TrrA1' WftftfTART L ltOg. I I TV 'ill f-t- DEiKAIlON IS KOT TOED Absolutely Pure TA0 only baking powder made with Royal Grapo Cream of Tartar 119 aiuiii, nil bimo uCp..aiG JUST RECEIVED That a delegation to Washington could do but little food at this time (or the new federal district bill Is stated In a letter Just received by a Pendleton man from Congressman El lis. The letter In full Is as follows, says the East Oregonlan: Washington. D. C, Feb. 21, l0t. Hon. T. C. Taylor. Pendleton, Oregon. My Dear Mr. Taylor: I received your telegram in due time In regard to the federal district bill and since its receipt have been making Inquiries among the members of the committee to which the bill was referred. As the' matter Is at present I do not feel that I would be Justified in ask ing you to send a delegation here. However, you may rely upon me to give Information should an occasion arise wherein I think a delegation can assist In this matter. Of. course I would be more than pleased to have a delegation of Pendleton citizens here In order that they might fully understand the situation and to aid me In any way possible to bring about a favorable consideration of the meas ure; but In view of all the circum- autucca, I Ju Sot fee! !t Trt" " proper thing for me to request their presence at the present time, but should after developments bring out the necessity for the presence of th delegation you will be promptly In formed. Tour very truly, W. R. ELLIS. CAR A NO. I DRY VyOOD Full Measure and Right Price. HAVE YOU TRIED GRANDE ROVDE CASH COMPANY For Flour and Feed. If not.uhynot? : BEAUTIFYTHEHOME Of course you are thinking of making ..some changes in the home this season. Let us help you. We have the material, the exper ienced workmen and the "know how." Our stock of wallpaper, paints and decorations are at your service. O. F. COOLIDGE Paints, Oils, and Glass HAY, GRAIN, WOOD We have in stcck a lot of fine timothy, wild, grain and Gums Size of I (allots. A report from Salem says: With the filing of the last of the arguments upon Initiative and refer endum measures yesterday. It has be come possible to compute approxi mately the size of the pamphlets fo: Information of voters. 8. A. Kozer chief cleric of the secretary of state': ifflce. today measured the material to be Included In the book, and con cluded that the copies of bills, amend menu and arguments will occupy 120 pages at least. The coat will Ae about $50 per page, or $6000. A; persons who file arguments musr-sa their proportion of the total, about $2850 has been paid by private Indi viduals. Copy for Ea'li Voter. The pamphlets will be published and ready for distribution about Apri" 1, or two months before the people wl! te called upon to vote upon the meat ures. Secretary of State Benson l now securing lists of voters who hav registered in each of the counties o the state and has clerks ut work ad dressing envelopes to these voter: When the pamphlets have been prln. ed they will be slipped Into the er, velopes and mailed. State Printer Dunhtay will try t save the state $1000 In postage b shaving the pamphlets a little close n the edges when he trims them. I is expected that the postage on each pamphlet will be S cents, or $5000 or the whole 10,000 copies. Mr. Dunl way thinks that by trimming the pam plets to a slightly smaller size than th. law specifies he can make them llgh enough to go for 4 cents each. alfalfa hay, bought before the price advanced. We are selling this hay at low price, quality guaranteed. We"buy and sell oats, barley and mill stuff ofjall kinds. We'll sell flour at lower price than others. Try'us. We'are closing out our wood business. Have about 100 cords left. Get some at a reduced pricebefore it is all gone. I THE REAL ESTATF, LOAN AND COMMISSION CO, PETITION KOIl LIQCOK LICENSE To the Hon. County Court if Unlo. County, Oregon: We, the undersigned legal voter ind actual residents of the preclnc of Hllgard, Union county, Oregon and having actually resided In sal precinct at least 30 days Immediate!; preceding the date of signing and fit Ing of this petition, hereby respect fully petition your Honorable Court :o grant to Nils Holverson. a llcens. to sell splrltous, malt or vinous liquors ir fermented cider, commonly known is hard cider, in less nuantltlea thar one gallon. In the town of Hllgard Cnlon county. Oregon, commencing oi or about the 6th day of March, 1908 Pated this 20th day of January 190$. P. Garvey, John Rogers, D. W. Sanford, Jos. Lafferty. Pat Daly. Lee Young, J. H. Young. Geo. Dreher. Ed Peterson, William Cantrell, Mat An derson, Ed Sallng-. J. R. Beauchamp. Wllllnm Law. C. 8. Haws. J. W. Scott. W. J. Sallng. J. D. Casey. J. C. Hart. J. R. Mann. C. F. Dreher, Claud Miller, J. Landers, Hans Endrup, B. F. Young, Wm. Dreman, Ft. Beau champ, p. H. McWaters, A. Younc, B. Soholdstrom, F. Scholdstrom, Geo. McGarry, John E. Brlgham. Chas. Farrier, N. C. Endrup. J. Hlbbs, J. M. Hagey, Harry French, A. Sundman. J. T. Holmes. W. M. Condlt, O. Klopfen steln. Earl Rankin. Notice Is hereby given that I will on the 4th day of March. 108, apply to the county court of Union county, Oregon, at the court house In Le, . . ti AAAee)vveev m lKOffW"" Cauflinaw w . . h.reby annouu- - I take this meinoo. Grande, Oregon, for a license pbitous, malt or vinous liquors. of hard elder. In quantities lea than one nounclng myself a a .... gallon, in th. town ef Hllgard. Union for the nomination county. Ore.on.. commencing on or! Hce of circuit Judge of tnis a- ihii.l tK nth Aw U,r-I ISA. ! tlict St the vttji Hni.vrnsov. ! marlee to H08. - 4k lir motto: No enemies to democratic pn- be held on April 17, Normal School V lxl tor. Governor Chamberlain has appoint-; punish; no friend to reward; ed the following board of visitors for the state normal schools. In accord ance with the law passed at the list session of the legislature: R. R. Turner of Grant's Pass, J. M. Powers of Salem, and J. A. Churchill of Ba ker City. Their duties shall consist of observing and Investigating the condition of each 'school. equal Justice to all. February 1. 10- 4 T. H, CRAWFORD. Grafting Ta a dead Issue. Bo says Dr. H. C. Par ker of the Indiana School of Medi cine, In Collier! Weekly. We concur with him. Blue Mountain Cough Syr up will cure your cough, not as pleas ant to take as some others, but It con tains the Ingredients that will posi tively and absolutely cure that eougji. RED CROSS DRUO 8TOKE. For Assessor. I hereby announce to the re- oubllcan voters of Union coun- ty, that I am a candidate at the edldat. for the nomination th. republican ticket f,r state representative. from I county, at th. Pnr 1ctl0B b, held on April IT. I' nom inated and elected I u my best endeavor, to promote the best results for Union county and eastern Oregon, and do U Im partially. My motto is: No friends to reward, but equal Jus tice to all." S. F. RICHARUSu.i. political Information. registration doom County . u .' a. ADrll 7. r primary election for me rePuu- Aor 17. Bentration books reopened llcan nomination for assessor of ( Union county. . R. H. HUG. Dr. S. L. Corpe df Weston. Is In the "Ity today upon a short business trip. Tr. fnn roT.tly went from Cove. Union county, to Weston,, and he Is building up an excellent practice In the Normal town. Pendleton East Oregonlan. To Delinquents. Notice is hereby given to all water patrons of the city of La Grande who nay be In arrears at the present time, that unless the same Is paid by March I, 1908. th. water will be cut off. - WATER COMMITTER For Circuit Judge. I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination oh the democrat ic ticket for the offloe of circuit Judge of the Tenth Judicial district, comprising Union and Wallowa coun- . ties, at the primary election to be held on April 17, 1901. If nominated and electea I will uc my fc enne.vots to administer the business of the cir cuit court In both counties of the dis trict Impartially, speedily and econ omically. D. W. BHEAHaN. April 21: closed on NU la. General state election June 1. Registration books reopened September 20; close October 20. r,-.ii1ntlal election Novem ber 2. For County Recorder. I take this means of announc ing that I em a Candida's for the republican nomination for the office of Recorder of Union county, at the primary election. D. H. PROCTOR. IJEWELRY Money fupports the Home Latest Designs Best Quality Greatest Assortment Reasonable Prices J. H- PEARE LEADING PIONEER JEWELER nd It needs a steady Influx of It to maintain the household and keep It going. To be sure of that steady flow f money. It Is the best plan to bank he savings so that you will know vhere to reneh them In time of need, 'or "rainy days" enme to the thrlf lest of us at times, and It Is well for is If they find us prepared. Bank our surplus cash with us now, and ou will have the pleasure of know ng that It Is not only secure, but arning good Interest. The Eastern Oregon Trust & Saving bank OKFICEKS: F. M. BYRKIT, President. WM. MILI.KK. Vice-President GEO. L. CLEAVER, Cashier T. J. SCROOOIN. Assistant Cashier. F. J. HOLMEIS. rreaaurar. iMr.M44W-mi-mM4$-HrrrMrmffW !' I I Grande Ronde Lumbt i Co j I PERRY, OREGON I X CAN FLRMSH LIMBER OF ALL KINDS IN CAR LOAD LOIS For 16 inch Chain Wood Delivered at our Home, ? Call up V. f. CEA, La Crandc. Phone. Red 1741 I FOR COUGHS KING OF CURES THE WONDER WORKER FOR GOLDS FOR THROAT KING AND LUNGS FOR COUGHS AND cm nc PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted when I left my bed ifcwould surely be for my grave Our dnSS "d my friends expected thar but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King D0r Pounced my cas?Xab all sound and well.-MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, gZ2S$ oe completely S" S M"miO ABSOLUTELY nMJVRANTEgD, Trial Battle Fin tain . 4