La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 18, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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vage Forn.
'. 1
Li tade evening "Observer
Published daily except bunday.
Colled Press Telegraph Service.
Omlly, per month ,
ffly. single copy. ..... 0$
fjally.'on year In advance. . . ..I So
Daily, 1 monthi, In advance... I.5j
Weekly, one year a advance. . .11.00
.Weekly, six month. In adunce.
Catered at the postoffUt at 1m
Grande as second-class matter.
This paper will not publirt any ar
ticle appearing over a nom rie piume
flgned article wilt be received rib
ct to the discretion of .he edlUr
flea algii your article and av dis
ed In Walla Walla alnce August 1, be
cause the owner have refused or neg
lected to pay the llcens fee authorized-
by ttfo council, eaj the Walla
Wan Bulletin. Moat of this number
were orrllnary curs as those who pos
sess blooded dtigs are careful to see
t'.iat the tug on the dog's collar Is kept
up to date. J
About pnee a week a r.utnber of the
'.animal are killed at' the po-jnd and
the remains cremated. The kllllns 1
done by sbootlns with a 'rifle and
Iran-ly does' the dog executioner have
to fire the second cartridge,
Advertising 'Hate.
Display ad. rate furnished , upon
application. ,
Local reading notice loo per line
first Insertion; Bo per line (or each
subsequent Insertion; t f . , ? ' j f f.
Resolutions of condolence, (o a tine.
Card of thantaV 6d ln. f ,
CL-. -Jl' -L 1 ' ' I. 'IK
The so-called suffragette movement
began In the fall of 105. In the tan
of 10 It established for tUelf na
tional headquarter In London. In
the fall of 107, It tartcd the publi
cation of It organ, "Votes for Wom
en." of which there 1 a monthly edi
tion ot'l I pages and a cover, and a
weekly supplement published for the
4mostc'tiv,'worlfers'v on'the 'three
weeks of each month on which the
monthly does not appear. "Votes for
Women". Is excellently edited and
how the active .campaign which Is
being carried en by the militant
', branch of the English suffragists.
; As an Indication that there has
been no decline In the, cost of living,
it 1 said that the bottoms Of the
' strawberry boxes are too high.
- -
Dog Crusade in Walla Walla.
Three hundred dogs have been kill-
;' ' . '
SATURDAY, APRIL 18 I will present each customer whose ; pair
chases are $5.00 and more of any GOODS we carry, a ; beautifully framed
Souvenir Picture 16x120, one only to each customer
Special LOW PriCCS for Market Day on all my stock; You are cord
ially invited to price my oods. See our Acme I Range, best made.
La Grande's .ball team Is in J the
game'. It 'left La ''Grande this morn
ing' for fendletoh,? where It starts, the
ball veiling by opening a two-game
series (here, which closes tomorrow
' . ''W :""" -AT-, .....v.. n
confident, notwithstanding that his
squad has not had a single day's work
out since the aggregation assembled
here. . i
O'Brien is planning on winning by
some clever stick work and steady
battery attack. " The batting " order
and the position of those who played
this afternoon, follow: t
Purdy, c; O'Brien, 2b; Coddell.'lb;
Zimmerman, cf; Kooser, rf; Isaacs, rf ;
Cotteman, ss; Hudson or Heslln, p;
Beck, Sb; Weynla, utility. The' re
turns of this game will be bulletined
at the Ferguson book store as soon as
the game 1 completed.
Come to Oregon.
The house of representatives of Ohio
adopted the White resolution calling
upon congress to provide for a na
tional constitutional commission and
Henderson & La Princesse
Habit Back Corsets.
Afme. Burt Expert Corset Fitter will bt with us
Monday and Tuesday, April 20th and 21st.
We invite the ladies of La Grande and vicin
ity to visit our Corset department and meet Mme.
Burt She will take pleasure in explaining the
superiority of Henderson and La Princesse double
front laced corsets in a way that will appeal to
every womanwho is a lover of good dress.
Be sure and visit our Corset department when
Mme Burt is with us, evn if you are not in need
- of a corset at this time. Consultation and fitting
Phone Black 641
f ........
P. B.
IS I IIVIIW $ gJtVM i t ,i
1411, 1413, 1415 Adorns Ave.
.mondment of the consuiuuon
provide for the election of United
States senators by direct vote. '
to that pneumatic rubber tire can work
any Injury to a road composed of bits
of crushed flint rock, but it becomes
plain when the theory of such roads
ts expiaineu. Une jimi;iui aum.
named after John Louden Macadam
of Ayr, Scotland, who was for years
highway surveyor of Bristol, was first
laid down by the eminent Krench
road engineer Tresauget of Limoges,
Notice for Bid
Notice Is hereby j given that sealed
bids will be reecived at the city re-
a triD.east bringing, with: him,. two
carloads of young fehorthorri bull for
Lambing f 'reported to- bavo pro- corder's office until 4 o'clock.
. t . ......... ,n T"t Mi
las county, Wash;, and it is thought
a 10 per cert increase-win be5 saved.
Shearing la in full swing In "the
upper codntry"? and If the 'price; re
eetved for the clip will only prov as
Contrary to general plans, a portion
of the try-out for the Walla Walla
meet was run off last evening that
the time required to conduct the
meet this afternon at the ' fair
grounds might be shortened. All the
weight events and Jumps were1 'dis
posed of last evening following the
school hours. Among the sensational
performances waa Carpy's broad Jump
of 19 feet 10 Inches. This, If dupli
cated In a meet, will mean a' s"re
point, and In the county meet will
carry the event as he will knock off
the other two Inches without a doubt,
thus clearing the 20 foot mark. Other
good records were made In the field
events. Hamilton was declared a
victor In the high Jump by a medium
mark; "Heine" Heidenreich startled
the squad with a throw of the ham
mer of nearly 100 feet, throwing the
lead with one hand. As - expected,
Young walked way with the pole
uult. In the discus event, Mayers
ns it. "Ditto" In the shotput.
The track events were run off at
the fair grounds this afternoon.
who wisely figured that slowly moving satisfactory as the quantity and quail-
iron-tired wagons would crush dust
particles from the stones of the road'
surface; that those particles would be
constantly sifted between the inter
stices of the large stones; that every
passing wagon would crush them
firmer into all ruts and inequalities;
that rains would aid and the ultimate
result would be a smooth surface, water-shedding
April 25 Is the date ' set for the
Waltsburg, Wash., horse show.
Spring work is Droereini verv sat
isfactorily under favorable weather
conditions. ,
Heppner, Ore., has fallen In line on
the "sale day" proposition, holding
their first one on the 11th.
R. M. Dunlap has returned from
t 1 i.-0 .I el .,1t.s' i '
Soft Rubber Tires Strip Hard Surface
Highways of Rock DuHt Binder.
The office of public roads of the
nlted States department of agricul
ture has recently been conducting, a
series of very Interesting experiments
to learn the amount of damage done
the rock surface thoroughfares by
automobiles. The results prove that
the modern fast moving car Is the
greatest menace to macadam .roads
that has ever made Its appearance.
On some stretches of thoroughfare.
pecially In New England, where
many broad and smooth roads have
been constructed, the retrogression is
not less than 40 per cent and It has
been forced upon the director of the
office of public, roads and upon many
highway engineers that If some plan
not speedily devised for overcoming
the bad effects of mens latest and
most sensational mode of land trans
ortatlon, the 'monetary loss will be
stuDendoua and the good work of
many years will go for naught.
It Is not only In America that this
condition prevails. Tho men of Eng
land, France, Germany, Holland, Bel
glum and other countries of the old
world where hard-surfaced hlghwayi
are appreciated, have also learned
that the big soft-rubber tires of the
automobile are doing an almost In
credible amount of harm. France
has officially taken cognizance of the
condition and has called an Interna
tional congress, to meet at Purls on
October 11 to discuss plans for saving
the roads, while In no way interfering
with the development of the automo
bile, for no scientist will condemn one
worthy clvlllclng Influence because" It
tfjnuiflrarjfY conflivU, . with., another.
Hewlijl,mcrc,ir adnjlt jjjaf, a new con-
di.tiou,bas.,i-lsen and thea set on, foot4
,W ay'i'lflp. wlt.jtJK fdeif mas-.
ty the sheepmen will be happy.
A. Notr Pamc LaCjr'a Appeal,
To all knowing sufferers of rheu
matism, whether" muscular or of the
Joints, sciatica, lumbago, backache,
pain In the kidney or neuralgia
pains, to write to her for a home treat
ment which has repeatedly cured, all
of these tortures. She feel It her
duty to end It to all sufferers free.
You cure yourself at home as thous
and will testify no change of . cli
mate being necessary. This simple
discovery banishes uric acid from the
blood, loosen the stiffened joints,
purifies the blood and brightens the
oyes, giving elasticity and ton to the
whole system. If the above Interests
you, for proof address Mrs. M. Sum
bers. Box R, Notre Dame. Ind.
known as the pest - house
reserving yieflve acre on which the
pert house. Is' situated; 5 or j'for thr
lease of the eritir property, the terms
to be cash, and bid to pe accompan
ied by a twenty-five (125.00) dollar
check.' The city reserve the right to '
reject any or all bids.
By order bf the city council" T '
r. E. COX,' Recorder.
Cough Remedy
During the past SB year no rem- S
edy haa proven more prompt or
- more effeotual In Its cures of )
Coughs, Colds and Croup
than Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. In ,
many homes It is relied upon as im
plloltly as the family physician. It con
tains no opium or other narootlo, and
maybe given as confidently to a baby
Mto an adult. Price 26c; large slzeCOo
has become so great, that it has been decided to advancethe price on lots in that .
additien. '
By comparing the prices at which lots in Riverside Addition have been sell
ing, with the prices of similar property in other sections of the city, it ' will be found
that lots in Riverside Addition have been selling at too low a figure. ,
' ' '''.:
Before advancing the price, however, it has been deemed only fair to give due
warning to those who have been contemplating buying, but who have been delaying
from time to time, therefore , . .
I "that during the remainder of this month (April), prices will remain the same as here
tofore, but on the first day of May there will be a general advance of 10 per cent in
prices, therefore all those who wish to take advantage of this advance must buy this
month. " i ' ', ' i; " '. 'Hi '!
Special inducements uill be given those u ho build this season houses cost
ng $1000.00 or more. , .-. , ,
t .... :
I n' Im; iio7 Madams avenue, LA:cRANDER'Ec;bAi!fv
- r .flit fit ynomA .Mi:t. ai- ' ,. . ... , vnkuull rrV (f
.3 - - ....miiM
auirnO ,tbaift a, I ' I