La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 14, 1908, Image 1

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Hikado'i Largest Fighting Vessels Are
rnder Secret Order to Go to Macro
to Believed Captured Japanese
t Reamer Tatsu Mara Is Located
, There Every Day Brings the Crisis
Nearer to the Fighting Point Ja
pan Forcing Hatters.
Hongkong. March 14. Japan la
making definite preparations to effect
the release of the steamer Tatsu Maru,
which was seised by the Chinese gov
eminent, by force, and a squadron of
tne mikado's biggest fighting cruisers!
and a number of smaller vessels are
bout to start for Macao.
A dispatch received from Toklo via
Formosa says the Japanese squadron
Is about to sail on a secret mission
tinder sealed orders. In the squadron
are the cruisers Yakumo, Asana, Aklt
sushlma and a flotilla composed of
torpedo boats and small craft
v The announcement has caused In
tense excitement In official circles
here and the government at Pekln has
bestlred Itself more than at any time
since the trouble first broke out. No
'Moubt Is expressed here but that the
destination of the Japanese fleet Is
The trouble between Japan and
China, which apparently Is again rap
Idly nearlng a crisis, which may result
In war, began on February T
but the dowager empress has declared
that war Is preferable.
England at the same time Intimated
to Japan that war would not please
Great Britain. Japan today Is appar
ently forcing matters and war may be
Withdraw Present Ministry.
Toklo, March 14. Returns from the
general election now being received,
Indicate the overthrow of the present
ministry and the selection of Marquis
Katsura as the next premier. There
is' considerable speculation as to the
successor of Hayasht, the present for
eign minister, and the belief la gen
era! that It will go to Ambassador Ko-
mura now at St" James.
Ship la Released.
At I:J0 o'clock this afternoon China
agreed to release the steamer Tatsu
Maru; pay the Japanese owners $10,'
000, and retain all arms found on
board the boat. In addition, China
will pay 10,000 taels demurrage. It
Is expected the formal release will
take place March It, when the Japan
ese flag will again be run up and sa
luted. Japan agrees to suppress con
traband traffic between Jr.ti fi
arms dealers and Chinese rebels. -
Serious Complications May End In
General Strike by Workers.
St. Louis, Mo., March 14. Thirty
five hundreds brewers and brewery
workers are likely to be called out on
a sympathetic strike any moment be
cause of International differences In
the Brewery Driver' union, which
has resulted In the discharge of 60
men. The trouble was started by
split In the union In which S00 with
drew and formed an Insurgent organ)
zatlon. This organization obtained
recognition by the International Brew
ery Workers' union. The regulars oh
talned an Injunction against the Insur
n j gents preventing them from entering
the union headquarters. An ultima
turn was then put up to the employ
ers to discharge the deserters, and
this was done,
officials of China seised the Japanese
steamer Tatsu Maru off Macao, charg
ing that she carried arms to Chinese
rebels. The Japanese flag was hauled
down and the crew held as contra-!
eaniUs-ts. The Tatsu Maru was taken Free From Plague.
tj Whampoa on the Canton river, San Francisco, March 14. Rupert
-wtfere she Is still held. Baron Hay- Blue, a federal representative who
ashl delivered an ultimatum to China fighting the Bubonic plague, has pre
Saturday, demanding . Immediate re- sented the city a clean bill of health
lease of the vessel and the payment and will Inform Evans today that the
of an Indemnity Sunn Shlkal, of the men of the Atlantic fleet . can come
Chinese foreign office then favored ashore here without any danger of in
compliance with te Japanese demand fectlon.
After Breaking Open Old Sore About
Tatsu Mara Yesterday, China Takes
Another Step That Means More
Trouble Cable and Shore. Rights
Transferred to Japan Not Sanctioned
England's Restraining Hand or
Lack of Money Acta as Check.
Chicago Parties Are Investigating the
Circumstances Attending the Death
of an Anarchist Who Was Shot by
Chief of Police Shlppy 6ay There
la Mystery About the Affair The
"Red", Went to Chief's House Un-
- armed Body Exhumed Secretly.
London, March 14. China dealt Ja
pan another figurative siap in me
face when she refused to recognize
the transfer to Japan of shore rights
recently srrsntert to th rrt Wnrth.
ern company, a Danish cable concern.
Japanese statements are said to be
boiling over with wrath at this latest
move and complications are certain.
The trouble is over the Shanghai
Nagasaki cable. Recently Japan com
pie ted arrangements to take over the
company. When Pekln heard of this
It notified Japan and the Great North
ern company that the transfer would
not be sanctioned. The general bellci"
here Is that China has called the mi
kado's bluff In the Tatsu Maru case,
and that either Japan Is held by Great
Britain, or lack of funds, from making
contracted for, the ranch will soon be
a heavy fruit porducer.
The soli Is the best and Is fully
qual to the celebrated Hood River
lands. .
L. Oldenburg will take charge of
the ranch and put It in the pink of
Demonstrating the varied crops
that are grown profitably on this
ranch, It need only be said that about
4000 sacks of very fine potatoes are
still In the pits.
Chicago, March 14. Organized ef
fort is being made to get more light
on the death of Lazarus Averbuch, the
anarchist who was shot by Chief of
ru'ia Siiippy. ai tne Head of the
movement Is Miss Jane Addams of
Hull House, and with her are 10 prom
inent social settlement workers.
Friends of Averbuch claim that he
was a victim of a -police plot. He
went to the chiefs house unarmed,
and the Investigators say that the
knife and revolver placed near his
body after he was shot, and that the
wounds of Foley, the coachman, and
Hairy tiliippy have a more mysterious
The body of Averbuch Was secretly
exhumed and an autopsy held Wed
nesday night. Counsel has been re.
talned to take charge of the Investi
Chamberlain Coming Out.
Portland, March 14. Author!-
tatlva statements to the effect
that Governor Chamberlain will
Issue a publlo letter Sunday
morning, announcing his candt-
dacy for the United 8tates senate
from Oregon, are current here
today. Governor Chamberlain
refuses to deny the rumor or Is-
sue any outline as to what the
reported statement will contain.
The Fair Store and the J. M." Berry
Clothing Store Thronged With liar-
gain Seekers Today Both Places
Opened Spw lul Sales Tills Morning
Extra Clerks Kept Butty More
stoma Will Oiien Similar Sales In
the City in Near Future.
A fugitive from Oregon's Insane asy
lum guards during the past year. In
carcerated In an Oklahoma asylum,
and how adjudged Insane by County
Judge Henry, is the pathetic history
Elbert House, whose parents live
the old Conlcy ranch at Nlbley.
Last evening Sherirr inuaers wem
to Xibley on instructions left at the
office, and made the arrest of the
young man who, since his release
from the Oklahoma asylum, has been
livinir with his Barents until last
I. .B
night, when his mental condition be-
rnme alarming. Mr. Chllders found I
House at the home, and without any
difficulty, brought him to La Grande.
He was arraigned before county offl
. ,sO;lali today and adjudged Insane. He
' Vtrlll be held In the county Jail until
guards from the Salem asylum arrive
to take him away. He Is violent at
times, but made no resistance to his
Last fall he was adjudged Insane In
this county, but escaped from his rel
atives who had him In temporary
custody, reaching Oklahoma soon af
ter. There he was placed in an asy
lum but gained his freedom durini
the winter. Since his return to hi
,tYome In this county, he has made hi
v.v.... t.h hla Darents. Yesterday
naviint " - -
the sheriffs office was notified that
" the young man's mind was a wreck
,d that for safety's sake his relative,
.fc-...h best to turn him ever to the
...... is orotrated. Sheriff
Chllders found her in a critical con
dltlon and her afflictions are not aided
naturally, by knowledge, of her son's
sad plight.
nix Hundred and Forty Acres on Foot
hills Formerly Owneu ty Wm. Ly
man Sold Oregon City Man Has
Purchased 76 Per Cent of the Stork
In the Company L, Oldenburg Will
Have Charge of the Exteiwlve Im
lirovements Planned.
Sail Francisco Voters Will Decide the
High License Question.
San Francisco,' March 14. The
question of whether the saloons should
pay $1000 license or not, will be sub
mitted to the people. The high license
committee of the supervisors have de
cided that the saloon keepers should
be given six months to prepare foi
higher license. This will allow the
people a chance to vote on the que
tlon at the November election, J '
this will be don.
There were two places In La Grande
today that have enjoyed what Is called
land office business.' The Fair store
and the J. M. Berry clothing store
opened their respective calcs this
morning. In anticipation of a heavy
rush, both stores had provided them
selves with ample employes and the
hundreds that have thronged the bar
gain counters of these two stores to
day have been waited upon without ag
gravating delay.
There are other stores of the city
which are planning on sales that are
like unto those which have-been In
force In the two stores mentioned to
day. Watch for their announcements
In The Observer.
These heavy ana unprecedented
sales are the result of wide and con
slstent advertising that the proprietor,
In each Instance have conducted prior
to their opening. Advertising brings
the business If the advertising Is con
ducted along proper lines.
Advance Notice of Mountain Thaw Ev
ident In This City.
The first and advance signs of moun
tain thaw Is evident In the fact that
the Grande Ronde river has risen one
foot during the last 14 hours. The
water Is still rising.
This Is an annual occurrence, but
mountaineers predict that the live;
wilt be higher this year than usua
during the spring thaw, due to the ex
tra heavy snowfall In the mountain
the past winter. 'itWSSSSL
Is Now Rapidly Improving at Grande
Ronde Hospital.
The Observer is pleased to announce
that Fred G. Taylor Is improving rap
idly, and gives his attendants and phy
slcians encouragoment for a speedy re
covery. During his present Illnes his
condition has been extremely gloomy
to his many friends. He Is apparently
on the road to rapid recovery now",
Marriage License.
County Clerk Gllham yesterday eve-
nlng Issued a marriage license to u
gene Reufer and Miss Ivy Wlnmck of
Union. ...
' T. W. Clark of Oregon City, has
purchased, through Ray W. Logan,
75 per cent of the stock In the Oregon
Red Apple company, which formerly
belonged to . William Lyman. The
property consists of 140 acres of fruit
land located three miles north of the
city, that has been classed by fruit
experts to be as good as the best In
the state.
The tract Is beautifully located on
the foothills overlooking the valley,
and Is secure from frost. Several
springs of pure mountain water are so
located that the water Is convenient
and sufficient for irrigating purposes.
Itecently a prominent physician vls
Ued the tract with a view of estab
lishing an open air sanitarium thereon.
It being better adapted for this pur
pose than any other locality In Ore
gon being warm and protected from
The tract Is well Improved. As It
stands there are J000 applet trees,
years old. They are principally Rome
Beauties, York Imperial, Yellow New
town. Pippins and Oanoa. One thous
and and eighty trees are 8 years old
and In full bearing. The cherry or
chard Is composed of 800 trees, of the
Blng, Lombard and Royal Ann varle
ties. There are five acres of straw
berries and two acres of Logan ber
rles. Peach, pear and plum trees are
Included In the Improvements.
Mr. Clark has Just closed a contract
employing about 20 Japanese, who will
clear (0 acres in addition to that now
set to trees and plant high grade
peaches. With the 6,000 trees al
ready planted and the additional too
Now Yrk. 5rirch 14. Among ..he
ik,. riinl i rvents scheduled for
next week are the following:
Battleship fleet will begin target
practice at Magdalena bay, Lower Cal
ifornia, during the week.
Fourth annual motor boat racing
meet and carnival begins at Palm
Beach, Fla.
Tuesday. '
Secretary Taft, Governor Hughes of
New York and Governor Johnson of
Minnesota will speak at the dinner
of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick In
New York.
St. Patrick's Day will be observed
throughout the United States and In
all lands where Irishmen are found
American Railway Engineering and
Maintenance of Way association con
venes In Chicago.
Republicans of Iowa will meet In
state convention at Des Moines.
Former President Grover Cleveland
will celebrate his 71st birthday.
Interstate commerce commission
will hold hearing on freight rates on
fruits and vegetables at Jacksonville,
' Packers and manufacturers of food
products will hold conference In New
. Thursday.
William Jennings Bryan will cele
brate hjs 48th birthday. ,
Pope Pius X will observe his name
Arkansas Republican committee to
meet to settle date for state conven
Republicans of New Mexico will
hold territorial convention In Silver
Emperor William will leave Berlin
for his villa on the Island of Corfu.
Democrats of Rhode Island will hold
state convention In Providence.
International cable chess match .be
tween students of America and Eng
land will be held.
Believing Things Are Too Quiet on th
Coast, the High Priestess of Anar
chism Now at Chicago, Will Coaie
to Portland and Coast Cities Her
Manager Now In Portland Arrang
ing Details Argues That Common
People Are Abused. v
Portland, March 14. Although Em
ma Goldman, the noted . anarchistic
leader and speaker, has announced
.. u soon come to Portland '
for a series of meetings, having heen
driven from the lecture platform of
the middle west by the action of the
police In several cities, she may find .
the, halls of Portland also closed to
Mayor Harry Lane has not yet de
termined whether he will sanction her -appearance
in Portland as a lecturer
or not v
"I bellove In the right , of free
speech," said Lane today, "but Miss
Goldman cannot come to Portland and
deliver seditious speeches which she
would not be alowed to deliver In the
east." ' , , : I
Yesterday Alexander Horr of Seat
tie, arrived here to make arrangement
for Miss Goldman's visit. '
"Things are too quiet on the coast,"
he said, "and Miss Goldman will stir
them up. The murder of Averbuch
by Chief of Police Shlppy In Chlca--go,
conviction of Eugene Schmlts, the
sending of troops Into Nevada, restric
tion of the right of free speech In Chi
cago, are all blows aimed at the com
mon people. We are too conservative
here. , Miss Goldman will arouse us
to ourOty.'
From Portland Miss Goldman M
scheduled to go to San Francisco,
Goldfield and Salt Lake.
Vli mmtlmmmmmlm
1 1 ..
Sustain Heavy Fine.
Caracas, March 11. By a decision
handed down by the Venezuelan su
preme court today, Judgment of the
ywer tribunal In fining the New York
Bermuda Asphalt company $5,000,000,
Is confirmed. The companies were ac
cused of giving aid to the rebels IB
the Matoz revolt. Notice of appeal
was filed, but there Is little likelihood
k Its being granted. This decision
will complicate present diplomatic dif
ficulties between the United States and
Venezuela. : . 'L '
i North Bank Passenger Traffic,
' Portland, March 14. Regular pas
senger service will be instituted on the
Portland, Seattle and Spokane railroad
Monday, according to a statement
made at compuny headquarters today.
; ju L...J
There is no more vital question to be considered In
the family than that of the compoundieg of the doctor's
prescription. There should be no half way methods re
garding prescriptions. We use pure drugs, compounded
lust "according to the doctor's orders."
I La Grande m h Oregon
Mrs. hk""" -