EICHVAGES. Fvrrvrvo o'ttivkr. ? onmo. moxdat, march 23, ison; PACTS THREE- V. nd it need a steady Influx of tt to maintain the household and keep It eilng. To be lure of that steady flow of money, it Is the best plan to bank the savings so that yr.u will know where to reach them In time of need. For "rainy days" come to the thrif tiest of us at times, and It Is well for us If they find us prepared. Bank your surplus cash with us now, and Ton will have the pleasure of know. In that It Is not only secure, but earning good Interest The Eastern Oregon Trust & Savings Lank OFFICERS: r. M. BTRKIT. President WM. MILLER. Vice-President OEO. L. CLEAVER, Cashier. T. J. 8CROQOIN. Assistant Cashier. F. J. HOLMEH. Pressure. 9 4 4 ,4 : LET 'ME examine your eye fit your glasses. My glasses fit and give sat- isfaction. I 0. M. HEACOCK t Al the same old stand ? i If you want your watch to run right, let Heacock repair it, at the same old j stand. oregqk Arrival uml Departure nf Trains La Grunde. No. 1. westbound Portland Special arrives 9:25 a. m.; departs. 9:30 a. m K. t. eastbound passenger, mal and express, arrives, at 6:45 a. m.; de parts :i0 a- No. 2, eiistbotmd Chicago Specie arrives 8:05 p. m.; departs, 8:10 p. m No. 5, westbound passenger, mal and express, arrives 9:55 p. in.; dt parts, 10 p. m. Klein Branch, Leaves T-a Grande at 8 a. m. and errtves In L Omnd- st J. II. KF.KXEV. Agent. m Grande. Oregon. IMBLER DRUG STORE DR. 0. A. FISHER, Prop. Patent Medic ens, Perfumes. Toilet Articles and Ruboer ; Trusses, Goods. : OPEN DAY OR MGHT ; PHONE CALLS ANSWER- . : ed DAY OR MGKT : imoi u The Charlse B. Han ford company arrived In La Grande last evening from the west, and will be seen to night In "Antony and Cleopatra" at the Steward. There are but few seats mere score left, and It Is safe to predict that the largest house this season will greet the talented xctor. The stupendosu scale " on which Charles B. Hanford's productions are made have been, from season to sea- :iiurlos 11. Ilunford ax "Marc Antony" In "Antony and Clcoiatra." inn, the subject of Increased admlra lon nnd wonder. Each presentation ie makes Is designed to ecllr..j It? Predecessor in brilliancy of effect and laboratiun of detail. It Is another evidence of Shakespeare's compre hensive genius that the actor is not lbliged to depart from his Splays for naterlal for unlimited scenic exploit itlon. It has been argued that but little scenery was employed In the day of Elizabethan drama; but there have been skeptics on this point. Certain It is that no plays lend themselves more splendidly to the purposes of the scenic artist and costumer, as well as of the actor, than those of Shake speare. One of the most striking of the great poet's scenic dramas Is "Antony and Cleopatra," which Mr. Hanford selects as his subject for a spectacular revival this season. It Is particularly fitting that Mr. Hanford ihould follow his production of "Juli us Caesar," which created such a pro 'ound Impression last winter, with the 444444444444444444444 I jVJA 1 You'll Pay With Pleasure Grande Ronde PERRY, CAN FURNISH LUMBER OF ALL KINDS IN CAR LOAD LOTS For 16 inch Chain Wood Call up V. I. BEAN, La story of the Roman warrior's historic amour with Egypt's queen. The sub ject has been one of rare fascination for the genius that m ies the stag" Us medium of expression. The great est play! . ave lent triU talent the two r' which gl the play Its title, and ')'. bra ted authors have ilnio and again striving to add something new to the story, only to be eclipsed by by th one great play dealing with the topic. Like all his other repre sentations, this latest contribution to theatric, entertainment by Jr. Han ford will be dominated by the spirit of modernism. Thla does not Imply that the performance will be found lacking in respect for the highest tra ditions associated with It, or that a garbled and mutilated text will be thrust before the public. The same completeness which has marked all of Mr.' Hanford's productions, will be noteworthy In this. But there will be no slighting the opportunities for pa geantry, on the pretext of conforming to the custom of Shakespeare's own time. The play will be given with the wealth of real magnificence which the poet's own text suggests so warm ly and constantly, that there can be no doubt of Its existence In hfs own Imagination. The chorus and orchestra will be under the direction of the company's own leader and a skilled electrician will give hla undivided attention to the lighting effects which have ranged to enhance the beauty of the magnificent array of scenery. Miss Wilson, though an English woman; has during her stay In this country been prominently cast with Otis Skin ner, Nat C. Goodwin, Charles Hawtry and Viola Allen. . No Cse to Die. "I have found out that there Is no use to die of lung trouble as long as you can get Dr. King's New Discov ery," says Mrs. J. P, White, of Rush- boro, 'Pa. "I would not be alive to. lay only for that wonderful medicine. It loosens up a cough quicker than mythlng else, and cures lung disease even after the case. Is pronounced hopeless." This most reliable rerne ly for coughs and colds, la grippe, nsthma, bronchitis and hoarseness. If sold under guarantee at the Newllr drug store. 60c and $1. Trial bottle free. Notice to Contractors. Separata sealed proposals will be received at the First National Bank, Joseph, Oregon, up "to p.' m., April 11, 1908, for the erection and comple tlon of a brick or stone building for both the First National bank and also drug store for Dr. Barnard. Plans and specifications can be had from the First National bank. The owners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Respectfully yours, F. F. SCRIBNER, Cashier. Evening Observer 65c per month. For every meal you earner. 'It will be a combination of good fcod, good cooking and good ser vice. Our restaurant is intend ed for people who appreciate ed eating, also for people who like the good things of life at a moderate cost If you belong to ' that cl iss, ccme in and see wha wa can do foi you. The Model - Restaurant J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. We ssll weekly meal Ti Cf tickets for - .JrT.Jl Lumber Co. OREGON Delivered at your Home, Grande. Ptyne, Red 1741 a aw i . Political Information. County registration books 4 open until April 1. t Primary election April 17. Registration books reopened April Zl: closed on Ma? U. General state election June 1. ' Registration books reopened September 20; close October !0. 4 Presidential election Novem- 4 ber 3. For Congress, T. T. GEER. 4 Candidate for republicna con- 4 4 gresslonal nomination In the 4 Second district. Liberal appro- 4 priatlons for waterways, equal 4 opportunities and privileges for 4 4 labor and capital,, and govern- 4 4 mental control of corporations. 4 4 For Representative. 4 4 1 announce to the republican 4 4 voters of Union county that I 4 4 am a candidate for the office of 4 4 representative to the legislature 4 4 and I respectfully ask to be 4 4 nominated at the primary elec- 4 4 tlon. to be held on the 17th day 4 4 of April, 1908. I subscribe to 4 4 statement No. 1, without modlfi- 4 ,4 cation, which means that I will 4 4 vote for the people's choice fur 4 4 U. S. senator, without regard to 4 4 my Individual preference. If 4 rminitt and elected I will 4 4 guard well the varied Interests r 4 of Union county, and all Its peo- 4 4 pie. On matters purely pollt 4 4 cat I shall adhere to republican 4 4 policies, but on all other ques- 4 4 tlons that affect the people I 4 shall strive for the V, greatest 4 4 good for the greatest number, 4 and will play no favorites. 4 4 J. B. STODDARD. 4 4444444444444444 4 For Ilfprcsentnuve. , 4 4 ' I hereby announce my can- 4 4 dldacy for the of flee of repre- 4 4 sentatlve at the republican prl- 4 4 mary election, to be held April 4 4 17, 190S. If nominated and t 4 elected I w ill stand on' statement 4 4.No. 1; I will use my best endeav- 4 4 ors to promote the best Inter- 4 4 ests of the taxpayer, regardless 4 4 of locality, religion or politics 4 4 of Union county and eastern 4 4 Oregon. 4 4 RICHARD D. HAMILTON, 4 4 Hilgard, Oregon. 44 4.4 4444444444 4 For Representative. 4 4 I hereby announce myself a 4 4 candidate for the nomination on 4 4 the republican ticket for state 4 4 representative, from Union 4 4 county, at the primary election 4 4 to be held on April IT. If nom- 4 4 Inated and elected I will use my 4 best endeavors to promote the 4 4 best results for Union county and 4 4 eastern Oregon, and do It lm- 4 4 partially. My motto Is: "No 4 4 friends to reward, but equal Jus- 4 4 tice to all." 4 4 8. F. RICHARDSON. 4 44444444444444 4 For Circuit Judge. 4 4 I hereby announce my candl- 4 4 dacy for the office of circuit 4 4 Judge at the republican primary 4 4 election, to be held April 17, 4 4 190S. If nominated and elected 4 4 I will faithfully nnd Impartially 4 4 perform the duties of the office, 4 4 giving every one, regardless of 4 4 locality, religion, politics or sta- 4 4 tlon In life, fair treatment and a 4 4 square deal, and enforce the laws 4 4 In the Interest of the taxpayer, 4 4 and for the promotion of Justice 4 4 and a higher and better citizen- 4 4 ship. 4 4 LEWIS J. DAVIS. 4 Of Union. 444444444444444 4 For County r'lcrk. 4 4 I hereby announce myself as a 4 4 candidate before the republican 4 4 primaries for the nomination of 4 4 county clerk of Union county. 4 4 Later In the campaign I expect 4 4 to address the voters upon, th 4 topic, "Pure Politics," at data 4 4 and places to be announced later. 4 4 WILLIAM F. ANDKRBON. 4 44444444444444 4 For County Treasurer. 4 4 1 hereby announce to the vot- 4 4 era of Union county that I will be 4 4 a candidate at the republican 4 4 primary election for the nomln- 4 4 a tlon for treasurer of Union 4 4 county. 4 4 JOHN FRAWLBT. 4 44444444444444 ft 4 For Sheriff. 4 4 I hereby announce to the re- 4 4 publican voters that I am a can- 4 4 dldata before the republican v 4 primaries for the nomination of 4 Z sheriff of Union county. 4 4 W. W. RANDALL. 4 44444444444444 4 , For Circuit Judge. 4 I hereby announce myself as 4 a candidate for the republican nomination of circuit Judge for 4 the Tenth judicial district, sub- 4 Ject to the decision of the quail- 4 fled electors at the primary 4 election, to be held April 17. If 4 nominated and elected, I will 4 faithfully. Impartially and econ- 4 omlcally discharge the duties of 4 the office. I will favor the rigid 4 enforcement 'of all laws. . 4 J. W. KNOWLES. 44444444444444 4 4 Candida to for Circuit Judge. 4 4 I take thla method of an 4 nounclng myself as a candidate 4 for the nomination for the of 4 flee of circuit Judge of thla dla 4 trict at the democratic prl 4 marlea to be held on April 17, 4 108. 4 My motto: No enemies to 4 ponlsb; no friend to reward; 4 equal Justice to all, 4 February IS. 1908. 4 " T. H. CRAWFORD. 4 For Sheriff. 4 4 I hereby announce to the re- 4 4 publican votera of Union coun- 4 4 ty, that I will be a candidate be- 4 4 fore the republican primaries 4 4 for the nomination for sheriff of 4 Union county. 4 K. W. DAVIS. 4 For County Recorder. 4 4 I take this means of anr.ounc- 4 4 Ing that I em a candidate tor 4 the republican nomination for 4 the office of Recorder of Union 4 4 county, at the primary otnctlon. 4 D. H. PROCTOR. 4 444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 For Assessor. : 4 I hereby announce to the re- 4 publican voters of Union coun- 4 ty, that I am a candidate at the 4 primary election for the reptib- 4 Ucan nomination far assessor of 4 Union county. R. A. HUQ. 4444444 THE POINTS THAT m Hm INTERESTT YOU MONEY WE provide an absolutely safe place to deposit your money. WE are not . an experiment, but a grown, really existing reullly. U'K return your money all of It on demand. WE are prosperous and responsible, aa well as progressive.' WG give you the Best of Service ss the result of long experience. WE have ample Cupltul and Surplus to protect your Interests In every way. IVe pay interest on Certificate of Deposit for 6 months and on Savirgs Accounts. FARMERS AND TRADERS NATIONAL BANK .OF LA J. W. SCRIEER. Cashier , JOSFPil PALMER. Pres dsm U. E. Moci'LLY, A. C IJEWELRY Latest Designs Best Quality Greatest Assortment Reasonable Prices I J. H- LEADING PIONEER JEWELER 44444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 For Circuit Jnde." . 4.1 hereby anonunce myself a 4 candidate for' nomination on the democratic ticket for the office of circuit judge of the Tenth judicial district, comprla- Ing Union and Wallowa counties, at the primary election to be held on . April 17, 1I0S. . If 4 nominated and elected I will use 4 my best endeavors to administer, 4 the business of the circuit court In both counties of the district v 4 Impartially, speedily and econ- 4 omlcally. D. W. 6HEAHAN. 4444444444444 4 For County Clerk. 4 I take thla means of announe- 4 Ing to the republican voters of 4 Union county that I am a can- 4 dldate before the republican 4 primaries for the nomination 4 for county clerk. H. E. COOLIDOB. 44444 4444 4 . For Commissioner. - I take thla means of announe- . ing to the voters of Union coun- ty that I am a candidate before the primary for the republican nomination for county commit. sloner. . J. M. 6 ELDER, . ' . Cove, Oregon. 4444444 4 For Clerk, I take this method of announo- Ing' to the republican voterj of. 4 Union county, that t am m ? 4 dldate before the republican prl- 4 marlea for the republican nom- 4 Ination for county clerk.' ED WRIGHT. 44444444 4-4-4 4 4 4 4 SuMTlntem1ent of Schools. 4 I hereby announce myself a 4 candidate for county school su- 4 perlntendent subject to the ac- 4 tlon of the republican elector 4 at the coming primaries. t OMEN BISHOP. ' . 4444444444444 Flowing. Persons wishing their gardens or lots plowed should see A. O. Harmon. 'Phone Black 1011. Satisfaction guar anteed. Careful work around trees. A trial solicited. . . mllalld Jist Kccclvod Car of Rock Springs coal just ar rived. GRANDE RONDE CASH CO. TO 10M WHEN THE SECURITY OFFERED MEETS THE APPROVAL OF OUR DIRECTORS GRANDE. PEARE m m