La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 24, 1908, Image 1

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, ; ' PtUWPB. UNION COTOTY, PRECOX. MOXIAr, FEBRUARY 2, 1108. , . , " '
. ; a
zzxzs :rEKTvo for
Unless Seven Hundred ' Dollars Are
Raised Immediately, by Saturday in
t Fart, the Commercial Club Will Be
'Attached Orders to Do so in the
Hands or Attorneys Will La Grande
Let the Club Go Into Oblivion?
United Support Is One Way of As
suring lire or the Institution.
Unless the citizens of La Grande at-
- lend a mass meeting which Is to be
held in lh Commercial club next
Friday night at 8 o'clock -and take
suitable action, the La Grande Com
mercial club will be locked by the
officers of the law, following fore
cl4uie on a $3000 mortgage by Mr.
Stanley of Portland, who holds the
note. This announcement was made
to the board of managers at their Fri
day night meeting, .by F. L. Meyers,
who was merely a spokesman for the
, man who- holds the mortgage. Mr.
Stanley has notified attorneys of this
city to foreclose at once, but through
the intercession of' Mr. . Meyers, the
action will not be taken until the citi
zens of La Grande have had one last
owjtunlty of saying and doing what
, they feel Is their duty.
Hence, if the business men of this
t-Ky refuse to come to tho aid of the
La Grande Commercial club next Fri
day night, Saturday will see the es
tablishment closed by foreclosure. The
mortgage covers a sufficient amount
To the Public, Friends and Patrons:
It is our firm conviction and prediction that the "La
Grande Market Day" will be a splendid success.
People from afar and near will be here to buy and
sell; you will not only be able to dispose of anything you
may want to sell, but there will be splendid opportunities
to renew old fuendships, discuss questions of mutual in
terest and have a general good time.
y Speaking for ourselves, Individually, let us say, that
we ar$ not only going to take part in the iollifications, but
will do our utmost towards making you feel that you have
spent one of the most pleasant and profitable days In years,
by offering for that day Special shopping, and money sav
ving opportunities, such as youhave seldom if ever enoyed.
Watch for further announcement.
, Yours for A Successful Market Day,
jLJIIJ.iIWJ,.,i., . ,,
to take away practically all there Is
of the club. -
Time for Action Ripe. - -
At this meeting Friday night, at
which every one Is urged to be pres
ent, the board will listen to sugges
tions of any description to float the
club through its financial stringency.
For theVjeneflts of the readers and
citizens at large who are not aware of
the cramped condition of the club's
coffers, the following data is pub
lished: . ,
Mortgage indebtedness $3,000
Interest on same, overdue .... 125
Note to La uraiiiie K'LIuiii!
bank 1,200
Due to stockholders .......... 4,000
Total ..$8,825
Briefly explained, however, the elub
does not have to meet the mortgage
Indebtedness In full. It la believed,
and practically ' assured, that the
$125 Interest and $500 on the princi
pal will mean additional life to the or
ganization. S '
Theoretically, the mortgage indebt
edness and the amount due to the
stockholders is a debt of the La
Grande. Building association.. Practi
cally, however, the club has to bear It
as will readily be seen when facts are
No "Ifs" About it.
The .foreclosure announcement Is
not a scare. It is stern reality, and it
Is simply a question for business to
solve. The board of managers, natur
ally, is not willing to shoulder a debt
of this enormity. Hence it' might be
well for La Grande to be hatching
some scheme to raise the amount,
about $1000, at once. Aside from the
$625 which must be paid to the mort
gage at once, there Is a debt held by
the La Grande National bank, but $50
per month until It Is paid, will suffice
for that institution. In other words,
and stated again, there must be placed
before the holders of these debts and
mortgages, by next Saturday morning,
( Continued on page I.)
Silt OIL
Supreme Court Rules Today That the
Elkina Law Is Not Nullified by the
Hepburn Act, In Deciding; the Great
Northern Rebate Cae John D.
Rockefeller Must fay tuo i-:,CC3,.
OOO Fine as Named by Judge I Ami Is
Contention Was Groundless.
Washington, Feb. 24. The conten
tion of the Standard Oil company as
to why It should not pay the $29,000,
000 fine assessed by Judge Landls,
was given a death blow today by the
United States supreme court when
that tribunal decided that, the Elklns
law was not repealed by the Hepburn
The case In" which this most Im
portant decision was handed down
was that of the Great Northern Kail
road company, which was recently
found guilty of rebating to the W. P,
Devereaux company of Minneapolis,
Minn. .
Learned attorneys of the oil trust,
who have been groping for any tech
nicalities that might save them from
paying the big fine, pinned their faith
to the contention that tho Elklns law
was repealed by the Hepburn act. It
was under the provision of the for
mer, that the trust was fined. Now
that this position has been declared
untenable, the Standard Oil legal
sharps have been left high and dry.
Bryan to Addrvws Editors.
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. ti. Members of
the Nebraska Press association assem
bled here today for an annual conven
tion of three days. It Is expected that
William J. Bryan, who Is a member
of the association, will make a speech.
A debate on the parcels post will be
a feature of the convention.
If Senate; Fulton Doe Not Cease to
unpiKwajueorge , urowncii, Erst
while Republican Boss in Oregon,
the Latter Will Cause Another Con
troventy to Be Opened The Kx
1'rctildent Knows a Thing or Two He
Says, About Senior Solon.
Portland, Feb. $4. George C, Brow,
nell, expresident of the Oregon senate
and a man who is generally credited
with being the political genius who
made Charles W. Fulton United States
senator, this morning declared that he
thought that Senator Fulton was out
of his head.
"He must be," said Brownell, "to
make the charges against me that he
does In his reply to Frances J. He
ney." Brownell shied his castor Into the
ring in which the Heney-Fulton con
troversy is raging, this morning In an
Interview in which he makes a hot
reply to Fulton's charges against him.
Fulton, in his reply, charged Brow
nell with political duplicity and Insin
uated that at one time the republi
can boss gave perjured testimony in
the recent Hall land fraud trial.
At the same time Brownell Inti
mates that he does know a number of
things about the senior senator from
Oregon that would make interesting
reading, and that Fulton will have a
lecond dirty linen cleansing contest
in his hands unless Fulton ceases
islng Prownell's nam farther In his
fight with Heney.
us or
Try-out Test of Rapidity and Useful-
ness of Wireless Telegraphy Was
Made a Few Days Ago Record Es.
tabllslicd Sent Message From the
Etcarr.T r"' KMiitln to Steamer Far
Out to Sea on the Atlantic Answer
Came Back in Three Hours.
San Diego, Feb. $4. A new record
for fast and long ' distance wireless
telegraphing, attempted successfully a
few days ago, states a wireless opera
tor who arrived here on a steamer to
day, has been established. The oper
ator was a passenger on a boat from
Sitka to Seattle s,nd had wired his
wife, who was on board the Campag
nla several hundred miles off the At
lantic coast, and received a reply
within three hours.
The message was sent to Seattle by
wireless, then across the continent by
wire. There It was again picked up
by wireless and communicated to the
passenger on the Atlantic. The an
swer came back over the same route
The remarkable feat was done as a
test of the speed of wireless when
UBed in conjunction with telegraphic
wires, .
Portland School Boys. Go Hunting
With Pitiful Results.
Portland, Feb. 23. Hector Brault
was shot and killed late yesterday af
ternoon near Mount Angel in an ac
cidental manner by a .22 rifle. With
Lloyd Hohman and two other boys,
he ran away from school and went
hunting. A cartridge became jammed
and exploded while the boys were
working over the rifle barrel.
Grangers of Oregon Have Today Filed
-Arguments Against the Appropria
tion or $25,000 for Four Years to
Blaintain Armories In the State
Rk-li Corporations and Employers
Are Always Causes of Disputes Ex
poet Grafting Would Result.
Salem, Feb. 24. Oregon State
Grangers today filed arguments
against the "free pass" bill and the
appropriation, of $26,000 for four
years for O. N. G. armories. The
grangers assert that the only active
service to which the Oregon militia
was ever called to settle was the dif
ferences between large corporations
and employers, and that the former
always evade. If possible, payment of
taxes, and that additional annronrla.
tlon would Drobablv result In crafting-. I
Oklalioma Murder Trial.
Oklahoma City, Okla., Feb. 24.
What Is likely to be one or the most
sensational murder trials In' the his
tory of the new state Is set for today
In the criminal division of the dis
trict court. Mrs. Llla Meadows and
her alleged paramour, Rudolph Tege
ler, are charged with the killing of
James R. Meadows, the woman's hus
band. Meadows disappeared from his
home In this city on the night of June
4, 107.
Tegeler and Mrs. Meadows were
suspected because they were known
to have been together a great deal.
No arrest was made until letters ex-
plaining the crime wasy supposed to
have been mlasent, were received by
Chief of Police post and afterward
known to have been written by Tege.
lor, who in turn admitted that he had
written them for another .person, were
produced. Tegeler was arrested and
Mrs. Meadows was taken Into custody
shortly afterward. It Is expected the
trial will consume two or three weeks.
It Is believed the defense will try to
prove that neither Tegeler nor Mrs.
Meadows, but another person, killed
iwinnd Scandal Case Has Heard the
Defense Testimony In Full,
Portland, Fob. 24. Minor testimony
occupied the day In the Waymlre
conspiracy case. Councilman Frank
Bennett and John Annand testified
that they did not believe that the ren-
utation of Mayor Lane was Injured In
tne slightest by the Waymlre Inci
dent and the ensuing publicity. E. E.
Raddlng was the last witness for the
defense. The jury will probably get
the case tomorrow. ;
Resume Standard Suit. ,
Washington, Feb. 24. Hearing in
the government's suit to dissolve ,the
Standard Oil company of New Jersey,
alleged parent concerns of the "oil
trust," was resumed in Washington
today. Since the adjournment of the
hearing on February 1, testimony has
been taken In other cities relating to
the alleged unfair competition of the
Standard In New York and New Eng.
TriHl Trip for South Dakota.
Sun Francisco, Feb. 24. In the
Santa Barbara channel tomorrow the
new armored cruiser South Dakota,
sister ship of the California and other
armored cruisers In Pacific . waters,
will be given Its first government trial
trip. It Is expected that the vessel
will have been placed In commission
by the time the fleet .of Admiral Kv-
ans reaches here and will make the
eighth ship of its class on this coast.
George Sand Eliot's Husband.
Detroit, Mich., Feb. 24. That the
seismic theory relates to the separa
tlon of Norway and Sweden, that Geo.
Sand was the husband of George Eliot
and that Florence Nightingale was
the wife of Henrik Ibsen were among
the curious assertions made by Detroit
young people In an examination for
assistants at the public library.
Trial of IIIUlH-ock.
New York, Feb. 24. The trial of
Raymond Hitchcock, the comedian.
under six indictments charging assault
upoiw- little girls. Is set for today be.
fore Justice Dowllng in the criminal
branch of the supreme court If the
actor falls to appear his ball of $7,.
600 which was furnished by Martin
Engel, will be forfeited.
There Is no more vital
the family than that of the
prescription. There should
garding prescriptions. We
iust "according to the doctor's
La Grande m
I ' . . r ' " ',:5J
While Working on a Fir That Com
mcnoed Early This Morning- and
Was SUU In Headway at Noon, Fire,
man Hill Falls Five Stories and la
Dashed to Pieces on the Pavement
limi IU-n....: tf.T !", not F
Wlille Leaving the Fire Ladder, v
Tacbma. Feb. 24. Reeling back
ward to the edge of the roof Just as
he was crawling from a high ladder,
George Hill, a fireman, foil from the
fifth story of the' Davis-Smith build
ing this morning, and his life was
dashed out upon the pavement below.
The fire started In a building occu
pied by the Davis-Smith Fuurnlture
company and by 7:20 o'clock had
gained great headway The flames
are supposed to have started from
electric feed wires.
Several firemen had ascended tne
ladder before Hill, and as he neared
the top. he was lost sight of In the
dense smoke.' Hundreds saw his twist
ing body shoot downward to the as
phalt pavement. Life was extinct be
fore medical aid could arrive.
: The blaze Interfered t with power
wires of the Interurban line and de
layed traffic. The fire was still burn
ing at noon. ' : .;
Great Carnival In Havana.
Havana. Feb. 24. With the Prado
Illuminated as never before, the streets
a riot of gay colors, flags flying, band
playing and joy-mad crowds shouting
their glee In true Spanish-American
style, the annual Mardl Oras carnival
was ushered in last night. Today the
merriment continues In a more sub
dued manner, to break out anew when'
night rails. The carnival will con
tinue until the latter days or March, I
and will have Its counterpart on
smaller scale in every cltly and town
of Cuba. This year Havana hopes to
gain international fame with her car
nival, and several hundred thousand
of dollars have been spent decorating
the city and furnishing prizes for
various events. A race track, "which
Is to be a permanent affair,: Is being
built to the west or the city. ;
Is 1600 Years or Age.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 24. Claiming to
have been born In Egypt 000 years
ago, and that he superintended the
building of the pyramids, Solomon's
temple and the Roman forum, a man
who gave his name as O. B, Hagan
appealed to the Atlanta police for pro.
tection against enemies bent on send
ing him to an untimely grave.
question to be considered in l
compoundieg of the doctor's i I
be no halt way methods re
use pure drugs, compounded I
. h Orejtor
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