. , , . - KIGHT PAGP " ' ' " 1TG OBSERVER, LA ORAXDE. OREQQjr, MONDAY. FEBRUARY IT. It 08. - I m P ururn W TH La Grande Professional Directory O. L. BIDDERS. H. D Physician and Surgeon. Office Ralston Building, over J. Berry Store. Office 'Phone Black 1811. ' Real dene 'Phone Red 1001 , J. H. HUBBARD. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office In New Bank Building. Room 20-8L 'Phenaa: Residence, Main II; Offlee. Main 71. DR. A. L. RICHARDSON. -Pbyalelaa aad Burgos. Office over Hill' Drug Store. Office 'Phone lit. Residence Main (5 N. MOLITOK. H. D., Physician anal Surgeon. Corner Adaan Ait, aad Depot St. Office Main 18 -:- Reetdeae Main t BACON HALT. Fh vak'lana and Surgeons. Office : A Grande National Bank Building. 'Phene Main II. C T. Bacon. Residence, Main IS. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main 51. DR. F. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORB Osteopathic Physician. Klrksvllle Graduates Under Foundta Office Summer Building. Phones: Office Main S: Res. Main Money Supports the Home and it needs a steady influx of It to maintain the household and keep It going. To be sure of that steady flow of money, It Is the best plan to bank the savings so that you will know where to reach them in time of need. For "rainy days" come to the thrif tiest of us at times, and It Is well for us If they find us prepared. Bank your surplus cash with us now, and you will have the pleasure of know Ing that It Is hot only secure, but earning good Interest. The Eastern Oregon Trust & Savings bank OFFICERS: T. M. BTRKIT, President WM. MILLER, Vice-President. GEO. L. CLEAVER. Cashier. T. J. SCROGGIN. Assistant Cashier F. J. HOLMES, Treasure. K mTSA. V7 . w Arrival and Departure of Trains at La Grande. No. 1, westboun Portland Special, arrive 1: 28 a. m.; depart, 1:80 a. m. tVNo. t, eastbound passenger, mall and express, arrive at t:4S a. m.; de part 1:50 a. m. No. I, eaatbound Chicago Special, arrive 1:08 p. m.: depart, 1:10 p. m. No. I, westbound passenger, mail and .express, arrive 1:85 p. m.; de parts, 10 p. m, E3gta Branotk Leave La Grand at 8 . m. aad frstve to tm Grande at 1:11. a B. CAtTEOBJJ. Office ever Hill' Drug store. Lrand Ore, J. G PRICB, D. M. D. Demist. Room II. L Grande Natlena! Bank Building. 'Phene Black 188L U QrnJ Oregor lr. S. M. Kasier Dr. J. E. Stevenson Res. Red li. Res. Black ttl E AS LET A STEVENSON. Dental Parlors and Laboratory. Aluminum Plates. Crown and Bridge werlc, a specialty. , Office) Opposite Foley Hot. Of nee 'Phene Black 111. ATTORNEYS, a K. Cochran Gen. P. CocJwaa COCHRAN COCHRAN. Atteraey. La Grand National Bank Bulldln. La Grande .... . rw.. YIAVI. MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 1171. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON, Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grand. Residence 'Phone Red 701. Office 'Phone Black 1861. - Independent 'Phone 68. DR. II. W. HTLEY. Graduate Ohio State Unlveraltv Vac clnatlun, Dentistry and Surgery of ai kinds. Country calls promptly as iwered. Office 1414 Adams Ave. 'Phones. Pa clflc. Black 1101. Independent, White 20. ABSTRACTERS. J.R. OLIVER, Abstracts of Title. Fire Inauranm Office next door to La Grande Na tlonal Bank. La Grande ...... Oregoi TEACHKR8 OF MUSIC (CATHERINE M. QUINN. MUS. BAC Teacher of llano and Harmony. Studio 1401 Eighth Street. 'Phone Black 841. PROF. E. PORTER DAY. Prlndv La Grande School of Music Mrs. Day assistant School oppo lite Foley Hotel. Phone Red 472. MIRS STELLA l. OLIVER. : Tpedicv of rtano and Harmony. P'udlo over J. M. Berry's Store. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. L, A. PICKLEr! Civil, Mining, Irrigation Engineer! and Surveying. Estimates, plana and specification. Office in Bohnenkamp Bulldlnc. La Grande ...... Or. IN A HURRY? THEN CALL JriE TRANSFER MAM H will take that trunk n h. D- pot or your hom in Us time than it takes to tell it. Day phone Red 761 Night " Black 1792 Wagsc alw7 rerv.ie i. h. MARS, 4 Contractor and Builder. 4 and Dealer in Bulldln Material. 4 BUILDING 8TONE, 4) CLEAN COARSE SAND AND GRAVEL DELIVERED. Drop a line, naming work, . 4 and I will name the right 4 prlee. :: ,:: t: 4 La (JrandeL Oregon. . 4 x viiLMVII I UUOLUULl TII1II Portland, Ore., Feb. 17. (Special correspondence.) The spirit of prog ress throughout Oregon was never more pronounced than at the present time. The commercial organizations of the state seem to be determined to do more effective advertising than ver before. There is a spirit of or ganisation In the air. and the biggest effort centers upon the colonist rates from March 1 to Aplrl 80, and the $80 rate from all points in the middle west to all points In Oregon Is em phasised In every advertisement and every appeal. Salem held the greatest progressive meeting In her history lost week, and Is preparing to hold a celebration Tuesday night. February 18th. at which she will entertain several hun dred prominent citizens from outside points and more than 100 of these will be from Portland and Include the leading financiers. manufacturers, merchants and property holders of the city. Eugene Is attracting: a large amount of foreign Immigration, and similar reports come from Ashland and Med ford. The Coos Bay country la busv in presenting Its claims, while eastern Oregon points are Improving every opportunity to gain new citizens and new Industries. California has been aroused to the Importance of the Paclflo northwest and especially that of the great inland empire, as a result of the magnificent Weston, Ore., Feb. IS. (Special.) rpi, . i. . . . . i The majority of the senior class are1 In Pnnrt.tn ,k . 1 fr ;.;T. " .-. no i-omey ana Uenrrp Ml nr nt La Grande, were over on a visit last week. Hugo Wlenert, manager of the baseball team, has his men out prac ticing, and is getting them ready for a Reason of good work. Several members of the Y. V. C. A. are In Walla Walla attending the conference. The Normal basketball team added two other victories to lt credit: one over Pearson academy with a score of 18 to 18 and the other at Waltsburg- with a score of 80 to 15. They play tne Washington State college next Tuesday. The players are Fred San ford, manager, and Staggs, guards: Still, captain, center; Storm and Caa- tllla, forwards. The Tennessee Jubilee elniters will give an entertainment In the Normal chapel Tuesday evening. The jumnlmr Off r.. J "Consumption had me In It. ers.n-1 and I had almost reached the Jumping ott place when I wa. advised to try ' DlTklng'. New Discovery, and I want to tav right how, it m.d my life, improvemnt began with the' flint hnttla nA -rt , i dozen bottlP. T was a wn .,i ... , i b.ici vanillic one r mi uduikh juuum. (I Orlmesland, N. C. As a remedy for' VT. .. , . . . ... . . . . from fh date hereof. iiuB,,B aim l inns ana neaier or wak. I sore lungs and for preventing tm.' monla New Diovery I. supreme. Ht' and 81 at the Newlin Drug Co.'. dru ' store.' Trial bottle free. Trees If you want cherry or an.L.. ...... 1 -r vrcoa, rei prices irom the Union nurseries. Union, Ore. Spnelal Rates. A special rate of one fare and" A third ha been made by the O. R. & N In order that all- who wish to at tend the annual Christian Endeavor convention at Eugene may do so. The convention will be held February 20 to 28. For additional particulars see J. H. Keeney, O. R. ft N. agent, La Grande. ' Tree and Khmba. Tree, shrub and rose The TTntnn nurse rtee, union. Ore., have a large tock of apple, cherry, pear and had tree, they ar selling t reaaonaM price, lead (or their srlc liaL t-ttf SPIRIT Of PROGRESS excursion which is being entertained In Los Angeles by the chamber of commerce of that city. . The positive assurance that Swift Co. and other packing companies will locate enormous plants at Port land, will give an Impetus to the live stock Industry of all this portion of the United States. The location of these packing houses will add to the value of the holdings of every breeder and producer of cattle, sheep, hon and poultry and the dairy producU of Oregon will be trebled and find a market In every part of the world. Five tons of printed matter, repre senting In an attractive form, both by picture and by text, the vital fact relative to the Important fruit districts of Oregon, have been distributed by the Portland Commercial club within the last few weeks. Tom Richardson, manarer of the Portland Commercial club, left this morning for Los Angeles to attend the annual dinner of the Los Angeles chamber of commerce. ' The Trans-Continental Passenaer association will decide, at an e.riv meeting to be held in Chicago, upon the rates to Oregon points in connec tion with the national democratic con ventlon at Denver In July. . The Port land Commercial club made this re quest and will work to bring many of these delegates to the Pacific north west. O. E. 8. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S.. hold stated communications the second and .fourth Wednesdays of each month Vllllln. nnY J,,, . . .. . .....s 'huiiiucib i-urumiiy inviiea. MARY O. FORREST, W. M. MARY A. WARNICK, Secretary. W. C. T. TJ. Meeting. The ladles of the W. C. T. U. will o'clock iucauny aiiernoon at 2 o'clock ., . . . -R Bharp' meet at the hom o' Mr. Gore next Tuesday afternoon at 2 South La Grande. A full attend ance Is desired. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice la hereby given that the un , uersignea nave filed in the county court of Oregon for Union county, his final account as administrator of the estate of D. B. May, deceased, and that said court has fixed Tuesday, March 8, at 10 o'clock a. m., as the time and the court house in La Grande, Oregon, as the place for hearing all objections thereto and set tllng the same. Dated this 30th day of January 1808. , B. T. MAY, Administrator of the Estate o( D. R, May, Deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice i hereby given that Jona than Green has been duly annolnted by the county court of the state of Oregon, tor Union county, admin!,. . of the ,iaia oi Jttme Green. .f"6"' and " Won, having C tal " ro hereby . a"d requlred t0 Prwnt the Z , T . ' VUCher" t0 the T. "j"" TUw abot eight riill8 HOrlheasterly from . - tlHm' Oregon, or to R. H. Lloyd, at torfley for said estate, at his office Jn Elgin, Oregon, .within six months ,ea of January. 1808. h w t A" QREEN' . LLOTD' 4 Administrator. " Iur ,a date.- IMBLER DRUG STORE DR. 0. A. FISHER, Prop. Patent Medic ens, Perfumes, Tailet Articles Trusses, and Rubber Goods. J OPEN , DAY OR iCteHT j PHONE CALLS ANSWE- ED DAY OR MCrifJ QEORQE PALMER. President J. M. BERRY. Vic Prsidnt ' C, S. WILLIAMS, 2d A't Cashi.f F. L. MEYERS, Cashier " 5655 ; ." : ' La Grande National Bank Of La Granae, Oregon 1 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $160,000 f UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY DIRECTORS Berry A. B. Coal F. J. Holmn f, M. Brykit C. C. Pennington F. L. Myr Qo. L. Clesvsr W. L. Brnholt . Otorgt Palmer J. M. tMtlMtttllllltt f ... t Place Your Surplus Tunds With the Farmers and Tracers f j NATIONAL BANK I comparative statement as Maaetotne tomptroiier i the Currency " September 6, 1900, September 80, 1901, September 16, 1902, September 9, 1903, September 6, 1904, June 18,1905. June 18,1906, June 21, 1907, W pay you interest on your Saving Bank Account. No lntert paid on Checking Account. ' . We ar prepared to handle any Bjnking . buiinet ntrustd to U4 with car, promptness and tatety. With 20 ytars zprinc in Banking w ar confident w can give "you atisfaction. Your business is appreciated by it omer:' J. W. SCRIBER. Cahir i JOSEPH PALMER. President SIEGRISt & CO. JEWELERS We wish to call your attention to our REPAIR DEPARTMENT We are better prepared than ever to do first class work. If you have a watch that does not give you satisfaction, oring it to us and we will guarantee we can fix it. Diamonds reset or mounted in new mountr ing is one of our specialties. All our work guaranteed and promptly done. We will save you money , i I STROrUST Pr rn 'JEWfLERS AND 444444444 You'll Pay With Pleasure I i ; Complete equipment for I rubber bucrev tireff rubber buggy tireff LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZaERALD. frenriatnr Gmpict Machine W. H. BRENHOLTS. Ass't Cashi.r Deposits, " " " " " 1179,524.03 156,108.60 194,041.94 226,904.70 184,443.64 141,879.65 143,225.34 218,731.09 O. E. McCL'aY, A.C ..-L.U -. i AND OPTICIANS OPTICIANS For every ma you t her, ft will b a combination of good food, good cooking and good ser vice. Our restaurant is intend ed tor people who appreciate gxxJ Mting, also for people who lik the good things of lif at a moasrai cost. jvk vf H1IIH T , v me , Model Restaurant -; W UH w.blm..r - : m . ,:' resettirtidrtpff v 2 Shop nd Foundry 'i , WW-