EIGHT PAGES, PASS TWO EVENING OrWKKVER. LA OKAMVF. OKTOON. FRIDAT. MARCH 0. ItOS. DIRECTORY or THE 4 FRATERNAL ORDERS L.A GRANDE, ORE. 3 Woodmen of Uw World. La Grand Lodge No. ill, W. O. W., meet every Saturday evening In K. of P. hall In the Corps building. -All visiting member wel come M. M. MAitQUIS, J. H. KEENET. Consul Commander. Clerk. Fc rotters of America, Court Maid Marian No. it meets second and fourth Wednesday night In K. of P. halt. Brothers are Invited to atteod. F. O. E. La Grande Aerie No. Ill, F. O. meets every Friday night In Elks' hall at I p. m. Visiting brethren In vited to attend. D. H. PROCTOR, W. P J. H. LEI8HMAN. W. S. - NBRI ACKLE8, C. R. O. V. HENDRICKS. F. 8. ' Board of Trustee: Dr. G. I Blg geri, Oscar Buerger and Herbert Pat terson. ',.;,.. U O. T. M. .. . Hlvs No. 17. L. O. T. It., meets very first and third Thursday of each month at I o'clock In the afternoon. Visiting members made welcome. SADIE KLINTWORTH. L C. . M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7701 meets every Monday evening at I. O. O. 7. hall. All visiting neighbors are cor dlally invited to attend. E. C. DAVIS, C, D. E. COX, Clerk. Relief committee: E. C. Davis, Charles Dlsqua, A. J. Warner and D. E. Cox. M. B. of A. Meets first and third Thursday eve- at I. O. O. F. balL. Visiting members always welcome. J. A. ARBUCKLE, President C. J. VANDERPOEL, Secretary. Brotherhood of Owls. La Grande Nest No. IT, meets In the K. of P. ball every Tuesday eve ning at I o'clock. Visiting brothers cordially Invited. J. B. VANDERMUELEN, Executive. C. W. BAKER. Secretary. K. of P. Red Cross Lodge No. 17, meets . every Monday evening In Castle Hall, Corps building. A Pythian weloom to all visiting knights. D. H. PROCTOR. C. C. R. L. LINCOLN. K. of R. 8. A. P. A A. M. La Grand Lodge No. 41. A. F. A A. M., holds regular meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. L, H. RUSSELL, W. M. C. D. HUFFMAN, Secretary. I. O. O. F. La Grande Lodge No. II, meets In their 1iall every Saturday night Vis iting brothers cordially Invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at fodel Restaurant ' T. J. SCROGGIN, N. O. D. E. COX. Secretary. C. J. VANDERPOEL. Fin. Bee. Rebekaha, Crystal Lodge No. SO, meet every Tuesday evening at the I." O. O. F. lodge. All visiting membera are In vited to attend. LAURA 8TILE8, N. Q. -JENNIE SMITH. Secretary B. P, O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 411, meets each Thursday evening at o'clock In Elks' hall on Adams avenue. Visit Ing brothers are cordially Invited to attend. W. B. SARGENT, Exalted Rule O. E. M'CULLT. Rec. See. ' O. B. 8. Hope Chapter No. IS, O. E. 8., hold stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, Visiting memDers cordially Invited. MART O. FORREST, W. M. MART A. WARNICK, Secretary. I. O. O. F. Star Encampment No. II, I. O. O. F., meets every aecond and fourth Wednesday In the month In Odd Fel lows' hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome. D. E. COX C. P. W. A. WORSTELL, Scribe. By buying a coupon book good for 15.00 worth of washing at Cherry's New Laundry, you can save 50 cents. Isn't that worth while. Talk to your wife about it. S-4 Reduced Rates. Account, trl-state Interscolastlc track meet and declamation contest, April 30 and May 1, the O. R. & N. has made a rate of 34.80 from La Grande to Walla Walla and return. Dates of sale are April 29, 30 and May 1, final limit May 2. i iw cow for cash I On account of ill health we are compelled to dispose of our Marble and Granite business, and in order to dispose of the stock at once, we are offering our e .tire f stock, set up in the cemetery, at actual cost. This vjicj jafcvuu uuui Mprmirei, ana may oe wunarawn at any time without notice. This means a direct saving of 25 to 60 per cent to purchasers. Largest stock o marble and granite in Eastern Oregon. t t : : BLUE MOUNTAIN MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. . , . . Works on Fir Street La Grande, Oregon r BRICK IS CHEAPER Brick building, at the present price of lumber, is :heaper as well as better. It has been demonstrated tnat my trick is superior to any made in Oregon. I jan furr ish cemmon brick in any .quantity. No order too large cr too small to receive prompt attention. Correspondence with contractors and builders solicited. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Prices made known or. application. ai . IGRO- krieger! Pnonst Residtnce. Blsck 701. Yard, Red 621. La Q rands, Oregon BOISE BANK TO OPEN. Capital State Bank Depositor Agree to Plana Submitted. With 125 shares of the capital stock of the Capital State bank repre sented out of a total of 2Ul0 shares, there was not a dissenting voice at he meeting Saturday night but the action of the directors in accepting the proffer to reopen the bank made by the parties having the matter un der, consideration, was unanimously ratified and the directors were in structed to reopen the bank upon the basis by those parties, says the Boise Capital News. In furtherance with the plans, ap plication was made to Judge Wood this morning for a list of the deposit ors of the bank. As soon as this can be Inspected and a calculation made, a proposition will be. made to the de positors upon some basis which will insure the safety of the bank and the security of the deposits, and deposit ors will be asked to , sign up such agreement as will permit the bank to reopen. Besides the 18000 which is to be advanced by the Interested parties, the receiver has collected more than 1100,000 In cash and by the time the bank reopens It Is expected . that enough will have been collected to make the actual cash on hand exceed' ing 1500,000. All speed possible will be used in an effort to get the bank open by April 1, but the success of this effort depends largely upon those stock holders who have not yet signed up the agreement, and upon the speed with which the depositors accept the offer of the directors as to repayment of their deposits. PRACTICE AT RINK. for Lsunos and Window Screened Protection Daring BaaebalL The Noyes rink has been converted into a baseball diamond. The windows have been carefully screened, and all electric lights are protected so that when the Enterprise-La Grande base ball game opens next Wednesday eve ning, there will be no broken lamp (lobes or broken windows. The sec ond practice was held last evening. Tonight the practice will take place at the Noyes rink at 7:30 sharp, or before. If possible, as the basketball game on skates starts at I o'clock Notice to Property Owners. Notice Is hereby given that all houses not already numbered, must be numbered. Property owners will please see to this matter at once, so that we1 will not have to enforce the ordinance regarding the numbering of houses. '! . This request is made in order to assist the United States postofflce In spector to Inaugurate a free mall de livery system in this city. . By order of street committee. W. N. MONROE. Chairman. Street Committee. Farm for Sale. SOO-acre farm, good land, for sale cheap, on Sandrldge. Call Black 1181. New Pendleton Industry. A. D. Reynolds, Inventor of the Reynolds combined harvester, which was manufactured and Introduced in this county last year, has just re turned from Berkeley. Cal.. whern he spent the winter, and Is now at Pen dleton Iron works, where preparations are being made to manufacture a number of tile machines thik teas or., says the East Oregonlan. The Reynolds machine was thor oughly tested on the farm of H. R. Nell north of this city last year, and Mr. Nell has ordered a new machine to be delivered in time for use this season. . The special features of the Reyn olds machine Is the automatic leveling device, by which it may run over all kinds of land without difficulty. This features makes It especially adapted to the hilly sections of the wheat belt. and Mr. Reynolds has already received more orders for the machines than can be filled this year. As the demand for them increases, It is the intention to Increase the fa cilities of Pendleton Iron works to be able to manufacture more machines each year. Mr. Reynolds feels that Pendleton, being in the heart of the wheat belt, Is the logical place for the. manufac ture of combined harvesters and he will build up his manufacturing enter- j prise here as rapidly as business justifies. He hopes to establish a permanent factory here, where a large force ol workmen would be employed con stantly, and with this end In view he invites Umutllla county farmers to In vestigate the machine which he has invented. SAVING MONEY by dealing at Geddes Bros.' Is no illu sion, as the amount of your purchase is never excessive, as It Is always computed at the lowest possible prices. In fact msny tell us It is al ways lower than they expected. We keep only the highest grade goods. Our trade Is among the highest grade people, so we make few bad debts. We buy In very large qantities and sell at the lowest possible figures. GEDDES BROS. Wood m Coal : Why Pay More?: Indies. Have you seen the Alorlne Female Syringe? It Is something new. It Is the only aboslutely scientific sanitary female syringe made. See them at the drug stores. 3-16-lm To the Public. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned Is now prepared to furnish pure, fresh milk from young Jersey cowl, J. F.' BAKER, JR., Phone Black 283. Best Yellow Pine, Dry t now, but green cut 16 inch per cord $5.50 ; $7.50 ! TRUCK and TRANSFER Rock Spring Coal per ton Phone your orders to Main 1 0. Quick service guaranteed. Storage in fire proof and damp proof building. G. L FOWLER: For Sine. Some well-lenned white seed oats, N'o. 4. Also some fine black barley n-ed. This barley Is more valuable for hog feed than wheat. Inquire of llermr.A Venn. The La Grande Evening Observer tellvered at your home eacn evening Sundays excepted, 65 cents tne rr.untn tvTVTT4Tvttv4 Hones for Sale. Inquire of A. E. Brunson, agent for Portland Livestock Insurance association, La Grande, Oregon. Call at Som- 4 mer hotel. . ' 4 : If you have a chair or In fact any piece of furniture which Is on the Invalid list you can not do better than to bring it to my furniture hospital, where a speedy cure is assured. Prompt and neat work assured. Remem ber that I make all kinds of buggy covers. Call on me for all kinds of upholstering. A CHAIR HOSPITAL. Main 43 PHONE Main 43 SNODGRASS GROCERY FOR LENTEN SEASON Mackeral Salmon Bellies Boneless Codfish Smoked Salmon Kippred Herring Colder. Bloaters Fresh Eggs aizHTimcs J AS. G. SNODGRASS ' SUCCESSOR TO E. P. STAPLES aaaaaaaar at J. U. HILLMAN. Shop on Fir Street, Next Door to Thorn's Grocery. Black 1511. NEW GOODS COMING DAILY X Fine Line of Corsets, sizes 18 to 36 Laces, Collars, Veiling, Dress 5 Trimmings, Silk and Velvet Rib bons, Buttons, Side and Back Combs ! II VAN DUYHE (0. La We, Ore. II . T in inn Masonic BIdg. BEAUTIFY THE HOME Of course you are thinking of making some changes in the home this season. Let us help you. We have the material, the exper- . ienced workmen and the "know how?' Our stock of wallpaper, paints and decorations are at your service. O F. COOLIDGE Paints, Oils, and Glass ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE ' NEW SPRING MILLINERY? We have It 'New, Nobby and Stylish. All Kinds. All Prices. E. M Wellman&Co.ADAMEJuE ...............