i ; (.-.. . - - v.-.r:-,rnrrr- j ' aHiiJs - :jmkf- '' , , PAGE SIX. , EVEXIXQ OBSERVER. LA GRAXPK. OKEGO. MOXDAV. JAXCARV i7, igS J " j J 0 BCTPTTins Bflfl rWFIfHT ftVFH ' l """""" vIX j's . BallliMt illlWI UYlR i bu J. Oh at 0 at m X O c v., MAY LEAD TO CiKCER There is no difference, at first, in the appearance of a cancerous and common ulcer, and for this reason every sore that is obstinate or alow in healing should excite suspicion, for the sore is nothing more than the exter nal evidence of a polluted blood, and if allowed to remain may degenerate into Cancer. Efforts to heal the ulcer by means of salves, plasters and other external remedies always result in failure, becanse such treatment can have no possible effect on the blood, where the deadly germs and morbid matter form, and are carried through the circulation to the place. No sore or ulcer can exist without a predisposing internal cause, and the open, discharging ulcer or festering old sore will continue to eat deeper into the surrounding flesh as long as a polluted, germ-infected circulation discharges its impur ities into it. S. S. 8. goes to the fountain-head of the trouble, and drives out the germ-producing poisons and morbid impurities which keep the ulcer open. Then as this rich, purified blood Si PURELY VEGETABLE nature, and unlike mineral medicines, which often do greot flama to the delicate parts of the system, S. S. S. tunc up every p.i. l of U bj.ly. Book on Sores and Ulcers and anv medical auvu. Uch.ied live. ., y-rjj sipT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. - .... .'..I. A ""Mai....... .... V. 'US? ( Arrival and Departure of Trains at La Grande. No. 1, westbound Portland Special, arrives t:2B a. m.; departs, 9:30 a. m. No. I, eastbound passenger, mall and express, arrives at 8:45 a. m.; de parts :50 a. m. No. I, eaatbound Chicago Special, arrives 8:05 p. m.; departs, 8:10 p. m. No. 5, westbound passenger, mall and express, arrives 0:56 p. m.; de parts, 10 p, m. 1 i:igln llruni'ti. leaves la Grande at 8 a. m. and arrives In La Grande at 5:80. PAINT AMD WALL PAPER STORE PAINTING AND 1 PAPERHANGINO j Stanicls & Bugg j 1420 ADAMS AVENUE La Grinds. Oregon t 1 Phono Red 1921 4) You'll Pay 44444444444444444444 a - ' ORCHARD GROVc Hi I fell goes to the diseased place the Healing begins, all discharge ceases, the inflammation grad ually leaves, new tissue7 and healthy flesh are formed, and soon the sore is perma nently cured. S. S. S. is made entirely of roots and herbs of a healing, cleansing Notice of Final Settlement. Nonce ia tiuiuuj" j!vcr. the un derslgned has filed his final account as administrator of the estate of Oeorge McFatrldge, deceased, and the county court of the state of Oregon tor Union county, has llxojJXutai!ay, the 4th day of B"bruarl908at 10 o'clock a. m., as the time, and the court house at La GranUe, Union qoun- ty, Oregon, as the place for the Hear Ing of any and all objections to account and the final settlement tl said ere' of and the distribution of said estate. Dated at La Orande, Oregon this the 2nd day of January, 1948. B. L. LEAVITT, Administrator of the Estate of George McFatrldge, Deceased. COCHRAN & COCHRAN, Attorneys for Administrator. A Fair Proamnion. W wish to supply your drugs this year. Vou wish to trade where your interests will be most fully protected and promoted. We should combine anil our proposition Ist7il: ni'Kln trailing lierewltli the Inli-ii tlnn of riMiinlnliiK a A-inttoincr only m Ions im J on riti-Jif iourteous tri'at- iiu'iit, get liiHly reliable rimhIs, find what you uanl ajid are xatlnfled wllh prli-en. If you do this we shall not ask you to remuln unless every one of these conditions Is fully and satlsfactsrlly met. NEWLTN DRUG CO.. 1114 and 1116 Adams Ava Palmer House ror Hale. We offer for sals, the Palmer House at a remarkably lv mMce, and easy payments If taken sVonT tf REAL ESTATE. LOAN A COMMIS SION coMPArrx Board anoVTloom, Oo to the P&Jm&r house for board and room. RA and cheapest olaca 'ii ton f With Pleasure For every meal you eat'here. It will ba a combination of good food, good cooking and good ser vice. Our restaurant is intend ed for people who appreciate g jod eating, also for people who like the good things of life at a moderate cost. If you belong to that cUss, c:me in and sea what w can do foi you. The Model Restaurant J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. W sell weekly meal tickets for $1.50 DO MOT DELAY Now is the time to pur chase breeding stock. White and Brown Leg horns and Buff Orp ntcn. Strong line of Cocks, Pullets and Hens to select' from. Correspondence solicit ed. , Eggs in season. POULTRY FARM al"e ayiraiju si n '""' ---- J 4 .j. !'-SNt" 1 X '1.1 j 4 f fffl!ITrfI f IP ,aeks of P(,ta,oe ,n warehouse. ap" . ;' ' , llrlllrlll A I llr pralse1 at 50 cenu per 8l'lc' and 1' I ' 'j f . (. m m m nil aarlr In Iha V9 BV in III TM ttU- M " 1 ' A Albany, N. T., Jan. 27. A million dollars with which to carry on- the crusade against the "white plague," Is the demand of the members of the New Turk, Slate Charities Aid as sociation who assembled here today for the great mass meeting to be hen! this evening, when Go rnor Hughes? will deliver . the principal address Alarming statistics hav- been com piled by tha officials of the assocla tlon, setting forth that in many com munities of the Empire state thj number of deaths resulting from tu berculosis Is increasing by leaps and bounds every year. . In 'the ' city if Troy alone there have been 20 deaths a month from ti.l.e rculosls during the last year, a p'reentage almost high l in Hell's KItr htn. the ahetto and other congested iU.-Ic of New York city. In the preliminary work of the as sociation's anti-tuberculosis campaign much good has been accomplished by durational mansures, a contribution of 110.000 for that purpose having been given by the Russell Sage foun dallon. It Is hoped to Increase that sum to a million In the near future. so that adequate sanitariums, day ('amps, hospitals and dispensaries may be pstablished all over the state. Joseph H. Choate, president of the association, will preside at tonight's mass meeting. Governor Hughes will speak on the Importance of the move ment. In his recent message to the legislature the governor placed spe cial emphasis upon the vital Import ance of aggressive work throaahout the state for the prevention of tuber culosis. Medical experts from every part of the country Will deliver ad dresses, among them lr. Kugene H. Purler, state commissioner of health. anil Dr. William H. Welch of Johns- Hopkins university. I'MATILLA MAY ItK DKY COUNTY. Pn.lill)ltliiiMt taylng Plans for Cam- pnlgn I iiilcr Ism' ul Option Iivv. An effort will be made to secure county prohibition In Umatilla coun ty this yeur through the local option law. While little is being said about the movement It Is known that pe titions asking tor county prohibition are now being contemplated. By many of those who have studie.d the situation closely. It Is believed that It the mutter Is submitted to a vote of the county, Umatilla will join the list of dry" counties. There are 40 s.i- oons In the county at the present time. There will be ono point which the prohibitionists will have to overcome ind which may prove a serious blow to their cause. The fact that Milton kas had no saloons for 12 years and allowed Freewatur to grow up und capture much of Its business when the latter place had saloons, within mile of Milton, has discouraged a number of prospective prohibitionists. Exchange. AT T1IK KLFATIUC. n Fvenliig of Mirth and F.ntiTtaln- I1HMII. Those who contemplate attending the Electric theater this evening should go prepared to laugh. The "ntlre program has been arranged with a view of creating laughter. There Is a laugh for the little ones, ind a bigger one for the older peo ple. Each and every number Is bet ter and funnier than the other. If he story of how the tramps tricked the motorist doe's not wrinkle 'your .'ace, the recital of how the strong girl took care of herself will surely cause the beholder to hold his sides. The Illustrated song Is an especlal y good one and the slides are splen lid examples of the slide-makers' art. Remember, the doors open prompt ly at 7 o'clock. Additional seats have been placed In the auditorium. APPllAISKIW REPORT. liiiuln;( Valuation of Pmtrty of tbc llull-Onnion Estate, Bankrupt. The appraisers of the bankrupt Hall-Damon firm, C. F. Hall, George Holmes and J. f Phy, completed their Inventory Saturday afternoon, which hows the personal property on hand SUMMONS. In the clrcut court of the state of Oregon for Union County. E. Polack, plaintiff, vs. K. Mlzogu chl, defendant. To K. Mlzoguchi, defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled action and court, on or before February 10, 1008, and that If you fall to so appear, an swer or otherwise plead within said time the plaintiff will take the judg ment of said court against you for the sum of 8305.55 with Interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from and after August 20, 1907, costs- and disbursements of this action, and an order for the sale of the property heretofore attached in this action, now held by the sheriff of Union county, and for the j'pMrstlon of the pro ceeds thereof to the satisfaction of said Judgment so obtained herein. This summons is published In the Evening Observer, a dally newspaper published In La Grande, Union coun ty, Oregon, by order of the Hon. T. H. Crawford, Judge of the above en titled court, made this December 2Sth, 1907, fixing six successive weeks for such publication and' In said newspa per. First publication December 28. 1907. v a H. FINN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Call for Bids. Notice Is hereby given " that the county court oi ftnloVcounty, will re ceive sealed bldJ i6 to 1:30 o'clock p. m., WednesdJ the 5tl. day of February, 1908, for supplying Union county with 125 cords of llr and yel low pine wood, to be cut 3 feet Inches In !-ngth end to be plied n the haie.nent of the court house at La Grande, Oirgon. The jj'i".' iese"" the right to re ject any or n'l I- J. B. CILHAM. 1-7-2-4 County Cle-k. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the share holders of the Farmers & Traders' X.i- tionaf bank will be held at their ban.;-; In- house on Tuesday, February I !, I 1908, between thrjours of 10 a. n, and 12 m., of sat day, to elect a, board of five directors to serve for i the ensuing year and for the trans action of such other business as may come before said meeting. Dated January 10, 190?. J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier. J. L. MARS. t Contractor and Builder. j and - i Dealer In Building Material. BUILDING STONE. 1 CLEAN rSJAIE SAND 1 AND ORAVBU1 DELIVERED. Drop a line, nam.ng work, and I will name the rlaht price. :: .:: :: :: 4 La Grande, Oregon. ' 4 for UuUGIlS and COLDS AND ALL THROAT and 1 UNG DISEASES PQEUUOQIA "Two years ago a aevere cold settled oo my lanes nd so rnmm-f-i-to work and acarcely able to stand. I then was .dvited S pr.MtIated alng ont botU. I went back to work, as well ulnSu 117 Dr' Hew ; unable iter using PRICE 50c CONVINCING DEMONSTRATION If you have any doubts of La Grande Beet Sugar purposes, a lork at the fruits and jellies at the will convince you tha' a will do the work. sees Grande Ronde PERRY, CAM FURNISH LUMBER Of ALL KIDS l CAR LOAD LOTS For 16 inch Chain Wood Call up V. E. BEAM, La IF YOL'R WATCH FEDS ATTENTION Hae it repaired by an experienced Jeweler. IF VOIR EYES NEED ATTENTION tnm examined by J. H. PEARE, J . A GRANOE'S LEADIN3 Opposite U. : Gomplete equipment tor .resetting and repairing rubber'buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Gmplete Machine Shops and Foundry DR. KING'S AND W- J- ATKINS, regarding the efficiency for fruit preserving display of preserved StaFle Grocery Store Grande Beet Sugar Lunik; Co f OREGON Delivered at your Home, Grande. Phone, Red 1741 an experiencec optician. JEWELEi? AND OPTICIAN S. Land Offise . ! " 1 mm - - PREVENTS G0QSTI01 me that I was Discovery, and , Banner Springs, Tenn. : "I AND $1.00 2u SOLD AND GUARANTEED Bf r C.n M i t a Clr&nda. Ureffjn. wi ... . .... r.. .. t,MLij,aiMi duck ws'enouje at - ' ' SI (111 lit ff,A v..nl