SBk EVKXIlfU OIWKVKR, LA GRANDE. OREGOM. MONDAY, MARCH J, 1908. FAGS TUBES. La Grande Professional Directory PHTMCIAW8. O. L, BIQGHR3. U. D. Phjaicfcui amd Surgeon. ntinoi Buliaing. over J. M. Benyt store. Otfice 'Phone Black im. Residence 'Phone Red 1001 fir fjf 3. H. HUBBARD. IT TV . Physician mmA c.. Office In New Bank Building. Room. rnsnea: Residence, Main it; Office, Main 71. DR. A. U RICHARDSON, Pliysielaai and Sargvok. Office OTer Hill's Driirr Bfn.- Office 'Phone llt. Residence Main (S N. MOLITOR, M. D., Phjslciaa and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot Bt Office Main 8 Residence Main 69 IT, BACON ft HALL. Phvsk-lans and Surgeons. Office 1 Grande National Bank Building. 'Phone Main 19. C. T. Bacon, Residence, Main 18. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main tt. DR. P. E. MOORE. DR. H. C. P. MOORK Osteopathic Physicians. Klrksvllle Graduates Under Founder Office Simmer Building. : Office Main S; Res. Main 14 Phlnes: VIA VI. MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 197. TEACHERS OF MUSIC (CATHERINE M. QUINN, MU8. BAC Teacher or Piano and Harmony. I Studio 1401 Eighth Street 'Phone Black 841. -V PROF. E. PORTER DAT. Prtncl La Grande School of Music Vrs. Day assistant. School oppo site Foley Hotel. Phone Red 478. MISS STELLA D. OLIVER. Tfachct of Piano and Harmony. Studio over J. M. Berryc Store. :'( IMBLER DRUG STORE DR. 0. A. FISHER, Prop. Patent M e d I c e n s, Perfumes, To let Articles I Trusses, and Rubber V OPEN DAY OR NIGHT DENTISTS. a & CAXTHORN. Office over Hill's Drug Store, La Grande -Ore. C. PRICE), D. M. D. Dentist. Room 98, La Grands National Bank Building. 'Phone Black 1991. La Grands Oreoi. Dr. S. M. Easley Dr. J. E. Stevenson Res. Red 191. Res. Black 8 SI. E AS LET STEVENSON. Dental Parlors and Laboratory. Aluminum Plates, Crown and Bridge work, a specialty. i,jtx folcy Hot Office 'Phone Black 911 ATTORNEYS. Chas. E. Cochran Geo. P. Oocfaraa COCHRAN COCHRAN, Attorneys. La Grande National Bank Building, L Grande .... Oregoi LETTER-HEAD SCHDIt fOR BOOST I HCi IKON TOWNS VETERINARY 6URGEONS. DR. P. A, CHARLTON, Veterinary Burgee n. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grand Residence 'Phone Red 701. - Office 'Phone Black 1S1. Independent 'Phone S8. DR. II. W. 1ULEY. " Graduato Ohio 8tate University Va slnatlun. Dentistry and Surgery of at kinds. Country calls promptly ma swered. Office 1414 Adams Ave. 'Phones. Pe clflo, Black 1901. Independent. White 20. ABSTRACTERS. J.R. OLIVER. Abstracts of Title. Fire Insurance. Office next door to La Grande Na tional Bank. La Grande Oresot ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. L. A. PICKLE R. Civil, Mining, Irrigation Engineer! and Surveying. Estimates, plans and specifications Office in Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande ------ Oreprn PHONE CALLS ANSWER. I ED DAY OR NIGHT I e . I BEST COAL I $8.S0i j --PER TON- j . Kock spring Lump and ; Rock Spring Nut. ; ivPHONi: MAIN 10 ; Prompt Delivery Big ; ; Stock on Hand. ; GEORGE PALMER. President W. H. BRENHOLTS, Ast't Cashier J. M. BERRY. Vice President C. S. WILLIAMS. 2d Ass't Cashier F. L MEYERS, Cashier 3655 La Grande National Bank Of La Grande, Oregon CAPITAL AMD SURPLUS $160,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY DIRECTORS J. M Berry A. B. Conley F. J. Ho tiss C. C. Pennington F. L Ms-er W. L. Brenhoits George Palmer F. M. Brykit Gio"L Cleaver Portland, Ore., March 8. (Special correspondence.) Various organisa tions In the Oregon Development league are adopting a special letter head (or use during March and April only, something so striking that the colonist rates cannot be overlooked by Its recipient. Business men are using the same stationery. Already answers are arriving to advertisements Insert ed In the greatest agricultural, fruit and dairy journals of the country by the league about the middle of Febru ary, and long lists of Inquirers are be ing sent to the different commercial secretaries Whose organisations are af filiated with the state body. Hun dreds of thousands of pieces of liter ature are going east from every part of Oregon. Every mail carries Its message. Especially valuable are the fruit bulletins and report of the Ore gon State Dairy association sent from the home office. The Los. Angeles in- gon, reports a number of people com ing north Immediately as a conse quence of Its few weeks' work. "The trend of civilization has al ways been westward, said Henry Wat son Cornell in a lecture recently de livered before Portland business men, "since it crossed Asia to sweep through Europe. ' Immigration is now flowing west through the United States with lrreslstable force, but the Pacific coast is the limit of this great tidal movement, and here will be found the greatest cities in the world. The solid ity and substantial character of Portland must Impress any visitor. while the vast tributary district of both Oregon and Washington repre sents greater wealth than can ever be taken from the gold mines of the continent" i March 15 has been named by the Judges of the Commercial club's $5000 contest as the date when their labors wil probably be completed. It is proving an arduous task to judge the hundreds of papers submitted. -The executive committee of the American Association of Traveling Passenger Agents is meeting In Chi cago this week to decide upon the de tails of their convention this coming summer, to be held in Seattle. J. H. O'Neill, of Portland, Is a member of this committee, and when he left for the east last Friday carried with him a most cordial invitation fmm ih. at least a two days' sojourn In the "Rose City" in the itinerary of the association's northwestern trip. 'Their friendliness for Oregon has been manifested by the Traveling Passen ger Agents on Innumerable occasions. John Harper, who will superintend the float making for the Rose festi val in June, Is an expert In this line, and for many years has had charge of this feature for the "Veiled Prophet" of St Louis. Keep the money at home - by using LA GRANDE SUGAR f Costs nofrcrt a id Just as sweet. All dealers. .99 . PCBLICATIOJi NOTICE. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Union county. La Grande National Bank, plaintiff, (a private corporation, vs. John Ott and Peter Bousquet, defendants. Snnuuoiu. To Peter Bousquet, Defendant Above Named: In the name o- the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the aboe entitled court snil action, on or before April 9th, 1908: and If you fall to so answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take the Judgment of the said court against you for the sura of $215.00 with inter est thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from and after Octo ber 19th, 1906, until paid, $35.00 at torney fee, and costs and disburse ments of this action and the sale of the property attached herein, to-wit: Lots 12, 13, 14, 16 and 16, in block 14S, and lots 7 and 8 In block 67, of Chaplin's addition to La Grande, Ore- son. This summons is published by order of Hon. T. H. Crawford, Judge of the above entitled court, made February 24th, 1908, fixing six consecutive weeks, therefor and in the Evening Observer, published at La Grande, Oregon, the first publication hereoi being February 26th, 1908. C. H. FINN, Attorney for Plaintiff. the dis- Wood Notice, Notice Is hereby given that listrict school board of school trlct No. 1 of Union county. Oregon. will receive up to 4 o'clock p. m., of March 5. 1908, sealed bids for fur- nlshlng said school district No. 1 with 150 cords of four-foot split, yellow pine and red fir wood, said wood to be cut while green and not later than June 1st, 1908, free from large knots and acceptable to said school board. Said wood to be delivered, 135 cords at high school building, five cords at White school, and 10 cords at Fourth ward school, and to be corded up neatly and closely where directed by board. Fifty cords to be delivered hv July 1st, and all on or before August 15, 1908. Bids to be left with school :lerk. Board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. A. C. WILLIAMS. School Clerk. Febl'mSd NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un derstgned have filed In the county court of Oregon for Union county, his final account as administrator of th estate of D. B. May, deceased, and that said court has fixed Tuesday, March 3, at 10 o'clock a, m., as the time and the court house In La Grande, Oregon, as the place for hearing all objections thereto and set tling the same.- Dated .this 30th day of January, ;uos. B. T. MAT, Administrator of the Estate of D. J May, Deceased. Ornrtlng ts a dead Issue. Sq says Dr. H. C. Par ker of the Indiana School of Medi cine, in Collier's Wetkly. We concur with him. Blue Mountain Cough Syr up will cure your cough, not as pleas ant to take as some mhers, but It con tains the Ingredients that will posl .Ively and absolutely cure tHat cough. RED CROS3 DHUCI STORE. "Everybody Saves But FaUier." Get wise; save 60 cents on every $5.00 worth of washing by buying a coupon book for $4.50 ensh CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY. 'Phone Main 78 Money Supfcrts the Home Shorthand. Learn Chattier shorthand, the shortest system In exUtimte. Ten rules, RS word slirns, no prefixes, .in fixes, contractions r omissions. ITseo n the I' ailing business colleges In Portland. Seattle, Spokane and Ta- oma. Stuilentit take illrtntl'in artei three wct.-ks' Call, MIhs Pates Hlaca 151 t-sif All the local and the wnr'Ts ntr of Interest In The Observer eacn eve- and it needs a steady Influx of It to iiialntaln the household and keep It oing. To be sure of that steady flow f money, It Is the best plan to bank 'he savings so that yu will know here to reach them In time of need. For "rainy days" come to the thrlf icst of us at times, and It Is well for is If they find us prepared. Bank our surplus cash with us now, and ou will have the pleasure of know ng that It Is not ' only secure, but arnlng good interest The Eastern Oregon Trust & Savings Lank OFFICERS! F. M. BTRKIT. President. WM. MILLER. Vice-President GEO. L. CLEAVER. Cashier. T. J. 8CROQOIN, Assistant Cashier, r. J. BOLME8, rreasurw. sassiii A4i"A 'I i " ' " - - - 1 Place Your Surplus Funds With the Farmers and 5 Traders NATIONAL BANK Jcrpsr-tive st?t".n a Made to the Comptroller cf ; the Currency September 6, 1900, Deposits, 1179.524.05, ( September'30, 1901, . " 156,108.60 September 16, 1902, ; ". 194,041.94 September 9,1903, " 226.904.70 'September 6,1904, " 184,443.64 June 18,1905, " 141,879.65 June - 18,1906, " 143,225.34 June 21,1907, " 218.731.09 y- 'ltersst on your Savings Bank Accounts. No Interest paid on Checking Accounts. t, W are prsparsd to handle any Banking business entrusted to uj with care, promptna .a and safety. With 20 years experience in Bulking w are confidant we can give you atisfaction. Your business is appreciated by its officers: J.W. SCRIBER, Cashier JOSEPH PALMER. President Q. E. MoCUiAY, A. C - . i S1EGR I ST & GO. f JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS We wish to call your attention to our REPAIR DEPARTMENT We are better prepared than ever to do first class work. If you have a watch that does not give you satisfaction, oring it to us and we will guarantee we can fix it. Diamonds reset or mounted in new mount ing is one of our specialties. All our work guaranteed and promptly done. We will save you money SIEGRIST & GO I UEWfLERS AND OPTICIANS ttt tie iittitti m s) M . fss : Yowuray With Pleasure Forvery mea' you eat hre. It will bi a combination of good food, good cooking and good ser vice. Our restaurant is intend ed for people who appreciate g od eating, also for people who like the good things of life at a moderate cost If you belong to that class, ccme in and tee whit we can do foi you. The Mode! - Restaurant ' J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. $4.50 V ssll weekly meal ickett for tett ess.............. aa Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Propristor . . Complete ' Machine Shops and Foundry eee....... .................... 'see.. ......