La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 18, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    uibmi r,it, lA bKUVi; OKKUUX, SATURDAY, APRIL 19,
tecs. FIVE.
Now is the tima to fence' your chbkens in. -
Gome and get some poultry fence. , I have it in differ- ?
ent kinds and: ail heights. ! ?!') JHr-IT.? iM" ' i!
Just received, a car extra Star A Star shingles. j
They are first class. :J
;i-;Gall and sea iny souvenirs; ktzto :$2.00 each,
They are nice send to youi friends. . -J
V 4 4 4
' 41 a i & 'M -t
2t t iv.-k t i.sii
' " '.
f Attorney J.' Slater t tranjlcting
Wines In Pendleton today , l';
' l,f A. b; Blood la expected lo arrive
''irom Huntington tonight to visit lis
. . daughter, Mrs. Eugene Belder. ; " U
J Mra. Thomaa Budge and daughtyri
Miss Syd, expect to leave tomorrow
morning for a three months' visit with
, relatives in Galesburg, III. J ;
W. F. Crowe was. a passenger 'on
yesterday's afternoon train , for Xa
Grande, where he went on legal busi
ness. Walla Walla Union" 1
J,, Ben Harvey la here from Alblna,
here he spent a couple? lot' weeks.
e wl" KO to work In the round house.
r : Prof. H, , J. . Hockenberry returned
' today from Pendleton,'' where he act.
; ed as judge In the Inter-academy de-
i bate at that place last night.''- ' ' ;
.. Pendleton high . school won from
Pearson academy of Walla Walla, at
Pendletoh'Vesterda'y'atierhoon in .'an
Interesting track ahfl field meet. ? ,
. Thomas Thomaa11 left today or
Roseburg, Ore., after a short visit
with his brother, Kd Thomaa tof Mils
..... v.- . '. 1 1 . .
", Mr. and Mrs. F, C. Simmons left Jo
day tor Wall Walla. Mr. Simmons
was formerly employed as ilnotypist
at the Star office.' A y.. - i !
f Ten people went to Baker City this
morning to attend the Woodmen of
the World festivities. ,. Among them
were "0. R. & N. Agent and Mrs. ! J.
H. Keeney and Nerl Ackles."
, Deputy Clerk Ed Wright, repubtl-
can nominee for county clerk, went to
Island City today to recover from his
Illness. He was unable to be out
among them yesterday, and Is consid
erably Indisposed today.' '
-Among those , who plan to go to
Pendleton tomorrow morning to at
tend the Sunday game, are Clyde
Scheurer, Wm. Slegrlst and Win. Bar
gent. ' - ' i :'"'- t :
L. F. Foster of Eaker City, Is In the
city on business today." ' "'
C. H. Skinner of Hermiston, had
business at the land office this morn
ing. .
Grant Lincoln Is in Pendleton today,
an interested spectator at the open
ing game oi the season, which.. Is 'in
pi ogress !n the Wheat town this af
ternoon. Mr. Hcbbert of Salt Lake City, is In
the city and will relieve Express Agent
Kite as soon as Route Agent Birch
reaches here to check the one In and
the other out. ' , ',,:'(
tClrn Laura Holm, a student In-the
Pendleton academy, arrived home this
morning to spend the Easter' vacation
with her. jyarer.ts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Holm.. , ". " " '' j
; Karl and Chris Stackland are among
the. many ' who came over frqm Cof-e
today 'to attend the stock show -and
market day. They, like others; Were
Agreeably1 Surprised at " the 'monjter
success of the ev'ent ""' ' " . '."'."
Conductor J. B. Smith apd little
daughters, have .returnedl Jo, ,J (their
ho!IK,!n, Pendleton and , he, ill re
sume his,rup on the Pendletoij-Hunt-Ington
division pf the O. 'r, "ic N. in a
few days.'.' " ' ""
Ueorge alohler, formerly.., Pullman
car conductor for the O. R. ft N., has
accepted the position -of night clerk
at the Pendleton hotel and 1s now
serving Jn that capacity. Pendleton
Tribune., t , v
Thirty-six, farmers' wagons were
hitched to posts on Washington ave
nue during the afternoon. This repre
sents. In part, the Immense number of
larmers tnat ' were brought to La
Grande by the stock show and market
day attractions. I
Eu M. Eversole, formerly a conduc
tor on the mountain division out of
La Grande, Is In the city for a few
days in the Interest of the Continental
Casualty company, an accident insur
ance1 which he represents on the en
tire railroad mileage of the state of
Oregon. Pendleton East 6regonian
Herbert Halley'of Union', "ls over To
day; attan'dtag t land office business.
W. G.u'fa.ker has Md his Interest
In th,
pity j
now "
Hviry stubles to r. M.
manager of the Grunde
Ronds E;e.ctric ocipay. Mr. Huffa
ker releases pivsusMan en jthe first of
next riiMitlt. Not al lpf thehorses now
In th livery are included in the sale
bust most of them go with the sale ot
the building. . , . .;' f
SlUs Minnie Lelbrecht,' who has
been teaching at the Pendleton BusI
ness C'll'-eEe, returned this ' morning
from a short visit with friends In La
Grande, and left this noon for Spor
kane. whore she expects to spend the
summer. Two of the business college
students went to Spokane In company
with her, Walter Whitman and Frank
Dorsey. These young men' will take
a fow weeks special work 1n stenog
raphy In Spokane; Under Miss Lelb
recht. after whlch'they will probably
take positions In that city. Pendleton
East Oregohlati. ' ot 'm
- . M . i t
' l"Mh Wan, on Ills nrls. ; : ;
Jesse P.' ilorrls "oit-i Skippers,' Va
had a coise' calf in 'the spring of 190.
He says: "An autck of ' pneumonia
left me so weaft and with such" fear
ful cough 'that my friends declared
eonaiimntlnn had me.' and death was
on my heels. ,Then 1 was persuaded
to try Dr.' king's 'New tJiseovery.' It
helped me Immediately, and after tak
ing two and a half bottles I was a
well man again. ' I ' found out that
New Discovery Is the best remedy for
coughs and lung disease In all - the
tfcorld." . Sold under guarantee at the
Newllri 'drug store; 60c and $1. Trial
bottle free. ' v
The Evening Observer la Union
county s representative paper. The
people show their ; appreciation by
mcir patronage.
, Dr. W. D. McMillan. Bed 581.
Painless extraction.
, Expert gold work. Special attention
to children's teeth,
Grande National Bank Building.
Rooms 4-8
........ WHBHMB
CatlioHo CTiurcb. .
Low mass, S a. m.; high mass, 10
a. ra.; rosary and benediction follow
ing 10 o'clock mass. iX. " ' v
--' Latter D Barats. - " -Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; regular
service, I p. ro.; mutual Improvement
association meets conjointly at 7:30
p. m. v
" Christian 84enoe Scrvlpes.- ;
Butxlni: building, j opposite Hotal
Foley. Sunday ib a. m., subject.
"Doctrine, of ; Atonement." -. Wednest
day, 7:30 p. m.' Sunday school. 1:1S
la. mi- The reading room Is open Tuetv
uay ana oaiuruay rrom z to f p, ra.
All are cordially' Invited.
iUil ., at t i .J uiiW.jt
First' MotliwllKt Enlnoonai fliuroh.
"Corner M and Fourth streets. Su'n,
&y .a. m. 'BlW, !c,?pof'Ati
Eter service, 11 m. m., public .wori
shlp.v'Aii , Easter .Opportunity."'
Specfa' music at both BlbleiSchpol am
preacning service. yurj peopuf,, umm
m the union services at the Presbyter).
Ian and Central' churches at. I:0 and
7:30. , The Haudenschleld. ... meetings
are postponed for one week, to April
39. A cordial Welcome tb alk -t
' : Central . Church of ClJKst.
Bible school). 10 a,., m. the Lord's
supper. ll a. m... followed by a pro
gram by; the school. " Offering taken
for orphanages; hospitals and Old
reopie s homes. i f T, P. B. C. E. In
lecture room and Junior C. E, in room
J at 4. P.. m. Union young people's
meeting at 6:80. Leader, Miss Elis
abeth Bunnell. Union gospel service
at 7:30.
eund.-ry-'scTiCDT.'Dr.'jrE." Stevenson,
'iperlnle nder.i. H. rooiiilug worship,
sermon by pwstor on "Life's Tomor-
will be aihidni.. . Chorus choir
led by O. '. ten-, will furnish lu-
splrtiit" -in: v weiome to nil.
Tlieie u .ii len;i irvrtu lu aur chur -.i
at evening. We participate. In. union
services in Central and Presbyterian
fhyrtaws.'' W. II. Gibson, pasior.
. , ;
- i
Kt. IVtfr's Cliurch. . . f
Easter dny First celebration 8 ' .
m.; t-undny school, 10 a. m.; mornlnir
service, 11 a. m.: Sunday school Eits-
ter servfceB 'p." m. ' if Is of oMIgttftn
that every communicant shoutd ro
ceivo the he-ly.Vc.miiuinjon at Easter.
Tuesday, confirmntion by Bishop Pad
dock. 7;80 p..m, Wednesday, pariitl
election,' f ':'30 p." m. Reception to
Bishop Paddock af the rectory, II t
10 p. m." Revl' Upton it. Gibbs. rector.
. '
km jrvot iTmoyierwn mnnii. v
BtMiday sehoelr ;Va... nu.V.. I
BrenhoiU,'- .siipeiintendent. I Special
Easter'enrvtc( by the school. Morn
ing "wubject; "The Easter .Message."
Bpeclal Eastefmusle by the ehotr. In
the evening there will "be1 onion serv-
iee at int Dipnn ana -rTesoyrerHiix
churches. 1 Rev. 8. W.' Seemann, Mta-
! rUU ,nt ,,..1 I.,) ..... i
, Fat-Removliig Exerdae.
An excellent and highly effective .
exercise forth rantoval. of. abdomin
al fat is taken as follows; ., Lay rat
on the back on the floor and place
the hands at tha sides. ,.' ::.. . J..;,
Catch the-toes under something to
keep the teet down and keep , the
knees stiff. It Is well to catch the
toes under the edge of the dresser,
as there Is no danger of this being
moved by the exercise.
-Take a deep breath and rise slowly
to a sitting position. Lower the body,
i nw v ynAiiin ih. h... t. n& .....
Sermon by W. H. Gibson, .u. .' .v:
ubject, "God's Field and Force." l ...
' i- t . , practicing these movements, - i
First Bantlst Chnn-h. v
I A ...... . . t .TVin tL- ..I . . .1 .
i corner u ana ixtn strer . a t " v.ri,ri nmui urai wiin mo
swswsMSSMsaBXMSMSaasMSiwrasaMaMwpf ' gg ,'S5-a5CgSg! j
. I '7 '
Laundry. Soap, 7 bars 25c
Hundreds have received numerous articles
( FREE from our Bargain Basement. WHT
NOT YOU? ' - ''',
t, and redeem them as cash In the BARGAIN
' BASEMENT. They cost you nothing and will
buy you MUCH.
Wooden Ware
Common Clothespins,, per doxen ........... lo
The U. 8. spring Clothespins, made of hard
wood, with spring on each side and made
to clasp the line, per doxen ....1c
Block matches, per bunch lc
Saginaw Parlor Matches, 500 In box, having '
the safety tip, making them easy to
strike and yet keeping them from popping
. .. and sputtering; per. box ............... 6c
Woden Potato Mashers, each' . . . . . . ..... .o
Wooden Spoons,- each ... 00 '
Wasi , Boards, a',. Very' good , quality board j ...
Is made ojf sine and' Well worth mora !,-:
money; each 28c
VI " n ;:..' r r'-
Darning Cotton, for .5o
Bar gains
The Golden Rule Co.
rg ain Basement
Worth More Than Face Value
. . .. , ' . .....
Our large stock of Goods In the Bargain Basement Is sold at startling prices, and 5 cents
there means 10 cents elsewhere. Come and be convinced. WE WILL PAY YOU for your trouble as
a few prices will convince.
Dry Goods
A high-grade Calico, In the best colors and
patterns per yard . .:. . j . .. j .Sc
The best quality apron Gingham In small
, and large checks tc
A ' good assortment of Lawn for children's i
and ladles' spring dresses ..7c
A good, substantial cotton lace, 12 yards In V
bunch, per bunch ................... .25c
Clark's O. N. T, Cotton, per spool ; 4c
Silk, a high grado,, per spool 8c
Embroidery) Silk, tT0 skeins '...... .So
' f :- ' '
Gents Furnishings
A good grade of Hats, each 98c
An odd end lot of Hats ,48o
An excellent line of work Shirts, In black '
and white stripes, or In other colors,
ach 45o
A few dress Shirts, each 4o
Odd end lot of work Shoes It 05
Odd end lot of Slippers .23o
Boys' Canvas Shoes, per pair !!48o
Tennis Shoes, per pair , . .,' sbo
Coat and Hat Hooka, per doxen . . . .'. . .' ,8a
. . t . . .... : .r:-
Small In sound, BIG IN MEANING Tou
receive one coupon with, each cash purchase
of 11.00, at the GOLDEN RULE STORE. IT
brings you more than face value In TUB BAR
J3i;' J;',r" !' : ,why, '
Tinware and Notions
Tea Strainers, each . . . .
Tea Kettle Knobs, each ,
Soup Strainers, each ' . ...
Wire Soap Stands, each
Wire Dish Mops, each . .
Graters, each, from,,.',.
...... rr.. trio;
.7c to ISo
10-quart galvanized Bucket, good weight 33c
12-quart galvanised Bucket, good Weight SSo
14-quart galvanized Bftoksjt,) good weight S8o
Paring Knives, each 4o
Tin cups, two foe-:;!. itjjc.'!X.;vR...5o :
And hundreds' of ether kitchen "aYUclei at
3 J01 ifcCS :&': .
just such low pYlres,
t .? r.r
5T piece, Dinner Set. oi Dishes
: "- - .-. ; - , ' ' " j ' ! ' v - &
- These .Dishes are Firsts and gemUPorcelaln, o( the bes( English, -ware made
IS V -.':'-' ' V.' "- ".' ! 1
by Johnson Bros. The Elite pattern, and are great values
14 ? , SC' 1- .'? V,- v '' - , 'm J- C, tr
. ! - r
j . r,. j Paper
,' 2 -yard bundles ef fancy crepe paper
100 'paper Napkins .;
Shelf paper, per unch .............
Xlent toilet Paper to
" ' This 'paper Is M the best quality. In 8-ox.
tary and economical.
.tati ;oo ik'O.o si jni;;.
: " ' ; Granite- Ware"!: K1,w l
2-quart Royal Granite Saucepan V.'. . , ............. .
4 -quart Royal Granite Saucepan -
6-quart Royal Granite Saucepan n
.ObcTCiO'-T a K it rn
W. have a large line of fancy e, ranglj.n gfjjy f Wo -
'. .t.n.,1 ; i4ii',m
s .,r
largest Ti,
t ' . ( f: i -' I- ,
; -MS.- iTWr-BIt fflLU.ui. OB IB G TO
V i jams t-
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::...-tar-a-Mai:.: - .'c. x.,Ar'alc;-it-gi'i.T....f
f5W' KOJ
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MS. ,JivA t9H.VM .tit .im
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