K '2 " ' ' ' "L ii i i . , -m ' LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1008 ' '. r - -- - - ' . NUMBER. 73. FIGHT Hit r fiUVL IN EVERYCITY Lion ami I . NATION A Ii ASSOCIATION TO v fight prohibition. . ' I National Association of Anti-Prohihl- tion Workers Has Been Organised 'and Will Keep la Touch With Over a Million Voters Ally All Associa tions That ' Directly ' or Indirectly Have to Do With Liquor Even So da Factories to Do Enlisted New, papers to He Given "Dope" by Pub--; Rnmiit. It Ih Said. . Chicago. Feb. 22. Prohibition la to be (ought In every town, city and county In the United State. A na tional federation - with executive headquarters in Chicago, made up of very association directly or Indirectly associated with the liquor traffic, has been organized. ' John McDermont of Chicago, has been made manager of the federation. The general plans for preliminary con tests have been formulated and pro moters think th time is ripe to make 'a public announcement of plans. The organization will seek to ally itself with labor organizations, glass fixture, cigar, soda water manufac turers and such national bodies as the vj-rman national alliance and United societies. It is estimated that this or ganization will be able to keep In touch with 1,200.000 votera. The for mation of. a publicity bureau Is one . of the .first efforts of the association and considerable printed matter and nevspaper material will be sent out soon. University Honors Choate. Thlladelphia, Feb. 22. At the an , tu'nl celebration of "University day" today, the honorary f degree of LL. D. will be 'conferred upon Joseph H. Choate, who will deliver the oration; Governor Edwin S. Stuart, Miss Ce- market To Ite Public, Friends and Patrons: iV is our firm conviction and prediction that the "La Grzzic Market Day" will be a splendid success. ; People from afar and near will be here to buy and sell; you will not only be able to dispose of anything you may want to sell, but there will be splendid -opportunities to renew old friendships, discuss questions of mutual in- .V terest and have a general good ; Speaking for ourselves, individually, let us say, that J we are not only going to take part in the iollifications, but will dp our utmost towards making you feel that you have Z spent one of the most pleasant and profitable days in years, by offering for that day Special shopping, and money sav ving opportunities, such as youhave seldom if ever enjoyed. Watch for further announcement. "Xours for A Successful Market Day, ft cilia Beaux, a distinguished Amerlran artist; Charles E. Kloe. president of the superior court of the state, and Grove K. Gilbert, chief of the United States geological survey. ' , New. York Honors Washington. New York, Feb. 22. Many mani festations of tho holiday spirit marked the observance here today of Wash ington's natal day. Flags floated from all public buildings and from hundreds of skyscrapers and private edifices. Several banquets and meet ings of patriotic societies are sched uled for tonight. Society of Colonial Wars. Boston Feb. 22. The Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts held Its meeting this afternoon In the Hotel Somerset. The Braddock Campaign formed the prin cipal topic of discussion.- . II EIGHT-MR LAW CONTESTED TEXAS RAILROADS TO DEFY" NEW WOI1K LAW. Telegraplicrs In Texas Will Not Enjoy Privileges of the New Elght-iloiir Law as Applied to All Railroad Tcl ejrraphers, ns the Hoods Will Defy and Contest It Many Other Slates' Roads Will Do tlio Same Some Have Complied With the Demands, Dallas, Texas, Feb. 22. Acting on advice of their attorneys, railroads in Texas have decided that they will Ig nore and defy the state eight-hour law in relation to employment of telegraphers. The operators will carry their case into court. An operator at Granger has complained to the state's attorney and the case will soon be in the courts On the outcome of this decision will depond action of , many other states. In many Instances, the rail roads are complying with the law (Continued on page 4.) time. GZEE27 Day POSSIBILITIES TO ROOSEVELT MAY ESTABLISH A NEW PRECEDENT. Very Likely That Two Gigantic Rea sons Will lie Sufik-lcnt to Bring 'resident Roosevelt to the Chicago Convention In Person Will Ire vent Stampede for Himself and Look After Taft's Welfare Will Thwart Antl-Taft Organizatkms. Washington, Feb. 22. Under cer tain conditions President Roosevelt may break all precedent and attend the republican national convention at Chicago. He will do this for two ior.;. Or." i- mnt snv enthu siastic friend from attempting to en gineer a stampede in his favor and the other is to see that the national committee plays fair in its decision in relation to contesting delegations from states where the antl-organlza-tlon republicans are fighting the Taft men. It Is believed that a well-defined plan Is being hatched to put enough contesting delegations Into the field to throw the control of the convention Into the hands of the national com mlttee, which will pass on claims of rival sets of delegates. The president realizes that certain Interests .would go far and spend a great amount of money to swing the convention away from Taft. To see that no such gigantic scheme of po littcal fraud Is consummated, would be tho president's alra. POLICY Al FAULT SETTLED AFFAIRS IS CONFIDENCE RESTORATIVE, In Straight From the Shoulder Ad dress Before tho Union league Club Governor Hughes Lays Down Prln flplrs Pertaining to, the Govern incut's Policy in Enforcing Itws Legillnmte Business Fears Not En forcciiient of Just liin. Attack Faults Directly, Chicago, Feb. 22. Gov. Hughes in delivering the Washington birthday address before the Union League club today, urged a settled governmental policy as the only means of restoring public confidence In the commercial world. . He declared the federal state law should be definite, and be applied with precision to practices which are sought to be reached. The enforce ment of Just laws has no terrors for thou lnegaged In legitimate business. The way to get rid of abuses Is to at tack them directly, he said. Governor Hughes In West. All over the central west republicans have awaited with a great deal of in terest the speech of Governor Hughe before the Union League club, in Chi cago. This Is the Empire state chief executive's first Invasion of the west since he became a presidential possl bility. It Is declared by the support ers of Hughes here that his visit to Chicago Is not intended to be in any enBe an Invasion of Speaker Can non's territory. The local committee has receiver1 '.ommunlcations from scores of west orn cities asking ' that Governo Hughes be urged to extend his trip. The great desire shown by republi cans In the west to see and hear him is considered one of the most signifi cant phases of the presidential situa tion. Requests for the governor's presence in western states have been coming In ever since the adjournment of the legislative session last summer, when It was thought he would be at leisure to travel. But It was not until he had delivered his address on na- (Continued on pass 4.) HIT IDLES FLAMES INTERSTATE COMMISSION REVOLTS AGAINST "TEDDY." Members of the Interstate Railroad Commission May Lose Their Jobs Unless They Comply With Roose velt's Request for an Investigation Members Are Horrified to Think Hie President Should Order Them to. Work Knapp Speaks Plainly. Washington, Feb. 11. A general Shaking up of the Interstate commerce commission may result because of the attitude of the commissioners towards the president's order calling for In vestigation of railroads' . threatened wage reduction. The president has been Informed that Chairman Knapp' has said to his friends that the presi dent's letter was "merely a political document," Members of the commission were amazed at the receipt of a letter or dering them to take up the wage rate question. They could not find a shade of authority by either law or prece dent to Justify them In doing such a thing. They frankly state that the t immlsslon does not Intend to take any steps. Washington Has a Holiday. Washington, Feb. 22. Washington was true to its distinguished name In the celebration of Washington's birth day today. . The streets were linod with flags and the stars and stripes folated from all public buildings. A general holiday was observed. 'HIS FUiM IN BANKRUPTCY THE TEUTSCH DEPART MENT STORE IS CLOSED. After Number of Years of Remarkable Growth Pendleton's largest Store and Onevof the I-dirgest In Eastern Ort'uu, (iocs Into Bankruptcy Was Capitalized at $17,000 Owned Stores hi Idaho and Oilier Parts of the J-',asl Lee TciKhvIi Prtiicliu Ottncr, Pendleton, Feb. 22. (Observer Spe cial.) The Teutsch Department store, Jne of the largest department stores In eastern Oregon and the largest In Pen dleton, with a capital of $47,000, went Into bankruptcy this morning. The company controlled two stores In Pen dleton and several east of here, one being In Idaho, A few years ago Lee Teutsch, the principal stockholder, came to Pen dleton with but. small capital, and opened up a dry goods store. Business grew and he was forced to secure arger quarters. The store was moved :o Its present location, at the corner of Main and Alta streets, where the business flourished. Later the Won der store, owned by Despaln & Bean, was merged with the department store. Bankrupt stocks were bought n Idaho and other places, In several instances the stores being continued by the new proprietors. Recently the present quarters of the firm were en larged by the addition of a large base ment department Among those In terested with Mr. Teutsch were Ch;:s. Bean and E. Llvingood. SULLIVAN LASTS "QUICK." stands Against Ketchell One Minute and Eighteen Seconds. San Francisco, Fob 2 With fair weather promoted, a bumper crowd Is expected at the Eeview arena this af ternoon to wltten the fight for the middleweight cha-nplonship elimina tion scrap between fctanley Ketchell and Mika "Twin ' Kullivsn. The fight ers weighed In H:ik this morning and neither budred the scales at 154 pounds, where thiy were set. This morning the betting wa I to 1 thit Ketchcll would win nrd . ven money fi.it Sullivan wju.'v l,it 2C rounds.. Stanley .Ketchell took the measure of Mlka "Twin" Sullivan -In Just one minute and 18 seconds. The Boston boy keeled oyer from a terrific series of body blows to the stomach, and Mike, after swaying like a palsied man, dropped to his knees and slump ed over on the canvas. Hu never got up. National Officers to Attend. : Seattle, Wash., Feb. 22. In order to permit the attendance of National Councillor H. C. Schuertzer and other national officers, the Washington state convention of the Junior Order United American Mechanics, set for today, has been postponed to April It. It Is expected that the meeting will be made the occasion of a demonstration favoring the exclusion of Asiatics. nrnny 1111 1 Tn I Llllll III ILL IU START IN MU NORTHWEST LUMBER (TiNPITION IMPROVING. After a VMt to P H land George Btod- dnrd Anninirres That tho Perry j Mill Wii Hun Early In March Rail 8'inmii i:U Picking Up No Big Boom ? fi Ipmod, But AvernRe Amount of liusliiess Is Predicted for Coming Ye-o Coast Mills Working, deorge Stoddard returned this morning from Portlnnd and reports the lumber situation Is much brighter than it was a few weeks ago. The coast mills are working on large for elgn orders and the shipments by rail are resuming In a measure, normal condltolns. . Mr. Stoddard stated, today that he was arranging to start the big mills at Perry soon after the first of next month. This means another former steady payroll will be In evidence as of yore. . - Mr. Stoddard Is one of our substan tial, shrewd and conservative business men, and It Is assuring to have such men express their views, that while they do not expect or look for every thing to boom In the spring, that this win be a good average year for 'all lines of business. Kansas Democratic Editors. Topuka, Kan., Feb. 22. Democratic gflltom of Kansas assembled ja the Throop hotel toddy tor Hi campaign convention of the state association. Nearly SO'newspapers arq represented, practically all of whom are in favor of Bryan's candidacy. Honor Washington's Memory. New Haven, Conn., Feb. 22. Wash ington's hlrthday will be observed by the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution at a great banquet tonight, Ut which several speakers of national reputation have been Invited. There is ho more vital the family than that 'of the prescription. There should garding prescriptions. We lust "according to the doctor's HILL'S DRUG STORE I LaGrande m Oregon t FULTON REPLY FORTHCOMING IN A FEWRS OUTLINE OF HENEY REPLY IS FULL OF DENIALS. "Honey and .His Gang Is a Baud of Desperate Conspirators," and That "lleney Is Seeking Revenge on Sen ator Fulton"; That "Governor Chamberlain Acted In Bad Faith When He Had Been Advised," Ar Only a Few of tho Counter Cluurgea Made by United State Senator Ful ton Full Reply Will Bo Released Before Monday, Washington, Feb. 22. Characteris ing Francis J. Heney and the men as sociated with him as a desperate gang of conspirators, "seeking to Injure his name and reputation," Senator Charles W. Fulton of Oregon, has prepared a sizzling reply to Heney'a charges made agalnBt him In a speech at Portland not long since. 1 . Fulton's statement has been sent to papers on the Pacific coast and will probably be released tonight or Mon day. . -" Fulton presents copies of letutrs and telegrams to prove his assertions. Ful ton declares after paying his respects with Impartiality to George C. Brown-, ell, Representatives Johnson and' Smith, F.'J. 'Heney and Governor Chamberlain, mt after 0 years of public life, Heney Is the first to bring charges against his Integrity, Fulton lays' Heney's animosity to the fact that Fulton opposed Honey's appointment as assistant prosecutor and that Heney Is now seeking his re venge.' Fulton absolutely denies the charge made by Smith that during the hold up session of 1897 he promised Smith $1500 If he would go in and help or ganize the legislature. He will say, however, that he la convinced that Smith did receive money from Mitch ell. Six yeara later, Fulton will say, he heard that Smith was an applicant for a position In the state prison and then, Fulton will say, he - went ta Chamberlain and told Mm the fw. Fulton will then go on to say that Chamberlain not only appointed him In the face of these facts, but approved of Smith's admitted and deliberate filching of Mitchell's money. I BEER KEG IN MOURNING. " Stanford ft Indents Follow In Solemn.- Procession Last Sad March. ,J rr Stanford Unlvsrslly, Caf., Feb. tl. A beer kerf draped In mourning, fol- lowed by 700 students In maquerada., costumes was the fuaturs pf the an-, nual Washington birthday . .."parade which Is tradition on the ; Stanford -campus. Recent agitation against the "steam beer wave" by1 President Jory dan caused considerable Interest In. . this morning's proceedings.' ' . '' ' question to be considered in compound j of the doctor's be no half way methods re- - use pure drugs, compounded $ orders.' f