if , CIGBT VtnSM. EVKSTXO CBSERVEB, LA ORA1TDB, OKKOOW. BATCRDAT, FEBRUARY 83, IJOft. . fAUg tKTDU 0 FRA DIAVOLO The Newest Came AT FERGUSON'S LEWIS BUILDING, OPPo'siTE SUMMER HOUSE Phone Red 591 MUSIC EXCLUSIVELY is OUR In order to dispose of our offering our entire line at ACTUAL COST Popular copyrights formerly $1.50 now $1.10 Popular copyrights formerly .75 now - .55 Algpr, Heuty and Optic " : . .25 now .20 5c tablets at 3 for 10c 10c tabletu at 2 for 15c Fancy box stationery at the same discount. DAVIS-JORDAN MUSIC CO. i 1316 ADAMS AVENUE Drink La Grande made Beer and keep your money at home. JULIUS ROESCH t ,,, iiiiiiinniiiimitiniiiMmin YOUR WORK Is what we want. We don't call on you one week for it and tell you the next we cannot do it for you. We want it now, and all the time. We do not think it necessary at this time to say anything about the class of work we turn out The fact that we have been in the LAUN DRY business for twelve years in La Grande we think sufficient evi dence that our work is sat isfactory. Try it. A. B. C. LAUNDRY TELEPHONE MAIN 7 - .-M..- V - AIM stationery stock, we are . NOTE THE FOLLOWING LA GRANDE, OREGON AN ARRAY OF GOODIES that wilfplease anyone with a pal ate young or old; male or female isJhere displayed, not only on special occasions, but jvery day in the yearour ehop'e open.t ATtaite (or candy ie not confined to child ren and women only. Men we all Iiks.them. E. D. S ELDER RECTIf Its IMPRESSIONS (Continued from pace 1.) terwarde as the Old Fort. We return ed With a favorable report and eight of ui came back to the Grande Ronde with toola and provision and went to work to build a fort. We built four bouses, one on each corner of a lot containing about one-quarter of an acre, with the Intention of stockading from one house to the other. We commenced work, on October 2, 1861. The Auburn mines wete located that (all, and men were coming through the valley and we did no more work on the fort. William Coffin was still here, and when he saw that we meant business, he worked up a Joint stock company to build a sawmill. He was to furnish the mill and we poor cusses to take Block and work It out In the mill. The mill never materialized and when Mr. Coffin left, he hired Mr. LeRsy to work his Interest out and left him provisions enough to winter on. So you can see the circumstances which made. It possible for Mr. Leasy to stay here. 1 have this to say, that as long as I am here I shall defend the rlRhts of my friends, who came ;,c with me. If there Is any. honor In being the first settlers of Grande Ronde valley. It belongs to those men who were the original bona fide set tlers of the Grande Ronde valley, whose names are: S. M. Black. W. Chaffer, R. Alex ander, W. Marks, E. C. Crane, Wil liam McCauley," Ben Brown, wife and two children. BEN BROWN. Bishop Paddock En Route. The newly elected bishop of this district Is now en route from the east to his field of labor In eastern Ore. gon, says the Baker City Democrat. rrior to nis coming he has beert preaching and speaking throughout Aew England In an effort to secure money to further the work of the dls trlct to which he has been assigned. He Is now in the city of Chlcagi and will go to Milwaukee where he will preach and from there he goes to St Paul and Minneapolis, where he will be on Sunday, the 22nd. He will arrive In Baker City if there Is no preventing providence, on the 28th and will preach here on Sunday, the 1st. On Monday the 2nd day March, he will be entertained at public reception at the Elks' hall. of uisnop haddock is a western boy, wag educated at Portland, and is fa miliar wnn tnis western country, his father at one time having been bishop of the state of Washington. He is un married, and as this Is leap year he will have to run the gauntlet of the marriageable young ladles of the dis trict. Vmatllla Indians Boy Churc h Bell, To purchase a bell for the church mission at the Umatilla reservation is the purpose of the visit to Portland of three full-blood Indians who ar rived at the Imperial hotel last night. This Is perhaps the first Indian dele gation of its kind to come to Port land on a similar mission. The com mittee is composed of Rev. E. J. Con nors, Philip Jones and Albert Min thorn, all of whom are from, the Tu- tullla Indian church of the Umatilla reservation. Fonda have been raised by the Indian church and the commit- tee came here to select the bell per sonally in order that It may be sat isfactory. Portland Journal. C. M. St. P. Xcars Completion. H. L. Tlbbetts, traveling freight and passenger agent of the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul railroad. Is in the city today, looking after the business of his line, says the Walla Walla Bul letin. He says that his rond is n,.h. ng Its construction work through Washington and the northwest, and will be Into Seattle In time for the A. P. exposition in 1909. "We will have trains running into Butto In the near future," he stated. and our construction work la being rushed through Washington as fast as possible. We have the grading practically completed as far west as Llnd, Wash." ETITIOX FOIl LIQCOR LICENSE. To the Hon. County Court of Union County, Oregon: We, the undersigned legal voters nd actual residents of the precinct of Hllgard, Union county, Oregon, and having actually resided In said precinct at least 20 days Immediately preceding the date of signing and fil ing of this petition, hereby respect fully petition your Honorable Court to grant to Nils Holverson, a license to sell splrltous, malt or vinous liquors or fermented cider, commonly known as hard cider, in leas Quantities than! one gallon, in the town of Hllgard, Union county, Oregon, commencing on or about the 5th day of March, 1908.' Dated this 20th day of January, 108. P. Garvey, John Rogers, D. W. Sanford, Jos. Lafferty, Pat Daly, Lee Toung, J. H. Toung, Geo. Dreher, Ed Peterson. William Cantrell, Mat An derson. Ed Baling. J. R. Beauchamp, William Law, c. & Haws. J. W. Scott, W, J. Baling. J. D. Casey, J. C. Hart, J. R. Mann. C. F. Dreher, Claud Miller, J, Landers, Hans Endrup, B. F. Toung. Wm. Dreman, Fr. Beau champ. D. H. McWaters. A. Toung, B. Scholdstrom, F. Scholdstrom. Geo. McGarry, John E. Brlgham, Chaa. Farrier, N. C. Endrup, J. Hibba, J. M. Hagey, Harry French. A. Sundman, J. T. Holmes. W, M. Condlt, O. Kloofen steln, Earl Rankin. Notice is hereby given that I will on the 4th day of March. 1908, apply to the county court of Union county, Oregon, at the court house In La Grande, Oregon, for a license to sell splrltous, malt or vinous liquors, or fermented cider, commonly known as hard cider. In quantities less than one gallon, in the town of Hllgard, Union county, Oregon, commencing on or about uie uiii iy cl 2!?.T" lft. NILS HOLVERSON. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that John H. WIckensNias been duly appointed by the county court ot the state of Ore gon, for Union county, administrator of the estate of William Wlckens, de ceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied and required to present the same with proper vouchers to 'the said ad mlnlstrator at his residence about eight miles northeasterly from Elgin, Oregon, or to R. H. Lloyd, attorney for said estate, at his office in Elgin Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this (th day of January, 1908 JOHN H. WICKENS, R. H. LLOYD, Administrator, Attorney for Said Estate. 6-13-20-27-5 Grafting Is a dead Issue. So says Dr. H. C. Par ker of the Indiana School of Medl cine. In Collier's Weekly. We concur with him. Blue Mountain Cough Syr up will cure your cough, not as pleas ant to take as some others, but It con tains the Ingredients that will post tively and absolutely cure that cough, RED CROSS DRUG STORE. For Sale. Dry l-lnch and 4-foof wood. De llvered In any quantity. Price reason. able. 2-13-11 CRANDALL BROS., 'Phone Black 1742. Trees and Shrubs. Trees, shrubs and roses The Union Nurseries, Union, Ore., have a large stock of apple, cherry, pear and shade trees, they are selling at reasonable prices. Send for their pries list. J-ltf PAINT AND WALL ! PAPER STORE PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING f Staniels & Bugg M20 ADAMS AVENUE La Grande, Oregon Phone Red 1921 LA GRANDE SCHOOLofMUSIC Studio over Selder's candy parlors. : : : PROF. DAY, Principal S DIRECTORY ' or THE FRATERNAL- ORDERS L.A GRANDE, ORE. Woodmen of the World. La Grande Lodge No. 1(1, W. O. W., meets first and third Friday ot each month In K. of P. hall In Corp building. A) visiting members wel come. M. M. MAHQUIS, J. H. KEENEY, Consul Commander. ' Clerk. r. o. e. La Grande Aerie No. 251, F. O. &, meets every Friday night In Elks' hall at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren In vited to attend. . D. H. PROCTOR, W. P. J. H. LEISHMAN, W. S. Pythian Sisters. Rowena Temple No. 9, Pythian Sisters, meets every Thursday evening at 8 p. 'in., in K: of P. hall. In the Corpe building. Visiting members cor dially Invited. LIZZIE HAWORTH, M. E. C. EUNicti hHutn.;,, ir. : r.. t c L. O. T. M. 1 Hlvs No. 27, L.' O. T. M., meets every first and third Thursday ot each month at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. Visiting members made welcome. SADIE KLINTWORTH, L. C. MAGGIE REYNOLDS. K. of R. Brotherhood of Owls. La Grande Nest No. 17, meets In the K. of P. hall every Tuesday eve - ntng at ( o'clock. Visiting brothers cordially invited. , J. B. VANDERMUELEN, Executive. C. W. BAKER, Secretary. K. of P. Red Croas Lodge No. 27, meets every Monday evening In Castle Hall, Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. D. H. PROCTOR, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, K. of R. A 8. Rebekabs. Crystal Lodge No. 60, meets every Tuesday evening at the L O. O. F. lodge. All visiting members are In rlted to attend. LAURA STILES, N. G. JENNIE SMITH, Secretary I. O. O. F. La Grande Lodge No. II, meets la their hall every Saturday night Vis iting brothers cordially Invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. . T. J. SCROQQIN. N. G. D. E. COX, Secretary. C. J. VANDERPOEL, Fin. Bee. BRICK IS Brick building, at the cheaper as well as better. tnat my brick is superior to can furrish common brick in any quantity. No order too large or too small to receive prompt attention. Correspondence with contractors and builders solicited. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Prices made known or. application." ' , IGRO' KRIEGER I Phones Residence, Black 701, Yard, aeeeeeeeeeeseeeeseee eeeaaa W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO. HARDWARE, STOVES AND FURNITURE , BUILDING MATERIALS .'HEADQUARTERS FOR KEROSENE GASOLINE New supply of lamps just received jTryaRayo Lamp, the kind that's advertised. ' Fc renters of America Court Maid Marian No. 21 meet each Wedneaday night in Bike rail. Brother are Invited to attend. NERI ACKLES, C R. G. V. HENDRICKS, F. 8. Board of Trustee: Dr. G. L. Blg gers. Oscar Berger and Herbert Pat-tenon. H. w. a. La Grande Camp No. 7701 meets every Monday, evening at I. O. O. F, hall. ' All visiting neighbors are cor dially invited to attend. , E. C. DAVIS, C, D. E. COX, Clerk., A. F. A A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. A. M., holds regular meetings first and third Saturdays at 7: SO p. m. ' L, H. RUSSELL, W. M. ' C. D. HUFFMAN, Secretary. I. O. O. F. Star Encampment No. II, L O. Ou F., meet very second and fourth Wednesday In the month In Odd Fel lows' hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome. D. E. COX, C P. W. A. WOR3TELL, Scribe. M. B. of A. Meets first and third Thursday eve at I. 0..0. F. hall. Visiting members 'always welcome.' J. A. ARBUCKLE, President, C. J. VANDERPOEL. Secretary. B. P. O. C 1 La Grande Lodge No. 433, Xbeete each Thursday evening at I eftflock la) Elks' hall on Adams avenue. Visit ing brothers are cordially Invited to , attend W. B. SARGENT, Exalted Ruler, O. E. M'CULLT. Reo. Sec O. B. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S holt stated communications the second ant fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cordially Invited. MARY O. FORREST, W. M. MART A. WARNICK, Secretary.' Shorthand, : Learn Chartler shorthand, the shortest system In existence. Tea rules, 58 word signs, no prefixes, suf fixes, contractions or omissions. Used In the leading business colleges la Portland, Seattle, Spokane and Ta coma. Students take- dictation after three weeks' study. CalL Miss Catea, Black 1191, i-ltf v - - - CHEAPER present price of lumber, is It has been demonstrated any made in Oregon. I Red621. La Grande, Oregon s I h s ,n n r-