Ji " . aJ- - T i mm mil ii mi rmmn i n.-.rfIfc ... -T " Wqht Ia r 77 I II 77TT. www EVKXnfn OtTFH. M GKAWPg. OKKOOX. FRIDAY. FKBRITART 18, IfOg. CT THMM. ' J T-r-r i Bid MM IS NOW READY La Grande Professional Directory i . -n DENTISTS. Q. U BIGOIrq u T Physic, a, Slr Otflc IU.to Building. 0W j. Bsrry- store. Office 'Phone Black ltll . R"laece 'Phone R,a 1001. t J. H. HUBBARD, lit! D 7 A Physlcka ul s... ' ."I"" Building. RooBU . rn"n-: RMld.nct, lfaln Blj Office, Mala. 71. DR. A. U RICHARDSON. Ki)ctM ud Ssrgco. Offlc. over Bill's nr.,. o. OHlc.Thon,lM..RMidenc,Mallls N. MOUTOR, M. D., Physlclaa and Surgeon. Corner Adams At, inn rw. o. Office Main It :. Residence Ualn It BACON HALL. Phrakiana and Biirnm... ' Office 1 ji Grande NaUonal Bank Building. -Phone Main 1. C. T. Bacon. Ruldence, Ualn 18. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main 62 DR. F. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORI Osteopathic Physician. Klrkavllle Graduates Under Found Office Bnmraer Building. Phonos: Office Main It; Res. Main 14 VETEIUVAPT SURGEONS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON, Veterinary Burgarn. Office at Hill's Drug 8tore, la Orand Residence 'Phone Red 701. Of rice 'Phone Black 1 111. , Independent 'phone 58. Dlt H. W. IULEY. Graduato Ohio State University Vae , rlnatlun, Dentistry and Surgery of ai . V mds. , Country calls promptly at. -lowered. Office 1414 Adams Ave. 'Phonos, P( riflc, Black 1101. Independent, White 20. & B. GAXTBOEJI. Offlc over Hill'. r,. . t. w. " urmna Oregon. of Conditions, According to a telephone message received yesterday from Henry Hill of Starkey Prairie, an eDldemlo of aoing. It seems that unsettled stats of some sort Is now rarinr mnn th. arralrs exists among the officers of horses of that vlclnltv. rr w H i.v. the Willamette college at the present, tie, state sheep Inspector, who is one and It lS for ""that reason that Mr lot th host vatorlnarLn., I- h- ..... baton nas withdrawn his donation. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist. Room It, La Grand. m.Hi,..i u.-t. Building. 'Phono P1.nb it.. Grand. r.. Dr. 8. tt Easle, d,. E- Bteveneor, Res. Red ReH niAnir i E ABLET St 8TEVENSON. Dental Parlors and Aluminum Plates, Crown and Bridge work, a specialty. Office Opposite Foley Hotel. Offto, 'fhnnm Black HI. ATTORNEYS. Chaa. E. Cochran Geo. p. Codim COCHRAN COCHRAN. Attorneys, La Grande NaUonal Bank Rutldlna U Grand. .... . n VIAVI. MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 197. Union county has cause to (eel proud of at least on. of her nubile spirited citizens. E. A, Eaton of the town of Union, some time ago an nounced that he would donate 150,000 to erect a building for liberal arts at the Willamette university. The mat ter has hung for some time and there are those who nrrdlrti.il that Ahtn I would come of the offer. Mr. Eaton Dr Lymn Goe" to Make Investigation has within the last few days made an emphatic denial that ' he has with drawn the large donation, and further says that he has no intention of so TEACHERS OF MUSIC In a recent Interview the man who donated th. fortune, said: "When I gave the money I did It for the good of humanity and not for any strong personal attachment I may have felt for either Dr. Coleman or Bishop Moore. Not until after due deliberation and sufficient reflection did I make up my mind to give It, and no personal Influence was ever brought to bear on me to that end. I am free to admit that my attention was first called to such a donation by Dr. Coleman and Bishop Moore as a wor thy object, but I took a good long time to study it oui making up my mind. I positively re fused to contribute one cent toward the $100,000 endowment which I was afterward assured had been subscrib ed. I think I first told Dr. Coleman that I had made up my mind that the 150,000 would do as much good In the way he had suggested as for any other purpose and that the money Bhould be given for that use. I had no idea until informed this morning of any report to the effect that the gift had been withdrawn, as it surely has not left for that place this morning, and if th. conditions are serious he will notify State Veterinarian Kornlkek of Salem. The report made by Hill yesterday said five bands were affected and that he had already lost four young horses from the disease. He said It seemed to be a complication of Dink eye and brain fever, and refused to yield to any of the common treatments usually resorted to. Pendleton Tribune. CATHERINE M. QUINN, MUB. BAC Teat-hor of Piano and Harmony. Studio 1401 Eighth Street. 'Phone Black 841, PROF. E. PORTER DA. Prtnrli. La Grande School of Music Mrs. Day assistant. School oppo lite Foley Hotel. Phone Red 472. MISS STELLA It. OLIVER. Trsw-het of Piano and Harmony. Btudlo over J. M. Berry! Store. ABSTRACTERS. J.R. OLIVER. Abstracts of Tfilu. lire Insurance. Office next dr to La Grand. Na V tlonal Bunk. La Grand. ...... Oregoi ELFOKICAL ENGINEERS. L. A. PICKLER. OWI. Mining. Irrigation Englneerlnt and Surveying. Estimates, plans and specifications. Office In Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande Oreg.' For Rlllouxness and Slfk Iloudiulm. Z Takb Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup. Z It sweetens the stomach, alda rHo-.- w tlon and acts as a gentle stimulant cn ihe liver and bowels without Irritat ing tho3e organs. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures biliousness and ha- ' T bltual constitpatlon. Does not naus-3-. $ ate or gripe and is mild and pleasant ; to take. Remember the name, Orlni, ' and refuse to accept any suostltuu. 4 A. T. Hill, druggist. "Everybody Save But Father." Get wise; save 60 cents on every J5.00 worth of washing by buying a coupon book for 14.50 cash CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY, 'Phone Main 78. We khow how to turn your money quickly into the most delicious gro ceries in the city. There isn't as good a place to buy good, safe things to eat or drink anywhere, Everything, fron a pound of salt to the best "in season" dainty, can be had hera always, and al ways for the 1 ast money. for its matchless service in both taking orders and delivering them. I I GEDDES BROS. been, and will not be. I am only wait ing for a favorable time to go on with the building and the earlier that comes th. better I will be "pleased. I am quite sure that neither Bishop Moor, nor Dr. Coleman started this false report and I have been closer to them in this matter than to any one else." . HORSES HAVE STRANG DISEASE. e i Keep the money at home by using ' LA GRANDE SUGAR J Costs no more and just as r sweet All dealers. fit S)tt4 SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Union. Bank of Emmett, a corporation. plaintiff, vs. J. a. uuuu, Jcrcr.i-" To J. A. Hough, the above named de fendant: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action and court on tne etn day of April," A. D. 1S08, and if you fall to appear, answer or plead at said time for want there of, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of 1 100.00 and interest lhi;tiui t b. of 10 ptn cent per annum from the 9th day of April, A. D. 1907, for the further sum of 125.00 attorney's fees and the costs and disbursements of the action. Also for an order of the above en titled court for the sale of your right, title and Interest in and to the real property attached In said action, to w!t: Tracts 1 and J In Coggan's Sec ond addition to La Grande, Oregon, to satisfy said Judgment anl costs. This summons is published far a period of six successive weeks by vir tue of an order made by Honorable T. H. Crawford, Judge of the Tenth Jufllclal district, of the state of Ore gon, dated February 14th, 1908, In the La Grande Evening Observer, and that the 16th day of February, A. D, 1908, Is the date of the first publica tion of this summons. , J. W. KNOWLE3. Attorney for Plaintiff. O. R. & N. to Help Farmers. In order to Increase its traffic from the inland empire and to Induce far mers to cultivate, their land more thoroughly throughout the wheat belt, the O. R. & N. comDanv la nlan- T his grocery iS famOUS nln8 t0 bt'Kn a campaign against nun- - MM4MUIKHH : I mpr f H llnulno- In anatarn Wn . 1. 1 ..... ESTABLISHED 3655 188? REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The La Grande National Bank AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS FEBRUARY, 14, 1908 LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and Discounts 608.855.29 United States Bonds 100.000.00 Real Estate. Furniture, etc 66,000.00. Cash Assets: Due from Banks ,48.028.26 Due from U. S. Treasurer. Cash on hand Capital Stock.... 100.000.00 Surp'us 60.000.00 Undivided Profits 6 750.99 Circulation 62.0C0.00 . J.087.50 88.512.96-139,428.72 Total Deposits Individual Banks . Total 667.r85 7 , 7 847.24-675.5S3.02 $934,284.01 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS i9u4.234.CI GEORGE PALMER. President. F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. SHERWOOD J. M. EERRY A. B. CONLEY. r GEO. L. CLEAVER. J. M. BERRY. !:s Prrmdent. W. L. BRENHOLTS, Assistant Cashifn. WILLIAMS. 2nd Assistant Cashnr. J. HOLMES. F. M. BYRKIT. C. C. PENINGTON. F. " . MEYERS W. L. BRENHOLTS GEORGE PALN.Ei? and unsurpassed facilities, we offer you absolute ucurity for With ample capital, large epereni.o. .mu .-.,.-.. . , , - and solicit your nanning ouine. inwiw ... erality consis LS, anu wiivi j itentwith conservative banlng. and Oregon. Under the direction of Gt-aeral Freight Agent R. B. Miller of the O. R. & N., an anti-summer fallow train of specialists, lecturers and farming experts will be run over the system holding meeting and talking to far mers in regard to farming methods In the Inland empire and It Is hoped that by this means of agitation and education that every acre of land in the farming sections will be In cropo every year. This work will be along the same line as that performed by the lat loi. K. u. judson. Who for many years was Industrial ageto of the O. R. & N. and who as such, introduced corn growing into Umatilla and other eastern Oregon counties. HHmm;m4rMMMMMMmmm Kiacc Tour surplus Funds With the Farmers and i Traders NATIONAL BANKS Comparative Statement as Made to the Comptroller c I the Currency September 6, lyuO, DsWis, !7 K94.0S ' . September 50, 1901. " - 156,108.60 September 15, 1902, " ' 1 $4,041. 94 September 9.1903, " 226,904.70 September 6,1904, " 184,443.64 June 18,1905, " 141.879.63' June 18,1906, " 143,225.34 n : June 21, 1907, " 218,731.09 . 1 W. py you interest on your Savings Bank Accounts. No Interest paid on Checking Accounts. Ws ar. prepared to handi. any Banking business .entrusted to uj with care, promptne s and safety. , . , With 20 years xpsrianes .in Bnking w sr. csnfla.ent ws can mvs you, satisfaction, Your business is appreciated by its officers) J. W. SCR1BER, Cashier JOSEPH PALMES. Prevdent Q. E. McCL'LLY, A. S : I . . SIEGR'IST & GO. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS We wish to call your attention to our REPAIR DEPARTMENT We are better prepared than ever to do first class work. If you have a watch that does not give you satisfaction, oring it to us and we will guarantee we can fix it. Diamonds reset or mounted in new mount ing is one of our specialties. All our work guaranteed and promptly done. VQ will save you money SIEGRIST. & G1 t 'JEWr LERS AND , .OPTICIANS, A;; .y Th Jamplng Off riace. "Consumption had me in Its grasp; and I had almost reached the jumping off place when I was advised .n try Dr. King's. New Discovery, and I want to say right now, It saved my life. Improvemnt began with the first bottle, and after taking one dozen bottles I was a well and happy man again," says George Moore, o! Grlmesland, N. C. As a remedy for coughs and colds and healer of weak, sore lungs and for preventing pneu monia New Discovery is supreme. 60c ind Si at the Newlln Drug Co.'s drug store. Trial bottle free. Another Hoiko Show. WBlla Walla will hold a horse show next Saturday. Ffbruary 29. Horse men from m-lghborlng towns have bfHn Invited to bring their horses and participate, and as they are respond ing quite liberally, anticipated. Vf.'ll D-, WStU DIUs. , X For f very meal you sat hsrs. It will bs a combination of good . food, good cooking and good ser vice. Our restaurant is intend ed for people who appreciate gxd .ating. also for people who liks the good things of life at a moderate cost If you belong o " that class, come in and Sis wh.jt w. can do oi you. ' The Model--Restaurant' J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. ' .mea,H50 V. ssll wtekl .ickets for Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD. ProDri.tor O.mpleu Machine Shops and Foundry rousing show Is v....K.m w.uF .uu wuury - ; ii 80 it . torn: u ton inn - Ian 'w. ay r i unl ts. ' ind w md ' n, . ble Jeti . '; f ' m. 1 . Ing efu tf on. d t irer t: ion Ibll eaii tayl fby su Bnu mb tl . I Pt I hai , ; '-as nesi 'Ose- ' rg , 'Vr iard '. that ..'f i inrj :'Vhl any ' ' son -., y at ' t in. tori ?n in t, r f9' ;ii 1