In Oakland Wed' nesday night, Is said to be In the cus tody of the police and that a confes slon has been secured. The arrest was made last night by Detective Peterson and the man was taken,, closely guarded, to the station and questioned. It Is said the : evi dence Is strong against the arrested man. No one is allowed to see him. cww i liiYjIV ouuKirti in N Lrt mm NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executors of the estate of John Hug, deceased, have filed in the county court of the state of Oregon, for Union county, their final account In said estate and that the said court has appointed Monday, May 4, 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m., and the court house In La Grande as the time auyl place of hearing objections and the settlement thereof. i AUGUSTUS F, HUG, BENJAMIN F. HUG, ROBERT H. LLOYD, Executors. 4-t-tt . ' Attorney for Estate. ,New Quarters. Remember the Grande Ronde Cash Meat company has moved its North Fir street shop to Its new quarters. Just across the street Call and see the new shop. For Bent. 820-acre farm on Bandrldge rent cheap, ee us at once. BLACK BRAMWELL. for Horses for Sale. Inquire of A, E. Brunson, agent, for Portland Livestock Insurance association, La Grande, Oregon. Call at Som- mer hotel. t, PHOTOGRAPHS, THE SORT THAT PLEASE YOUR FRIENDS AND YOUR PURSE. MODEHN POSING A SPECIALTY. . Call at Studio and see sam ple) of l'p-k-I)iue Photography. MISS ADA ROl'SH, 4 nobnonkamp Building. 4 444 44444 . ' . 444 44444 THE i BAND (MEM two hours in Anon I G AT 4$$Q$$-$$ 44S4$44444$ H4&4m444444444'$- 4- THE DEMAND FOR PROPERTY IN I. v 06 ' . irv vvv irv vx rv n v mi n m b www w r n KIVMSIM ADDITION. NEAR THE BIG SAW "" t has become so great, that it has been decided to advance the price on lots in that addition. By comparing the prices at which lots in Rlvirslde Addition have been sell-, ing, with the prices of similar property in other sections of the city, it will be found that lots in Riverside Addition have been selling at too low a figure. Before advancing the price, however, it has been deemed only fair to give due warning to those who have been contemplating buying, but who have been- delaying from time to time,-therefore TAKE NOTICE ; that during the remsi :der ofttis month; (April); prices will remain the same as here tofore but on the first day of May. there will be a general advance of 10 per cent in 4 ; : pices, there.ora all those who wish to take advantage of this advance must huv this. t ' month. - f !- j . t ovai '"aucements will be given those who build this season houses cosi ng $1000.00 or more. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CALL 0Nr MILLER & CEINTS LA GRANDE REAL ESTATE ASS0CiATI0Nr NO. 1107 ADAMS AVENUE, LA GRANDE, OREGON WE N V ,r.. hm f m