' T-rr.rrr p.vrJM.-," ' ' - - - " ' v ' ' " i ' " V '' EVEXIXG O 'TVFR. LA GR.VXDE. OREGON. gATTBDAY, A PRIX 18, 108. " ) " j ! EVEXIXG O fUVFU. LA GKAXDE. OREGOX, 8ATCRDAY, APRIL It, 108. FACE EIGHT. 'i . :. , .);.: I ' . ' ; .' ' " : . , T .. i.. i r ' biuwii, 1.IH.IIII. I ill w I i CH1LDERS ARE IT Ready CRAWFORD AliB ----- a A I un i snn I I Mi m i bc ! I Are You for it ? I f occasion, Every possible preparation has been made by us tojupply your demands for this Our stocks are now complete In all departments and the world of fashion is completely represent-, . ed in this exhibition ot ' SPRING STYLES FOR 1908. , Ill A lR . -' v 5- - Newest Tailored tunic and Sfreef Suits a . i rnixciPAL fight ix DEMOCRATIC RAXKS fVAKM. Democratic Primaries Yesterday Full of tnuwst, Although All , tipeeula tlon ctnitci-ed on the Sheriff and Circuit Judgeship Races CliUdcrs Etif y Winner, and Crawford Is Nom inated by Comfortable Margin The FuU Ticket. District Judge T. ford. Easier Millinery Picturesque Modes : ....... ', r The designers who decide positively upon the world's millinery fashions have gone to the old masters in oil for this season's inspirations. We will have a special showing for SalurdsyV: COME AND SEE THEM. ' .,. , , ,. , 'J .:-:;--:v: :. ; " ' ' BEAUTIFUL WAISTS-NEW ARRIVALS-We can suit every taste and every purse. EVERYTtiING IN PIECE COODS-ll you have not already made up those Easter Gowns, there U still time, provided you hurry. , Come to our store and see all that is good 5 andhemitihilin these lines : OPERA? H OUSE E LOCK Sfdire MZ mh EA GRANDE, OREGON $ v ' c Donioeratlc Xomlmes. H. Craw Joint senator Turner OHvr. Joint representative W. W. Whits. Sheriff F. P. Chtlders. . Clerk A. B. Heulat. Recorder L. A. Oassett. . Commissioner Robt ; Bluro- enstein. . V,: . Assessor T. A. Rlnebsrt.. - . 8chool Superintendent E. E. 4 Bragg.-!; .. v.. 4 Coroner Dr. M. K. HalU ; C The democratic primaries yesterday were an Interesting -feature of the day" events. (Two1: offices . brought out mtich pre-supposltlon and predic tion, and In those twa races the dem ocratic Interest centered. They were the sheriff's race and the circuit Judgeship. In the former contest, the present incumbent, F. P. Chllders, was an easy winner over T. B. John son. , The district judgeship was a closer race for a time, but before mid night Judge Crawford left the returns hendiiuarters at The Observer office, .'ully satisfied that he had secured the nomination. Several names appear on the nomi nated list that were written In at the ,hi1Im. Among these are A. B. Heulat for coi-nty clerk, and M. K. Hall for coroner. These two men never en tered the field, as candidates, but se cured majorities that placed'them on the democratic ticket ct tho comlns June election. , . Horsei Market G)m1. Mordo McDonald, the Walla Walla horse salesman, reports that liuslnepf has been very active In his line the past season. Ho has recently placed everal carloads of No. 1 horses. The ale of Shorthorns from his . State Line farm, has also been good, ho having disposed of everything but ont roan and one white bull. He says people have a tendency to shy at the white follow but, as Is , often the case, it Is the best Individual he has yet raised. Rural Spirit. Tonijiy's market day ami stuck show the residents of the valley. tho valley. We believe It a safe asser- rtnarljf demonstrated that La Grando I Fnrmera and townspeople alike,', lion that no other county . in the state JUHlrl-ss men require no aasltance! thoroughly enjoyed today's festivities, could upon such short notice produce troit traveling fakirs to make a dem-IThe showing made was a credit to the such a splendid exhlblton 'of fine pVyiratIoh wjt)tyof the: attention vf 'promoters as well as the resources of, stock. . ... , t .i '..i wiiwh tm i.n-antljti mm i ': l' - ' mtiilMiii ii i n Mm . i ii .mm 1 A Twenty Year -'(Mitr-noe. . "I have. Just completed a 20-yea'-suntencs. Imposed by-Bucklen's Arni ca Salve, which curod me of bleed ing piles Just 80 years ago," writes O i. . Woolever of LeRaysville, N. t Bucklen'B Arnica Salve heals the worst sores, bolls, burns, wounds and cuts in the shortest .lime. 25c at Newlin's drug store. " I Baking PowdcrV H with Royalfiiy Cream of Tartar '. i I delicious food for every f i - v iiimu; rvrr v v n. at'A Ait . I- '- X' ainnianapB05paaieiuiiHi raNJ(iiiri2rjK5i r -. ..I uuuilWnBlll"lIP? sYK I l I ' (SB ssSB tm m mm. mm mm w i. 1 4U: . .1 if. .l . -A. T I f A 1 1 1 1 ) IVrt Y i I h,m ii m-r i a i. - ' -. : :. ,. ...... , : v , ...j X I I The universal expressions of satla- f II . 1 ; faction at today's stock and market ; """ y ,11 ' I j II I i EXPERIcMCE I I : j joatsoluta satis- money ' '1 five days in the ! " 'I : .. .1 ii irtji of lioo.U . ' 1 i lowatfcftrt J J :j rites?' "I X i n I' -i!il."L!a..a!-'-fMtf" 1IMC LJ Lj Lj LU j L-w Syrup Pleasant to take and does not gripe or nauseate, Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble Stimulation Without Irritation. Omxo Lftxatlva Fruit Syrup is a new laxative syrup combined with the deli eioui flavor pi fruits, and is very pleas ant to take. " It will not gripe or sicken! r It is much more pleasant and effective than Pills. Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or : irritate tne iiidueyi, laver or vowels.. Constipatloh. Oarao Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tivelv care chronic constioation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem- porary relief but the stomach is upset and tho bowels are irritated witnout any permauent boneiit having been derived The condit ion of the patient remains un changed, lnebtomacn, Liver and bowels liavo not been stimulated and in a lew days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This is why Pills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the txrwels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO Is different. . Omxo laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acta : upon ' all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read ily bo seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organs can not cure Chronic Oonstipation,Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, eto. For Biliousness and SlcK -. 4, ; Headache. Take Oiirso Laxative Fruit Syrup. II sweetest the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion. Obtko Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the ..liver and thoroughly cleanses the system, and clears the complexion of pimples' and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe ot sicken. Kef use substitutes. OUR GUARANTEE TaKe ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and If you are not satisfied your money will be refunded Prpard only by POLtY CO., Chloago Ilk day have Imbued local business men ..,( with a spirit . of boost -und early next week a meeting of business men will be called to formulate . snni . plan which will niean an attraction of some sort each Saturday of the month, and if (ygS COffCCtly ni'iv o.mn i.uu limine i uu. ,iiv svery month. Today's event demon strated what can tc done In this line. For the regular Saturday events, some mall feature will be worked out each lay, and in addition a public bund concert will be given every Saturday ifternoon during the uramer months. rhla will bring farmers to the city In much larger numbers and they will necessarily take on some of the thrift ind boom which the city has. HIST TOHACCO Till enormously Wealthy ToIhmv o Firm Is I jLmJ r.ichmond oned by ugaln April ii. Fright- by a jnass of evidineo gathered f' M st It by the government (officials! f'8' HlnW W. ind rather ;.thaiv .face,. a. UiaJ. in .New A; H- -'"rr.es. a well ir fork before the United states circiirt"opofa(rir "oT'Eii'ffaToT 0.rw 4tllt Dot nvt .f nr 1ft l I .... I . . I . . .-.v. ........ ...... . M1U lHlu ,1Vp Kmnci k , he American Tobacco company will bladder trouble for years 'issolve., The dlspylutioi) cf the $330 , , "' PasRlnX '00.000 company is 'pnictlc tsllv mimit- , f'iVi"! CTa,1'nf ed by the 'officials company S;iUi? toiUf fr,;m nuHlidno today, who would not allow any names " , ."an ,''.'klnK Fle; 's Khiney 0 he mentioned. '" n the rerall Wiis'surpriri1 ..This step is paid to have been ad- A fr'v Om;,. ,ki-1 , , ' " i Ised by the company's ntntrneys In r 8 ' ftr,td th W'-'k rtust llks i Washington, who are of thft opinion ."A now I have no mln s and I fuel m,e j i ihine be SI000 worth . : Hill. hat the company will hp' lijl;l?. unr. a.'r.Bis A-.y'dhtn. way. to forcible dissolution by the n -v m-n r ' ' eilernl government under the Phvr- .tas nan anti-trt-st lnw. of pood.'' ,, SN0DGRAS8 GROCERY j' J-l TASTER GODJOTI -i I i I Main 43 P'mw -. . 1 SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY iiitllililltt"-- "'"ill 4J J' 'mmmmm . JUf