DGBT PAGE. EVEJUXQ 0B8KRYER, LA GRANDE, ORKQOK. MONDAY, MARCH t, 108. T iV ST A I E ITOIII ffl AL : -. .......... , , . W We Want Your Wants IN The New Book Store Is in the Lw!s Building Opposite the Sommer House L -4 tfA icir" cvr-i i ipii rrt r : nU3l LALUJIVCLI 2 IS OUR AIM Portland, Ore., March . (Special correspondence.) Prof. R. S. Tarr, occupying the choir of physical geog- j raphy at Cornell university, is the au- thor of a geography now used, as :i text book In a vast number of schools ' throughout the United States, and In revising this book Is paying especial cy. This was the meat of a resolution adopted by the Portland Commercial club recently. Public bodies through out the northwest appreciate that in stitutions of higher learning are a factor of the greatest importance to eastern people. Who ocntemplato making their homes here. In order to dispose of our stationery stock, we are offering our entire line at NOTE THE FOLLOWING ATHAI PACT Popular copyrights formerly $1.50 now $1.10 Popular copyrights formerly .75 now .55 Alger, Heuty and Optic " .25 now .20 y 5c tablets at 3 for 10c 10c tabletu at 2 for 15c Fancy box stationery at the same iscount DAVIS-JORDAN MUSIC CO. 1316 ADAMS AVENUE LA GRAN0E, OREGON - g. A gfr sfcssfcss uAs fcfcsfrfrS$sfrsfrfr H Drink La Grande made Beer and keep your money at home. JULIUS R0ESCH WORK YOUR Is what we want. We don't call on you one week for it and tell you the next we cannot do it for you. We want it now, and all the time. We do not think it necessary at this time to say anything about the class of work we turn out The fact that we have been in the LAUN DRY business for twelve years in La Grande we think sufficient evi dence that our work is sat isfactory. Try it. A. B. C. LAUNDRY TELEPHONE MAIN 7 444 attention to the development of Ore-. California people are piannig 10 gon and Washington. The Portland return the vists made that state by Commercial club has furnished Prof, the people of Oregon and Washington Tarr very complete data on Oregon, Probably the first excursions will be together with a number of thorough-, made at the time of Portland's Rose lv rnr.HentBtivB nlrtnres. and irenu- - festival In June. At even this early ine interest on the part of the author . Is apparent from a request for further photographs of specific subjects. Washington's commercial bodies will see that the "Evergreen state" Is properly taken care of. " The Los Angeles times, the great paper of the southwest, includes in Its- market reports grain quotations for the Pacific coast. It Is significant that only Portland and Tacoma ap- true of San Francisco papers. No section of the Union surpasses the Pacific northwest In the excel lence of Its public schools, and Oregon communities are manifesting their In terest in the State university by urg ing upon the state the most liberal ap propriations for the maintenance of this Institution in a way that will enable it to reach Its highest efflclen- tilFECTIONERY I . JbrmTuiti AN ARRAY CP GOODIES that will please anyone with a pal ate young or old; mala or female, is her displayed, not only on special occasions, but (very day in the yearour shop's open, A taste for candy is not confined to child- ' ren and women only. Men we all like them. " E. D. S ELDER date, too, the Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc exposition at Seattle Is being much discussed In the south. A series of meetings under the au spices 'Of the Oregon Development league are to be held this week In Ashland. Medford, Roseburg, Grants Pass, Albany, and Stayton. lone held an enthusiastic meeting last week that lasted until 2 o'clock In the morning. Seventy new members were taken Into the Comemrctal club there. I Eastern people are already begln 1 nig to arrive on the Bprlng colonist rates. The disposition Is to see the smaller tov.-ns and the majority of those looking for country places In- tend to enter fruitgrowing or dairy ing, two Industries especially attractive in Washington and Oregon, where they bring greater, returns than in any other part of the country, Our Want Ad Column ; Your want is placed before a thousand or more want-seekers every day Can you afford to spend on cent per word of your ' want ad w he; e results are the keynotes? FOR RENT., FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. Inquire of Mrs. C. 8. Zuber. 'Phone Red 1781. FOR RENT Rooms for light house keeping. Inquire of , Mrs. E. C. Moore, corner '4th and Q Sts. FOR RENT Nicely furnished eaBt room; all modern conveniences. In quire at J. M. Berry's store. S-StI FOR RENT Furnished room with bath and privilege of using plan ). Phone Red 1381, , i-12tf FOR RENT Large store building, with shelving and counters!;- used a number of years for hardware and furniture. Also housekeeping rooms. 1417 Washington Ave. J-l-lm WANTED. WANTED To trade hay Stoddard Lumber Co. for wood. $-14tf WANTED To buy six or eight Plym outh Rock hens and a rooster. Need not be pure bred. F. J. Wox, Mea cham. WANTED A six or seven-room mod ern cottage with small barn. ,. Inquire at this office. WANTED Any competent lady do- siring work and have a good home with good salary, should Inquire of Mrs. J. M. Berry. Some Books That Are Not New. ; Beth Norvell, a story of western mining life, love and Intrigue; a trifle overdrawn, but full of action, and with some strong chapters. Winston, the hero, is a square man, who refused to eb bought, and his lady love, whose name gives title to the book. Is also honest, almost to an excessive degree, one Is apt to feel. Little Mercedes loves the big Brown, but does not flrk" her heart until It Is too late. Altogether a good story, but not extraordinarily so. Randall Parrlsh, author of "When Wiiilernes was King,' 'ily Lady of the North, 'Bob Hampton of Plaecr,' and other western stories, Is the writer. J His Own People, by Booth Tarklnf ton.l s a splendid, portrayal of the waxing and waning of a young Ameri can's passion for the gay life of Parts. In the beginning of the story the hero is feeling mighty good toward fortune for at last permitting him to mingle with "his own people," as one of them the demi-monde. At the house of his princess later he Is robbed Of all his little store, 16000; then he be gins to think longingly of little Mary Cramer, back home, the home that a few short days before he had thought pityingly of. It's a good book, for the young American to read. It Is not preachy not at all but one's Interest in the fortunes of our hero is apt to make one not sorry when he comes to see things as they are, and to put the true value upon home folks, and to re member Mary's trembling Up when he condescended to bid her good bye on the eve of his entrance into the life of "his own people." Those who read and loved "Emmy Lou," will not fall to appreciate "Le- tltla, Nursery Corps, TJ. 8. A," The books are by the same author, George Madden Martin, and the trials and triumphs of Letltia are quite as Inter esting as those of the lovable Emmy Lou. This Is a book for busy mothers and occupied fathers to read. By ex perience the little girl deduces that 'Non-com mammas have unlimited time," while "a real mamma, on the contrary. Is the busiest lady in the world." Public Sale, The undersigned will offer at pub llo sale at the Ed Btrlngham ranch five miles east of La Grande, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following described property: One. 8hlre stallion, weight 1500; coming 4 years old. One bay gelding, weight 1100; com ing 4 years old. One sorrel gelding, weight 1100 lbs, coming 4 years old. One grey mare, weight 1100 lbs, coming 8 years old. One grey filly, 2 years old. One black filly with foal, from Shet land horse, 4 years old. One half-blood Shetland mare, with foal by Shetland. Fourteen A No. 1 milch cows, from 1 to 8 years old. Two z-year-old heifers, will be fresh next spring. Ten heifer calves. une Milwaukee binder, In good re pair. One Jones mower, In good repair. One lt-inch sulky plow, good as new. One Hoosler press drill. One potato digger. One garden plow. One wagon end hayrack. On dlso harrow. Two sets double heavy team harness. One gentleman's gold-filled watch. Other articles too numerous to men tion. Free Lunch at Noon. Terms of Sale: $10.00 or under, cash. Over $10.00, eight months' time at S jer cent, with approved se curity. Three per cent discount for cash. MRS. E. P. COLLVER ED STRINGHAM, Auctioneer. FOR RENT Building on Fir St.. ad- Joining Ronde Valley house, suitable for store purposes; $ furnished liv ing rooms upstairs. 'Phone to Black 461. FOR RENT A suite of rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire of Mrs. Edna flwart. J FOR SALE. FOR SALE $600 buys two choice lots, corner Cedar and Jefferson, one block from Adams Ave., 86x104 young fruit and shade trees. Will be $760 after March IS. Inquire at Collection Dept., of La Grande Na tional Bank. FOR BALE Five-room house, partly furnished; 2 lots, stable and wood shed; 1 block west of White school house. Inquire at (04 K St, 6-8t ED STRINGHAM, . AUCTIONEER. Sales cried on short notice). t ; '" Satisfaction guaranteed. : s No extra charge for distance. ' LA GRANDE - - OREGON Route No. 2. 'Phone No. 196xt 4 LOST In this city, an Elks tooth with monogram, M. E. G., and engraved with 12-25, '06. Finder leave at the light office. LOST Ladles' fur boa, Saturday night, between Spokane cafe and Harris hall. Finder leave at this office. t 2-2-tt FOUND Ladles' small open-face watch. Owner call at this office. t HERE TO STAY Although the present electric light famine has temporarily placed us out of business, we are not out of business by any means. When the lights are on again the public will find that we wvu still behere with the very best electric show in Eastern Oregon. We are taking f t advantage of the con dition C! .aa to make X many improv'.ement3 a8 i the public will reaa"Vv see when we again open u? t the public. , t ELECTRIC THEATRE CO. E. M. Sherwood, Mg 4X "Everybody Saves But Father." Get wise; save 50 cents on every $5.00 worth of washing by buying a coupon book for $4.60 cash CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY, 'Phone Main 78. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final account as administrator of the estate of Hen ry II. Elmer, deceased, and the coun ty Judge of Union county, Oregon, has appointed Tuesday, the 7th day of April, 1808, at ten o'clock a. m., at the court house In La Grande, Union county, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing of objections to such final ' account and the settlement thereof. Dated February 25, 1808. EDWARD ELMER, Administrator of the Estate of Henry H. Elmer, Deceased, d Feb 26-4-11-18-26-al For Circuit Judge, Attorney L. J. Davis of Union, has announced his Intention of becoming a candidate for the republican nomin ation for circuit judge of this district LOST Ladles handbag containing. purse, glasses end pass book. Find er please return to this office. Jacks. Owners of Jacks please communi cate with the Sugar company's office, IN A HURRY? THEN CALL lrE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your horn in lest time than it takes to tell it. Day phone Red 761 Night " Black I?92 Wagcn alw7 i;7rtr tvi.z FOR THE LENTEN SEASON ! ; The following iitt of eeasonable eatable may help you to selsct your menu during this eaon, when careful housewives sometime find it diffl- cult to arrange a satisfactory meal, I B:ton Beauty Mackerel; Dainty Brand Cod Fish, two pound brick; Keg ; Herring; Boneless Lunch Herring in glee; Norway Mackeral Sardine; ; French Sardine in cil; Mustard Sardines; BrolUd Mackeral. CANNED GOODS Salmon, Lobstsr, Shrimp, Clams, Oysters, P. S. Stock Clam Chowder. CHEESE ; Full Cream Cheese, Swis Cheese, Jersey Cream Cheese, Fin Lfmberger ! Cheese, McLaren' Roquefort Cheese. THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY Et POLACK, Propr. Phone Main 75 4$4't$0$4$$$44$44frfr$$4$$t T - The Kind That is Advertised and the Kind That Wears W. M. BOHNENKAMP CO. HARDWARE, FURNITURE AND CROCKERY i 4 .13 .lr- ' t ft M ii it