IA QRAVDE. I7XIQX COCyTY, OREGOX. SATURDAY, A PHIL 18, 1008. " ' r-, XCMBER j' ' ' "'tomte stock awiDiiS ; MMMWM I IATE LAST NIGHT BEFORE - MANY ARE DECIDED. Republican Primaries Twin With - Close Races and Contests That At- trocted GenenU - Interest Rnnk, v Snook and Knowlc. Are the One Who Win by Varying Majorities ': The, Rest Were Never Beared After -.Flection Retain. Began to Come . In. Republican Nominees. 7 rf Joint senator E, WV Rumbled . Joint representative J. p. '-: f. Rusk. For representative- f -F. Richardson. . J 1 ' 1 ' i Sheriff E. W. Davis. . Clerk Ed Wright.-? t i, U Commissioner J. M. Selder. , Recorder I. R. tfndok.iX'C' Assessor R. A. Hug. School superintendent Omen Blshopi ) .... ' j r, ' (" Treasurer J. W. Frawley. Surveyor C. R. Thornton, - it J. coroner Dr. T. K. Monk. IV ;Tho republican primaries 1 differed Irom'that of the democratic'. In that close and extremely Interesting races were more freauent.1; In a half dzcn Instances. -1 rlends of jthe jr candidates , ' stood packed like sardine. In The Ob ,tnrw 'ce." waiting for the returns yii ., nv precincts, anxious and their , favorites. . . From . the,, head of the ticket down, with .very few excep tors, there was deep Interest- In the nowles-Davjs rac, conditions were uncertain until the end; the "Rusk Eberhard contest was not decided un tfl after S o'clock this morning-; the i . t '' ..!.- ft;., i l - - ft - A ' 4 PETERS . WILL ADD ; CIIIQ -AND '7 TONE TO XEW FASTER -OITF1T. 4 ! N. o w :r IMAttM. llAW AlMM.fl.lv -Vila. m : fits: how beeomhur your hat Is. Carefully f ., PETERS' DIAMOND BRAND SHOES. - ' Whr? DouauHO tltey combine Sliaw-llnen.. Rtylc. Clwractcr Fit and Cnni. fort. Our Spring stock Is In and an opiiortanlty t dcmonHtrate to beyond tlieif fotMleat eiMiatlon, M18SE8" OXFORDS LADI E3' OXFORDS MEN'S OXFORDS, r r: r . 5i, .- INpEPENDDITr.-r 'VJe:rvf f.'lrl.r.' LIE 32 . ,,a. I'nltcd States Senator , Cake, H. M Fulton, C. W. Congressman . Geer, T. T. . .'..' "" Shepherd) -G.. 8. ... Judge Circuit Court Dr vis. Lewis J. .......... . l ' Knowles. J. W. ... i . ..... j Joint Ropresrmtatlvew f Eberhard, Colon R l - Rusk, John P. j ; ItfrCT)tUve j i Hamilton, R. D. A. . l Richardson, 8. F. l Stoddard, J. B Sheriff I Davis, E. W.; ..... , . . . . . .'. 2 Randall. W. W. i County Clerk Anderson, W. P. . .; . .V. ;j . ; i f - Wright Ed' ,t; j ;'.;'. i : j Recorder of Conveyances ' 1 ' Proctor. D. H 2 Snook, I. R i County Amemor Childs. j, H -Hug. R. A ' 8 Coroner s . :;iMonkT. R. ".-Smith, J. M. S. v... DE.MOCRXTIC. Jud.rt Cln-alt Court ; 's. Crawford.- T H 2 Sheahan, D. W '. . . Sheriff Childers ' Frank P. . . i Johnson, -T. B. i ' . . Davis-Randall contest had a. color ol Interest, though Randall never flBure4 conspicuously as a winner. As mudv Interest, tehap3,riis in any the'r.lwas manifested, In the clerk nomlnatloni Fy'mldnlght Ed Cooildge realized that he was a loser and Anderson had given trp 1iip before that hour. Later In the' night Svrlght took a good lead. .The Saook-Proctor race was a close one and lasted all night uncer tainties for either man being rlfa ,un- Rumble had a walk-away. Richard son Jumped off at the crack of the pistol and threw dust all the time- Hug .was comparatively safe at all times, While' Bishop, Frawley, Thorn. ton and Monk were never seriously threatened. - ' ; , l-,-, -,: . I ome Thoughts on X;nr'J- 4 2 ' Airil 19. 190S, Is a day that will hclimkcd forward to , with treat i . , .... ... 1 aiitk'!Mtllon by: tliounands. ; Why? that marks tin- formal oiienlnx of Spriivr. It Is then we put on biir "In-nt Mb and tnekcr" : nnt ninrt'!i forth I i glud.sonto ntllre. A comnioii test for ministers on this (xvnslon N: "Solom nr In all Ills glory was r.ot an-aycl 5- ilku W of llic.se." ; Of eoure,r refcrcn 'e ls not mmlp to members of Uie con- fcri'sation, bat the aii)llculion xyoold n t lie at all amiss. - .: i 11 S T B N At flAMr IMlAr4 .n.. ...I. .1 your attire Is not comnlete wlthoat. m nair look, better than nit before. We want the most critical thai we can satisfy I hem . :V...J.'.i'y ,...$1.78 to 3.00 ' r 62.50 to $4.50 ', $3.00 to $3.00 LA Q9NPg f! 'S Si Si! J!!'! Jil'SS! !! !! Il4:: iii Eil !S ! H : H '; " 5 '1'liiSK S S B-S 1 IS IX 10 2 ... 4 ... 6 11 19 s JO S ... 10 7 6 !! !!! Si S'Jgg ' .5,5! ,$!,! !I 5! :::: 5! 5! !! '! 5 K!!!: ;; iS 5!5j ;. ,!.: !!!!!! ii IS 1! S : 1H ::':! " i' 7 18 H f 42 10 - 8... U 7a 48 " 1 W aS::: ill! il 12 ta .0 45 U t5:"7fi7 7 7. 60 H i fl 70 i. "J .S KS 'ii 1? 1? I UioJ ?MS Jj isj iS::: r? s is .j .? ;s-s j. ?iu ..... 8 4 II''- ii ll H V 81 87 "I" 81 12 f . 6f--- 19 " 13 61 44 84 10 84 11... 9 1 10 8 23 S7 26 7 S3 16 ... 14 JO D3 23 6 25 12 ' 40 43 ' t 24 6 10 1 17 6 ... 12 27 23 16 1 " "is.' J';;.' A" -V t ?M 1 14... 11 20 g is 1 10 2.-.. 24 : LATE NEVS FROM ONLY TWO MISSING COCM1ES IX COVERING THE Ellis a Sure Winner Conceded so by Fulton Refuses to Give Vp the Glio Javor of Ellis by Large, Mjtrglu Until Two O'clock Today. . S . Returns from the outlying precincts are coming In very slowly. Eberhard conceded the county to Rusk by 30; this with the 73 which Rusk had to spare In Union county, will give him , . . .. . . . . . ii.vsti.se it is easier umlay,' tho any i. n: , isnt ' ,; liO.NU TILL . EASTER A" ' ' " CrOOD fE. BEGIN TO PREPARE NOW. r v C," PACIflC STATES : ! BLACK' 1301' ? ; " I IS5 lit 4a 744 67t m 560 415 7S7 460 16 763 5S7 66 487 765 484 t : 38H 226 350 219 STATE PRECINCTS RETVnXS CNITED STATES SENTE CONTEST. Portlnnd Pnpcrs This Afternoon - t Entirely Cmatilla County's vote ;n U iiei-nl Ncvvs From This Morning - " a. majority iA the two counties of aDout 100. ttTp to noon the returns from Wal lowa county gave Sheahan for district judge over T. H. Crawford of abiut 85; and It was 'conceded .nat'Shea hsn's majority could not-?xr,1. imi In the county; ' As Crawford has arrcd lTninn fnnntv hv nnt lsi Oawford Is.' the nouiWi.o wklmi.t doubt. Prcpliwt Officers. ..Jn vthe rpnilhM(-nn nrlmnrlu. A n.. StewiH-t hHfl nn mindultlfin fn, 1IIDiU. J l the peace, and I. W. Fnulk was suc , J cpspfnl for constable. In the demo , era tic primiirli's for Justice, It was a A rj.a.A f ii . ... 1..., if , I T . i . . v:m:T7ti .... V. nttn lllim HnO Clay Ellsworth, the former winning by a very narrow miirKln. Raliroiid (tunnnii-Nloiicrs. JThe vote cast In this county for rail road rommlRKlciner whs: Altchlson 263; Onston. 273: Hamilton, 138; Hul bart, 224; Loucks, 200, and Whiting, 90. ' Earlier R jmrts. ,5.T,'-Hand. Ore., April 18.Wlth but a third of the vote of the state count an.l returns coming In slowly, Judge H: M. Cake apparently leads C W Ptilton by a malorlty of,45(10., ike'f malorlty In Multnomah, county will bo; a little over 3000. and return tram 'ill over the state outside of Multno mah indicate a majority at the prenent time of about 1500. , , ; Fulton's lead In Lane and Clatscp cut down the Cake-majority,' but; at r, '.frlS momina JudBe ('flka aiatn.l Ihut returns from districts ntitsi l,. ,f Multnomah Is more satisfactory' thun he expected. . Slntcnient No. 1 Wins Out,-' Statement No. 1 was apparently arrled and will probably control the tat? leglHlnture. The entire list of Multnomah county dehustes on state ment No. 1. As the count proceeds e iwr.vnlag victory of statement No. 1 candidates. In Multnomah becomes more apparent At, Statement No.-l headquarters-it l. declared that the statement candidates will win by a majority of about four to one. . ' Ellis Defeats Jeer, w. Tt. Ellis, the present congress, man, has apparently defeated T. T. .(Jeer for the republican nomination In the Second congresnlonsl dlntrlet. About 70 per cent of the registered rote Was cast. 4"ake Refuses Statement. At Cake headquarters this morning Judge Cake was receiving returns, nt refuses to make a statement. He de clares Ha .fmwt. tn ha nl. ... . v. - face of the present returns, which are slowly coming In. In (illllam. 'Ollllam countv reports: vCake, 111; Fulton, 14S. Ellis, 166: Geer, 63; Shepherd, 26. Fulton AiliuitH Defeat. r.Aenntnr Vtittnn nrni-tlrnl1t, stm..-.-. the nomination of Cake as a-result of yesterday's primaries in the senatorial election contest. As yet ho has not Is sued his formal statement, but in an authorized Interview to the United fress at Astoria, he said: '"What tho flnnl riirliroa mill .!.. I c"nnnl ""B. out Tom- present returns i ion mr. . ,,u imi UUL SUCn shall prove to be the case. I will cheerfully accept the verdict of th. LARGER, GRAXDER AND BETTER . XAXCnXEPIWMOTEtt HAO DARED IIOPXS,. ; PrangAnlmPrlvateOonreyance Bands. Speelal Fea,ur, AU Com--bine to Intrndnra. th u.w.. r. . " u Who rlftl-A iHannf- . thS rlrt Mat KnM. . n 1 . . . '--,--"""' .wt. snow and market day In La Grande? . The .. " na nunareaa who crowded the line of march of the six block long parade, win ttir, , ,k. ........ ?2,c"e"f1"1 .con"nntton. but to those u "t parade of Uvestock, such as only Unlbn bounty oan produce, those many private con- S .Iftther prett" ct to those be It said they "missed It." ,irKVeryth!n5 mv on smoothly and St5r.rtoB- Oen1-Pln. were rearranged somewhat, and the parade kTm.0.'? wKo- avenue "ear L.M!l,e',del,cr--WMh th "any heralds and marshals keeplnn the streets cleared of other vehicle's, he il'?u"tarted P-Adam, avenue! Leading the entire parad. rode Miss 21? iKli?i"y .na MttrJ'-' Mecall on two splendid animals. Following them were many private conveyances, the r?ST t"tBln"'K Announcer of the ,hn? M- KlrttoyTho horses that were entered, the private Hits and many outfits are .too numrmia to mention in limits .pace. On ofhe catchy features of the display of blooded animals w the N. K. W, t i ?a hl" dpPartment of trie parade. . Followlny hlm :.was qflven PTrtjAl will submit it forma! state ment inter. .. -m. r,",,,0P Strong for Fulton. Th. final count in ClHtsop county Fultm.lo9me C"nty gaVe Cake' 184; - JJllISi 40(i: Qeer.-m; Shepherd,"19g Incomplete returns up to noon to day, excluding the conntles' of WaL I?.TJi T?k- C?0H- Harney, and In i?.?4 P,re,nt't o Multnomah, glye Fulton 10,388. and Cake 11.040. w.Tu "V"? ' llly Certain. v, Ith about three-fourths of yester day s primary vote aceounted for. the ?T-m ".a'i'.'n. of J,"lKe H' M- Cak" over United States Senator Fulton appears to be practically certain. The vote ur. o cioe?' Inc'ulln- 84 precincts of Portland, but excepting the vote In Wallowa and Curry counties not re-ted- '": M4S: Fulton. 13. 960. Senator Fulton does not con cede his opponent's election, but de "res that the reports are still too meaere unon uhl.h k .... , , " wnw oily con- elusion, btatement No. 1 men will ap parently control the rext state legls ';ture. althoush the rtivinlon will be closer than at first believed. Twelve counties, including Multno mah, have retiirnnrl 9Q ..... . rewntBtlvea. "p- Incompiete returns on ' the con gressional struEgln give the plum to Congressman W. R. Kills. The Very l.atixt. The return nn n o ,.i. i. WH"'l8(t9S: t1Sr43J4; Bh.pherd, xC'R.JAltchls'xni nnej:;w. fi.;ifuiiitjrt, 4 re nuining neck and hock i ji tlie race cuniiniraioner m ihf -1d district, nnrt lh. m.mi.a.i. . claimed at the headquarters of both eandldnics. ...Campbtill Js v accredited with the nomination in . -Z . dijtrictsv vT::r "Y r ,r Tftrfw lo Aim t,,m JT Ill- iH tr ' Pendleton, April J 8. (Special,) The home cpunty and city of both El Us ond Oeer gave r.rtr a vote of 304 against 1033 for Ellis for congress Iris report-covers the total returns of 27 out of 40 precincts. - Communication from Portland this iOICIIT TO BE THE lev cry citizen to so Jlow citizens ulll esteern him for his goodness, I his kinrjnes?, and his usefulness The principles of good citizenship should constitute the code of rules for every kind of business whether public or private. This applies particularly to the drug business, fce cause, owing to the limited knowledge of the qualities of drugs by the general public. It follows that the re liability of the druggist Is the chief guarantee of good service. HILL'S DRUG STORE La. Gtwdt', if.. v M- , & 4,', 4, vjt. r , v Oregon THAN EVER THE ' " ' Cmonwealth. th. famou. .talllom; dlnr ,ar,n In th. northwest can KroI'., n,m" thVn The"; Satin Royal mad up th. ..v.nth ani;i Mu?lc 5l"2f? e"n- Mm."- For th .,-' -..,. . . ' .. and til v """gea uieday.;. this featuw 6V7hTc9un.TM-T.CnU h. w0eridMrk,,y VhaC hi Ml' lTfe HI .' We w,"nt .more,", said far mers from all over th cwintv 'Qvo "toc"'.,h;rha.n,d t '5 Il-Wit,c3t eran hT 1?ioth'' comment gen- In the Multnomah county ... dlstrtot" nomlT.rtlht' eo.r B- t-meron vorer.J0ennrndCt,;.OU Mc"C"UM . Bailey and Bean Win. K8we od "?d Dalrjr Commissioner ZZn ' ??'Le5r u renominated to the office which he now holds. V wonout!" JUd'8 R SBean ha MA CD DCRAXT IX EUROPE. f Maud Alwlen Declared to Be 81st' of Notorious Theodore Durante San Francisco, April 18. A story published here today states that Maud. Allen, the American dancer, who Is creating such a turore In Europe a Mr.P'Trnt ,,mp' non other than Maud purant, sister of Theodore Dur-'' nnt. WhoHU tMlllI nnrf ing for the deuble murder of two elrt nere created a natlom.l senpat'-wv about 15 years ago. After the trial' Maud Durant left for Europe and took" up music hut. n.,, ., to dancing. In which she has been so "T; V greatest hit Is the , Dance or the Sevtn Veils." . -- o KEI.LV JOIXS v. A. C. Daker City Boy Will Compete With .r ' , 220-Varil Sirliucr. r (NiMf York, .April 18. Dan Kelly. , the-fanioim laker rity, Ore., sprlntsr.o bus sinned ,n appllcathm to Join the. NewYork Athletic club, which will bring htm under the wing of Brnls Refers, holding one of the records Kelly is supposed to have tied. It hr no secret that Weferj declines tn be." lleve that the Oregon boy over did' 20 yards In 21 1-5 seconds. .1 HAPPINESS AND CLCRY live and act that his fcl- 1 c ' 5 1 ' I ; 1 ! ! I ii H 1 11, nmZ