want f'.w KVJCXIXG O IWtlKVEK. LA GRANDE, OREOOW. FRIDAY, FEBRCART 38. Itfls. FACE EIGHT. v ; V i THE BETTER KIND OF COUGH CURE There are all kinds of cough cures on the market, some made to sell merely, some made to stop coughs by drugging them into silence witn nar cotics, some made to do what should be done in order to properly cure coughs. NEWUN'S WHITE PINE EXPECTORANT II . i3 the latter kind. This remedy may not always cure as quickly as those winch s,rs !odfid with narcotics, but it cures quick enough; the cure is certain and when you are cured the cause is re moved. We offer this remedy to those who seek .1 the best cough cure it is possible to make. The remedy has won high favor in this locality and de serves to be your regular family cough medicine. Prices, 25 and 50 cents NEW UN DRUG COMPANY LA GRANDE, OREGON m M s ARl READY Valuable suggestions are being for mutated and will be presented at the mam meeting In the Commercial club tonight, when the future ' life of the organization will either be given Its death blow or given a boost that will again place it upon its feet. Financial statements will be pre pared and the exact status of the club's finances will be explained to those who attend. Men who have the city's welfare at heart, are throwing away every other tie for this evening and will be there, loaded with planB and suggestions. The meeting will commence at 8 Vclock. Already there are well de fined plans suggested for the future of the Institution, but the best wa to present these plans Is to be there onight and talk. PlmiMlroiiM Mine Kxplofcloii. Ban Antonio, Fob. 28. A Hprclal from Sablnus, Cohulla, Mexico, says . an explosion of gns him occured In mine No. it of the Carbon do Hahlnax mints, In Rosslta. About 200 men i - - - 1 were employed and many of them an ilrHd and injured. - . Later. All miners Imprisoned In the Rosslta mine were rescued and efforts are now being made to ex tinguish the fire in the shaft. NEW MILLMERYl We are now showing new and seasonable millinery and will be pleased to have the ladies call and see the new spring styles. We call special attention to our tailored pattern hats which we beliave are the finest ever shewn in La Grande. Please note our window display. The special for tti3 week is that greatest of all Paris creations, the "Merry Widow". Ask to see it. Mrs. Smith's Millinery Parlors Successor to Mrs. J. R. Forrest THE GEORGE PALMER LUMBER COMPANY RETAJL DEPARTMENT We Solicit Your Orders for Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, Chain Wood We are prepared to furnish and deliver material promptly. Call up Retail Depai t ncnt Phone Main 8. Oiipy (LAM MKI There will be no festal festivities a he Central hose house this evenlnr lutwlthstandlng the announcement t' he contrary. The entire fire depart ment of the city had planned on r 'big feed" for tonight, but delayet' nival of clams, the principal Hem or he menu. Is responsible for a post onement until a week from tonight t that time lost time will be made u; or . In the way of all the larger poi Hons from the clam oven. TO NAM 15 I.KANlXd DAY. stl,;lilH)iliM)(l C'lub Will Kettle cm :' Iwte Next Tuesday. "Cleanin-up day" plans are to b ompleted at a meeting of the Neigh borhood club next Tuesday afternoon n that day the actual date of th leanlng-up crusade will be set am Inal plans toward making the da; ne of real worth, completed. Thi Telithborhood club Is working In con Miu-tlon with other clubs throughou ie stae. Many of the prellmlnar teps have already been taken nn 'ins far success has punctuated ever, ffort. lleiieflt for IIoIm Cats. Clicneo, Feb. 28. For the purposi of providing a refuge for homeles. nd ailing cats and dogs the Illlnol: ntl-C'ruelty society will give a bene t theatrical performance at thi rand opera house tonight. Harrj arsktn, who is a director of the so lety. will manage the affair. , Mil tlnnie Maddern Flske, John T re William T. Hodge and other well nown stage lights have promised t ontrlbute their services. Pix'lwy EiiTagoniont. New York, Feb. 28. This morning's iapprs announce the engagemetn ot lenry Ladd Corbett, a grandson o: the late Senator Corbett, and head of he Portland Hotel company and thi banking interests of Portland, Ore., t tlss Oretchen Hoyt of New York. Mis 4yt Is well known In social circles o'. Vew York. She made her debut tw years ago. Itroudnay Itlrd In Tokltt. New York, Feb. 28. Broadway'i famous bird, the lobster, will soon make Its appearance In the cafes of Toklo's great white way. A Japanese 'isherles expert has spent several -nonths In Rhode Island Inspecting methods of hatching and raising lob sters and will attempt to Introduce their culture In the waters of northern Nippon. John Hopkins Moot. Baltimore, Md., Feb. 28. Prepara tions have been completed by the ath letic authorities of Johns Hopkins uni versity for the 12th annual games to be held tomorrow In the Johns Hop kins cage. Schubert, Schumun. Godard, G. Ma rie, Beethoven Zamona recital Mon day evening. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR MARKET DAY What Store Will You Choose? We have been working to the end that you will choose ours. Practically all the new piece ane staple goods are now in and as they were purchased afterthe panic ot iasi we are able to make prices that will surprise you. As to the completeness of our stock, there can be no question, and if there are any who need to be convinced in the matter of dependability or fair pricing, we refer you to we , values below as representative examples: Hope Muslin per yard 10c $ 28 in. Percale per yd 1 vie Standard Calicoes per yd 5c Apron Ginghams " 6 t4c A BRAND NEW STOCK OF CLOTHING Bought and priced at panic prices, we offer ioritUtkit Dzy a two dollar Hat free with each Man's Suit, a one dollar Hat free with each Boy's Suit. Special premiums of beauti ful Chinaware to Lady purchasers of $5.00 or more in merchandise. COME IN AND SEE US p eople s Store LA GRANDE'S LEADING DRY GOODS EMPORIUM THE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK AND TEMPLE OF EC00MY ! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice U hereby given thai Jona nan Green has been duly appointed J- the county court of the slate of ,rtgun, for Union county, adinlnls ratur of the estate of James Green, .excused, and all persons having laims against Bald estate are hereby totlfled and required to present the time with proper vouchers to the aid administrator at his residence I DIRECTORY OF THE X I FRATERNAL ORDERS i lA GRANDE, ORE. Woodmen of the World, La Grande Lodee No. 169. W. O. hnul uiwVi mil.. hndhAn.ta.U. ttntn "s c w.. meets first and third Friday of each month in K. of P. hall In Corpe building. Al visiting members wel come. M. M. MARQUIS, J. H. KEENEY, Consul Commander. Clerk. Olgln, Oregon, or to R. II. Lloyd, at' jrney for buid estate, at his office In ;lgln, Oregon, within elx months rom thn date horaol. I Dated this 6th day of January, 1908.1 JONATHAN GREEN, 1 i. H. LLOYD, Administrator. Attorney for Bald Estate. -13-2U-27-& Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the un ci sinned has filed his final account s administrator of the estate of Hen tr H. Elmer, deceased, and the coun- Judge of Union county, Oregon, has ppolnted Tuesday, the 7th day of .prll, 1908, at ten o'clock a. m., at he court house in La Grande, Union .ounty, Oregon, as the time and place or hearing of objections to such final .ccount and the settlement thereof. Dated Fcbruury 25, 1908. EDWARD ELMER, Vdmlnlstrator of the Estate of Henry H. Elmer, Deceased. 1 Feb 26-4-11-18-25-al OREGQJ SuoirmE imon Pacing Vrrlval and Departure of Tralua al La Grande. No. 1. westboun Portland Special, irrlves 9:25 a. m.; departs, 9:30 a. m. No. , eastbound passenger, mall md express, arrives at t:45 a. m.; de arts 4:60 a. m. No. I, eastbound Chicago Special, trrlvea 1:05 p. m.; departs, 1:10 p. m. No. S, westbound passenger, mall md express, arrives 1:55 p. in.; de parts, 10 p. m. Klgln Branch. Leaves La Grande at 8 a. m. sad arrives In La, Sraada at 1:10. Fc Testers of America. Court Maid Marian No. 22 meets each Wednesday night In Elks' hall Brothers are Invited to attend. NERI ACKLES, C. R. G. V. HENDKICK8, F. S. Board of Trustee; Dr. G. L. Big gers, Oscar Berger and Herbert Pat terson. Pythian Sisters. Rowena Temple No. 9, Pythian Sisters, meets every Thursday evening st 8 p. m., In K. of P. hall. In the Corpe buildlrg. Visiting members cor dially Invited. LIZZIE HA WORTH, M. E. C. EUNICE PROCTER. M. of R. A C I O. T. M. Hlvs No. 27. L. O. T. M., meet every first and third Thursday of each month at 2 o'clock In the afternoon Visiting members made welcnm. SADIE KLINTWORTH. L C. MRS. EVA M'INTYRE. K. of R. Brotherhood of Owls, La Grande Nest No. 17, meets Ir the K. of P. hall every Tuesday eve ning at 8 o'clock. Visiting brother, cordially Invited. J. B. VAXDEUMUELEN, Executive C W. BAKER, Secretary. K. of p. Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meet. every Monday evonlng in Castle Hall Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. D. H. PROCTOR, C C R. L. LINCOLN, K. of It. & S. I. O. O. F. La Grande Lodge No. 1, mMtll ,f their hall every Saturday night Vlg. Itlng brothers ordlally invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen . Model Restaurant T. J. 8CROGGIN, N. Q D. E. COX, Secretary. C. J. VANDERPOEL. Fin. Sec. Kebekalis. Crystal Lodge No. 60. meets every Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F. lodge. All visiting members are In filed to attend. LAURA STILES, N. G. JENNIE SMITH, Secretary F. O. E. La Grande Aerie No. 259, F. O. E., meets every Friday night !n Elks' hall at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren In vited to attend. ,j, j D. H. PROCTOR, W. P.' J. H. LEISHMAN, W. 8. M. W. a. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets very .Monday evening at I. O. O. Y. nail. All visiting neighbor, are cor'. Jlally Invited to attend. E. C. DAVIS, C. D. E. COX, Clerk. A. F. & A. M. U Grnde Lodge No. 41, A. JT. 4 V. M., holds regular meeting, ftMt md third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. L. H. RUSSELL, W. M C- P. HUFFMAN. Secretary. O. O. F. Star Encampment No. H, L O. O P.. meet, every leCond and fourth 1ne.day in ,he month , 0dd M. Vl.,g patrIarch, ."' "'OHSTELL, Scribe. M. B. of A Men. flm an thlrdTn ' J-O.0 F.,,a. V,a,ngtoen welcome. ve members JERPOEU Secretary. Ini hrn.h vlt " "r" cor1a'iy inn il to ..cv, oeC . P S Hope Chapter No ii n - r ; 4