tfTOHT PAF -V - - 7' MMMMMMM-- ... ... nnjwa, nx,uu,i, auiLUAX, nbUBUABX la, 1IM, - arr -fm m -, $ L illl flK bnl I MM I th county court of Union countv. , "'""'""''"V'TTr"""""! k w a I. " I La Grande Professional Directory MUSICIANS. Q. . BI0QER8, M. D Physician and Surgeon. Office Ralston Building, over J. M. Berry's Store. OIB 'Phone Black 1121. Residence 'Phone Red 1001. J. H. HUBBARD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office In New Bank Building. Rooms 10-11. 'Phones: Residence, Main SI; Office, Main 7. DR. A. RICHARDSON. Physician and Surgeon. -Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office 'Phone 116. Residence Main It N. MOLITOR, M. D., Pbysletan nod Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot St. Office Main 18 -:- Residence Main 61 BACON a. HALL. Physicians and Surgeons. Office , Grande National Bank Building. 'Phene Main 19. C. T. Bacon, Residence, Main 18. M. K. Hall, Residence. Main 62. DR. F. E. MOORE DR. H. -C. P. MOOR Osteopathic Physicians; Klrksvllle Graduates Under Founder. Office Swnmer Balldlng. Phones: Office Main 63: Ren. Main U Money Supports the Home and It needs a steady influx of it to maintain the household and keep it going. To be sure of that steady flow of money,' It is the best plan to bank the savings so that you will know where to reach thorn in time of need. For "rainy days" come to the thrif tiest of us at times, and It Is well for tia If they find us prepared. Bank your surplus cash yth us now, and you will have the. pleasure of know ing that It Is not only- secure, but earning good Interest. The Eastern Oregon Trust & Savings tank OFFICERS: M. BTRKIT, President WM, MILLER, Vice-President . GEO. L. CLEAVER, Cashier. T. J. 8CROGGIN, Assistant Cashier, V. J. HOLMES, Treasurer. f u imr tis Arrival and Departure of Trains at La Grande. No. 1, westbound Portland Special, a&yes 1:25 m.; departs, 6:20 a. m. No. I, eastbound passenger, mall and express, arrives at 6:45 a. m.; de parts 6:50 a. m. No. I, eastbound Chicago Special arrive 1:01 fi. m.; departs, 1:19 p. m. No. i, westbound passenger, mail and express, arrives 1: 66 p. m.; de parts, H P. m- Elgin Branch. iLeares La Grand' at I a. m. and .arrives la La Grand at 1:1. DENTISTS. C. B. CArORN. Office over Hill's Drug Store. La Grande ' . Oregoi J. C. PRICB, D. M. D. Dentist. Room It, La Grande NaUenal Ban. Building. 'Phone Black till. "nn Or-aw Dr. 8. M. Easier Dr. t. E. Stevenaon Res. Red 111. Res. Black 261 BASLE T 8TBVENSON. Dental Parlors and Laboratory. Aluminum Plates, Crown and Bridge werk, a specialty. fin Onaaaita Foley Hotel. Office 'Phene Black 111. ATTORNEYS. O e. E. Cochran Oe. P. Oochsae COCHRAN A COCHRAN. V Attorney. La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande - . . . ' Oregoi MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 1171. VETERINARY 6UJRGEON8. DR. P. A. CHARLTON, " Veterinary Sureecn. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grand. Residence 'Phone Red 701. Office 'Phone Black 1161. , .Independent 'Phone 61. DR. 1C W. MT;EY . Graduate Ohio State University Var cinatlun. Dentistry and Surgery of ' kinds. Country calls promptly a twered. Office 1414 Adams Ave. 'Phones. Ps clflc. Black 101. Independent, White 20. ABSTRACTERS. J.R. OLIVER. Abstracts of Title. Fire Insurant Office next door to La Grande Na tional Bank. La Grande ...... Orego TEACHERS OF MUSIC (CATHERINE M. QUINN. MUS. BAC Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio 1401 Eighth Street 'Phone Black 841. PROF. E. PORTER DAT, Prtndv La Grande School of Music Mrs. Day assistant School oddo lite Foley Hotel. Phone Red 472. MISS STELLA t. OLIVER. Tearlier of Piano and Harmony, flrudlo over J. M. Berry"! Store. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. L, A. PICKLE R. Civil, Mining, Irrigation Englneerla. and Surveying. Estimates, plana and speclflcatlona OfIce in Bohnenkamp Building. L Grande - . .... .. Oraa-w IN A HURRY? THEN CALL J.tE riHN3P MAS Hs will take that trunk to the De pot or your horn in lest time than K take to tell it. Day phone Red 761 Night " Black 1792 Wagor. alw $ - - Jb f i I. L. MARS, fP . Contractor and Builder. and r -s:er in Building Material. 4 BUILDING STONE, CLEAN COARSE 8 AND AND GRAVEL DELIVERED. ' Drop a line, nam .ng work. and I will nam th right price. :: :: r. si ' La Graode, Oregon. 4" TIAV1. fiuuuuu UIUIUIM I I A Spokane dispatch says: Interests Identified with the Lam on Sugar Co. of Colorado will expend 11,500,000 In a plant and acquire 15.000 acres of land adapted to the cultivation of su gar beets In the vtcinlty of Spokane. according to an announcement made by C. H. Herthy, who Is here seeking a location for the factory and desirable lands. - Six hundred men in given employment In the factory, In addltoln to several hundred to take care of the agricultural part of the project. Experiments show that from 10 to IS tons of be eta can be harvested from an acre of land under Irrigation In the Spokane valley, the price naid the ranchers at the mill ranging from 16.25 to 15.75 a ton. The acreage this year will be larger than ever before. Water service for four large tracts between Spokane and Hayden Lake, Idaho, 'was completed last fall and several thousand acres of new land will come nuder the ditch this spring. To Attack InlUaUve Law. The assault of the foes oi iu Ini tiative and referendunr-whlch is to be made in argument of the case of the state of Oregon against the Pacific States Telephone A Telegraph com pany and' the Sunset Telephone com pany, will take place before Judge Cleland In the circuit court on the morning of February 28, says the Ore gon Dally Journal. This date was fixed this morning by agreement of Attorney General Craw ford and lornl attorneys for the de fendant corporations. It was - an nounced that the" heavy legal artillery or the telephone company will be called from San Francisco to take Dart in tha cttnyt n ., .i HUH SPDKA . v u.riuiiuw I lie I " " ' " ' "O "'.I'm Initiative and referendum svstem. end'10 ay" from the date of the service the time for the hearing was nost - pnned from February 19, the datel first suggested. In order to better suit the convenience-of the telephone at - torneys. The Issue In this case is the collec tlon of 19500 in taxes due from the! telephone company in this countv "tin - der the franchise tax, and the pro ceedings will be followed with Interest by friends as well as the foes of the Oregon system of legislation. The tax Is resisted on the ground that the ini tiative and referendum plan Is In vio lation of the United States conatlttulon and on numerous other grounds, A CORRECTION'. Now Pump Haa a Capacity of 81,000 uauons i-er Hour. In reporting the capacity of the' new pump which has just been ln - stalled by the city. Jn' last evening's In giving us the capacity at 14.000 gal- www. P vug tiilUI IIIUIII. JIIHUH HL Rlln Ions per hour. , It should have been 1400 gallohs per mlnute.'whlch means 84,000 gallons per hour. Thus eight' hours pumping, will-furpUh 672,000 j Notice Is hereby given that Jona vallnna, a quantity more than suffl- than Green has been duly appointed olent to supply the city, with a possl-by the county court of the state of ble exception of a few weeks durlna Oregon, for Union countv. admlnls. the heaviest irrigation season, and It Is poaslble- that eight hours pumping may be sufficient to cover this period, ' ' i. ' r,. Grafting r. . i..... o -. - I ,v . . 'er of the Indiana School of Medl- uv , - rar- Ine, In Collier's Weekly. We concur -i.t. ki- . . . c"nr ATI in nim. KIka Mnnntoln OMsx-pk ci lth him. Blue Mountain Couch Bvr ip will cure your cough, not a pleas ant to take as some other, but It con- rains the Ingredients that will noai. Ively and absolutely cure that cough. RED CROSS DRUG STORE. Dressmaking". Up-to-date dressmaking a special ty. Experienced assistant from. Port land. Mrs. Conlon. 104 Third St.. 'phone Black 1 591. 2-g-lt The Jumping Off Place. "Consumption had me In It asp: and I had almost reached the Jumping off place when I was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and I want to say right now. It saved my life. Improvemnt began with the first bottle? snd after taking one dozen bnftles I was a well and happy man agnln." says George Moore, of Orlmosland. N. C. As a remedy for coughs and colds and healer of weak, sore lungs and for preventing pneu monia New Discovery Is supreme. 80c and $1 at the Newlln Drug Co.' drug store. Trial bottle free. CTTATIOW.' In the county court of Union county,! State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate and last wia of alelindd Ward well, deceased. To William McCall. Zachartah ccall. .Jonathan Newman McCall. Rebecca E. McCall, Lluna McAlister, Fanny Wilson, Lillian Kinney, William A. McCall, Hugh McCall, Edna Sells, Florence McCall. Marjorle McCall and Mary M. Couch, Heirs at Law and Devisees of Said Mellnda Ward well, Deceased: Whereas Ulysses G. Couch, as ad ministrator de bonis non ot the estate of said Mellnda Wardwell, deceased, (with the will annexed), has present ed to the county court of Union coun ty, state of Oregon, his petition In due form, praying said court to grant him an order thereof duly authorising him to sell, according to law, either at public or private sale, as said court may determine, all of lots five and six of block twenty-six (26), in Sterl ing's addition to the town of Island City, in Union county, state of Oregon. to obtain funds to pay the legacies pro vided by said will and expenses of ad adminlstratlon; and said court having by order thereof fixed Tuesday, the 7th day of April, 1908, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at the April term of said court as the time, and the usual place of holding said court at the court house in La Grande, in said county and state, as the place, for hearing said petition and objections thereto, and directing the issuance and service of a proper citation In said porceedlngs; Now, therefore, you and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear in said proceeding at safd time and place and then and there show cause, if any exists, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted and why said court should not make an order thereof authoriz ing said petitioner to sell all of said real property in accordance with the said prayer of said petition, to obtain funds to pay said legacies and ex penses of administration, and you are required to make said showing within ' ot th,s cltat'on and not later than the tlme 'xed 88 above stated, for hear- lng sald Detltln- 1 wltne8s "e Hond. J. C. Henry. I Judge of said court, ' an.d the seal of - ' sald court afflxed- thl. the 17th day of February. "OS- 1 ".! ! f J. B. GILHAM Clerk of Said Court. F..C. BRAMWELL, "j Deputy. ' (SEAL) 18-J5-3-18 Trees If you want cherry or ao pie trees, get prices from the Union nurseries. Union, Ore. SmxIuI Rates. A special rate nf third has been made by the O. R. ., in order that all who' wish to at ,end ,no ,!nn,,a' Christian Endeavor 1 convcntln Eugene so. The conventlon wl held February 20 to 23. For additional cartlrnlnr " " " H Kcenc'' - R- & N. agent. La uranae- ' ' " ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. trator of the estate of James Green, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the ame wth proper vouchers to the .. . ,.... " at nis residence .. v . .. nuuui cigiii. nines noirneasteriy from v,, . 7 V ' -0ya 8t" torney for said estate, at his offlc In v Elgin, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this th day of January, 10S. JONATHAN OREEN, R. H. LLOYD, Administrator. Attorney for Said Estate. e-13-J0-J7- s IMBLER DRUG STORE DR. 0. A. FISHER, Prop. Patent M e d I c e n s, Perfumes, Toilet Articles Trusses, and Rubber Goods. OPEN DAY OR NIGHT ! PH0ME CALLS ANSWER ED DAY OR MGHT GEORGE PALMER. Praijdant ' W. H. BRENHOLTS. Ass't Cashiar J. M. BERRY. Vic President C S. WILLIAMS. 2d Ati't Cashier P. L. MEYERS, Cashier . . , 3655. r- ' ; La Grande National Bank Of La Grande, Oregon , CAPITAL AMD SURPLUS $160,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY , DIRECTORS J. M. Berry A. B. Conley F. J. C. C. Pennington F. L Meyers V W. L Brtnholts I t,M a a Li'i.' .: :.. Df tAA m-bm . ... - Place Your Surplus Traders :: NATIONAL BANK I Comparative Statement as Made to the Comptroller cl : : the Currency . ' September 6, 1900, Deposits, 179.824.05 ' September 50, 1901, " 156,108.60 September 15, 1902, " ' 194,041.94 .September 9,1903, " 226,904.70 September 6,1904, " 184,443.64 June 18, 1905, " 141,879.65 ; June 18,1906, " 143,225.84 June 21,1907, " 218,731.09 W pay you intarst on your Savings Bank Accounts. No Interest paid on Checking Accounts. ' 4 ' W ar prepared to handle artv Banking bus.nsas antruated to u with care, promptne is and safety. With 20 years experience in Bitvkini wt ar confident w can give you atisfaction. Your business is appreciated by its officers: J.W. SCRIBER, Cashiar .JOSEPH PALMER. President Mmssv ' 4Mt,Mt' SIEGRIST & CO. JEWELERS We wish to call your attention to our REPAIR DEPARTMENT - We are better prepared than ever to do .' first class work. If you have a watch that does not give you satisfaction, Dring it to us and we will guarantee we can fix it. Diamonds reset or mounted in new mount- ing is one of our specialties. V , All our work guaranteed and promptly ' done. We will save you money 7 SIEGRIST 8 CO i UEWf LERS AMD OPTIC ANS . t 4i You'll Pay Complete equipment for rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE : D. PrrZQERALO. Proorietor Gmple Machine :........ ....e. s 'ft . . V . M Holmes . M. Brykit Geo. L. Cleaver George Palmer , tt16IIIMIMMtMMMt --- - - ---- - - 1 a ssii.i ' mm . funds With the Farmers and I Q. E. McCULLY,- A. C AMD 0PTICIAS 4.l4t Mesi With Pleasure ; For vsry msl you athr. It will be a combination of good food, good cooking and good ser vice. Our restaurant is intend, d for people who appreciate gjod eating, also for people who like the good things of life at a moderate cost. If you belong la ' that clan, ccm in and wht t ' w can do foi you. . The Model- Restaurant Vf J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. W s1l weekly meal ffA FA ticket for .. 4Tt p resetting and repairing . . : IRON WORKS Shops sd Foundry