VAGTE TWO. EVENING OBSERVEK. LA GRANDE. OREGON, 8ATCKDAY, FEBRrART I, 1908 - . . Id Grande Lvenin O&seiver Published dally except bunday. CUR RET BROTHERS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS United Press) Telegraph Service. 4atiy, per month ,. .ft Dally, single copy 5 Dally, one year la advat.ce $. Dally, six months, In advance.'.. I.ttf Weekly, one year In advance. . .11.00 Weekly, six months, In ad rune . .75 Battered at the postoffu. at m Grande as aecond-claas matter. This jbpr will not public any ar ticle appearing over a nom de piume Ifsed articles will be received sub led to the discretion of he edit rs Please sign your articles und save disappointment Advertising Rules. Display t.l. rates furnished upon application. Icil reading notices Iff per line first Insertion; 6c per line for each subsequent Insertion. Resolutions of condolence. Be a line. Cards of thtn'-S, Be a line. NOT IIAI ADVII K, A pretty safe rule, taken ene year With another. In to sell whenever you have an article ready for market. This applies very forcllily to the mar keting of fut stock. After an animal has reached a point where there is little or no dally gain It seldom pays to hold long for an advance in price. The food conHumed while waiting for the advance, If It happen to come at 11, will as often an otherwise offtu.-t the extra price received. Appearances- are often times deceptive and as a wife guide in your feeding opera tions It Is an excellent practice to weigh your stock frequently through the feeding period. A few dollars put Into a stock scale Is one of the best Investments that can be made on the farm. Rural Spirit. The entire applu crop of the val ley has been marketed with the ex ception of about liO cars. This rep resents, however, not less than 2!i, 000, lit prevailing prices. At least one-third of ,thene 50 ears are sold and will be shipped as soon as they can be packed and loaded. electric lights will not prevent the February term of circuit court from setting next Monday morning. Clerk of the Court' Gllham will have the docket prepared late this afternoon. In a general way, the pending term will hear many cases of Interest to Va. Grande. The number of cases, their nature and the parties Involved cannot be published today, due to the lateness of the docket's completion. BEAVER CREEK COMMISSION. Found Plenty of Water Report Filed With the Mayor. ' La Grande. Ore., Jan. 21. To the Honorable Mayor and Coun cil, City of La Grande. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, your committee appointed to Investi gate the water supply on Beaver creek, after carefully Investigating, find that a conservalive estimate of the water now running In said Beaver creek, amounts to two million four hundred twenty three thousand five hundred twenty (2,423.520) gallons every 24 hours. W. H. ROHNEXKAMP, W. r. GRANDT, J. K. FOLKT, DAVID BAT. , 8. W. BOLTO.V, Committee. JANUARY 20-S "RL E FEBRUARY 10 I will sell every article in the stores at actual COST for CASH ONLY 23 Ranges 175 Iron Beds 1 35 Mattresses, all kinds 28 Heating Stoves and Wood 15 Dressers 300 Chairs and Rockers 50 Center Stands . A h:ge i'.ozk of Granite and Tinware, La vps, Crockery, Silverware goes at cost. 'Snaps in Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes. $14.50 to $4700 2.65 to 15.00 2 25 to 10 00 1 50 to 18.00 6.50 to 15.00 .50 to ' 5 00 .75 to 900 Phone Black 641. 213 Fill STREET. II F. D. HAISTEN 'Phene Red 111. 1411, 1413, 1413 Adams Avenue. lurh other business as may pmperly come b fre said meeting. J.VO. S. HOI SiN. Referee In Bankruptcy. January 31, IMS. MINSTREL ItTCllEAItSAL. , COLD EIXEWIIERE. Elglil(Mii DegrccM Ilclmv Zero at Im Mr Ismt Night. The north end of the valley was slcsed by a much more severe grip of cold than La Grande last night. The lowest drop recorded for the val ley was at Imbler, where It was 18 below. At Elgin the mercury stood at 13 degrees. At linker City, where usually It la considerably colder than In La Grande, the thermometer reg istered T below last night. COrilT 8KT8 MONDAY. Full Circuit Court Doclut Being flowed 1'p lor the Term. Froxen water pipes and scarcity of Mori ey Supports the lid End Me'n KWicui-i-e Tonight and Hull Chorus Tomorrow Afu-rnoon. Rnd men . for the Elks' mlnstr-ls to he presented here the 11th and 12th of this month, will rehearse this evening. All end men are requested to be out promptly on time. The Jokes ure said to be hot ones, and th room can be kept comfortably warm. Tomorrow afternoon all members of tho minstrel band and chorus are wanted out for a thorough rehearsal. The management is especially desir ous of having a full attendance as the time for preparation Is rapidly shortening. sninlne the bankrupt, and tiansact I cuted bankrupt; and that the first meetings of Ills creditors will be held in the office of the referee In bank ruptcy In La Grande, Oregon, on the 11th day of February. A. D. 190S, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. JXO. S. HODGIX. Referee In Bankruptcy. January 31, 1908. 31-1 Xoll- of I'lrM, Meeting of Creditor. In the District Court of the I'nlted States for the District of Oregon. In the mnlter of O. M. Heaeock, a bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of O. M. Heaeock of La Grande, In the county of Vnlon, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that no the 27th day of January. A. D. 1908, the said O. M. Heaeock was duly adjudl- Straycd. There came to my place 2?4 miles east of La Grande, about Nov. 1, 1907. bay driving niiye, branded 66 on left hip; weight obour'lOSO pounds. Own ers may have same by paying pastur age and for this notice. W. J. HUOlifcift, Route 2, La Grande, Ore. Why Is It that the intellectual life seems to demand long hair In 'men and short hair in women? Here is a list of fresh vegetables Just received at the City Grocery and Bakery. Guaranteed to counteract the cold: Hot house lettuce. Cauliflower. pineapples. Cocoanuts. Cranberries. Celery. Sweet potatoes. Sweet oranges and sour lemons. Order now. It . Get One, Anyway. 60c, 60c and 76c Papetra now 35o See our window, stationery side. NEWLIN DRUG CO. GROUND HOG DAY? Room for Doubt, lloumor. n Many Slick Willi February Socond. is this ground hog day, or is ground hog day tomorrow? The Observer re fuses to say, for to name this day as the ono upon which the ground hog sees his shadow and disappears for six weeks, then a positive element will dispute us. Should we say that Feb' niary 2 Is ground hog day, then there Is always that other class, to dispute us. Consequently, The Observer Is keeping close watch of shadows today and will continue Its vigilance tomor row, to be on the safe side. !JE WELRY Birth Record. Born to Dr. and Mrs. LeFevre of Cove, a daughter. Dr. N. Molltor of this city was the attending physician Taylor. In this city on Friday, Jan uary 31, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, a son. Thelsen, In this city Saturday, Feb ruary 1, 1908, to Mr. ana Mrs. John Thelsen, a son. Gllbank, In this city. Saturday, Feb ruary I, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. (illbank. a daughter. nnd It needs a Heady Influx f It to maintain the household and keep It gofng. To be suru of (hat steady flow of money, It is the best plan to bank the savings so that you will know where to reach them In time of need. Fnv "rainy days'' come to the thrif tiest of us at times, and it Is well for us If they find us prepared. Bunk your surplus cash with us now, and yeii will have the pleasure of know ing that It Is not only secure, but earning good Interest. The Eastern Oregon Trust 8l Savings bank f OFFICERS: F. M. BYRKIT. President. WM. MILLER, Vice-President OEO. L. CLEAVER. Cashier. T. J. PCROOOIN. Assistant Cashier. 1 F. t. HOLMES, CARLOAD OF BCTTEIt. Blue Mountain Creamery Riiiit Sold in Carload IsHn. Negotiations for the sale of J'l.nno pounds of cold slo-::g.' butti r, made by the Iji Grande cr amery last fall, and now stored at the Pendleton Ice Cold Storage plant, have h.-n clos ed by Manager .1 V. Hush fi.r the lo eal creameiy cnnipany. The large bulk will be tdiipp, -I from Pendleton to the Portland purchasers at once. The sale was .mi-K'VI. ,1 here nn.l Mr l''i'-h personally visited Pendleton this Wei k to weigh out and look after shipment. Latest Designs Best Quality Greatest Assortment Reasonable Prices J. H- PEARE LEADING PIONEER JEWELER 4 Main 43 PH0E Main 43 SIMODGRASS GROCERY t Noilcn of lW Mooting of Creditors. In the District Court of the Vnlted Stales for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Edward Frnpeck, a bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of Kdward Propeck f l. Grande, In the county of Vnlon, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that on the 27lh day of January. A. D. lns. the said F.dward Propeck was duly adju dicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held In tho office of the referee In bank ruptcy In 1j Grande. Oregon, on thr 12th day ef February, A. D. 1908, a 10 o'clock In the forenoon time the said creditors may attend prove their claims, appoint a trustee, A BIGiClTON THE PRICE OF STRINC INSTRUMENTS ItiWill Pay You to Investigate We Need the Money DAVIS-JORDAN MUSIC CO. LA'GRANOE OREGON t - - a t jw. H. BOHNENKAMP CO. HARDWARE," STOVES AND FURNITURE BUILDING MATERIALS t You no doubt have heard of JERSEY CREAM f LOUR. If not, ask the many who use it. Try a sack next order. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded We have on hand a quantity of empty coffee cansJust the thing for bread or flour 25c each : t I HEADQUARTERS FOR t KEROSENE GASOLINE I New supply of lamps just received c'JTryaRayo Lamp, the kind that's 1 ... wMch 1 1 advertised. I JAS. G. SN0DGRASS SUCCESSOR TO E. P. STAPLES NEW GOODS COMING DAILY Fine Line of Corsets, sizes 18 to 36 Laces, Collars. Veiling, Dress Trimmings, Silk and Velvet Rib bons, Buttons, Side and Back Combs THE VAN DUYNE (0 La (Me, Ore. IN THE Masonic Bld$. . ST. .