La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 20, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Now is the time to
X Gome and get some poultry
ent kinds and all heights.
Just received a car
X They are first class.'
Gall and see my souvenirs, 25c to $2.00 each.
They are nice rresente to send to yout friends.
F. S. Bramwell la spending the day
8. F. Andrew Is home from Baker
, City. ':
W. t. Dlshman I up from Portland
and left this morning for Elgin, where
', he will receive a shipment of hog
A. ,T. HJ1I expects to leave tonight
for Prairie1 City, to look after proper
ty Interests, ' . i
Deputy ' Sheriff Qeorge Lingren la'
. tran-acting official buMiness In Elgin
. today. ',.
Mrs. O. T. Galloway and son, Wat
' fr, ' r7 "venlng for a few day'
visit In Union.
Hi'nry Chambers of Cove, Is In tlia
city today. He tame over on the
train,. .' '
Dun Bommors came up from Elgin
last night on legal matters and re
turned this morning. . ,
... .There Is quite a shipment of frulta
in the depot for. various Cove fruit
growers. J. N. Klein is shipping his personal
property to Portland, where he Is now
engaged In the grocery business.
Miss Grace Chllders went to Walla
Walla this morning, where she will
visit friends briefly.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Qlcason of
Bumpter, are guests today with Mr.
nd Mrs. Arthur C. Williams.
D. W. Balrd and
wife, and
Bernaton, sister of Mrs. Balrd of Ba- to resume his duties as log train con
ker City are here today on land office ductor In a few days. During the time
Dusmeos. Mr, tsaira is conductor on
the 8umpter Valley railroad.
You'll Pay With Pleasure
" '
r M-MM44444444444444444444
ALL 1..V
fence your chickens in.
fence. I pave it m differ-
extra Star A Star shingles.
Mrs. George Parker returned to her
home in Kamela this morning after a
short visit to La Grande.
' A. P. Knox returned to' Elgin today
after a hurried visit to the county me
tropolis. Attorney Dan Sheahan, who has
been In this county for several days,
started towaras buierpriiie iiiut iuuiu
Ing. '
I. R. Snook left this morning for
the north end of the valley in the In
terests of his campaign for county re
Mrs, Jennie Caldwell of Wisconsin,
who has been visiting at the J, C.
Hults home In the valley, left today
for Spokane to visit friends.
Engineer George Hanson, sr., of
Telociuel, returned to his post of
duty this morning after visiting with
friends here and looking after prop
erty Interests. '
Manager D. H. Steward of the
Steward opera house, went to Elgin
today, where ho. will advertise the
coming production by Charles B. Han-
I ford. In this city March 23.
I The 'building force of the First
Baptist church were made happy this
morning by the arrival of the art win-
' dows from Ford Bros., Mlnneaoplta.
This makes the dedication program an
absolute certainty March 27-29.
Editor Bert Huffman of the Pen
dleton East Oregonlan, passed through
, La Grande this morning for Baker
City, where he will be a Judge at The
Dalles-Baker City high school debate
William Drscoll returned to the
Palmer mill today, where he
the land slide Is being cleared
his train la Idle.
For every meal you eahere. 'It
will ba a combination of good
food, good cooking and good ser
vice. Our restaurant it intend
ed for people who appreciate
gjod eating, also for people who
like the good thing of lift t a
moderate cost. If you belong to
that cls, ccme in and sea wha
we can do foi you.
The Model Restaurant
We sail weekly meal
tickets for
R. B. Watson of Prairie City,
f i business visitor here today. 4 Yivr MnimAiuun- " f 1 fl -aa-a I Ssi . "-
business visitor here today. ,
' Mrs. M. H. Klrtley Is very danger
ously. Ill with pneumonia. -
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell of 1m
bier spent last night here. They ret
turned this morning.
H. W. Huffman and John Jones o!
Echo, are registered at the -t Foley
house. '
: The Elgin train M .over, an hour
late In leaving this morning, being
held for the arrival of No. 6, which
was. nearly three hours late.
A party of Weston people are In
the city on land office matters today
They are: Mr: and Mrs. William Beat
lett, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gould, T. C.
Gettenger and Allie Gettehger.
A. N. Hamilton, formerly of this
city, but now of Portland, Is a cnadl
date for railroad commissioner for the
state of Oregon. "Doc" has a large
number of friends and acquaintances
on his list here.
C. L. Smith, who went to La Grande
last winter, but returned two weeks
ago. haa about completed his house In
the Herman Addition, and will move
Into It in a week. Wallowa Sun.
8. D. Vincent, representing the H.
E. Bucklen Co.. is in the city
day on his annual trip. Mr. Vincent
is always a welcome visitor with trade
and newspaper men.
Al C. Koeppen, member of the
Koeppen Bros.' Drug company of
Pendleton, passed through the. city
this morning en . route to Wallowa,
where he goes to take advantage of
an outdoor trip.
Mr. and Mrs. William Harris; for
merly of Joseph, spent last night with
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Frltts. They left
this morning for The Dalles, where
they will locate if suitable location
pan be found.
C. C. Loucks, a former conductor on
the Southern Pacific, Is In La Grande
today working up acquaintances with
local railroad men. He is a candidate
for the office of railroad commission
er In Oregon.
Attorney Samuel White haa returned
to his home In Baker City. He spent
several days here this week taking
part In the Caviness water suit, which
was postponed yesterday afternoon
until Monday. ...
Circuit Judge and Mrs. ,T. H. Craw
ford, and Attorney and Mrs. C. E.
Cochran, went to Baker City this
morning. The gentlemen will act as
Judges, In a debate between teams of
the Baker high school and The Dalles
Roy Goodnough haa resigned his
position as night agent In the Pacific
Express office In this city and will,
about April 1, go to Hood River,
where he haa accepted a position as
day agent The promotion means a
better position and more lucrative
salary. No appointment to the vacan
cy haa yet been made here.
New Arrivals.
The Van Duyn company has Just
received a large line of goods which
Include ladles' . wearing apparel.
Watch their ad. In The Observer to
morrow evening.
Rlrili H.-oonl.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Zundell,
In this city last evening, a son.
4 4 444 44444
4 For Coturresa. .
T. T. GEER. 4
Candidate for republlcna con- 4
gresstonal nomination In the 4
4 Second district. Liberal aonrn.
4 prlatlons for waterways, equal 4
4 opportunities and privileges for 4
4 lubor and capital, and govern- 4
mental control of corporations. 4
4 4'4 4444444444444
" a eaaai
All This
and Special Entertainment Every Afternoon
, 1 ! . .m j r )
For Re-ireertntauve. "
I hereby ray. can-
dldacy for the office of repre-
sentative at the republican prl-
marjf election, to be held April
4 17, 1908. If nominated and
- elected I will stand on statement
.No. 1; I will use my best endeav-
ors to promote the best Inter-
ests of the taxpayer, regardless
of locality, 'religion' pr politics
.of Union county and eastern
'Hfigard, Oregon.
4 4 4 4 41
For Representative'
41 hereby announce myself a
4 candidate for the nomination on 4 '
the republican ticket for state
representative, ; from Unloa '
4 county, at the primary election '
4 to be held on April IT. If nom-
4 Inated and elected I will use my '
4 best.-endeavors to promote the 4'
4 beat results for Union, countr and 4
4 eaatern Oregon, and do It lm- 4
4 partially. My motto la: "No 4
4 friends to reward, but equal jus- 4
4 tlce to all." . 4
4 ' For Circuit Judge. 4
4 I hereby announce my candl- 4
4 dacy for the office . of circuit 4
4 Judge at the republican orlmarr 4
election, to h?!4 r" it
4 1J08. If nominated and elected 4
4 I will faithfully and Impartially 4
4 perform the duties of the office, 4
4 giving every one, regardless of 4
4 locality, religion, politics or sta- 4
4 tlon In life, fair treatment and a 4
4 square deal, and enforce the laws 4
4 In the interest of the taxpayer, ' 4
4 and for the promotion of Justice 4
4 and a higher and better citizen- 4
4 ahlp. -4
Of TJnlon. 4
4-4 44444444444444
4 . - For Circuit Judge. 4
4 . I hereby anonunce mvaelf a. 4
candidate . for nomination on 4
tbe democratic ticket for ' the 4
office of circuit Judge i of the 4
Tenth Judicial district, comprls- 4
lng Union and Wallowa counties, 4
4 at
t the primary election to be
held on April. 17, 1908. If 4
nominated and elected t will use 4
my best endeavors to administer 4
the business of the circuit court 4
In both counties of the district
Impartially, speedily and eenn- 4
omlcally. D. W. SHEAHAN.
Candidate for Circuit Judg. 4
I take this method of an- 4
nouncing myself as a candidate 4
for the nomination for the of- 4
fice of circuit Judge of this dls- 4
trtct at the democratic pri- 4
marles to be held on April 17,
My motto: No enemies to 4
punish; no friend to reward; 4
4 equal Justice to all. 4
4 February IS, 1(08. 4
4 For Circuit Judge. ' 4
4 I hereby announce myself as 4
4 a candidate for the republican 4
4 nomination of circuit judge for 4
4 the Tenth judicial district, sub- 4
4 Ject to the decision of the quail- 4
4 fled electors at the primary 4
4 election, to be held April 17. If 4
4 nominated and elected, I will 4
' faithfully, Impartially and econ- 4
omlcally discharge the duties of 4
the office. I will favor the rigid 4
4 enforcement of all laws. 4
I - v (U s-sai i aw-l
A Merchandise Exhibition
Week at
. . .
Economizes the use of floory but
ter and eggs; makes the biscuit,
cake and pastry more PP"- v
lng, nutritious and wholesome.
This Is the only baking
powder made from Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar.
It Has No Substitute
There an art Pfcesphste ef Lists litr
I WW price, eat as beaMkMpr ninHt the healtt
mt ker taaUy caa alters te sse tbsa.
44 4.I. 4. .I. 4
4 For County : lerk. 4
4 I hereby announce myself as a 4
4 candidate before the republican 4
4 primaries for the nomination of 4
county clerk of Union county.
4 Later In the campaign I expect 4
4 to address the voters upon the 4
4 topic, "Pure Politics," at date 4
4 and places to be announced later. 4
44444 44 44444444
4 For Sheriff. - 4'
4 I hereby announce to the re- 4
4 publican voters ofUnlon coun- 4
4 ty, that I will be a candidate be- 4
4 fore the republican . primaries 4
4 for the nomination for sheriff of v
4 Union county. i
E. W. DAVI3.
4444 4444444444
' For County Treasurer. 4
' I hereby announce to the vot- 4
4 era of Union county that I will be 4
4 a candidate at the republican 4
4 primary election for the nnmln- 4
4 atlon for treasurer of Union 4
county. 4
4 For Sheriff.
4 I hereby announce to the re
4 publican voters that I am a can
4 dldate before the republican
4 primaries for the nomination of
Z sheriff of Union county.
4 . For County Recorder.
4 I take this means of anr.oune.
4 lng that I em a Candida's for
the republltan nomination for
the office' of Recorder of Union
4 county, at the primary election.
Superintendent of Schools.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for county school su
perintendent subject to the ac
tion of the repuUlcan electors
at the coming primaries.
444444444444444 4
4 For County Clerk. ' 4
4 I take this means of announc- 4
4 lng to the republican voters of 4
4 Union county that I am a can- 4
4 dldate before the republican 4
prlmn ! s fr the nomination 4
4 for county clerk. .4
4 H. E. COOLIDGE. 4,
4 For Commissioner. . '4
4 I take this means of announc- '4?
4 lng to the voters of Union coun- 4
4 ty that I am a candidate before 4
4 the primary for the republican 4
4 nomination for county commls- 4
4 sioner.
4 J. M. 8ELDER, 4
4 Cove, Oregon. 4
4 For Clerk.
I take this method of announc-
4 lng to the republican voters of
4 Union county, that I am a can
4 dldate before the republican prl-
4 marles for the republican nom-
4 Inatlon for county clerk.
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ,
4 For Assessor. 4
4 I hereby announce to the re- '
4 publican voters of Unloh coun- t-
ty, that I am a candidate at the
primary election for the repub- .'t
llcan nomination for assessor of 4 '
Union county. ;
R. A. HUG.
4 For County Recorder. . 4
4 I hereby announce to the re- 4
4 publican voters that I am a can- i;
4 dldate before the republican pri- "
4 marles for the nomination for vH
the office of county recorder.
4444444444444 '-
. I. O. O. V.. Meeting.
The first meeting of the I. O.
u. to be Held in the K. of P. hal
is scneduled for tonight. There Is a
large class of candidates and there
will also be election of officers. All
members are wanted out.
44444444444444444444444444444 ('