La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 27, 1908, Image 1

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    - ' !' J .l!;!'.iL ' Ji ' :.. . . ' ;. : ' , . :
I P: "'H i11, f t: tl j "j(?fj aBAKDE. TOIOX OTTT. ORKGOX. rarDAY, MAnC1H7. 1908. NrMBKR lOi
. I . i i . ' BEEN MISQUOTED.
Retiring Ambassador Tower Haa a
Large Task on HU Hands to Explain
to Uncle 8am How Information
. That Kaiser W Displeased With
the Appointment of HIU aa Ambas
"'Vortglnated Kaiser Denies
Havli.g iide Any Such Statement.
Jlg Galloway lii tW Wrcult court
here this afternoon, In the suit
brought by the state of Oregon to re
cover feea alleged to have been appro
prlated by Dunbar while In office.
Dunbar wlU have to reimburse the
state, according to the court's ruling-.
Bryan Visits Pittsburg.
V Pittsburg, Pa., March 27. Demo
crats from all over western Pennsyl
vania are arriving In Pittsburg today
to participate In a demonstration In
honor of William J. Bryan, who will
speak In the Exposition building this
evening. President Jere 8. Black, of
the Pennsylvania Bryan league, will
preside over the meeting. The Ne
braskan will proceed from here to
Parkersburg, W. Vs., where he will
deliver an address tomorrow.
Berlin, March 27. The situation re
sulting from the objection sent to
Washington to the appointment of
David. Jayne HlU as ambassador to
Germany, Is now up to Ambassador
Tower, Following semi-official de
nial by the state department vested
day. that the German government had''
objected to Hill and following a" re-1 1 " . -
nroHr," T" !" T " W MIKADO TAKING EVERY ' ' .
nwT0i:rta,rt ? wn:r y v possible.
It wav Miown that the kaiser objected , 1 r , .n .
to Hllf on -purely personal grounds, ;.,.., . "....
. -.,,,. ' Attitude of Corcans In Their Annasln-
u uiiim suuement rrom tne.l
kaiser himself, was Issued today. , ;
In It he states that he never saldi
nor wrote a word- that might be con- j
strued by any one as an objection to
Hill's appointment. On- the :con-
trary, as late as last November, the :
kaiser expressed his warm approval !
of Hill. , The kaiser's statement ends '
the ma'.ter as far as the German gov
ernment Is concerned. It removes the
last shadow of doubt that the Wash
ington, state department was misin
formed. Just how, will have to be
explained by Tower. .
The Berlin afternoon papers are
full of the Hill-Tower ambassadorship
atlon of Steven of San FranclHco
and Subsequent' Statements, ' Give
Ample Ground for the Belief That
a' Campaign of Assassination la
Plaiino(l--Kp'lal Guards E.vry
where About Japanese Leader.
Toklo, March' 27.-r;Fear of a wHole-
( sale campaign' of assassination by Co-
rean enthusiasts following the murder
of D. W. Stevens in San Francisco,' has
Btlrred officials here to take greater
precautions and visitors to tho for
eign office are being closely question
ed before admittance Is granted. .
Orders have been sent to Seoul that
... ... . , special guards should be placed about
muddle and the prevailing impression'
me paiace ana an Japanese agents are
warned bt be on the look-out for as-
. seems to be that Tower Is In the
wrong and to blame for the confu
sion. -
. , . -. , , r. . :
Former Secretary of State In Oregon
Must Reimburse Commonwealth.
I ' : ' ' - t
Salem, March 17. Ex-Secretary of
Stat Dunbar waa found guilty 1 by
sasslns. '
It. Is believed .here that Stevens Js
but the .first of a series of assassina
tions planned by CoreanS with the ob
Jecl of attracting the attention of the
world to their down trodden condition.
.The entire secret service of Japan
Is engaged In looking out tor Corean
leaders, both In Japan and Corea. .
Minority Leader John Sharp Williams
Hint in Speecb on Floor of the
Home Today That He WlU Bring
. Impeachment Proceedings Against
Roosevelt Starts Over Roosevelt's
Action Relative to the Recent WUf-
ley Incident In Shanghai.
Washington, D. C, March 27. John
Sharp Williams, minority leader of the
house, hinted strongly today In s
speech that he Intended bringing lm
Jrfchsient proceedings against Pres
ident' Roosevelt on the Wlltley Inci
dent, I ,
Williams' statement followed the
report that tne piicr.t Ht taken
members of the judiciary committee
to- task for criticism that they had
leveled at Wllfley for his conduct
as judge of the United States court at
"If these charges against the presi
dent prove true," ' said Williams on
the floor today, "I shall Introduce a
resolution calling for a thorough In-,
vestlgatlon of this Intrusion " of the
president of the United States 'on the
Tights of members of this house."
Surprisingly Large Number of County
Voters Have Placed Their Names on
the Registration Books and Indica
tions' Point to a Record Breaking
Primary Vote One Christian Reg
isteredCamp Carson Has Record
Five Refuse to Give Party.
Auto Race Heads for Alanka. .
San. Francisco, March 27. The
American Thomas racer In the New
York-Paris race, left for Valde'z, Alas
ka today on board the steamer Pueb
lo. The Pueblo Is due at Seattle Mon
day and Captain Hansen of the auto,
expects to reach Valdes in six days.
Carrier pigeons will be carried with
the car and released along the route.
' -. I
. . 'r;,'
' Fleet Laying Mines.
Magdalena Bay, March 17. The
fleet Is now engaged In the practice
of laying mines.. Torpedo boat prac
tice Is also under way. All battleships
except the Vermont, Kansas and Mis
souri have practically finished their
target practice. '
sa4s44s4s444444ss -
t - :
N Will be the all-absorbing topic for the next few weeks-We believe you will be
interested in the new goods we have selected for the spring and summer season, and
wh'ch are now' arriving daily. ' : '1
Keep your eyes on this store and our ads from now on and all the time, and you
caficorne to this store any day with the assurance of'finding some new arrivals in
someof the many and varied lines. ; ; . :
In this connection let us say to you the spring productions are most beautiful
in point of colors and fabrics and the ready-to-wear garments areso natty and varied
in styles that the most exacting tastes can be satisfied.
y There is also a tendency for LOWER PRICES in ne?rly all lines, and as usual
this store will be. the rirstto give you the fullest bsnefltof the lower prices. Being
members of the Northwest Casl-Buyers' Union, consisting of mo-e than 50 of the
best stores in the northwest with a purchasing power greater than the average job-
hinir house enables us to take advantage of mechandise opportunities beyond the
A ' ..' 1 1 1. ' lte aalfsff sksjgsn f riAPA flatnanflf 4 A YtA fflffa AVrAlll 9 IA If ftffV
rtaru nf individual Duyer5--"ivu nui vuiu iv i-it ,uui jvm
1 oawi w- -
at this store.
.BLACK 1301
have been placed under arrest pend
ing investigation.'
Accountants say the amount miss
ing may equal 12,000,000, but' Bank
Examiner Folds said today the bank's
loss might not exceed $400,000.' The
two accused men are trying to secure
their release on ball, but It la not
thought that they will be successful.
Requests Are Granted.
San Francisco, March 17. In ac
cordance with the requests of the Lincoln-Roosevelt
league, the arrival of
the Atlantic fleet will be delayed one
day In order that the data of pri
maries may pass before the vessels
reach the bay. By coming on May
Instead of May 5, aa originally plan
ned, this Is made possible.
The county voters have registered
lively of late and the result Is that the
total registration up to date Is higher
than at the last election by a large
margin, and when It Is taken Into
consideration that the primary elec
tion laws are yet new, comparative,
to the voters, the number of registra
tion aa aeen from the table herewith,
Is encouraging. ' The mum aiiu.vs t!.?
out of the approximate total voting
strength of .the county S900 there
are but 1600 In the county who have
not placed their names on the regis
tration books.
For remarkablllty, Camp Carson
stands alone. Only one voter has reg
istered In that precinct, and he Is a
socialist. The registration In the city
wards Is heavy.
There have been but live who re
fused to give their political affiliations
and one who registered as a Christian.
Following Is a table, compiled by the
clerk's office, and gives the precinct
registration, the party totn's and tne
grand total:
Antelope Rep. 8, Dem. 2: total 10.
Allcel Rep 25, Dem. 12, Pro. 1; to
tal 8.
Cove Rep 82, Dem. 67, Soc. 1, Pro.
6; total 168.
North Elgin Rep. 113, Dem. 84
Soc. 12, Pro. 6, Ind. t, refused to an
swer 1; total 221. '
South Elgin Rep. 108, Dem. 82,
Soc. 4, Pro. , Ind. 8; total 205.
HUgard Rep, 82, Dem. 25; total
Imbler Rep, 6, Dem. 2; total 7.
Island City Rep. 48, Dem 62, Ind
2; total 102. .
Kamela Rep. 4, Dem. 8, Soo. 8;
total .
. La Grande, No. 1 Rep. 81, Dem.
48, Soo. 5, Pro. 1, Ind. 1; total 136.
La Grande, No. 2 Rep. 157, Dem.
75, Soc. 19, Pro. 2, Ind. 17, Christian
1; total 271.
' La Grande, No. 2 Rep. 163, Dem.
87, Soc. 11, Pro. 1, Ind. 6; total 268.
La Grande, No. 4 Rep. 144, Dem.
64, Soc. 20, Pro. 1, Ind. 4; total 233
La Grande, No. 6 Rep. 40, Dem.
12, Soc. 4, Pro. 2. Ind. 2; total 60.
North Powder Rep. 110, Dem. 60
Soc. 20, Pro. 1, Ind. 2, refused 2; total
' - '
Perry Rep. 2, Dem. 1; total 8.
Summervllle Rep 84, Dem. 56, Soc.
1, Pro. 2. Ind. 2, refused 1; total 146.
Starkey Rep. 11, Dem. 8, Soc. 1
Ind. 1; total tl. ' 1
Union, No. 1 Rep. 100, Dem. 66
8oc. 1, Pro. 7, Ind. 1; total 166.
Union, No. 2 Rep. 77, Dem. 43
Soc, 2, Pro. 7, Ind. 1, refused 1; total
Camp Carson Soo. 1.
Total registration Rep. 1394, Dem.
839, Soc. 104, Pro. 41, Ind. 63, re
fused to answer 6, Christian 1. Grand
total registers dvoters up to date,
Evening Portland Journal Will Print
DlxnaU'ti From New' York Saying
Harrlnian Has Resigned From the
I'nlon Paclfk Head Ofrkw To Be
Succeeded by C.' 8. Mcllt-u Morgan
Started Harrliiuin Down Hill by
Calling for tollnUTnl on Loans.
Portland, March ' 27. Tho Oregon
Dally Journal will tonight print a spe
cial dispatch from New Tork,-stating
that E. H. Harrlman has resigned
from the presidency of the Union Pa
clfio and be succeeded by C. S. Mol
ten. It states that Harrlman relin
quished his control last October, but
the fact was kept secret. It declares
his dictation of the road ceased when
called upon by Morgan during the
panic, for collateral on loans and he
had tu give up his Union Pacific
By Both Its Negative and Afflrmatira
Team Winning In the Triangular
Debate Last Evening, the Idaho' .
University Stands the Victor AN
rirniatlve Moscow Team Wins at
Home From Waslilngton and Wins
at Eugene Oregon Loses at 8eat4
Portland, March 27, The Universi
ty of Idaho scored two jtrlklng vie
torles In the forensic field last night
when the teams from the Moscow in
stitution defeated both the Unlversl- '
ty of Oregon at Eugene, Ore., and the
University of Washington at Moscow,.
Idaho. The Idaho men won on both
sides of the question on Japanese ex
clusion . At HuvMto innnrted
the negative side of the question: "Re-'
solved, That the present laws relating
to Chinese exclusion v should be ex
tended to Japanese."
At Moscow, th debaters took the
affirmative side. " .'
At Seattle the University of Wash-
Ington defeated the University of Ore
gon., Washington supported ths af-'
f Irrelative side to the Japanese exclu
sion question.
La Grande Boy at Seattle. y
Earl Kllpatrtck of La Orande, was
a member of the Oregon negative -team
at Seattle.
Each university of the three has a
negative and an affirmative team, ths
latter remaining at home and the neg
ative going away,.
Stricken City In Mexico Still Without
Mexico City, March 1 7. Chile pa, a
ilty of lSlOOO persons. Is In flames,
following an earthquake shock last
night Delayed dispatches received
here state there are many fatalities.
but no figures are given. All tele
graphic communication is cut off.
Anotlwr Hearing for Gillette.
Albany, N. T., March 27. Governor
Hughes announced this morning that
he would give Chester Gillette's at
torneys a hearing on the gronuds that
new evidence had been found. Gil
lette Is under sentence of execution
for the murder of Grace Brown.
California Popallxts.
Ban Francisco, March 27. At the
call of Chairman A. J. Jones,' Califor
nia populists assembled In' San Fran
cisco today for their state convention.
Twenty delegates' will be elected to
represent California In the national
'onventlon of ths people's party at
Bt. Louis on April J.
To Reopen Big Bank.
Providence, R. I., March 27. Ac
tion fixing ths time and final de
tails for ths resumption of business by
ths Union Trust company, which
failed during ths recent panic.. Is ex
pected to be taken In ths superior
court tomorrow. The company was
recently declared solvent by Justice
Sweetland and permission' given for
Its reopening. Ths concern was one
of ths most important financial Insti- '
tutlons in Rhode Island and Its fallurs
created a sensation here. Ths bank
will reopen Its doors with about $,
000,000 cash in Its vaults. Ths total 1
net Indebtedness of the company hi
319.113,677.62. Practically all of ths
creditors hav eglven assent to ths re
organization plan.
Oregon Prohibitionists.
Portland, Ore., March 27. With
delegates from all over ths state In
attendance, the Oregon state conven
tion of the prohibition party was
opened here today. Representatives
will be selected to attend th national
convention at Columbus, O.
Fire at Silverton.
Sllverton, Ore., March 27. A disas
trous fire hers this morning destroyed
a business block, t causing a loss of
Teller and Auditor of farmers' I)ckk
It National Bank of Pittsburg Ar
rrttUid on Cliarae of Taking I-argr
Sums From the Institution Now In
Jail and Cannot, Apparently, Get
Ball Release Bank Examiner Gives
Much Lower Figure.
' Pittsburg, March 27. Charged with
stealing 11,066,000 from ths Farmers'
Deposit National bank, Henry Relbsr,
ths teller, and John Young,, auditor.
There is no time when the really proper art
icles are so essential as when illness comes
to the home. No matter what your needs
may be, we furnish you with the desired
article. Our prompt delivery service is at
your service.
t La Grande m Oregon I
"S V