ISOVt TAW ETEMNO OfWCTtTKR. IJi fflUXDR. OHlW. MONDAY, FEBRUARY It, ISMk PAGE BIX. 1(11 VORK mm i in m Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powder made with Royal Crapo Cream of Tartar lb Alani, Ho Lima Phosphato IS Hi SIGHT While th demand for railroad la borer at the present time i not as brisk aa It might be. Indications for work during the coming summer are bright, and In a ahort time much new railroad owrk la expected to be start ed, relates the Baker City Herald. Work on the north coast road Is ex pected to start up on an extensive scale within the next two months. The Elgin extension of the O. R. A N. and the Huntington extension of the Oregon Short Line are all ex pected to start up In a short time to gether with the Lewlston and Rlparia branches of the O. R. A N., and this will probably clean up the labor mar ket and leave a shortage of men. The camps along the Milwaukee road between Spokane and Missoula are said to be practically filled, al though there are some vacancies still open. There are lew American laooroi now Idle In Spokane at the present time. The American Is generally pre ferred In the camps, as they do much ( 1 WOOD Two car loads of No. I dry wood just received. None better ever offered in La Grande. Delivered promptly. Phone Main 6, either phone. GRANDE RONDE GASH COMPANY to the men. Is about the same as ' Pay checks for O. R. ft N. employes In La Grande, arrived yesterday and were today distributed The sum total It has been for 'the past few months. Slashing in number of employes and occasional holidays on the part of those who were retained, has been re sponsible for the reduction In both number and size of checks of recent months. : i i QUITE AN INDUSTRY. Three Hundred Cars of Ice Shipped From North Powder, So far this season A. Lunn of North Powder, has sold S00 tons of Ice to the O. R. ft N. company, for storage along Its line between Huntington and Portland; 19,000 tons In all. The amount paid for labor In harvesting this crop exceeds $12,000. Keep the money at home by using LA GRANDE SUGAR Costs no more and Just as sweet. All dealers. REDUCTION WALL-PAPER 20 to 40 Per Cent The choicest things in wall deotrations ever shown in La Grande at the lowest prices ever offered. FEBRUARY I to 15 FEBRUARY We are making this offer in order to reduce our present stock before the arrival of our sprirg shipments. O. R. COOLIDGE ."4en ' (tMSS 1 I HAY, GRAIN, WOOD We have in stcck a lot of fine timothy, wild, grain and alfalfa hay, bought before the price advanced. We are selling this hay at low price, quality guaranteed. We buy and sell oats, barley and mill stuff oall kinds. We'll sell .flour at lower price than others. Try us. We are closing out our wood business.Have about 1 00 cords left Get some at a reduced pricebefore it is all gone. I THE REAL ESTATE, LOAN I better work. Austrlans are said to give a great deal of trouble and for this reason few contractors will em ploy them unless there la a shortage of men. In the downtown section of the city there are many foreigners out of work, but It Is claimed that many of these do not desire work at the pres ent time, preferring to wait until spring when outdoor work will be much easier. Common laborers In construction camps are now being paid. 12 and 12. B0 per day which Is 75 cents less than was being paid for the same class of work six months ago. With the opening up of work In the spring It Is believed that the contractors will be compelled to secure men.. There Is reported to be very little demand for help of any kind In Spo kane, and ther are generally several applicants for every position where unskilled labor Is being sought for. Just Received. The Grande Ronde Cash compahy has Just received one of the finest carloads of Rock Springs coal that was ever brought to this city, 'Phone In an order. "SEATTLE SPIRIT.' As PoktIIxhI by a Former La Grande Krhool Boy. In a letter 'recently received by Mrs. Fred King of this city from Llewelyn Thomason, a former La Grande school boy, now residing In Seatte, In de HTlblng the Seattle spirit writes a follows: That you may understand the Seat tle spirit better. I will tell you the following story of It: "It Is said that the Seatte splrl appeared at the gates of heaven and asked for admission, but St. Peter refused It. Then the Seattle spirit went to tho other place and was also refused admittance there. Then St. Peter and the other fellow decided to flip a coin to see which should take the spirit, but when St. Peter tossed the dollar In the air the Seattle spirit grabbed It and ran away and has never showed up at either place since." Fur Biliousness and Sick Headache. Take Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup. It sweetens the stomach, aids diges tion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without Irritat ing these organs. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup cures biliousness and ha bitual constltpatloo. Does not nause ate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the name, Orlos, and rsfuse to accept any substitute. A. T. H11U druggtat Dressmaking. Up-to-date dressmaking a special ty. Experienced assistant from Port land. Mrs. Conlon. 1(04 Third St, 'phone Black 15SI. 1-5-11 UMBRELLA RECOVERING AND REPAIRING New Covert put on, $.50 to $4.00- If you hare anything brok- enlcnfu it. Resolution. Be It Resolved by the council of the city of La Grande, Oregon, that a five- foot sidewalk be built on and along the north side of Jackson avenue from its Intersection with North Fourth streets, southeasterly to the intersection of said Jackson avenue with North Birch street, said walk to be built at the expense of the abut ting property and to be completed within 90 days. Dated at .La Grande, Oregon, this 5th day of February, 1908. I. R. SNOOK, Recorder of the City of La Grande Oregon 2-U-10t IJEWELRY latest Designs Best Quality Greatest Assortment Reasonable Prices J. H- PEARE ' LEADING PIONEER JEWELER Grande Ronde Lunik r Co. PERRY, OREGON ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that John H, Wlckens has been duly appointed by the county court Of the state of Ore gon, for Union county, administrator of the estate of William Wlckens, de ceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied and required to present the same with proper vouchers to the said ad ministrator at his residence about eight miles northeasterly from Elgin, Oregon, or to R. H. Lloyd, attorney for said estate, at his office In Elgin, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 6th day of January. 1903. i 6 JOHN H. WICKENS, WH-m CAN FURNISH LIMBER OF ALL KINDS IN CAR LOAD LOTS For 16 inch Chain Wood Delivered at your Home, Call up V. E. BEAN, La Grande. Phone, Red 1741 R. H. LLOYD. Administrator. Attorney for Said Estate. 6-1S-20-27-5 For Sale. Dry It-Inch and 4-foot wood. De llvered In any quantity. Price reason able. 2-13-11 C RANDALL BROS., 'Phone Black 1742. TO CAMPAIGN COUNTY. F. Anderson Will Seak at Various. Points In the County. W". F. Anderson, candidate before the republican primaries for the nom ination of county clerk. Is arranging to address the voters of the county on "Pure Politics." Places and dates will be announced later. iotf Suffering and Dollars Saved. E. S. Loper, of Marllla, N. Y., says: "I am a carpenter and have had many severe cuts healed by Bucklen's Arni ca Salve. It has saved me suffering and dollars. It is by far the best healing salve I have ever found." Heals burns, sores, ulcers, fever sores, eczema and piles. 25c a Newlln Drug Co.'s drug store. THE DR. KINO'S COUGHS GOLDS mP. THROAT .LUea mm DISEASES PREVENTS COUSUMPTIOM " : ; .. r, " U ' " -i i ',Tw.W o a severe cold settled w mr inn.. .... wworeeMecyMateeun4. I then mUrtZZTj PwtrUd ne tht I wu after uisf eoe bet I wm beck te work, a. wU RSfi "' Hew Weeewy.Iia " W" J' TDS, Burner Springe, Tena. ANt) COMMISSION CO. L.C. SMITH OPPOSITE FOUNDRY PRICE BOo AND $1.00 hKWlfX BROQ COT k