m. a.s;.i an. w i - LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1908. NUMBER 5. BFTHE FOREST DEFECTIVE RAIL THREW - THREE COACHES INTO DITCH. Wfeek M Forest Grove Last Night Will Be Subject of Investigation Bo tiered That Officiate Are Respond, bio for the Accident Train Going Slowly or Mora Would Have Been Killed Complete list of Injured Three Cars Thrown In Ditch After Engine and Other Cars Pass Over '' In Safety. - ' scalp wounds. M. V. Gordon, McMinnville, side hurt.' . " 1 R. Q. Dexter, Sheridan, back and head hurt ' Alex Alepal, Portland, knee and back hurt. . -' G. M. Badders, Carlton, knee hurt. J. E. Brown, Sheridan, neck and shoulder hurt. ' J. G. Brown, Sheridan, head hurt Mrs. James Brown, Sheridan, side hurt. Frank Knight, Dllley, hand and -leg lacerated. Mrs. D. Stout, McMinnville, Inter nally Injured. J. W. Howard, Cleveland, O,, leg and side cut. - C. C. Poorlne, North Yamhill, back bruised. Mat Katlzua, Portland, bruised. . Forest Grove, Ore., Feb. 11. A a direct result of last evening's wreck on the short trestle bridge, which car ried the Southern Pacific railroad tracks Into Forest Grove, and In which three were killed and over 20 Injured, an Investigation will be held, from which charges of criminal, careless ness may be filed against the railroad officials. J , . .. Caused by Broken Rail. , The wreck was caused by a broken t rail' which hurled the coaches from - the roadbed and into the trench, 10 feet below. The engine, baggage and mall cars passed the defective rail In - safety, but the smoking car and day coaches hit the line and then turned over. ; . , . The Death List. Mrs. Edward Bates and 6-months-old daughter, of Forest J?ove." J. A. McDonald, of McMinnville. ' The Injured. ,.' Mrs. J. H. Brown,' aged 60, of Sher . ; luun, badly, injured. ' . P. S. Rldgeway, Portland, hip bro ken. ' ! Tj. E. Harbur, Portland, shoulder avid, back hurt. ; B. H. Grant, Portland, shoulder and hea'l hurt. - R W. L. Hembres, McMinnville, leg and scalp wounds. D. M. Mayberger, (Continued on page .) DnnCTTDC IH UUUJILIIJ 111 TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND COME MISSOURI BANK SUFFERS HEAVY LOSS BV ROBBERY. For the Second Time This Week a Bank Has Bean Robbed and the Thieves Safely Make Their Escape This Tune It is a Rk h Hill Bank, Which Lost $25,000 Three Explo sions to Break Safe Believed to Be the Same Gang. m FRANCISCO WALLA WALLA AND SPO- . KANE MEN SEE SIGHTS. Excursion Train of Inland Empire Boosters Has Reached San Francis co and Has Been Attending Many Social Functions Will Leave for the South Tonlghtr-Jolng Consist out Boosting for the Country From , Whence They Come. ; San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 12. The 222 excursionists from Walla Walla and Spokane commercial clubs, who have. been In this city since Monday night, seeing the sights and attending the various receptions and entertain ments givert In their honor, will leave tonight for bos- Angeles. Their flint stop will be at Palo' Alto, where they will visit Stanford UnlversUy. The "Inland Empire" boosters are traveling In a special trnjn, and In clude prominent business ' men of Walla Walla and Spokane. The chief x l object of their visit Is to boost for McMinnville, t the inland empire. tie mm BVEH TODAY IS NINTY-NINTH ANN1VERCA11Y OF BIRTH. Lincoln Fellowship Making Effort to Perpetuate Lincoln's Memory and Keep Alive the Principles and Pa. (atttiasn He Advocated and Exhib ited AddrenMes by Prominent Men . Men Personally Acquainted With Lincoln Are Club Members. - Rich Hill, Mo., Feb. 12. Bandits made a rich haul about midnight last night by blowing open the safe of the Farmers and' Manufacturers' bank. They escaped with booty amounting to $25,000 In cash, leaving the floor w'H tlvor and bank notes. Two charges of dynamite were used to open the strong box.. Hundreds of citizens were sleeping In their homes near the bank when they were awakened by explosions, but upon reaching the street the criminals had fled. . ; Vice-President J. T. Moore, of the bank, estimated today that fully $25,- ooo are gone. The bank has over $400,000 on deposit It Is believed that the same men who cracked the safe at Waller Mon day night and secured $10,000, are the ones who did this Job. Explosion Kills Many. Vienna, Feb. 12. While a band of Armenians were resisting Turkish troops who attempted to take them as' prisoners at Van, Asia Minor, magazine exploded, killing a great number on both sides. - Much damage was done to Armenian quarters. Drunk; Fined One Cent New York, Feb. 12. Mrs. Hanna Stanhope, who brought to Enrico Ca ruso, the Italian tenor, such unpleas ant notoriety a year ago by accusing him of annoying her In a monkey house at Central park, was' fined one cent yesterday for being intoxicated. TIMELY SPECIAL SALE of Beverly Skirts-this week a be ii t: t: n ', This sate embraces every Beverly Skirt in ouf stock-.in Black Voile, Black Panama, and all novel ties in every conceivable color-in the new stripes',' plaids and checks, also a good assortment in light colored dress skirts, all; at REDUCED PRICES this week. New York, Feb. 12. The 99th an niversary of Lincoln's birth was fit tingly observed today by the members of the Lincoln Fellowship, a recently organised association of the martyr president Addresses, were delivered by several men of national reputation. Additional Lincoln meetings wui , o held tonight The Lincoln Fellowship designed to perpetuate Lincoln's memory and keep alive his principles and patriotism. It is expected to be come national in its scope and char acter. A great celebration of the centennial of Lincoln's birth will be held by the fellowship next year. One of the charter members Is C. W. McLellan, a retired New , York banker, who was an officer in the Confederate army. - Others who Joined are David H. Bates, Lincoln's telegra pher In the war department; Major J B. Merwln, Mlddleford, Conn., wh was Lincoln's confidential agent and who says he dined with Lincoln in the White House on the day of the as sasslnatlon and started for New York early that evening to present Lincoln' letter to Horace Greeley, containing the Aldrlch financial bill as a club. Senator Rayner took occasion today to unmercifully flay the president and the policies of the administration. The Maryland senator declared the pres ent depression In financial circles due to the president's unlawful reform methods, coupled with fear of another "volcanic disturbance from the. White House." Turning his attention to the Aldrlch bill Rayner stated that the chief ob jection to it was the fact that it made no provision for a bank reserve. He Insisted that there will never be any systematic reform taken up In the Interests of the people against all spe cial Interests, which, under the pres ent law,, exercise controlling Interest In banks and the treasury department BAKER CITY PLEASES $30.00 27.50 25.00 22.50 Skirts Skirts. Skirts Skirts $20.00 .17.3 16.67 J5.00 $20.00 , lfi.50' 17.50 15.00 Skirts Skirts Skirts Skirts, ALL SKIRTS AT REDUCED. PRICES THIS i.' it M&l&jmA ' it $13.3 i 12.51 ' I; V- ' t u.67 : I ; lo.oo j V : WEEK ii wmX'' Cv ptrmluU i ") vifj- of "JfoClttne'"' " ... . Al ...I t ,nt THE PAP1LL0N MODEL IVAST : : : SEE CUT : : : . ; The only really new waist novelty produced tor several months, made from daintiest of sheef materials with many pretty conceits x In dainty J laces and insertions V SB : LA nWAKHm tUt OKEQCN the president's plans for digging th Panama canal with 200,000 negro sol dlers, with "Ben" Butler as supervls or; Charles A. Tinker, clerk in the war department, and General James Grant Wilson, who exhibited a ring containing strands of hair from the heads of Washington, Wellington, Na poleon, Alexander Hamilton, Lincoln and v Grant Major1 Erwlri" had th original order written and signed by Idncoln passing him through the army lines. ' IJnln Dinner In Oregon. . Portland, Ore., Feb. 12, An enthu slastlc rally of the leading republicans of Oregon will mark the Lincoln ban quet to be given at the Commercial club by the Union Republican club. Taft sentiment Is strong In this sec tlon and it would not be surprising the banquet developed Into a ratlflca tlon meeting for the Secretary of war Governor Hughe In New York. New York, Feb. 12. "-Governor Hughes will observe Lincoln's birth day as the guest of the Republican club of New York and the Union League club of Brooklyn. He Is ex pected to make two addresses. Uliuint. mm iFRnar may Will BE INHABITANTS en i GOVERNOR HUGHES ORDER8 SUBSTITUTE PROSECUTORS. Having Failed to Prosecute the Amer ican loo Trout for Alleged Violation of the Anil-Trust Law Jerome Will Be Displaced by State Officials In Now York County Case Has Been Ordered Brought Before the Grand Jury. ":; ... '. , New York, Feb. 12. Governor Hughes had taken the first step toward setting aside District Attorney Jerome as public prosecutor In this, county. Inspired by a declaration of Attorney General Jackson that the American Ice company has violated the Don nelly anti-trust laws, and the penal code, the governor has ordered that the state officials present the case to the grand Jury of New York county and to prosecute, "In place and stead of the district attorney." ' Jerome has repeatedly declared there Is no evidence of criminal Intent In the lee trust's actions. ., ' Longbont to Race In Boston, Boston, Feb, 12, Arrangemens have been completed for the appear ance here tomorrow evening of Tom Longboat. The noted Canadian In Ulan runner will run a 10-mllo race against three speedy men at the Park Squaw Indoor track. Longboat made his last Appearance in this city last April, When he Won the Marathon race In the world's record lime of hours, 24 minutes, 20 2-8 seconds. While the Indian will run 10 miles, his opponents will relay at the end of ,$tt miles each, and Longboat will make a determined effort to lower the record made by Alfred Shrubb at the Coliseum. The opponents of the Indian will be Percy Sellen and Claud Pierce of Toronto and BUI Cummlngs, the star from Scotland, who has Just arrived. MAYOR JOHNS ACTION MEETS APPROVAL OF MANY. Baker City Cloned to Gambling and All Games Are Now Idle Some Arc Leaving, But Dig Majority Still In the Mining Town Something Hang ed in Effigy Over Court Buihliiig Elegant Residence Destroyed Ba ker City Republican Club Will Give Lincoln Dinner and Fire Campaign Guns Tonight. Baker City Feb. 12. (Observer cctl.) -17 down , yes, spiked and the populace of the city which stood . alone . for, many months as the only municipality la " Oregon where gambling was allowed to thrive unmolested, la glad,. "It's a good thing the gamblers are gone"' Is . the remark heard everywhere. The ' population Is rejoicing.- ? Gamblers SU1I There. A few of the gambling house man agers who have so recently been put out of business, have left Baker City for parts unknown, but there Is still goodly portion of them here. Their tables and their cards have been rele gated to the waste heaps, however. Effigy to Some One or Tiling, The day following the closing down of the lid by Mayor Johns Baker City saw suspended above the court house "something br some one" hanged In effigy. What It was Is not generally known. Some maintain the silent flf ure dangling there represented the passing of gambling. . Perhaps It was Mayor Johns or Judge Smith or the "ping" circulars that were hanged thus conspicuously In effigy. The mystery will probably never be cleared. ,f '' Costly Residence Burned. The costly and elegant residence of' E. S. Faul was practically destroyed by fire this morning. Though not total ly destroyed, the damage is extensive. CuiiiihiIkii Guns boom Tonight. With local republican blood as sembled to do homage to Abraham Lincoln In a banquet' at the Qelftt Orand tonight, the first gun of the local republican campaign will be fired. There are to be many ad dresses in eulogy of Abraham Lincoln, but before the banquet is ended, local politics will have received their1 Just attention. , IlnlfbrecdH Attack Wonuut Banta Fe, N. M Feb, 12.-,Whlle on her way home last nlghf 'Margaret Carllng, employed as night operator at Las Vegas, was assaulted by tWw men who were Iatr4rrested and Iden tified. The men are F. Oardln and Frank Brown', a Mexican and half breed Mexican. , There Is great dan ger that they will be lynched. Steps are being taken to call put .the mili tia. r M $$$ ROOSEVELT U BLAME Taking the Aldrlch Financial Bid as Ground for Attack Senator Kay nor of Maryland, Son l it to Accuse (lie Admlnltttratkin of (he Recent Pa nh' Afraid of ExcesHlve Reform Measures Picks Flaws In the Al drlcta Financial Measure. Washington, D- C, Feb. 12. Using V ft b C n Tines 1 Splendid Assortment All 1908 Styles All Prices ffljrvQCj HILL'S DRUG STORE La Grande m m Oregon w whbsw eeaeeeeeaeeeaeeeeeeee-4e ee4eeee2i?4lIt .h h$mm