La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 20, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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VL.- MHKti '' ;
1008. rcvK.
, Now is the time to fence your chickens in.
Gome and get some poultry fence, I have it in differ
ent kinds and all heights.
Just received a car extra Star A Star shingles.
They are first class.
Gall and see my souvenirs, 25c to $2.00 each.
They are nice presents to send to yout friends.
J. F; Johnson, the former proprie
tor of the Spokane cafe, but now In
business tn Pendleton, Is a La irande
visitor today. -
H. Stone of Arizona, arrived In La
Grande this morning. He has pur
chased a place near Elgin and expects
to make Union county his future home.
Mrs. T. J. Hughes, after spending
Sunday with friends and relatives in
La Grande, returned to Union this
' Jack Huston, editor of the Monday
Magnet of Pendleton, was in the city
on a short buHlness mission. He re
turned home this morning.
E. S. McComas of Union, was a pas- !
senger on this morning's train en route
I ... 4. ruuiriuu uj iransact uusiness De
fore the court.
XI Several Knights of Pythias expect
ti v leave iw Bauer vuy, tomorrow to
auena me aeaicauon or the new K.
of P. temple at that place.
Engineer E. Morgan left today for
Pendleton,, where he will meet a tlm-
'""ttttHII MMMMMMt
" : '
. . , ,
' ' LOCAL ITEMS. . V ' :
: '
. Miss Nina Hunstock returned from
a visit to Baker City.
Officer McLachlln went to Pendle
ton today on legal business. ,
C. C.-Epll. la firing the switch en
, glne In the local yards.
P. Harrison, an employe in the store
room of the O. R. A N., is ill and una
ble to be at his place of duty.
F. S. Bramwell returned this morn
, ing from a business trip to points In
. Attorney J. F. Baker went to Pen
dleton this morning to attend the ses
sion of the supreme court
- Former Express Agent Hlte left
last evening for Portland. From there
. he goes to Spokane, his home town.
J. H. Mimnaugh of Perry, was a
passenger this morning for Baker
Dr. George O'Connor left this morn
ing for Baker City to. look after bus
iness Interests there.
Jack Wills left for North Powder
this morning to accept a position In a
cigar factory. ,
Hon. Waiter m..- fierce leu uiia
morning for Baker City ' for j a few
days' business trip.:.
' Lavon Zundell was one of the La
Grande rooters at the Pendleton game
Sunday. He returned last evening.
Mrs. C. Uhl, who haa been visiting
In La Grande, returned to Kamela this
Mrs. Ray Patton of Huntington, ar
rived in the city this morning and will
be the guest of Mrs. J. W. Morelock.
Mrs. F. Newlin, who haa been visit
ing friends and relatives In Baker City
returned home this morning..
Mrs. J. F. Pound left this morning
for Umatilla, where she will visit
friends. ' t ' ' .
Some lady on Saturday left a black
fur boa at Solder's candy and Ice
Harry F. Rese, formerly In the O.
R. & X. passenger service, has ac
cepted the position as night express
Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Stetnkamp of
Granite, arrived tn La Grande last
evening. Mr. Stelnkamp Is visiting
friends In Island City today.
Frank Brown, the Walla Walla gro
cer, la home from the Garden City to
spend a , few days here with rela
tlves. "-
The remains of the late Mrs. W. M.
Qulnn, passed through La Grande
Sunday morning en route for Chicago,
where Interment will be made. Mr.
Qulnn and daughter, Miss Mildred, ac
companied the remains.
The Pendleton W. O. W. team. In
charge of Captain . A. O. Carden, re
cently of this city, passed through La
Grande yesterday morning to Pendle
ton, after attending the log rolling at
Baker City.
The dozen La Grande Woodmen of
the World who attended the log roll
ing at Baker, City Saturday afternoon
and night, returned home yesterday.
They speak enthusiastically of the
All those who take part in the
choruses of the Tuesday Muslcale to
morrow evening, are requested to meet
in the club rooms this ' evening at 1
ber locator and will tour the reserves
of Umatilla county.
. All Knights of Pythias are request
ed to be at their lodge room tonight,
when several state officials will be
O. R. A N. Agent J. H. Keeney went
on to Pendleton yesterday morning
from Baker City. He saw the srame
at the Wheat Town yesterday and re-1 s,"ec!:
paie in me uioson pictures at o ciock.
I cream parlors. Owner. may call there caused by the
and get it. Agent Hlte.
turned last night
Bishop Paddock will preach and
confirm a class on Tuesday evening at
7:30, In St Peter's church. He will
arrive Tuesday' morning from Union,
where ha spent the past few days.
P. V. Stiles of Harrlsonvllle, O., ar
rived In the city last evening to visit
his brother, . Joe Stiles. The two
brothers had not seen each other for
more than 12 years.
A. E. Eaton of Union, was a passen
ger on this morning's train, en route
to Salem, where he goes on business
connected with his donation to the
Willamette university.
George Hlbbert of Salt Lake, has
I mu yu"e"iun Vi uie express ozuce
in mis city. He fills , the vacancy
resignation of former
O. W. Moon; familiarly known as
Dad," and who la the veteran engi
neer on the O. R. A N. system In east
ern Oregon, visited La Grande friends
yesterday. The old engineer is now
running on the Pilot Rock branch.
Although he ran the first engine into
the Grande Ronde valley, he Is still
able to sit at ' the throttle. He re
turned to Pendleton last evening.
District Attorneys F. 8. Ivanhoe left
Sunday night for Pendleton, where he
goes to conduct the prosecution in the
case of the State vs. W. R. Deal, who
is charged with the larceny of a horse,
the property of Mr. Hawtey. A change
of venue was taken from this county
to Umatilla. Attorney J. D. Slater,
Mr. Deal's counsel, also went over on
last night's train.
J. B. Eaton of Union, was a Sunday
. Attorney J, H. Raley of Pendleton
is here today on land office business.
B. F. Owsley, who for several years
has been located at C'oifax, Wash., is
here today.
It looks very much as though 15
cent eggs Is a thing of the past for,
this year. We notice signs, "20 cts.
paid for eggs." . ' -:
Mr. Robertson, who has been In La
Grande installing telephones . in the
newer cabooses, left today for Uma
tilla. In all, there are about 15 ca
booses supplied with this convenient
apparatus. ', .
A party of Pilot Rock people had
business In the land office today.
They are: Joseph Shields, O. T.
Mansfield, O. A.', Replnger, t. L. Mc
Ellchancey and C. A. Johnson.
Mrs. Margaret E. Herri n, grand
deputy of the Degree of Honor, came
In last night from Portland and Went
to Elgin this morning, expecting to
be back ' here Thursday . evening,
where she will be a guest of Mrs. Mary
Ellsworth. i
Machinist and Mrs. Frank Leavltt,
and Night Round House Foreman
and Mrs. D. Jackson expect to leave
tomorrow morning for an extended
trip through California. They will be
l Hsn FrencWft rttirln flMt vuk
and will witness the imposing Bight
of seeing the Atlantic fleet sail Into
the Frisco harbor.
Harry Myers, accompanied by his
parents, will leave this evening for
Grants Past, where they expect to lo
cate. Harry says ha wilt give that
section of the state a careful investi
gation, and if he finds It as represent
ed, he will locate, otherwise he will
return to La Grande with the expec
tation of spending the remainder of
his days In the Grande Ronde valley,
- uncie- ueorga Webb came over
from Pendleton Saturday night to
spend several days with his daugh
ter, Mrs. Annie . Stevens. He is In
Mrs. J. M. McCall, who haa been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clyde
Belts In Eugene, will go to California
to attend fleet week festivities and to
visit her daughter, Mrs. Lillian Kin
ney. ''.''" ,
V, H. Blcakncy of Pendleton acad
emy, addressed an audience of 400 at
Elgin yesterday. The services were
occasioned by Easter . .Sunday, on
which day the Elgin Masons always
bring Mr. Bleakney there to conduct
the services. The reverend gentleman
will be In La Grande tonight en route
to his homo.
FOR SALE Buss Leghorn eggs. ...,d
dollar for. each setting. Telephone
to Red 213.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned as administrator de bonis
non (with the will annexed) of the
estate of Mellnda Wardwell, deceased,
will, by virtue of an ordor of the
county court of Union county, state of
Oregon, made on the Sth day of April,
1S0J, empowering him to do so, from
and after the lth day of May, 1S08,
sell at private sale, for cash, lota
numbered 6 and t, of block numbered
2.'of Sterling's addition to the town
of Island City, in Union county, state
of Oregon, which aale will, be made to
obtain funds to pay, legacies and ex
penses ol auintnufirauon, auu muu :
property will be sold to the person of.
ferlng tha largest sum therefor. Per.
son desiring' to buy said property are
requested to communicate with me .at
my residence at said Island City, or
elsewhere. Bald aale will be made ac
cording to law and said order of court,'
. ' Administrator.
(To be published once a week (or
four successive weeks In the Evening
Attorneys for Administrator,
d6tAH-2S-30M7-14 '
splendid health, and always enjoys
visit in La Grande, where he made
his home so many years, and enjoys
such a large loyal circle of friends.
Tha Observer always first with tha
news, .
nlng. '
pictures. Tomorrow ; eve
Laundry Soap, 7 bars 25c
Hundreds have received numerous articles
FREE from our Bargain Basement. WHY
and redeem them as cash In the BARGAIN
BASEMENT. They cost you nothing and will
buy you MUCH.
Wooden Ware
Common Clothespins, per dozen ...lo
The U. 8. spring Clothespins, made of hard
wood, with spring on each side and made
to clasp the line, per dozen 7 Ho
Block matches, per bunch lo
Saginaw Parlor Matches, 600 in box, having
the safety tip, making them easy ' to
- ; strike and yet keeping them from popping
and sputtering; per box ........ V Bo
' Woden Potato' Mashers, each . ... .9c
Wooden Spoons, each ............. I.. . . . .5c
Wash Boards, a very . good quality board;
is made of zinc and ,well worth more
money; each V.. .. . t.'.f ..'.J ........ .28o
Darning Cotton, 6 for ..Bo
The Golden Rule Co.
NOTIONS , Coat and Hat Hooks, per dozen ...... ;.i..8o . I
TINWARE . ' : :' B
DISHES , fOr ' I
!aE oargams
argatn Basement
Worth More Than Face Value
Our large stock of Goods In the Bargain Basement Is sold at startling prices, and t cents
there means 10 cents elsewhere. Come and be convinced. WE WILL PAY YOU for your trouble, as
a few prices will convince.
Dry Goods
A high-grade Calico, in the best colors and
patterns, per yard Ti Bo.
The best quality apron Gingham in small
and large checks c
A good assortment of Lawn for children's
and ladles' spring dresses 7c
A good, substantial cotton lace, 12 yards In
bunch, per bunch 25c
Clark's O. N. T. Cotton, per spool 4c
Silk, a high grade, per spool 8c
Embroidery Silk, two skeins Be
Gents Furnishings
A good grade 'of Hats, each 98c
An odd end lot of Hats 48c
An excellent line of work Shirts, In black
and white stripes, or In other colors,
A few d.-ess Shirts, each , , .4 Ho
Odd end lot of work Shoes , ,$ljtS
Odd end lot of Slippers 28o
Boys' Canvas Shoes, per pair 4Xc
Tennis Shoes, per pair 99c
Small In sound, BIG IN MEANING You
receive one coupon with each cash purchase
of $1,00, at the GOLDEN RULE STORE. IT
brings you more than face value In THE BAR
Tinware and Notions
Tea Strainers, each .......3o
Tea Kettle Knobs, each lo
Soup Strainers, each '. 4o
Wire Soap Stands, each 4o
Wire Dish Mops, each 9o
Graters,, each, from 7c to ISo
10-quart "galvanized Bucket, good weight 22o
12-quart galvanized Bucket, good weight 2So
14-quart galvanized Bucket, good weight 28c
Paring Knives, each 4o
Tin Cups, two for Bo
And hundreds of other kitchen articles at
Just such low prices.
57 piece Dinner Set of Dishes $5A3
... .y, . r. . ;. . . r., , ...
These Dishes are Firsts and Semi-Porcelain, of the best English ware, made
V by Johnson Bros, ' the Elite pattern? ind are great ' values at that
. ' . money. - " "'.', . ' ' : ', ;' ;.'
, . ,10c
, . . 13c
, ...4c
2 'A -yard bundles of fancy crepe paper
100 paper Napkins
Shelf paper, per bunch '
Xenf Toilet Paper kc
This paper Js of the best quality. In 8-oz.
rolls containing 500 sheets, and la both sani
tary and economical. ,
Granite Ware
2-quart Royal Granite Saucepan
4-quart Royal Granite Saucepan
t-quart Royal Granite Saucepun ..... . .
......... 43o
1 68c
Wo have a large line of fancy baskets ranging In price from .. ,.7c to 7o