v I EIC EIGHT PAGES. EVKXING OBSERVER, LI GRAND El. OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 108. PAGE SETEX. OUR PATRONS In this space from time to time, we shall take you Into our confidence, and te'.l you of our plans and alms. To begin with, we wish to give you the very best service at our command, and our motto Is: NOTHING IS TOO MVCH TROUBLE. FERGUSON'S (MmtmHmMHwi X ? The Wealthy The Particular j 1 i The Poor will bo happy in the use of that new light the DAVIS-JORDAN MUSIC CO. t have in their store. Burns the gas your coal oil lamp I lets escape. Call tonight and se. it. ' X THERE IS MORE DEMAND THAN SUPPLY This firm can handle all your land and property. List them with us for certain results. We sell farms by the scores. To list them with us, is to sell them. THE REAL ESTATE, LOAN, AND COMMISSION CC. i4" 4i.'4lTTT-M-'f"tl -4444 v YOUR WORK Is whatwe want. We don't call on you one week for it and tell you the next we cannot do it for you. Vre want it now, and all the time. We do not think it necessary at this time to say anything about the class of work we turn out The fact that we have been in the LAUN DRY business for twelve years inJLa Grande we think sufficient evi dence that our work is sat isfactory. Try it. A. B. C. LAUNDRY TELEPHONE MAIN 7 tttt MOVE THE ilA(l( STAND R. W. Goodman has purchased a half Interest ln the E. L. Bussey 'bus line and will hereafter be connected with the hack service In this city. The hacks owned by the firm are to be renovated. One Is already under pro cess of repair and general overhaul ing at the La Grande Iron works. The other will go Into shop In a few days. The headquarters of the company will be moved at once, or as soon as another suitable location can be found. ' This is delightful news to the citizens at large, as the headquarters now are anything but desirable, and Increased patronage will undoubtedly result. Want! for Bigamy. W. P. Rlhorn, formerly a real estate dealer of endleton, but who has been engaged In that business In Port land for the past two years. Is now wanted by Multnomah county authori ties for the crime of bigamy and a warrant Is out for his arrest. While Rlhorn was yet married to the wife which accompanied him from this city to Portland, he wooed and wed Miss Anna H. Sanderson of Pu eblo, Col., at Elma, Wash., last Christ mas day and after going to Portland Rlhorn took his new wife to a low class rooming house, used up all her savings and finally deserted her, after he had been ordered by District At torney Manning to pay her $30 per month for her support. Miss Sanderson was formerly a school teacher of Pueblo and had saved several hundred dollars, the 1osj of which she now mourns. Rlhorn has left Portland and is being sought by the authorities 'for the crime of bigamy, he having married MIbs San derson while yet the husband of Mrs. Rlhorn, who lived with him in this city. A penitentiary sentence await? him when caught. Pendleton East Oregonlan. If your Observer ts not delivered at It should be, please notify this office 'Phone Main IS. We will consider It a favor. ED STRING HAM, 4 AUCTIONEER. 4 Sales cried on short notice. 1 Satisfaction guaranteed. No extra charge for distance. 4 LA GRANDE - - - OREGON 4 Route No. 2. 'Phone No. lttxS 4 44444444444444 NEW ELECTRIC THEATRf 44444444444444 4 Cruel Joke. 4 4 Flowers of Touth. 4 44444444444444 4 Song 4 4 'IX)lly Dear." 4 4 44444444444444 4 Electrocuted. 4 4 Gamble for a Woman. 4 4444 44 . Song . 4 4 "That's Wliut Hie Ilor Said to 4 4 Me." 4 44444444444444 The Little Cripple. 4 4 Program changes . each Mo. day and Thursday. Dors ope i 4 promptly at 7 o'clock p. m. Matinee on Wednesday and Sat- urday. 4 VEW ELliCTRIC THEATER. n. M. 6IIERWOOD CO., Proprietor. Mshaffey Bulldl-a AN ARRAY 0FEG0OD1ES 1 that wilCp'ease anyone with a pal a;e yrunj or old; male or female - is here displayed, not only on f yvciJ cessions, tut every day in the jr cur shoe's open. A taste far cmJy is rot confined to child ren sr.d wemtn only. Men e all Ilk thsre. SF . E. D. SELDER J GUARDIAN SALE. In the mattor of the guardianship of the estate and person of Maggie Given, true name Margaret Given, an Insane person. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned, guardian or the person and estate of Maggie Given, true name Margaret Given, an Insane person, by virtue of an order of the Honorable County Court of Union county, Ore gon, made and entered on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1908, at a regular term thereof, will on and after the 13th day of April, A. D. 1908, offer for sale, and will sell at private sale, to the highest bidder, subject to the confirmation of the court for cash in hand,' all the right, title and Interest of the said Maggie Given, true name Uargaret Given, (the same belrg an estate In fee simple) In and to the following premises, to-wlt: All that portion of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section thirty (SO) In township four. (4) south,' of range forty 40) cast, W. M., except ing that portion heretofore deeded to Minnie Ostrander, bounded as com mencing at the southwest corner of he northwest quarter of the north west quarter of section SO. township 4 i. R. 40, E. W. M., as aioretaid, and running thence east 54 rods and Inks, thence nortrrBD rods and S links, '.hence west 64 rods and 6 links, and -nence bouui os rooa ana a nuns iug place oi beginning. Also tne water .'Ights and ditches conveyed to this grantor and belonging to said land herein convoyed. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this 13th day cf March, A. D. 1908. S. L. GIVEN, Guardian. IN A HURRY? THEN CALL, InE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than it takes to tell it. Day phone Red TS! Night " Black U0t Wagon always atysor mtv.m 4444444 I X 4 44444444 44 4444444444444 We Want Your Wants Our Want Ad Column Your want is placed before a thousand or more want-seekers every day Can you afford to spend one cent per word of your want ad whe: results are the keynotes? 4444444 4444444444 FOR RENT. TO RENT House with. J tooms on Fourth atreer; colse In! apply to Maggie Mahaffey, 90S Park street. v 4-Stf . 1 . FOR RENT Well improved 4-acre tract "near Palmer . mill; 5-roora house, good orchard, good land. In quire of B. F. Wade, Owl saloon. S-9tf FOR RENT House on Third street. 908. Large enough for two families. Apply to Martin Larson. S-S 1-4-5 FOR RENT Suite of three rooms, furnished complete. Inquire of Mrs. G. D. Simmons. ' TOP. . FOR SALE Team of heavy work horses, 1400 and 1500 pounds; ( and 1 years; also team driving mares. In quire 1417 Washington Ave. S-14tf Notice to Contractors. ' Separate sealed proposals will be eceived at the First National Bank, foseph, Oregon, up to ( p. m April 11, 1908, for the erection and comple lon of a brick or stone building for both the First National bank and also Jrug store for Dr. Barnard. Plans ind specifications can be had frbm the First National bank. The owner reserve the right to peject any or ail bids. ' Respectfully yours, F. F. SCRIBNER, Cashier. Grafting Is a dead Issue. So says Dr. H. C. Par ker of the Indiana School of Medl-' jlne, in Collier's Weehly. We concur jvith htm. Blue Mountain Cough Syr tp will cure your cough, not aa pleas int to take as some others, but It con tains the Ingredients that will posi tively and absolutely cure that cough, RED CROSS DRUG 8TORB. Land for Rent. We have S20 acres of excellent land for rent. Call at once. F. 8. BRAMWELL, C. J. BLACK. 4444 Z PAIMT AND WALL PAPER STORE PAINTING AND PAPERHANQINQ Staniels & Bug& l 1420 ADAMS AVENUE La Grande, Oregon Think cf tfce f ne music and solid fun--yu miss every hour you are without a phonorraph. Better talk to Davis-Jordan Music Co. about them. 1 1 a week does It. Cured Hemorrhages: of the Longs. "Several years since my lungs were so badly affected that I had many hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ake, ol !. Ind. "I took treatment with several physicians without any bone fit I then started to take Foley V Honey and Tar, and my lungs arc now as sound as a bullet. I recom mend it In advanced stages of lun trouble." Foley's. Honey and Ti stops the cough and heals the lungs and prevents serious results fmm ' cold. Refuse substitutes. A. T. Hill. 4444444444444444 4 Hones for Sale. 4 4 Inquire of A. E. Brunson, 4 4 agent for Portland Livestock Insurance association. La Grande, Oregon. Call at 8om- 4 mer hotel. 4 LA GRANDE SCHOOLofMUSIC Studio over Selder's candy parlor. : : : PROF. DAY. Principal FOR BALE Modern and large house and lot In East La Grande, at snap figures If taken before Monday night. Easy terms. Located In splendid part of the city. Inquire at this office. FOR SALE The Central Meat Mar ket at Welser, Idaho, the oldest and best establlHhed business In the city. Parties wishing to apply muat do so at once. Address Luke & Co., Wel ser, Idaho. d4-8 WANTED. WANTED To trade hay for wood. Stoddard Lumber Co, - S-14tf WANTED It you are looking for work Just call at the Real Estate, Loan A Commission Co. Office headquarters for all employment WANTED Limited number ot table boarders In private family. Apply to Mr. Stella Taylor, southwest cor ner Adams and Greenwood. S-SOtw WANTED Five to seven room house, furnished. Address X, Observer. LOST Large pocketbook containing two life Insurance policies. Finder return to Observer and receive re- wauu. ' LOST A cold watch and chala wttb Initials M. V. on watch. Reward paid for Its return to Herman Vehra. Phone Red 1921 444 SAVING MONET by dealing at Geddes Bros.' Is no Illu sion, as the amount of your purchase Is never excessive, as it Is alwayr computed at the lowest possible prices. In fact, many tell us It Ss al ways lower than they expected. W keep only the highest grade foods. Our trade Is among the highest grade people, so we make few bad debt. We buy In very large qantltles and sell at the lowest possible figures. GEDDES BROS. FRESH STRAWBERRIES About May First ' Don't wait for Strawberries, but remember . that we receive a fresh shipment of California Vegetables by express every day. See our display for assortment. Everything for the table. ' Call up Main 75 THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY C. P0LACK, Propr. Phone Main 75 t44S-frt4 t4444444444444444444444444444 NEW WALL PAPER New Spring Stock just received. Finest assortment ever brought to La Grande. Also a large assortment cf Paints, Oils, Jap-a-lac. New car of test Lime. W. 11. BOHNENKAMP CO. HARDWARE. SlOVfS. TINWARE, BUILDING MATERIAt L HMMMIIMvMi eeiiea