EYEXW G BSERYER, LA GKAXDE, OREGON, SATTRDAY, APRIL 18. 1908. PAGE SEVEX. EIGHT TAGES. H V v : v l NEW GOODS NEW LOCATION ! Correspondence papr by th poand at J FERGUSON'S IDAHO KRHT PROSPECTS. XOTIIIXG IS TOO MICH TROUBLE. Victor Edison Columbia Why deprive the family any longer of the solid comfort you can get from a Phonograph. Better see Davis today compromise sentimentalize! crime. A cold-blooded. Inhumf Incarnate devil blows to pieces governor on the doorstep of his Is caught, confesses, and bef grave that .man is held as martyr to law and order. It i! aentlmentallsm that puts a hali )N MUSIC. CO. v the brown of the blackest sptJis Avenue ever escaped from the crypts o "At these times when 1 "preached as a tenet of party or, Hon, I say, to find this spirit lessness, this appetite for crlmd army Is startling beyond wordJ press." He said that certain memberi 2Sth Infantry were guilty of " delrberately planned and acco ed with deadly precision." t Spraying ami Attempting to Get a Good, Clean Crop Ttils Tear. The Fotae-Payette Fruitgrowers' union, which was organised here a short time ago. is doing a groat deal of active work toward having an ex ceptional clean fruit Corp this season' and this week received a carload of arsenic of lead for spraying purposes. This spray is for the especial purpose of killing the codlln moth and will be sold to the consumer at less than the average wholesale prire.'tho rata be ing about 25 cents for 50 gallon' of spray, which is less than half the price heretofore paiJ, Bays the EoWe Capital News. The fruit crop, as near as can be es timated at this time, promises a heavy yield this season, and the fruitgrowers will spare no pains in having the best quality of fruit that It Is possible to raise. ' An Informal meeting of a nun ber of the members of the Joard was held yesterday afternoon In the cham bers "of the Commercial . club, those present being Judge Wood, Charles Payne of Parma, C. C. Elffe of Pay ette, and C. J. Slnsel. The question of boxes, crates, baskets and paper was discussed at some length and It was found that excellent quotations had been offered the union on the large amount of material which will be needed. The union, buying as a whole, is able to save a large percen tage to the fruitgrower, both In prices that a greater profit will be realized from the fruit business than has here tofore been made. m No. 5;i uftflT. tiys frojjrtfi date. Notice is hereby given that there are now funds on hand to pay all out standing warrants issued on general fund of La Grande city, up to and in cluding No. 6844. endorsed January 7. 1S07. Interest on all warrants on general fund from 6544. Inclusive, c There are also riutnthe treasury to pay all warrants issued against water fund of La Orande city, up to and Including No. "397, endorsed Jan uary 10, 1908. interest on all war rants on water fund from No. 7334 to No. 397. inclusive, ceases from date of this call. La Grande, Oregon, April 10. 1908, J. K. WRIGHT, City Treasurer. , 44M LEADERS IN NEW TORT S MORE AN SUPPLY Y .Brynn ami Taft will Both Sm H Metropolis This Evening. H your land and New York, April SO. William with u for certain nlngs Bryan and Secretary of i . Taft are both In New York today by th CrM' both will deliver addresses heiUs, is to sell them. , night. Bryan comes here at thr for the purpose of meeting his who Is returning from Europe k Taft win address a meeting of men missionaries at Carnegie hTATE, LOAN, P WTOMMlSSION cc. U ' MtMNIMIWfMtW1 YOUR WORK Is what we want. We dont call on you one week for it and tell yeu the next we cannot do it for you. We want it now, and all the time. We do not think it necessary at this time to say anything about the class of work weturn out" The fact that we have been in the LAUN- J DRY business for twelve years in La Grande we think sufficient evi dence that our work is sat isfactory. Try it, A. B. C. LAUNDRY " ' TELEPHONE MAIN 7 " . To Exelinnge. Want to exchange second-hand or gan for some team work; also want some poles. See Hendricks, the re liable piano tuner. We Want Your Wants Our Want Ad Column Your want is placed before & thousand or more want-tteker evsry dayCan you afford to spend one cent per word cf your want ad wbe:e results are the keynotes? t 5 FOR RENT. TO RENT House with 3 rooms on Fourth street; colse in; apply to Maggie Mahaffey, 902 Park street. 4-2tf FOR SALE Camera. 5x"; extra goo lens. Inquire at Clue Mountain -tel. 14-17 Evening Observer 5c per month. RIHORN GETS ONE YEAR. Former Pendleton Real Entte Man .. Sentenced for Bigamy. W. P. Rlhorn, arrested on a charge of bigamy in Portland a few days ago, pleaded guilty to the charge yes terday and was sentenced to serve a year In the Multnomah county Jail for his offense. He married a Ken tucky girl at North Yakima last Christmas, while yet the husband of another wife in Portland. When charged with the crime a few weeks ago he left Portland, but was soon captured at Tillamook and brought back for trial. The case was called for trial yesterday when Rlhorn plead' ed, guilty. Rlhorn was formerly en gaged in the rent estate business ir Pendleton, but lft there two yean ago for western Oregon. NEW El ECTRIC THEATRE 4 My. Watch Is Blow. Troubles of a Grass Widow. Bong "There la Another Picture In My Mamma' Frame." Will He Overtake Them? Lady. Doctor. Song . , "While the Convent Bella Are Ringing." Incendiary Foreman. Program changes each Mot- 4 day and Thursday. Doors ope a promptly at 1 o'clock P. m. Matinee on Wednesday and Sac- urday. NEW ELECTRIC THEATER. f B. M. SHERWOOD CO., Proprietors. ' Mahaffey Building. FOR RENT Well improved 4-acre tract near Palmer mill; 5-room house, good orchard, good land. In quire of B. F. Wade, Owl saloon. S-9tf i-nn sknt The skating rink hall. Largest hall In La Grande; hard wood floor. Mrs. Zuber. V FOR RENT Suite of three rooms, furnished complete. Inquire of Mrs. O. D. Simmons. FOR KENT Furntsned rooms, close In. Inquire at 1417 Washington av enue. Next door to rink.. GEDDES BROS. State Fair Ground Improved. At a meeting of the Oregon Btate board of agriculture held In Salem April 7, many improvements were or dered, the most Important of which was the building of an additional grandstand room. An addition will be built on the east side of the pres ent grandstand, carrying the seats out to the edge of the track, making the new addition 30x260 feet. A new- fence was ordered built around th Inside of the tracq; more entrance room will be provided at the main en trance, and several other minor Im provements will be made. Work on the track will be started at once and it will be kept in first-class condition all season. Professor McElroy . will furnish the music for the fair again this fall, he having given entire satis faction heretofore. The score card privilege was let to R. J. Hendricks for $350. Everything Indicates that the 1908 fair will be still larger than any previous fair. The premium list Is In the hands of the printer and will carry a larger offering of prizes than last year. , tti4Q ARE YOU ; LOOKING FOR -L. - : " ' THE : '"T" - jew -spring;! millinery? We hove it New, Nobby and Stylish. All Kinds. All Prices. . M Wei I man & Co. ADAMS AVENUE Railroad Pit I1. . ' The Great Northern Railroad com pany pall the Frost-Cope Lumber company $!6.O09 yesterday In Judge Miles Polndevter's division of the su perior court for loss sustained when the company did not supply cars suf ficient to haul' its logs during 1906, the settlement being made after a suit for 325,000 had been going for ward for four days. ; . Farmers' Union. The Farmers' Independent and Co operative union of Whitman county will meet at Colfax, Wash., Wednes day, May 6, In county convention. Each union In the county will be al lowed one delegate to every 10 mem bers. The Colfax union will provide a dinner on that date. C. G. HOLST. Contractor and Builder. Satisfaction guaranteed; estimates furnished on any kind of masonry work on short notice. Mantels and fireplaces a specialty. Room No. 1, Smith Rooming house, I Grande, Ore. 'Phone B?d 141. SAVING MONET by dealing at Geddes Bros.' la no lllu slon, aa the amount of your purchase la never excessive, as it Is always computed at the lowest posslbl prices. In fact, many tell us It la al ways lower than they expected. We keep only the highest grade goods Our trade Is among the highest grade people, so we make few bad debts. We buy In very large qantltles and sell at .the lowest possible figures. PAINT AMD WALL PAPER STORE " PAINTING AND : PAPERHANGINO Staniels & Bugg j 1420 ADAMS AVENUE La Grands, Oregon Z I Phone Red 1921 WANTED. WANTED A position as stationary engineer. Practical experience. CS plve reerence if required. Afldmw Box 7!S, La Orande. WANTED An experienced girt for general house work. Apply of Mrs. Geo. L. Claever. V ' '' WANTED Limited number of tabs boarders In private family. Apylg to Mrs. Stella Taylor, southwest ear ner Adams and Greenwood, t-lttw WANTED Dressmaker would Use m few customers. 'Phone Black Sfl. C. -E. Wills, Seventh and O Sta. Aka barn to let. . :. . 4-7-U trnR RENT Large store bulidlng, with shelving and counters. Inquire at 1417 Washington avenue. WANTED Two ' experienced makers. No othera need apsty. Una, FOR RENT One furnished modern. 'Phone Red 1711. room; FOR RENT Furnished front room, close In; modern conveniences. 'Phone to Black 51. FOR RENT Furnished rooms . for light housekeeping. Mrs. E. C. Moore, corner Q and Fourth streets. 'Phone Red 1453. WANTED Chance c make u!cfc service In ; moving . furniture, aid pianos with special equipment tsr -safe hauling. - All kinds' of transfer business solicited. Leave orders A Halsten'a store or. 'phone to ' 1Mb 111. J. W. Black. -.' WANTED Sewing machine. , Lease number at 1413 Adams avenue, cUjl FOR SALE. FOR SALE Team ot . heavy work horses, 1400 and 1500 pounds; and 7 years; also team, driving mares. In quire 1417 Washington Ave. 3-14tf FOR SALE Oood Jersey cow; fresh five weeks. 'Phone Black 1372. FOR SALE Brick store building; good location. 'Phone Red 441, FOR SALE Good 5-room house and large lot. Will sell cheap. Inquire of Chas. Dlsqua, at the Midget meat market. 14-21 LOST A dark blue and white stock ing cap. Finder please' notify this office. GIRL WANTED In family of tare; 'good wages.' Apply to Mrs, X. MV Berry. Jl-OUT LOST Leather handbag, with emblem beaded on outside, containing small pocketbook with $1 bill, knife, ne Return to this office. . '-! UMBRELLA RECOVERING AND REPAIRING New Covers put on, $.50 to $4.00. If you hav anything- "brok en I can fix it L. C. SMITH OPPOSITE FOUNDRY eeeeeaeeej Early Rose Seed Potatoes Onion Sets and all kinds of fresh Garden and Flower Seeds at THE CITY GROCERY AMD BAKERY E. P0LACK, Propr. Phone Main 75 Call up Main 75 l .. . ' ' , ' l4&VtW444&l$-t44Pi i4f3 t-44t44t- For Sale, , Eggs from Rosecomb Rhode Island Reds, the best general purpose bird; good layers; good 4 sise. First-class stock. Eggs, 4 $1.00 per 13. 'Phone Red B12. T. E. WRIGHT. Box 731. La Grande. Oregon. W. It B0HNENKAMP CO. :dealers in: HARDtVARE STOVES.FlJRMTllRf, BUILDING MATERIAL Ajcnts for Huntington Lime, the best that reaches this market Try It. ttM044444M4 14