gitt pages. EVKNUQ O BSKKVKK, LA GRANDE. OREGON, FA1TRDAY, MARCH M 40. PACE SEVEJf. t : 1: ' &y.: FERGUSON 'S In our window for the next few dayi there will be tampltt of many little office conviencet. If you thould need anything that we have not in etock, we will take mu:h pleature in obtaining the ar-. tide needed, at quickly at pottible. Nothing it too much trouble FERGUSON 'S The Wealthy The Particular The Poor will be hannv in tha iica fhof nw lifrfct fKa . r r j " w vuuiw uw n ijgii i wis DAVIS-JORDAN MUSIC CO. have in their store. Burns the gas your coal oil lamp lets escape. Gall tonight and se it THE (OIIY Mm t M.M.M.M......A--M..M..m - - . - - ... HAY, GRAIN, WOOD ? Wa ha v a in fitnr.k a. Int nf fins timnt.hv wiM oram nA alfalfa hay, bought before the price advanced. We are ; lling this hay at low price, quality guaranteed. ; Webuy and sell oats, barley and mill stuff of'all kinds. ; 2 We'll sell flour at lower price than others. Try us. : I We are closing out our wood business. Have about : 100 cords left Get some at a reduced price before it : is all gone. , : ?HE REAL ESTATE, LOAN j AND COMMISSION CO. I UM ' YOUR WORK Is what we want. We don't call on you one week for it and tell you the next we cannot do it for you. We want it now, and all the time. We do not think it necessary at this time toay anything about the class of work we turn out. The fact that we have been in the LAUN DRY business for twelve years inLa Grande we think sufficient evi dence that our work is sat isfactory. Try it. A, B. C. LAUNDRY TELEPHONE MAIN 7 . ILrf II IVS t'it't' I AN5ARRAY OF GOODIES that willjplease anyone wirh a pal ate young or old; male or female it Jhere displayed, not only on special occasions, but every day in the year our thop't open. A taste for candy it not confined to child ren and women only. Men we all like them. E. D. SELDER (Elgin Recorder.) Born to the wife of R. F. Monroe, March 25. 108, a daughter. Mr. and Mr. J. W. Parker left the fore part of the week for. Portland, where the, latter la to undergo a sur gical operation. Mrs. L. Blatichard, of the Flat, has been seriously ill for several days and her recovery Is doubtful. "Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Fiaher - of Summervllle, are visiting lo Elgin this week with relatives and friends. Hon. E. E. Taylor, one of the pio neer of this county, and one of the early Oregon pioneers, was down from La Grande this week visiting with rel atives and friends. John Graham and son, Herley, left this week for Walla Walla, where both expect to undergo surgical operations. Should they not be satisfied with con ditions at Walla Walla, however, they will go to Portland. The senior Mr. Graham has been suffering tor kvum years with a lameness in one of his legs, which local physicians have been unable to relieve. His son will under go an operation for the removal of a growth from his neck. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hendricks re turned home this week after an ab sence of several months to various points. From Elgin Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks went to Iowa, where they visited relatives for a week, after which they continued their ' journey to old Mexico, where they spent seV' eral weeks visiting the principal cities and points of Interest. The trip through Mexico Is described as being extremely Interesting by Mr. and Mrs, Hendricks. After leaving Mexico they spent considerable time In Los An geles and other California cities. (Union Republican.) The Wright Bros, are preparing for a heavy fruit business this year, and are shaping their affairs to that end. Clarence Miller was taken to Hot Lake Tuesday, still very sick with pneumonia. Born On March 2s, to Mr. and Mrs. Dolby, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bernard on March 25, a sjii. W. B. Butterfleld was in La Grange Tuesday, receiving his commission as deputy assessor for Union a good ap pointment. A inn wah hnrn tn fi a rwl f -m William Dement of Union, this week, and a son was also born to Mr. and Mrs. William Baxter of Cove, last week. The Central Railway this week shipped out 14 cars of produce in three days a pretty good showing with Indications of a revival of busl ness all along the line. There Is a current report that under certain conditions, one of which Is the Installation of a city electric plant, the Rees flouring mills at Cove will be moved to Union. Waldo Perry was over from La Grande Sunday. He Is at present em ployed in the sheriffs office, and his friends are pushing him for the dem ocratic nomination for county clerk, an honor which Mr. Perry has not yet consented to accept. (Union Scout.) George Huffman recently sold a fine Imported Percheron stallion to William Boyce of Baker county. L. B. Haynes and George Tally are back from Malheur. They will return to the oil fields In a short time for an Indefinite stay. W. B. Butterfleld, who spent the Inst month In the Malheur oil regions, arrived some Saturday. Mr. Butter fleld says the oil prospects are fine up there and feels well satlnfled with his Investments. He also broiiKht home the fossil remains of some animal f the crocodile family. The lines of the skull are very clearly defined. As there Is no record of the animal's time of life. It Is only a guess as to the period In which It lived, breathed and had Its existence. tiUAKDIAN bYAUS. In the matter of the guardianship of the estate and parson of Maggie Given, true name Margaret Given, an insane person. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, guardian of the person and estate of Maggie Given, true name Margaret Given, an insane person, by virtue of an order of the Honorable County Court of Union county, Ore gon, made and entered on the 4th day of March, A. D. 108, at a regular term thereof, will bn and after the 18th day of April, A. D. 1901, offer for sale, and will sell at private kale, to the highest bidder, subject to the confirmation of the court for cash In hand, all the right, tltlo and Interest of the said Maggie Given, true name Margaret Given, (the same being an estate in fee simple) in and to the following premises, to-wlt: All that portion of the northeast quarter of the north weat quarter of section thirty (tO) in township four (4) south, of range forty (40) east, W. M., except ing that portion heretofore deeded' to Minnie Ostrander, bounded as com mencing at the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the north west quarter of section 80 township 4 S. R, 40, E. W. M., as aioretald, and running thence east 64 rods and 6 links, thence north 69 rods and 8 links, thence west 54 rods and links, and Mica?" fnnth ft rods and 8 links to place of beginning. Also the water right and ditches conveyed to this grantor and belonging to said land herein conveyed. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, , this 13th day cf March, A. D. 1908. S.,L. GIVEN, Guardian. GraTUng ts a dead issue. Bo syt Dr. R. C. Par ker of the Indiana School of Medi cine, In Collier's Weekly. We concur with him. Blue Mountain Cough Syr ip will cure your cough, not as pleas int to take as some others, but It con. 'lna the Ingredient that will posi tively and absolutely cure that cough. RED CROSS DRUG STORE. For Sale. Stock ranch of 1520 acres, located one-half mile south of Union; 80 acres in alfalfa. All under water. Stock, machinery, etc., go with place. Call on or address owner, C. F. Slemsen, Union, Ore. 8-27dwtf We Want Your Wants IN Our Want Ad Column Your want is placed before a thousand or more want-teekert very day Can you afford to spend one cent per word of your want ad whe.e rttultt are tha keynotet? . FOR, RENT. FOR RENT Unfurnished house, with bath; also barn. Mrs. S. C. Zuber. ' FOR RENT Well improved 4-acre tract near Palmer mill; 6-room house, good orchard, good land. In quire of B. F. Wade, Owl saloon. 1 8-9tf FOR RENT House on Third street. 908. Large enough for two families. Apply to Martin Larson. 8-21-4-5 FOR SALS. FOR SALE Team of heavy work horses,(1400 and 1500 pounds; 6 and T years; also team driving mares. In quire 1417 Washington Ave. 8-14tf FOU SALS Gso5 jsylr.j .in.. in desirable location; prices right If taken within 80 days. "Address or Inquire of Mrs. 8. E. Wall, North Powder. LOST Large pocketbook containing two life Insurance policies. Finder return to Observer and receive re ward. 8-27U LOST -A gold watch ut enata with Initials M. V. on watch. Reward paid for Its return to Herman Vehrs. Tha advertisement In The Observer are placed there for you to read. Each and every one contains a plain business proposition. WANTED. WANTED To trade hay for wood. Stoddard Lumber Co. 8-14tf "' WANTED If you are looking for work Just call at the Real Estate,' Loan & Commission " Co. ' Office headquarters for all employment IN fl HURRY? THEN CALL 1 nE TRANSFER . MAN He will take that to tha De pui ui jiuui ho.T.s Ir. .!;;; tlrr.t t1""" it takes to tell it. Day phone Red 761 Night Black 1792 Wag-n alwtyt ;?ir f.v.z C. G. HOL6T, Contractor and Builder. Satisfaction guaranteed; estimates furnished on any kind of masonry work on short notice. Mantels and fireplaces a specialty. Room No. 1. Smith Rooming house, La Grande, Ore. 'Phone Red 141. Land for Rent. We have 820 acres of excellent land for rent. Call at once, F. 8. BRAMWELL, C. J. BLACK. Just Received. Large assortment new wall paper: and paints, oils, varnish and Jap-a lac. Call and aee the new wall paper design. Think cf the f ne .music and solid fun yiu miss every hour you are without a phonograph. Better talk to Davis-Jordan Music Co. about them tl a week does It. Better Than Spanking, Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitution al cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box W, Notre Dame. Ind., will send free to any mother her suc cessful Instruction. ' Send no money, but write her today if your children trouble In this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help It. This treatment alto circt adults, and aged people troubled with urine difficulties ty day or sight . By buying a coupon book good for 15.00 worth of washing at Cherry's New Laundry, you can save 60 cents. Isn't that worth while. Talk to your wife about It. 8-4 ' Horses for Sale. Inquire, of A. E. Brunson, agent for Portland Livestock Insurance association, La Grande, Oregon. Call at Som- mer hotel. . LA GRANDE SCNOOLofMUSIC -A Studio over Solder's candy parlors. : : : PROF. DAY, Principal 4 I PAINT AND WALL i PAPER STORE RAINTINQ AND PAPERHANQINO ! Staniels & Bugg I U20 ADAMS AVENUE La Grande, Oregon t Phone Red 1921 SAVING MONET by dealing at Geddea Bros.' 1 no Illu sion, aa the amount of your purchase) I never excessive, as It la always computed at the lowest possible-: prices In fact, many tell ut It I al ways lower than they expected. W keep only the highest grade goods.. Our trade Is among the highest grade people, so we make few bad debts. We buy tn very large qantlUee and sell at the lowest possible figures. ' GEDDGS BROS. FOR THE LENTEN SEASON I Tha following list of teatonable eatable may help you to select your menue during thit teaton, when cartful houttwivet somttimtt And it diffi cult to arrange a satittactory meal, B:tton Beauty Mackeral; Dainty Brand Cod Fiih, two pound brickt; Ktg Herring; Bonelett Lunch Herring In glatt; Norway Mtcktral Sardinet; French Sardines in cil; Muttard Sardines; Broiled Mackeral. , CANNED GOODS Salmon, Lobttsr, Shrimp, Clamf, Oyttert, P. S. Stock Clam Chowder. CHEESE Full Cream Cheese, Switt Cheese, Jertty Cream Chtett, Pint Limberctr Cheese, McLaren't Roquefort Cheese, THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. P0LACK. Pronr ' PhnnA Main 7R A - "''' ' Mil 1 V S A NEW WALL PAPER New "Spring Stock just received. Finest assortment ever brought to La Grande. Also a large assortment of Paints, Oils, Jap-a-lac. New car of best Lime. W. H. B0HNENKAMP CO 1 HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, BUILDING MATERIAL