pirn nim EVENXVO O BSERVSK. L4 GRAJTDE, OREOOW. SATURDAY. 'rWlRTJAKY 1, 1M. " 1 r " " I I lt R 111 A II 1 ! A ft FA VI IN S.. rang, 40 E LAMM.A Ul MMJEttTMES - : Our customers are invited to call at our store and examine the largest line of Valentines ever before shown in Eastern Oregon. Our stock consists of everything in the valentine line from the five cent line to the beautiful crea tions which cost $6.00 and more. Never have had such a varied assortment, ii will pay sll who delight in the beautiful to call at the store and see this splendid art exhibit. - - - - - NEWLIN LA GRANDE DRUG CO. OREGON SIEGRIST & CO A I JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS j We wish to call your attention to our REPAIR DEPARTMENT We are" better prepared than ever to do first class work. If you have a watch that does not give you satisfaction, oring it to us and we will guarantee we can fix it. Diamonds reset or mo jnted in new mount- . ing is one of our specialties. All our wor guaranteed and promptly done. v e will save you money SIEGRIST & CO I J WfLERS AMD OPTICIANS WOOD Two car loads of No. I dry wood f; lust received. None better ever I offered in La Grande, delivered promptly. Phone Main 6, either phone. ! GRANDE RONDE I CASH COMPANY It yon wnnt to sell your property, list with us. Wf sell limn real es tate than anybody. Don't lint with us anles you really wnnt to sell, because to lift with ii means to Ml. JtKAli E8TATE. LOAN l.'OilMI SI ON CO. Umt IHInoli Coal. Coal buyers should nut overlook Dil opportunity to secure best. 111! noit coul, delivered, at 110 per ton This U piMritlvjpty tie liri-t coal on th La Grande maikel. ti. E. Fowler Phono Main 10. Lad Canyon. Jan. II. (Special.) MIm Mabel Phillips of Perry, la vis iting with her counln, Miss Kate Bra den. '"', 1 Louis J. Murdock left yesterday morning for his horn at Monmouth after teaching a very successful term of five months school. Many were sorry to see him depart as he was an excellent teacher and won friends wherever he went. The leap year necktie social which was given at the school house Janu ary 24, proved to be a success. Very nearly all of the citizen of this sec tion were present, besides a number from La Grande and Island City. The following program was ren dered the night of the social, arrang ed by the Misses Mary Banton and Mabel Counsell: . .Recitation "The Housewife Poem' by Kittle Mulholland. Dialogue "Worth Before Show," by Roy Peebler, Charles Johnson, Roy Couch and Leonard Peterson. Recitation "On a Two-Cent Fare," Roy Couch. Song "Sing Me to . Sleep," Mrs. Henry Peebler. Rwltallon "A February Promise," Sybil Mulholland. ' Dialogue "All In the Family," by .ilabel Counsell and Charles Johnson. Sohg "Where the Morning Glories Twine," Eula Peebler. Recitation "Swat lent Pleasure," Sim Banton. Instrumental music by Eddie Me .darners. Indian club drill by Louis Mur dock. Recitation "What a Boy Can Do," fiddle Graham. Recitation, Hildred Peterson. A cake walk by three characters. Recitation "Sum In the Arithme tic." Maud Banton. .Song '".M'ngy," Frankle Peebler. Dialogue "in Want of a Servant," Eula Peebler, Alta Banton, Lulu Counsell, Maty Banton, Frenklt Counsell and Mabel Counsell. Recitation "Grandma Bean," Ruth Peebler. Reading of the "Ladd Canyon Sledge Hammer," by Mrs. Fred bra-Jon. -.. valuing i Jr V" ou" . . ... v,.n. vou t v treat- west quarter of section 10, township fr-sh and properly oog. "! M yu W' " , W. M., excepting receive the benefit oi " ' w10lr Kimuro that portion heretofore deeded to Mln- and price, wbe. ou become .vhJJy waul and r ua"KV ' r PENDLETON GAME SURE. Cniu-Wk-tl Game In to lie Played IH--lto Former Aunoiiiuvniciit. After once having cancelled the La Grande-Pendleton '. girls' basketball game, the Umatilla town has finally changed It mind and the scheduled same for next Friday night Is now an tssured fact. Yesterday morning com munications reached the management of the local team that the game would of necesslly have to be postponed, but ighteous Indignation on the part ol La Grande in responsible for a game n the date first arranged. , Professor Landers, of the Pendle ton schools, today notified Manager Gulling by telephone that despite previous announcements, the La Jrande team will be taken to Pen Jleton. Mrs. Jay Van Buren will chaperone the glrlB on the trip. nie Oalrander, bounded as commenc-, tomers. ing at the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter pf section. 10, township 4 8., range 40 E. W. M., as aforesaid, and running thence east 14 rods and links, thence north 6f rods and I shall not ask you Tour frU . . Li.r.pihnrl & tomers. Tour oln- , . a. this we i M.ck. Corner' drug store. i iM every one of thes. . n.fuM-MHV is fully ana - It A r.!. ftYMMMltlOO. W. wish to supply your drugs thU met .. .. . . a .kra vour year. Xou wisn io - conditions i .... -.,ar links, thence west 14 rods and links. Interest, will be moat ruiiy P" thehce south fit roda and I links to and promoted! ' Weshould comb ne place of beginning. . and our propHllon is im- It further appearing to the court that the heirs at law and next of kin ' of Maggie Given, trtie name Margaret Given, are John Given, Portland, Ore gon; William Given, Straeter, Neva da; Alfred Given, Spokane, Washing ton. It further appearing to- the court' that It is necessary to sell said above described real property, and that It would be beneficial to said estate to sell the same, It Is by the said court ordered that the above named heirs at law and next of kin of said Maggie Given, true name Margaret Given, and all per sons Interested In said estate appear at the office of the undersigned at the court house in the city of La Grande, Union county, Oregon, on Tuesday, the Srd day of March, A. D. 1808, at- the hour of two o'clock of said day to show cause why a license nould not be granted for the sale of said real coLalO. It Is further ordered that a cor-" of this order be published in the La Grande Evening Observer and that such publication be made once a week Tor four successive weeks. Done and dated this 30th day of January,, A. D. UOi NEWLIN VRVQ CO.. 1114 and I Adam. Ave. . H Don't be a "KnocKer. Ann't be a "CM- don't Be'i ' i X 1 ! J. C. HENRY, County Judge. I lis, HAY, GRAIN, WOOD We have in stock a lot of fine timothy, wild, grain and alfalfa hay, bought before the price advanced. We are selling this hay at low price, quality guaranteed. We buy and sell oats, barley and mill stuff of all kinds. We'll sell flourat lower price than others. Try us. We are closing out our wood business. Have about 1 00 cords left Get some at a reduced price 'before it is all gone. THE REAL ESTATE, L0AN4 AND COMMISSION CO. GUARDIANSHIP. Be it remembered, that at a regu lar term of the county court of tht state of Oregon, for the county oi Union, in probate sitting, begun and held at the court house In the pity pf La Grande, In said county and state, on Monday, the th day of January, A. D. 1108, the sane being the first Monday said month and the time fixed by law tor holding a regular term of said Court, when were pres ent, the Honqrable J. C. Henry, Coun ty Judge; i, B. Ollham, Clerk; F. P. Chllders. Sheriff. When, on Thursday, the 10th day of January, A. D. 1108, or the 2!nd Judi cial day of said term, among others the following proceedings were had, tp-wit: , ,. " , in the matter of the Onardtanshtp ol the person and estate' of Maggie Given, true name Margaret Given, an Insane person. It appearing to the court from the petition of ft, L. Given, guardian of the person and estate of Maggie Giv en, true name Margaret Given, an In sane person, that there la no personal noperty belonging to mild estate and that there la ne cash on hand to de fray the f""fii' for "e support nnd maintenance of said insane, and that it H necessary to sell the fnllov lnj dewrlbert renl t -tute, for the support nd maintenance o." the said Insane pei-son,, to-wlt: All that portion f the northeast quarter of the nortii- NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby given that the un- lersigned have filed in the county jjf court of Oregon for Union county, his final account as administrator of the estate of D. B. May, decylised, and that said court Iws flxofl Tuesday, March 8, at 10 o'Vlocki. m.. as the time and the couj-t douse In La Grande, Oregon, nt the place for $ hearing all objections thereto and set tling the same. Dated this 30th day of January, 1903. B. T. MAY, Administrator of the Estate of D. B. May, Deceased. 4 ivH-M-H'-m'W Please noteTat our store will be found on the alert and always ready 'o meet our custcmerswllh the best goods to be hadsjff our will always riht. prices vou the goods REDUCTION IN WALL-PAPER 20 to 40 Per Cent The choicest things in wall dcoorations ever shown in La Grande at the lowest prices ever offered. FEBRUARY I to 15 FEBRUARY We are making this effer in order to reduce our present stock before the arrival of our sprirg shipments. r O. F. COOLIDGE k GREAT REMNMT SALE The BEGINNING People' s SAT. we JAN. 25 The sales of the past season have left us with a great many short lengths in our piece goods depart ments. These we have gathered together and MARKED DOWtl TO WHAT WOULD SEEM BELOW THE BOTTOM 6F POSSIBILITY. The lot fills a number of large fables in our store and includes ALMOST AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF CALICOES, OUTINGS, FLANNELETTES PER C ALES, COTTON and WOOL DRESS GOODs 'silk LACES, EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS ' AT ABOUT HALF THE REGULAR Price t me LA GRANDE, Peoples T 1 GREGC 4f 54 54H i e 4K OJ-t-sj ';4iji J ''ivWlti.,,1