La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 04, 1908, Image 4

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    a , wmifie tve'fiinj ODserver
Published dally except bunday.
Colled PreM Telegraph Service.
4ally, per month........
.Dally, tingle copy OS
jOstly, one year In advance M.SO
Dally, U luomhs. la advance... I.5j
atk:y, one year In advance. ..I 1.00
Weekly, lx month. In tilmnct, .7?
Kntsrd at
Grande a
the pontoffl.n at Ij
eermd-clasa matter..'
Ttala phptr will not publlrt any af
Uu!e appearing over a nom de pinme-
vnd article m III lie received 'b
fect to the discretion ot ihe editors
pleas sign your article and aav die
. AdterttelDg Rate.
t. Display td. rate furnished upon
Ixcal reading notice lOo per line
lrat Imertlon; 6c per Una for 'each
: aubaequent Insertion.
, Resolution of condolence, to a Una.
v Cards of thants, So a Una.
i UmMiX o, fall rt iiia ii n i; m
(To o alBM'D Juu
Jiwt Smlto.
Are you frowning as you go,
O'er aome Slight or fancied woe?
Stop thl minute, don't you know
It really Isn't worth the while,
Just smile.
Are you thinking of a word
That had better ne'er be heard?
Learn a lemon from the bird.
His ong was never known to
Just alng.
Are you lost In bitter doubt
Is your patience all worn out? 4
4, Turn around, and face about, 4
4 My friend, thl really doesn't pay 4
4 ' Jut pray. 4
444444444 4"4' 4 4 4 4
. There apparearTy I no limit to the
number of JJd homes that can al
way be jFcured In Grande Ronile
Talleyluyers :are he're every week
In iffu year and they never go away
(appointed. "We do not believe there
Is another county In the slute that
jtroduces, one year with another, as
many good horses as Union.
Time Is flying. Not a few will wake
up on primary election dny, when
they will want to help a friend, but
will be powerless from the fact that
they have not registered. The pri
mary election Is not like the general
lection. Tou may be sworn In at the
general election, but there Is no
wealing In on primary day.
. ,
Esperanto Is reported to be making
rapid headway as an International lan
guage, but there Is no (Ikellhood that
baseball reports will ever be written In
it. It has no slang.
. .
. The Knickerbocker bank tins re
opened with atwptu of nearlv 155.000.-
001). A bunk with a start, like that
ought to be nblo to worry along some
how. ,
People who live In certain districts
of Kentucky will find It absolutely Im
possible to understand why anybody In
Chicago Fhoulil Iihvo wanted to steal
Indiana has Instructed one set of
delegate for Fairbanks and another
for 1'ryitn, and will now sit back and
let the conventions flht It out.
It appears that "Fighting Bob" also
thinks the armor belt is too low. Why
don't the nations adopt the Marquis of
Queensbarry rules, which forbid strik
ing below the belt, and then make the
belts o high that only the masts could
be hot at? ,
. Philadelphia society men are taking
up with boxing. . Some of them may,
therefore, be going about presently
with block eyes tni t'.if ;' i'!Jn't get In
Wail street. ..
; mm
Something Good in TrunKs, pags,$
m mi
and buit Lascs. '
Call at Our Stores and Examine These Lines
This week we will show new patterns in Garpets and Linoleum. ; We have a
new stock in Feather Pillows, Feather Bads, and Feathers' in bulk for sale, any
JffUI? '.. t- , ,,,. j cfuo- onri cornrs an ACME RAGE. fullv warranted.
1 TJAISING the cover brings every 4J1"WI,J" J .
4 iv
For the 2Dth time !. aj-man Joe
Jones today haule?5 to the Qdd Fel
lows' cemetery the, provt t ns for the
annual banquet which tin. living Chi
nese give in ucner oj . t :Cr departed
With a half cr! ntsle and foul
white men to f' procedure,
the occasion to.,'.: , (..;, inn aspect
Without a wcra Horn tfc.'l ".leader, tin
Chinamen' moved wr'?"" from- One
lpce of wn.'k to th ether, and In a
remarkably short time Incense was
burning and superstitious rites wen
being enacted. After short prelimin
aries the big feed took place. The
eight graves In the Chinese lot are not
allon equality, and only a few of
themthem were recipients of special
favors. All were given some atten
tion, however. " '
The roast hog, or parts of it, at
least, baked chicken, rice pudding,
apples and sweetmeats were some ol
the necessities of life that were placed
at the heads of the graves with sol
emn gestures and supplication. For
dessert, the dead were provided with
Imperial claretts, Bourbon whisky.
China gin, opium, apples and various
other articles ol' palatable enjoyment.
In the vault the customary amount
of colored papers were burned. From
these the spirits selected hte color of
clothing stiltnble to them. With Imi
tation money consumed by the
flames the spirits could make their
purchases after selecting the color to
their suiting.
The articles of food not consumed
during the banquet were returned and
tonight local Chinamen will make
merry with drinking and feasting.
1'roshyterlniH Meet lit niiHliu-ss anil
Social Session.
. Last evening the regular monthly
congregational, session of the Prcaby,
terlnn church was held In the Lewis
hall. The meeting was a combination
business and social session. The
meeting was well attended and much
good will result. At the business ses
sion reports from the various branch
es of the church were read, all of
which tended to show that the church
was In a healthy condition. The mat
ter of erecting a new church building
In the near future was discussed, and
while no specific time was selected
for the comemneemnt of the work.
It Is evident from the discussion that
the time Is not far distant 'when the
Presbyterians of La Grnnde will have
a building which will be n credit to
that denomination and the city.
i'ftvr the business session an hour
wan taken for social amusement. Mik
. L Richardson .favored the coJ
iiuny wlth'a vocal seleeilun, which
wus heartily encored. Miss dene Mc
Donald accompanied her on the piano
In n most charming manner. At the
close of tho meeting the lu.lles served
light refreshments.
If your Observer is not delivered as
It vhould bo. pleaso notify this office.
Phone Main 13, We will consider It
a favor.
M-! f-fM-4'444444444$44444$$t
a Mi jm n wm
I j-(ji LUiluKthb
All bills carrying appropriations originate in the
House. There are no conflicting interests to prevent a jj
Multnomah man from giving a Square Deal to any part
i. ...... v . X
- of Eastern Oregon.
inovfnTSy1 saUHif the time of Good Plows, a bargain in these.
a ordinary trunk to pack or nn-
. , i- i - . ) Kthind tn
pack. Easy to Ofrate. Nothing to
get cut oi oracr. win uau i
knoclf ar.d hard nsae oi traveling.
Cste no more thaa a common trar.ic.
.....$5.00 oi.
'Phono Black !.
813 Fill STREET.
'Phone Red 1181. '
1411, 1413, 115 Adams Ave M
4Stv!tat 33.Woni. m w v
UlfJt r.AMF
. Baker City won from La Grande at
the NoyeB rink last evening at basket
ball on skates, but It was not until
the timekeeper's trumpet had sound
ed, that the victory was assured.
During the first half the teams see
lawed, first one gaining the lead and
then the other. The second session
exhibited better team work on tht
visitors' part and the score soon be
?an to take on a form that looked
discouraging to La Grande. When it
was all over, Baker was a winner by
the score of 14 to 6.
The Ln Grande team plans to play
a return game at Baker City on next
Friday night.
The players and manager returned
to their homes this morning, well
pleased with their treatment while Jh
the city.
Commercial dull Will Continue Kov
erul Months.
Mr. Ormond, who is in charge of
the club rooms, states today th'at the
Commercial club will be open tr
members for at least CO days, and
possibly longer. It will be at least
that long before the Elks take over
the building. On account of the ill
ness of Mr. Ormond, the March col
lections were not made, but club
members may expect to see- him
bright nnd early Monday morning,
when he hopes that ail members will
be ready with the required amounts.
Remember the club will not be closed
for at least 60 days.
Principal Slattcrs DlMCuescd Were the
Plana to Make Room tor More Clul
drcn. v ' . : ,,
The school board met last evenlni
In the office of School Clerk A. C.
Williams. After the routine matters
were disposed of, such as paying of
salaries and bills, the board wrestled
with the problem of 'securing. Addi
tional room for next year. It in the
intention to fit up the remaining fodi
rooms In the Xorib.La Grande build
ing, also use the present large hall or
assembly room In the high school
building to seat the high school stu
dents while preparing their lessons,
from which thiy retire to their
respective recitutlon rooms to recite.!
This will In n measure relieve the
present congested condition until such
time as the people demand that a
separate high school building be
erected, which is only a matter of
time. ' J
A contract was also let to have two
rows of trees poplar and box elder
set out 'around the new brick across
the track.
M ttch Guns Willi Xclson.
San Francisco, April 4. Articles
for a boxing match have been signed
by Battling Nelson and Joe Gans for
a 20-round match In this city. It
will take place next month. Nelson
appeared as his own manager and Ben
Estray Xotiee.
There came to my place at Starkey,
Ore., on or about January 8, 1903,
and was taken up by me, one bay
mare about 7 years old, weight about
900 pounds, branded J. J. on left
shoulder and clrclt T on right shoul
der. Owner may have same by pay
ing pasturage, and for this notice.
3-17-lm 8tarkty, Cr
Notice to Stockmen,
That I am the only licensed agent
who has any right to write Insurance
for the National Livestock Insurance
association of Portland, Oregon, in
Union or Wallowa counties.
La Grande, Ore.
: ;
A sitting of eggs la 13, although
many poultrymen have increased It to
Advertised lA-ttcrg.
Mrs. Addle Cantrell. ' )
Miss Lona Hansman.
Mrs. Lawrence 2.
Mrs. Lizzie Muklen.
Joe Eeaudin. :
Guy Galleger.
Harrv Lnnewnnd;
Dr. O. B, Long. ' ""'
G. M. RICHET, Postmaster, f
Bpn't wait till your made of money.
$l'a week does It See Davls-Jordaq
Music Co. All makes ot talking ma
Sales cried on short notice. '
I Satisfaction guaranteed. 4
No extra charge for distance.
Route No. 2. "Phone Nc 196x6
examine your eye and
J fit your glasses.' My'
glasses fit and give -sat-
At the same old
Heacock glasse fit
If you want your watch X-
to run right,.let Heacock
repair it, at the same old
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away." are
dnitmg towards Bnght's Disease, which is kidney trouble In one of its worst forms.
stops Irrpgularitics, strengthens the urinary organs and builds lin rh wr.rn.mie flun.i
cf the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out
the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. 'DlTeasedrdSoLSd
iff 0 4s wase matter Is carried by the circulation to every part of t bod
Iff 0uZh?veSSnbv CCh.eMacVr0UnVei5lugish liTcr- Irregular Iheart action, ete
it you nzve any sums ofKirlntfne Pinrin. - Hrtr
f,!?iSSlU RSu ncC' a! il Wl 1 cure.a sliffht border in a few days and prevent a
fatal malady. Xt is pleasant to take and benefits the whole svstem.
How to Find Out.
Ton can easily determlnt If your kidney art
out of order by settles aiide for 4 hour a
bottle of the urine patted upon ariting. If
upon examination It 1 cloudv or millr or hp
brick-dust sediment or email particle float
iwui in u, jour Ktanei
Two Sizes, 60 Cents and $1.00.
G. 0. Gurhana Testifies After Four Tears.
G. B. Burhan of CUrlUle Center, N. 7., write!
About rear rm (a I wrat. yxn tatln that I k.4 dm .atlnly
? . T,r Wto.r troob!. bjr taking Un thin twa tottla af
Foley Kidn.y Can. It itoppM tb. kctcb4oM Manual a4
f ymptorai i inaBjr iinm dlnppama. I u to a
no ' . -to bq a nrara ai jn mf tboM yptom. 4urlnf tb
brtllr rMommna Fal.' Siao. Cm H iu aoa ukaitaa I
kida ar blasoar tnwbto.1" ' ' ana,;
a. t. irrxii, Dmnw. Tlfyfl