La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 20, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    . i .......
y ; ' .'- . , marl PAGES. ' ?
Li Me tvcninj Observer
Published dally except bunday.
C ai ted Press Telegraph Service.
daily, per month '
Daily, single copy '.
Daily, one year In advance ft. SO
Daily, six montha. In advance... (.10
Weekly, one year In advance... $1.00
Weekly, tlx montha, In adance. .75
ntered at the postoffUs 'at 1
Grande ai aecond-claaa matter.
Thia paper will not public any ar
ticle appearing over a bom le plume
Kned article will be received eub
)eot to the discretion of he edlt.ire
Please sign your articles and save die-appointment.
Advertising Rates.
Display ad. rates furnished upon
Local reading notices lOo per line
Orst Insertion; Bo per line for each
eubeoquent Insertion.
Mtitinns of condolence, So a Una.
Cards of thanks. So a Una,
As a man loves gold, In that
proportion he hates to be 1m-
posed upon by counterfeits; and
In proportion as a -man has re- 4 ,
4 gard for that which Is above 4
4 rice and better than gold, he 4
abhors the hypocrisy which is 4
4 but Its counterfeit. Cecil. 4
rolls. If we would all get Infected
with the booster spirit to the extent
that is being manifest In the Wil
lamette valley and southern Oregon
towns at the present time, we could,
no doubt, secure several payrolls be
fore HOg passes Into history. Stop
and do a little careful thinking. We
are all of the opinion that La Grande
will some day become a city of at
least 10,000. To accomplish this we
must provide employment for more
people. Now, what Is there that la
practical, that could be conducted In
La Grande, that would give steady
employment to six a dozen or a score
of employes. When you think you
have discovered some Industry that
would prove profitable to the opera
tor, The Observer would be pleased to
have your views. If we would all do
a little thinking and work In harmony
we would surprise ourselves with our
accomplishments between now and
next Christmas eve. Is It not worthy
of a trial?
What Governor Chamberlain says
regarding the democracy of this -state
la not to be questioned. His public
statement Is to the effect that the only
iHua between the democratic and re-
publican parties Is their differences . home' a"d hom" are what we need
The floods In, the west and middle
west have temporarily cut down the
number of homeseekers. People are
not only afraid to travel, but they dls
like the possible Inconveniences of
! tied up at points not their des.
tlnatlon. Travel will soon revive.
It would be well to preserve the life
of Orchard for a number of years In
order to see what the future has In
store. It Is said that "Murder will
out," and In case Orchard has told
the truth he may yet be of some
service to humanity.
Something Good in Trunks, Bags,
and Suit Cases.
Call at Our Stores and Examine These Lines
This week we will show new patterns in Carpets and Linoleum. We have a
ROMADKA new stock in Feather Pillows, Feather Beds, and Feathers in duik ior saie, any
I pffTl,- 0-nti.y. Trade us your old stoves and secure an ACME RANGE, fully warranted.
4 corner within reach without re- ' . . . ... 1 ' ' .'.'.', ',,
& movin trava. Saves hi the time of Good Plows, a bargain in these.
4 an ordinary trunk to pack or on- . , ' r )
2 rack. Esr to operate. Nothing to " ; .
pack. Easy to operate. Nothing to
art ont of order. Will stand all the
4 knocks and hard nsae of traveling.
Costs no more than a common trunk.
'U 8tyU$ at.
Phone Black Ml.
Phone Red list.
1411, HIS, HIS Adams Ave
Swapping farms does not build up
either a city or a country.. The coun
try has gained nothing If Mr. Jones
from Iowa, buys out Mr. Green, and
Mr. Green moves to California. If
Mr. Green would sell Mr. Jones one
half of his farm, this would mean
something. It . would mean another
regarding statement No. 1. As the
republicans made this law, In case all
of the legislative candidates subscribed
to sattement No. 1, there would be no
occasion .whatever for the democrats
to put out any ticket whatever. While
It Is a well known fact that the demo
cratic press and the governor himself
are playing politics In the extreme and
that In statement No. 1 lies their only
possible chance, It does not seem to
be taking any great chance in meet
ing them on their own ground regard-t""7' u,u
Ing statement No. I, especially when
it Is a well known fact that this state
is anywhere from 25,000 to 40,000 re
publican. For SO years It has not been
considered possible to elect a demo
cratic congressman In trrls state, then
why Is It any more probable to send
a democratic United States senator
for six years than It Is to send a dem
ocratic congressman tor two., years.
Brethren, we cannot withstand to sug
gest that we all accept statement No.
1, which Is based on the principle of
voting direct for United States sena
tors, and then go out and lick the
enemy. It will be either Cake or Ful
ton against Chamberlain. Buckle on
your armor; we can lick him with
either candidate.
Let us make a campaign for pay-
We need more people In the valley.
and more people In the cities. The
cities furnish the markets for the
farmers and It requires payrolls to
keep the cities growing.
Vice-President Fairbanks seems to
have a stronger hold on his state In
diana than Senator Foraker had on
Ohio. The results might have bean
the 'same, however, had Mr. Taft's
forces made an attempt on Indiana as
Because your name was on the reg
istration books two years ago it
avalleth you nothing this year. Tou
must register In 1908 to be able to
vote at the primaries.
Since Senator Foraker is now out
of the presidential race, we will hear
little more of the Brownsville matter.
Everything Indicates an active year
in real estate In this valley.
Hiinfortl scats on Sale Tomorrow
Morning at U usual Place.
Seats for Antony and Cleopatra, as
presented by Charles B. Hanford at
D. H. STEWARD. Proprietor
Monday, March 23
Engagement of the Emmintnt Act:r
Charles B. Hanford
Under the Management of
in a notable revival of
Antony Cleopatra
A Sumptuous Scenic Production, New and
Novel Electrical Effects, a Chorus and Bal
let of Unusual Attractiveness, Beautifully
Costumed, Will Tend to Make This Engage
ment One of the Most Substantial Offerings
of the Year :: :: :: :: :: ::
Seats on Sale,, March 21
Pf?IPFQ Orchestra, $ISQ; Orchestra Circle, $1.00;
riVIULO Dress Chcle $.15; Gallery, 25c and 50c.
the Steward on March 23,' will be on
sale at the Van Buren news stand to
rr.srro?.' mnrntnr. There will doubt
lessly be a lively scramble for the
best seats. Read the house ad In The
Observer for prices.
4 . . 60CIETY. 4
Tomorrow' Committee.
For the last uay oi tne special sales
conducted at the Peoples store by the
Neighborhood club, of which the club
secures a liberal percentage of all
sales, the following committee will be
in charge: Mrs. Turner Oliver, chair
man, her assistants are Mesdames
Fred Holmes, A. R. Hunter, J. D.
Smith, W. L. Brenhots, Robert Smith,
Thompson, T. H. Crawford, Robertson,
Cates, Storey and A. V. Richardson.
Among the special features of the
entertainment at the Peoples store
this afternoon was a solo by Mr. Ber
dahl, who Is passing through the city,
and who formerly sang at the Em
porium at San Francisco, also in St.
Mary's cathedral. It was greatly ap
preciated by the many present. , . .
Among the special numbers to be
psesented at the Peoples store tomor
row evening from 7:30 to , will be
a solo. by Mrs. Van Buren and recita
tions and solos by other members of
the dub. '
A group of young ladles will open
the post-Lenten social season in this
city with a dancing party at the Com
mercial club on Monday evening, fol
lowing Eastern Sunday. Invitations
will be out in due time.
The Current Topic club meets to
night with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hanna.
The subject Is "Western Immigration,"
and Attorney Hodgln, and Mesdames
G. C. Osbourn and W. L. Brenholts
are the leaders.
The Kaffee Klatch was entertained
this afternoon by Mrs. N. Molltor.
Swift Virginia Justice.
Richmond, Va., March 20. Walter
Kippey, colored, convicted In the Taxe
well court of assault upon Mrs. Mary
Dancey, will be hanged a week from
today. The negro was captured the
day folldwlng his crime, 'and Indicted,
tried, convicted and sentenced to
death within four days.
The right man in the right 4
place Is what you want Before 4
ordering your sale bills don't fall 4
to see C. J. RICHARDS, propria- 4
tor of the Little Gem, next 4
door to the postofflcc. , 4
i:h;ht years experience 4
as auctioneer. 4
Satisfaction Guaranteed. 4
444444 444444444
4 For Sale.
4 Eggs from Rosecomb Rhode -4
4 Island Reds, the best general 4
4 purpose bird; good layers; good 4
4 size. First-class stock. Eggs, 4
4 $1.00 per 13. 'Phone Red 512. 4
4 T. E. WRIGHT. 4
4 Box 781. La Grande, Oregon.
4 Sales cried on short notice, 4
4 Satisfaction guaranteed. 4
4 No extra charge for distance.
4 Route No. 2. 'Phone No; 196x6 4
444444 4 4 44444444
Elks to Have Social.
The social committee of the local
Inda-e of Elks has arranged to have a
dance and social Saturday even!;.;.
Elks' wives, sisters, brothers, daugh
ters and sweethearts and visiting Elks
are cordially Invited.
In for Thirty Days.
Jode Taylor who was found guilty
of disturbing public worship at Rich
land, was sentenced by Justice A. F.
Z New Covers put on, $.50
to $4.00.
If you have anything brok
e en I can fix it . f
Clarke to serve the term of 30 days In In the bastlle for he has been there
the county Jail. He Is not a stranger before Baker City Democrat ; (
ins ih( i .
n ' s ' u n u u m
The entire inner portion of t'.ie body is covered with mucous membrane ;
this membranous tissue is abundantly supplied with blood vessels, reins,
arteri ,ar 4 capillaries. Each of these is constantly supplying to this tissue
or hnin", blood to nourish and strenjrthen it and keep the system healthy,
tin, w,wi ivmniiKi infected wv'h catarrhal matter it is not able to fur-
nish the required amount of healthful properties, but feeds the parts with
4mtiii-iiAa whirls rfifiPASe the membranes and tissues so that they become
and inflamed, and Catarrh, with all its disagreeable and danKerous.
symptoms, is established in the system. There is a constant ringing: in thtf
ears, a thin, watery discharge from the nostrils, the breath has an offensive!
odor. 61 ieht lever olten accompanies we uiscusc, uu gruuuuiy mc entire
health becomes affected and the system upset ana deranged. In its earliei
iiktm nrhen Catarrh 13 confined to the nose and throat, sprays, washes.
inhalations, etc., are soothing and in a way beneficial, because they art;
cleanly and usually antiseptic, but such treatment Has no curative effect.
because it does not reacn tne oiooa. i o cure v-auirra mo oiooa xnusi pe put
ified. and this is just what 3. S. S does. I
goes down into the circulation and attacks
the disease at its foundation 1 it removes the
cause and makes the blood pure and healthy.
Then the blood vessels are filled with fresh,
reinvigorated blood, which is carried to alt
the mucous surfaces and linings, the inflam
mation and irritation are corrected, the symp
toms all disappear, the health Is improved aud Catarrh is permanently cured.
Book; on Catarrh and any medical advice free tr all who write.
Look at the many bargains to be had at the Heacock old
I stand. Fine Jewelery, Cut Glass, hand painted China, fine tabV
4W '
S;lver, sterling Toilet Sets, fancy sterling Spoons, and extra quality
silk Umbrellas.
We have the Rockford, South Bend, Elgin and Waltham
movements in the best cases.
This stock was purchasee at a bargain from the trustee in I
bankruptcy and the public is invited to participate in this profit f
sharing sale.
Edison Records can be had here at 25 cents each. The
j store will be open evenings until eight thirty to test records.
50 per cent reduction on nearly all the stock.
Mr. Heacock will be on hand to do all repairing