La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 20, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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V .v.
li telle Evening Observer
Published dally except bunday.
Col ted Praia Telegraph Service,
aiJy, per month ..
Dally, single copy OS
Caily, one year In advance $8.50
Dally, alx months, tn advance... t.5i
Weekly, one year In advance. . .11.00
Weekly, six months. In adttnee. .75
Entered at the postotflJi at L
Grande as second-class matter.
This paper will not publlVi any ar
ticle appearing over a nom le pum
Signed articles will be received sib
feet to the discretion of -he editors
Please sign your articles and save oil-appointment
Advertising Rates.
Display td. rates furnished upon
' Local reading notices 10c per line
Orst insertion; Ic per Una for each
Subsequent Insertion.
Resolutions of condolence, So a line.
Cards of thanks, to a Una.
Every business man and property
owner in ims city siiouiu iicai . Twii
Richardson. It Is not putting it too
strong to say that Portland's growth
the past few years dates from the time
that Tom Richardson took up his work
of boosting. He was the man more
than' any one else who wiped away
the strife of various points In the
state against Portland. It waa "the!
Portland hog" for years, but we dOj
not hear this kind of talk of latej
years. The state at large Is proud of j
Portland's wonderful growth and the
Portland business men are doing what
they can to see all sections of the state
grow. It is a mutual benefit.
. i
It Is time to commence thinking of
and planning for a Fourth of July cel
ebration. As a nest-egg there Is a
balance of something over $100 In the
treasury, left over from the last one.
La Grande should never let another
Fourth go ty without celebrating.
That does not mean that none of our
citizens should not visit other places.
but we owe it to our citizens. Here
we are a city of 6000 people and under
the most carefully laid plans it is
hardly possible for more than 800 or
10U0 of our people to ever get away
This leaves 5000 of our own people
I without the educational advantages of
I a properly conducted Fourth.
It wan a clean, gentlemanly contest
between Mr. Cake and cnator Fu'.ton
as fur fts they were personally con
cerned. Two years ago whi'n Mr.
Cake wan defeated he took the stump
for Senator Bourne, demonstratlng
that he waa equally a good loser as he
was a winner. In this ca.mpulgn he
Is entitled to the support of every
supporter of Mr. Fulton, and there la
no question but that he will receive It.
It Is no wonder that horse buyers
come to Union county for their fine
stock. The question has been asked
the past few months, when It was gen
erally known thut carload after car
load of horses have been shipped out
of this valley, where they all come
from. The many fine horses In the
parade on . Saturday answered that
question to the satisfaction of all.
The success of Market day on Satur
Lday should result In continuing this
day legularly, not less than once each
month. It proves another 'thing, that
La Grande business men are the ones
to conduct It. It requires no outside
booster to make a Market day a sue
cess In La Grande.
Statement No. 1 was the chief Issue
In most of the counties and with very
few exceptiona was victorious through
out the state. This will never be an
Issue again. In the future each and
every candidate for the legislature will
favor It.
"Mr. Cake will have my unqualified
support, and I will ask my friends to
give him theirs." Senator Fulton.
Now let us get together and have
SATURDAY, APRIL 18 I will present each customer whose , pur
chases are $5.00 and more of any GOODS we carry, a beautifully framed
Souvenir Picture 16x120, one only to each customer
Special LOW Prices for Market Day on all my stock. You arc cord
ially invited to price my goods. See our Acme Range, best made.;
Thone Black 641
7 hone Red 1161
1411, 1413, 1415 Atoms Ave.
Henderson & LaPrincesse
Habit Back Corsets.
Mme. Burt Expert Corset Fitter will be with us
Monday and Tuesday, April 20th and 21 st.
We invite the ladies of La Grande and vicin
ity to visit our Corset department and meet Mme.
Burt She will take pleasure in explaining the
superiority of Henderson and La Princesse double
front laced corsets in a way that will'app:al to
every woman who is a lover of good dress.
Be sure and visit our Gorset department when
Mme Burt is with us, evn if you are not in need
of a corset at this time. Gonsultation and fitting
free. . .
the band out every Saturday afternoon
and evening.
Cherry trees In bloom on Easter this
Well Known La Grande Lady Died In
Portland Saturday.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs,
W. M. Qulnn were shocked Saturday
evening to learn of the death of Mrs.
Qulnn In Portland, after a short Ill
ness occasioned by an attack of ap
pendlcltls. The body was shipped to
Chicago, passing through here yes.
terday morning.
Mrs. Qulnn was a resident of this
city for several months, coming here
with her daughter. Miss Mildred, to
Join her husband who was then mak
ing his headquarters in La Grande
while acting as signal service superin
tendent. While here the family
formed many warm friends.
Mrs. Qulnn was a musician of a
high calibre, a friendly personage who
made friends with all she met. The
family moved to Portland recently.
La Grande friends of the family
join in extending consolations to the
living members of the family which
was visited by death in such an un
timely manner.
College I'rayor Morthifrs.
Prayer meetings will be held Tues
day afternoon at 2:30 In the western
district at the following places: A. T.
Hill, Third Btreet. Mr. Anderson's.
corner Adams avenue and Cedar
street. H. J. Hockenberry's, Third
street, and at Mrs. Sander's, on Flint
street, at 7:30 p. m.
Eastern Section.
Cottage prayer meetings will be
held in the eastern part of town on
Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 at the resi
dence of Mrs. J. K. Wright, with Mrs.
J. E. Stevenson as leader, and on
Tuesday evening at the residence of
James Hough, with Mrs. Matthews, as
of the new K. of P. castle hall there
tomorrow afternoon and evening.
A Thousand Dollars' Worth of Good.
A. H. Thurnes, a well known coal
operator of Buffalo, O., writes: "1
have been afflicted with kidney and
bladder trouble for years, passing
gravel and stones with excrucatting
pain. I got no relief from medicine
until I began taking Foley's Kidney
Cure, then the result waa 'surprising.
A few doses started the brick dust like
fine stones and now I have no pain
across my kidneys and I feel like a
new man. It has done be 1 1000 worth
of good." A. T. Hill.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Union County.
Samuel T. Boothe, plaintiff, va. Myr
tle Boothe, defendant.
To Myrtle Boothe, the Above Named
In the name of tha state of Oregon,
you are hereby summoned and re
quired to appear in the circuit court
of the state of Oregon, for Union coun
ty, and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled cause
on or before the 2nd day of May,. 1908,
or In default thereof the plaintiff will
apply to the court tor the relief
prayed for tn the complaint, to-wit:
for a decree of the court declaring
" - ...... V
fcl.O i, 14..,..U kWU.t.kb fc. . b . T " f U .........
Iff and defendant null and void, and
for such other and further relief as
may be agreeable to equity and good
conscience. ' .
Thla aummons la served by publi
cation thereof for six consecutive
weeks In the Evening Observer, a
dally newspaper of general circulation
published at La Grande. Union coun
ty, Oregon, by order of Hon. Thomas
Crawford, Judge of tha above entitled
court, made and entered on the 21st
day of March, 190S.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Too much time obtaining Information
from uncertain sources, unless you are
using Polk's Gazetteer of Oregon and
Wsahington, complete Information of
every town In the two states and a
classified business directory.
Do Not Trifle
With a Cold
TsotwI advice for men and mm n
may be vital in the case of a child. Long
experience hat proven that there is noth
ing better for colds in children than
Cough Remedy
It U a favorite with many mothers and
never disappoints them. It contains no
opidm or other narcotic and may be given
with implicit confidence. .
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
March 2, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that James
Brady,, of Starkey, Oregon, has filed
notice of his intention to make flsj
five-year proof In support of h(
claim, viz: Homestead entry No. 12U
made April 14, 1961, for lots 1 and I,
and BVs of NWVi, section 81, town
ship 8 south, range 85, E. W. M., and "
that said proof will be made before
the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on April 22, 1908.
He names the fallowing witnesses
o prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of the land, viz: Elam
Jones, John M. Jones, Ben Hagey, Jeff '
Ayers, all of Starkey, Oregon.
F. C. BRAMWELL. Register.
has become so great, that it has been decided to advance the price on lots in that
addition. ,
All Mail Will Be Distributed In the
Evening Hereafter.
A pleasing arrangement haa again
been made at the postofflce In this
city, and by It the patrons will re
ceive a much improved service. From
now on the Incoming malls will be
distributed the same evening, and not
the morning after. The mall from No.
and from No. 5 will be distributed
Immediately after Its arrival. Not
only will the first-class matter be
placed In the respective boxes, but all
second-class matter will be distribut
ed. The work will be done by Arthur
Van Fleet and Don Scott, each work-
in galternate weeks.
Ua, Grande,1 'Oregon
v :
Society Gibson pictures.
Several 1 1 lull orricluN of K. of P,
IHlg Coming llre Tonight.
Several prominent KnlKhts of Pyth
las will be in La Grande tonight and
local officers of that order art trying
to get a large number of members
out. There will be no banauet. hut
work In the second degree and ad
ureses oy me vixlttng officials, will
constitute the evenlne's attraction
Among those who will come are W,
M. Wall, grand chancellor; L. It. Stln
son. grand keeper of records nnd seal
and the supreme represenatttve. They
will arrive on tonight's train. Early
tomorrow, accompanied by local mem
bers of the order, the visitors will go
to Haker City to attend the dedication
By comparing the prices at which lots in Riverside Addition have been sell
ing, with the prices of similar property in other sections of the city, it will be found
that lots in Riverside Addition have been selling at too low a figure.
Before advancing the Drice. however, it has Wn AacmaA nnUi a,,
s j - - - 7 - - wv. u uui.iuy Vlllj ICbll J ITS UUV .7
warning to those who have been contemplating buying, but who have been delaying
fro.Ti time to time, therefore
that during the remainder of this month (April), prices will remain the same as here
tofore, but on the first day of May there will be a general" advance of 10 per cent in
prices, therefore all those who wish to take advantage of this advance must buy this
month. . ,
Special inducements will be given those who build this season houses cost
n $1000.00 or more.