EIGHT PAGES. AXDU OREGOI. MONDAY, MARCH SO, 1908. PAGE FIVE. POULTRY FENCE Now is the time to "fence your chickens in. Gome and get some poultry fence. I have it in differ ent kinds and all heights. Just received a car extra Star A Star shingles. I They are first class. . Gall and see my souvenirs, 25c to $2.00 each. They are nice presents to send to youi friends. ! MRS. T.N. MURPHY HARDWARE and CROCKERY ' SjfJWVWW WWW WW John P. Rusk if Joseph, candidate for the office of Joint representative for Wallowa and Union counties, ar rives here Saturday evening, and will spend the balance of the week mak ing; himself acquainted with the voters of the valley. Mr. Rusk Is a pleasing and entertaining; gentleman to meet and leaves all In whom he comes in contact with, that he Is qualified for the position to which he aspires. t)tj fcsO 4t ; ' fomyysass;;-" SUCCESSFUL SERVICE MWWARE SOCIETY. .1 When a medicine has stood the test for a period of more than two cea- erntions and is then more popular than ever, there can be no doubt of its merit. This is tne record ol b. b. S. Its period of existence s marked bv long line of cures of blood and skin diseases of every character, and its value in the treatment of such troubles has become so well known that it is today the most extensively used blood medicine on the market. For Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases and all other troubles due to an impure or poisoned condition of the blood, S. S. S. has no equal. It counteracts and dnveS out tue poisons. Humors ana germs, cleanses me system of all unhealthy matter, cures the disease permanently and restores strong, robust health. Where the blood is weak or anaemic, and unable to . furnish the body with the nourishment and strength it needs, S. S. S. sup plies it with the healthful properties and acts splendidly in toning up and reinvigorating the system. It goes down to the very bottom of all blood disorders, nnd in this way reaches inherited taints on which the ordinnry Wood medicines have no effect. Not onlv is S. S. S. certain in its results, hut it is at the same time an absolutely safe remedy. It is made entirely ol roots, herbs and barks tof known healing and curative value. It does not rontnin the slicrhtest trace of mineral in any form to damage the delicate parts of the system, and may be used by children with the same good results and perfect safety as by older people. It is not an experiment to use S. S. S.; f it is a rmiwiv with a record and one that has proven its worth by its forty years of successful service. If you are in need of a blood purifier for any ' cause begin the Use of S. S. S., write our physicians and they will send you a DOQK concerning vuui uuuuic, uuvi nm j j medical udvice that is featured. ,i THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Tcrry-Hlnkle. L. J. Terry of Pendleton, was united in marriage to Miss Eleanor May Hln- kle of this city, at the home of Mr. and Sirs. A. V. Leffell last Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Rev. C. E. Deal officiating. Only a few friend attended. Mr. and Mrs. Terry left Saturday evening for Hot Lake, and from there they went to Portland to. day. After a brief honeymoon they go to Pendleton to live. Simmons-Keif fer. W. L. Simmons was married Satur day noon to Mies Gladys Kelffer by Justice of the Pcoce J. E, Hough, I! SPECIALTIES AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS j We have the things you will soon need in this line of goods for your SPRING t HOUSE CLEANING, GARDEN WORK, etc. . ; GARDEN RAKES, a good substantial article with 12 feefh 35c I AWN RAKE, as good as can be had, with 11 feefh 75c LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN SEEDS, and every kind of tool for the work you will have to do about the place, we have it at the right price. 1 LOCAL ITEMS. 4tt4'4' Cull Smith spent Sunday with - his wife at Hot Lake, returning today. Mrs. D. C. Brichoux returned last evening from a vtisit with friends in Pendleton J. I. Meyers of Haines, was a land office business visitor today. Go out and hear Evangelist Fret tonight at the Baptist church., The Cavlness water suit was re turned before Referee Hanna this morning. Kenneth, the son of the well known butcher, Robert Smith of Island City is very low with pneumonia. Druggist A. T. Hill, who has been over in Grant county for several days, Attorney Samuel White Is In the city! has returned home. again after spending Sunday with hlsj family at Baker City. Sheriff F. P. Childers went to Pen '.' dletoh "this morning on official busi ness. ' .--j 4 Frank Brown left for Walls Walla J this morning after a visit with rela tives here. He Is In the grocery busi ness In that city. Finer SIbbelov went to waua wuim this morning. From there he goes to Umatilla, Hermlston and to Portland before returning. Hon. W. S. U'Ren, after spending Sunday In the city, left this morning for Baker City, where he will speak this evening. - Mrs. W. C. Glbbs returned to her iome In Pendleton yesterday morning 'after a short visit with Mrs. Patty of this city. ; . Miss Else Leadsworth spent Sunday with her mother In this city. Mrs. Mrs. Andrew Blokland of lsiana Cltv. made Droof on a timber and stone claim this morning. Mac Harris of Marysvllle. Idaho, Is here looking over the valley and will doubtless purchase a farm during the week. Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher returned to his home In Portland last evening, after holding several meetings In this city. This Is the regular meeting night for the Knights of Pythias, and there Is Initiatory work in the first rank, members are requested to present. Mrs. Anna Bay sold two residence properties in South La Grande. Her home nlaee to Walter Graham, who paid 12250, and the other place ad. joining, to Lewis Holmes, for $600 A potato buyer stated today that nrlces on the outside were looking Leadsworth returned to Baker City ! better and that growers from this time on ' would he ame to secure eu last evening. A. W. Leffel Is confined to his home with la grippe. ' He. has been ailing for some time, but It Is only recently that be was not able to bo out. ' r ' rAn, a ftirntliira dealer of. . svneral manager. Is In La Orande to- iiveiso, wasn., reiurmu i - - , ,-,.rti. business at the i . " bin " n coun,y C0Urt 1 '..;.' . ,., Fred G. Taylor returned last eve Hot I-ake. where he ha; cents per sack. A. E. Eberhart, formerly with the P. E. Easterday Bridge company, but now connected with the Columbia Bridae company at Walla Walla ' 'Williamson land office. Th Ttev. Lnula 6anford' .of' San ini? Francisco, will give an address on the ( missionary work of the Episcopal , church, this evening at 7:30, In St. . Peter's church. '..,. J. F. .Campbell, county superlntend- H ent.of bridges moved his residence to H p a lonsr and serious illness. ' spent the day at h!s office, and w ! p'oiiirn to the sanatorium tomorrow Ha Is much Improved. Thursday cvenlns of this week M. Cake, who Is a candidate for th nomination before the republican pri maries for United States s. nator, w address the voters of this city, r. . . .-..t.l.l. annnlroP find i . ,.n ,irv for the t ake l an huiti"o( ........... our citizens snmnu r the corner. of Oak Bnd Adams avenue, : one block north of his former resi dence. 'iJ The .Rev. Louis S:inford of T Fr ' T-t i v vri.fniaiw rfonnrtmpnt Cit th0 Kni.-n..! church, arrived here from greet h.m wun a .arge ..c T.ertlon last nlcht on No. !. and is Mrs. Wes Cavlnets will being entertained at the rectory. her home in . Mr. nlrhmond. Mrs. Cole and this evening. Miss Hutchinson of Haines, who hav Mr. . .. . . oeen uui v. ---- - - ,.tlves in Pendleton and other ted,n.th. dedicatory Tce.o tth. JET'S" ' nit rhurcii' returned to their places, vr leave Vale, Malheur county, after a short visit with and Mrs. J. A. Russell. Mrs. Cavlness had been spending a month cADY TOR mm The Methodist and Presbyterian churches are arranging for a series of Joint revival services. Evangelist Haudenschleld, who has been having such marked Success In this state, es pecially at Eugene and Pendleton re cently, will conduct th meetings. The armory which ' will seat any. where from 1000 to 1200 people, has been secured for three weeks, com mencing April 22. . From this time on these two churches will hold Joint prayeV meet ings. Next Thursday evenrig, kcv, Seemann will lead the meeting held in the Methodist church. Sunday eve, nlng next the two congregations will meet Jointly at the PreBbyterlan church, where they will be addressed by Rev. C. E. Deal. The young peo, pie's societies will also hold Joint meetings from now on to the close of the special services. At a meeting of the appointed work, ers held yesterday afternoon, the city was divided Into convenient districts under the supervision of staled leaders for the purpose of holding cottage nraver meetings twice each week prior to Apr(l 22. The first of th prayer meetings will be held In varl ous portions of the city, commencing next Friday afternoon. Considerable Interest ha already made Itself manifest by the members of both churches and aa the evangel 1st has the reputation of doing great things, great things are expected here in La Grande. CONGO ROOFING You can lay tt yourself. It's u hard work and tt dosn't take long. After it's done, it's done tor t long, long time, orarmi hurt Congo Roofing, wind won't rip it, heat won't soften It or maice n brittle. It can't rot, rust, corrode, creep or. leak. It is the "Waver Leak Roofing." Write for simple. That will tell the story better than wordi. XCLt'SIVE AGENTS. EVERY DAY NECESSITIES Parlor Matches, per box ... , 7 l-2c Block Matches Ic, Toilet Paper, pet roll ; 4c Clothes Pins, per dozen, corrrrnon ; ic Clothes Pins, per dozen, spring- 7 l-2c Ink, Carters, per boltle ; , 4fc Envelopes, per package 4c 0. N. t Spool Cotton, per spool 4c Saleiy Fins, i'e te, per popci . 5i Pins, the best, per paper - 4c We cany the most complete stock of mer chandise of any house in the county. Dry Goods, Shoes, Men's and Boy's Clothing Hardware, and House Furnishings, Dishes, ' AND WE WILL ALWAYS QUOTE YOU THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THE GOLDEN CO. EVANS HAS ACCIDENT. Broadside Gun F.x)1ikUs, TVnrlnjr Part of Machine Away. Washington, D. C, March 30. The first accident of a serious nature to befall Evans' fleet since It left Hamp ton Roads, occurred today when the muzzle of a broadside gun on the Mis souri blew out, tearing away one-half of the gun. The gun crew was not injured. The cause of the accident Is not alven In the dispatch. A board of Inquiry has been ordered to Inves tlgate. Illg Howard OffomL ' Denver, Col., March SO. A reward of $10,000 has been posted for the capture and conviction of the man or men who attempted to . dynamite Bulkley Wells at Tellurlde Saturday morning. : ' At the Electric. Manager Sherwood announces that the program at the Electric theater this evening is an unusually strong lone. The numbers are an exception ally clear and the pictorial dramas are much stronger than the average. The illustrated songs are both good, both as to pictures and sentiment. Re member the matlnees Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. Thanks. The First Baptist church of the city takes this occasion and means to ex press to the people of La Grande their profound gratitude for the liberal help extended In the completion of the building. The funds are provided to pay all outstanding ' accounts. Sub scriptions may be turned Into me, Box 802, La Grande, Oregon. W. H. GIBSON', Pastor. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Union County. Samuel T. Boothe, plaintiff, vs. Myr tle Boothe, defendant. To Myrtle Boothe, the Above Named Defendant: In the name ot the state of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and re quired to appear in the circuit court of the state ot Oregon, for Union coun ty, and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause on or before the 2nd day of May, 1908, or In default thereof the plaintiff will acDly to the court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt: for a decree of the court declaring the marriage contract between plaint' Iff and defendant null and void, and for such other and further relief as may be agreeable to equity and good conscience. This summons Is served by publi cation thereof ' for tlx consecutive weeks In the Evening Observer, dally newspaper of general circulation published at La Grande, Union coun ty, Oregon, by order of Hon. Thomas Crawford, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 21st day of March, 1908. It. H. LLOTD, Attorney for Plaintiff. 1'or Coroner. j herewith announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of county coroner, subject to the wishes of the voters at the re- publican primaries. T. R. MONK, Summervllle. Birth Record. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Puck ett, near this city, Monday, March SO. 1908, a daughter. . . A Notre Dame Lady's Appeal. To all knowing sufferers of rheu matism, whether muscular or of the Joints, sciatica, lumbagos, backache, pains In the kidneys or neuralgia pains, to write to her (or a bom treat ment which has repeatedly cured all of these tortures. She feels It her duty to send It to all sufferers free. you cure yourself at home as thous ands wilt testify no change of ell mate being necessary. This simple discovery banishes urlo acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened Joints, purifies the blood and brightens the yes, giving elasticity and tone to the whole system. If th above Interests you, for proof address Mrs. If. Sum- bers. Box R. Notre Dame, Ind. .Notice ot Final Settlement. 4 Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final account . as administrator of the estate of Hen ry H. Elmer, deceased, and the coun ty Judge ot Union county, Oregon, has appointed Tuesday, the Tth day of April, 1908, at ten o'clock a, m aV the court house In La Grande, Union? county, Oregon, aa the time and place ' tor hearing of objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. . Dated February 28, 1108. , EDWARD ELMER, Administrator of the Estate of Henry H. Elmer, Deceased. , d Feb 26-t-ll-18-2B-al 1 .. J :For Rent. ' ' 820-acre farm on Bandrldgo for rent cheap. See us at once. BLACK BRAMWELL. 7f - - ' ' , boarders In private family. Apply to Mrs. Stella Taylor, southwest cor- , ner Adams and Greenwood.. S-SOtw . RF Al ITIFYTHF HOMF I iJlwnU I 18 I I I sw I IVl'ILs, X Of course you are thinking of making some changes in the home this season. Let us help you. We have the material, the expert ienced workmen and the "know how.M Our stock of wallpaper, paints and decorations are at your service. Piles Cured at Hume ty Xcw Absorp tion Meatiod. if you suffer frotn bleeding, Itch ing, blind or protruding piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how. to cure yourself at home by th new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treat ment free " for trial, with references from youtr own locality it requested. Immediate relief and permanent w re assured. Bend no money, but tl others of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Bummers, Bos P, Notre Dims, lad. O. F. COOLIDGE PeUnts, Oils, and Glass Let Heacock repair your watch. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE ' ' ' NEW SPRING MILLINERY? We have i. New, All Kinds. Nobby and Stylish. All Prices. ' E. M WellmanCaGo. avenue s 1 , . . while en route to her home. t home this mornlnr. 'WB"eeB