La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 23, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    ' -v .
La We Evening Observer
Published dally except bunday.
Called ITees Telegraph Servloe.
aJly, per month. II
bally, (Ingle copy AS
Dally, one year In advance ff.tO
Dally, six monthi, in advance... I. tit
'Weekly, one year In advance. . .11.00
Weekly, alx month, In ad nee. ,71
ntered at the postoffljs at I
Orande as second-claw matter.
This paper will not public any ar
ticle appearing over a nom de piume
tlgned articles will be deceived sub
Hot to the discretion of he edit .rs
Please sign your articles and aave disappointment.
Adtertlxing Rales.
Display tJ. rates furnished upon
.Local reading notices lc per line
drat Insertion; 6c per line (or each
subsequent insertion.
Resolutions of condolence, 6c a line.
Cards of thanl.s, to a Una.
self a presidential candidate, the peo- I
pie will await with much interest
what effect. If any, this will have.
Mr. Hughes Is quite strong and the
party generally feels that no mistake
would be made If he headed the re
publican ticket In 1(08.
Cabinet Trouble Settled. 4
Toklo, Jan. 21. After a bit- 4
ter debate the motion made by 4
the progressive Yuko party for 4
vote of lack of confidence in the 4
Japanese cabinet, was finally 4
defeated. 4
44444444444444 4 4
f . 'Phone Black (41.
in n I fc"? $
I will sell every article In the stores at actual COST for CASH ONLY
23 Ranges $'4-50
175 Iron Beds 2.65
1 55 Mattresses, all kinds 2 25
28 Heating Stoves and Wood 1. 50
i o uressers
300 Chairs and Rockers
50 Center Stands
6 50
to $47 00
to 15.00
to 10 00
to 18.00
to 15.00
to 5 00
to 9.00
A large stock of Granite and Tinware, Lamps, Crockery, Silverware goes at cost. Snaps
Trunkt. Suit f"acp and Telpsmnes.
' - --r
'Phone Red 1161.
1411, 1413, 1415 Adams Avenue.
4 Mnnners are of more Im- 4
4 portance than law. Upon them, 4
4 In a great measure, the law de- 4
4 pends. The law can touch us 4
., 4 here and there, now and then. 4
4 Manners are 'what vex or soothe, 4
, 4 corrupt or purify, exhalt or de- 4
4 base, barbarize or refine by a 4
4 constant, steady, uniform. In- 4
4 sensible operation, like that of 4
; 4 the air we breathe . In. They 4
give their whole form and color 4
4 to our lives. According to their 4
4 quality, they aid morals, they 4
4 supply them or they total de-
atroy them. Hume. 4
The Observer yesterday was made
to fully realize the JuMtlre of the
claims set forth In the cane now be
fore the IntiTstnte Commerce com
mission, known as the Spokane rate
case. The point at issue being that
railroad should not charge Interme
diate points in excess of the ti-rmlmil
rates. The Observer yesterday paid a
freight bill on a carload of paper
from Maine amounting to J322.63.
This rate was based on the rate from
the east to Portland, which was 75
cents per hundred pounds. Had this
car gone on to Portlurfd, the railroad
would have received $282, but from
the fact that this paper stopped off at
La Grande, 305 miles this side of the
terminal point, we were compelled
to pay the local rate back from Port
land, here, which cost us t240.63
more than had the car gone on to
Portland. This has been the policy
always, but It Is not right, and Is a
heavy tax upon every line of business
In the Inland empire.
All furniture, fixtures and the like,
now housed In the La Orande Com
mercial club building, is to be listed
ind appraised. A committee from
the board of . managers consisting of
Messrs. P. A. Foley, George Cochran
and Colonel fvnnhoe. t,lnv commenc
ed the Inventory and the figures thus
obtained will be used as a basis for
extensive Improvements the coming
summer months.
There are so many matters need
ing Immediate attention that adjourn
ed meetings will be held frequently
the next month. The next meeting Is
scheduled for Monday evening. At
that time every member of the board
Is to be present.
Various plans for furthering the In
terests of the club were discussed last
evening and In the near future several
of them will take tangible form.
I I 1 w. srfv T tl- n ' . sssser . -! -
l. I I I t I I
seen o Noise!"
As-dsni-c's Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given to all whom
It may concern, that the Farmers &
Merchants' State bank a privae cor
poration or North Powder, Union
county rtrpcon. hfl made an fls-ten-j
ment of all Its property to ' e for the
j benefit of all Its creditors, Ind that
I have duly qualified as such assignee.
All persons having claims against the
said corporation bank are directed to
present the same under oath and
properly Itemized to the undersigned.
at North Powder, Oregon, at the place
of business heretofore had by said as
signor, within three months after this
date. '
Dated at North Powder, Ore., De
cember 27, 1907.
J. P. MTERS. Assignee.
10009, made March 30, 1901. for the
StV4 W SV(4, Sec. 2'J.
NW 4 XW!, Sec. 32, township 3 3.,
range 37, IS. W. M., and that said
proof will be made before the replstel
and Receiver of the U. S. land office
at La Grande, Oregon, on February
12. 190S-
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of the land, viz: N.
II. Anson, of La Grande, Ore; Frank
- holcistrtmi. in Hllwird, Ore.; K. H.
DeLong, of La Grande, Ore.; George
. Gekuler, it La Grande, Ore.
E. W. DAVIS, Register.
If the enemies of Mr. U'Ren think
they can lessen his popularity by such
remarks as the following taken from
the Eugene Register, they will wake
up one of these mornings and realize
that thoy furnished the thunder that
laid the foundation for his success.
They will hove to accuse him of less
popularity and statesmanship, than
give him the sole credit of being the
father of tho Initiative and referen
dum nnd direct primary laws, for the
masses of the people nre with him on
these. "After converting the state of
Oregon to populism through the Ini
tiative ami referendum, direct primary
nnd severn I other thlniis, W. S. U'Ren
Is now noxious to run as the repub
lican candidate fur u. s. senator.
Since we have turned the state over
to Mr. l"Ken politically, why should
any one say him nay In his further
ambition?" Eugene 'Register.
The fact that our state supreme
court has handed down a decision In-
which all of the court did not agree,
Is something out of the ordinary and
Is the topic of much discussion, espe
cially among the legal fraternity. The
policy seems to have been for n num
ber of years for one of the Judges to
write out the opinion and It Is al
leged thut the others concur. If thl.i
nas oeen me policy, It was a wrong
one, and the people are glad to know
that the custom Is to be discontinued.
It might be considerable prtda to
eastern Oregon to know that Judge
Eakln and Commissioner Sluter, both
eastern Oregon men, where the first
to be recorded as filing a dissenting
Chicago, Jan. 23. Capitalists and
union labor lenders, philanthropists.
educators and sociological worke
from many sections of the country are
In attendance at the three-duy con
vention Inaugurated here today by
the National Society for the Promo
tion of Imtustriul Education. The
subject of Industrial education, both
from the standpoint of the employer
and tho laborer, will be thoroughly
discussed during the meeting. Edu
cators who are familiar with the sub
ject declare that the J'nlted States
stands Imperatively In need of more
trude schools, If U would maintain Its
commercial supremacy, and point to
tho great strides being made by Ja
pan In that phase of educational ac
tivity. It Is declared thut little Nip
pon has more trade schools than the
United States and that this fact alone
will be sufficient to give It the trade
supremacy of the Pacific,
Among the speakers on the pro
gram for the three days of the con
vention are President Eliot of Har
vard: James W. Van Cleiivn nf Rt
Louis, president of the National Asso
ciation of Manufacturers; Mrs. Anna
Cnrlln Spencer of New Ywrk, of the
Society of Ethlcul Culture; Dr. Henry
S. Prltchett of New York, represent
ing the Curnegle Foundation for the
Advancement of Teaching; A. L. Wll
llston of Pratt Institute, Urooklyn;
J. F. Deems, general superintendent
if motive power nf the New York
Central Hues, and .Suinucl Jj. Donnelly
jof New Vol k secretary of the arbi
tration board of tho L'ulldlng Trades
The American Federation of Labor
is represented by several prominent
leaders. At lis lust meeting in Nor
folk, the federation Indorsed the
trade school movement, the commit
tee on education reporting In favor of
"the best opportunities for th
The mother says to herself sometimes.
"I can lianliy endure it." Then a chill
rri--,-i ni',f !-.- an ul.u ,1.1., 1... ,f...
-"-rr ...... ..v. .... on. .ii.iirta v"l lllc t". W-
fill silence which falls tmon the home TIMRFH LAND ACT. JUNE 3, 1878.
when children are Until away, ami she 1 i it . r un I t hlii A nu..
is Klad her children are hardy of body f 1 S- "i1 Office. La Orande. ore.,
and lustv of lunus. . ' . January 10, 1908.
sports and tn 1" r"' 'M- - ?S
sports and there , is sotiicth n r ,..,nr,.m nt .t, n s u:
wroni'. and that sonieiliini. uill itin l,u ... .. .... ,.
tound to be a lack of nut itiou adequate 'in the states of California. Oregon,
to tile needs of youth and growth. The
stomach is "weuk," diction is impcr
feet, and so the nourishment of the body
is inadequate.
In such cases Dr. Tierce's Oolden
Medical Discovery works wonders. It
changes puny, fretful children into
healthy, happy girls and l)oys. The
process by which this change is ac
complished is strictly along the lines
marked by Nature. All growth and
strength come from food when it has
been digested, converted into nutrition
and assimilated. "Golden Medical Dis
covery " cures diseases of the stomach
and otner organs ot digestion and nutri
tion, and so enables the hndv to !, ;
without loss or waste the Iwnerit of the
nutrition provided in food. The " Dis
covery" contuins no alcohol ami is en
tirely free from opium, cocaiue and all
Vinci uaicuucs.
A Wonderful Thlnn.
"I havt Iwtn flunking of writing to yon fot
some tinif . wrltnt Mm. n. netiMin. of Mat
toil, Kotmon Co., N C. "to let yen Lnow win.
wundrrlul thing Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
IHHcovery did for my little bT. He wa taken
with indigestion when he waa'a year and a hall
... nn,,,,,,, oi-r u-i.ior a irraoneni lot
live long years. We -ietil all we made for doc
tor bllN. and It did no good. He could ent only
little milk and cracker, and aonie timrn even
tins would .iinke him Mick. He could not nil tin
all Huv mml I .... .it i
.. ,, . , Up nve oi nia ever gel
ling any better. Three yeara ago I found one of
your liooka, and on looking it over one dav I
noticed I)r Pierce'a c.oldeu Medical Discovery
racoinmeiided for indigealieii. We bought aome
and gave it lo our boy. He had lieen treated
at Hoods by a g-xxl doctor and at nenuetta
ville. S. C., and at Carrie at,u l,umhertou and
' waaomy reueveu lor a short time
Wevave him two boltl.s of Dr. Hierae'a ('.olden
Medical Discovery and it cured him. He is well
as can be and cu eat anything that he wnntj
anil a loe not hurt him. He haa not been sick
a (lflV Ulli-e ,! it )-- ).. at...... .
. . - : - " v " .loci.- vizarsaiuce nc
took your medicine."
4 Thankful Mother.
"I have feit it my duty for a long time." writes
Mm Mollie oiicv ol l.niv Coinnni he Co., Terna
"to tell you of the won.1i rful rure -r..,.i ,..'.
yiwr -Oolden Medical Discovery and I'leasanl
Pellels' in the enseof our little hov. now nearlv
WMlvrtir. ..I.I il l U.. .-.
he was taken with I.a ttrlpr. and it settled on
, . .,,;. IIIHUI. HIS lOllsUS eil-
l imed, ami when he was Iwo vears old we had
the d vlor oi erale on llieio. t hen we had the
doctor take hia tonsil, ,t ,d lie made had
w-.rk ol n. II he new in the wind he would
be sick, and we trwd evervlbing we could heat
ol and consu sed even ,,hy-ician we anw, but
thev did n,.t know what i ,!0. W hen lie was
nearly six y.ais !d ,iu Oet.,ls-r. -., ,e was
is. tli,u,,r.aud t c,u:d not re.l for Ik-iiik
Hie .h. ,,a,). , jt .n.a
me hat !f he died 1 ju.t cmid not l-ear it 1
spale him. e,l. I couM see he was lotting ao
much w,.l: he was just as ,,r , he could I,-,
and his ki.lnns , 1 .e t,,,.,. m,
lili I had -a,l n i,k ai.ait Dr. l-ierce'a meili-
n c it mt-iii-.i i., ... .1 . . i.
Mir unit mil was inf very
...... . ninim nuv sonic oi nr. Pirn.'
Kiiif I l.It rtlnitKl (it it would hrln otir hiiv.
complete Industrial and technical .,1- the;" l.:!:- 'iav
I'Cni. Mil. 1 wun ll. IV lets' llie nest
Rlnos Governor Hughes of New
Tork has practically announoed hlm-
ucatlon obtainable, for prospective
applicants for admission Into the
skilled crafts of this country, partic
ularly as regards the full possibilities
of such crafts, to the end that such
applicants be fitted not only for all
usual requirements, but also f,.r the
highest supervisory duties, responsl.
blllties and rewards." i
...i. L V --'"'oie inree iiiuea a nay
"' l1 " 'v he as able to play, and ill one
month the tone lie is.nmieiice.1 Inking it
he ha.l a lined sii pnnndsand Ins rough was alt
K .ue Me has n,.t c.ui,-he.l any since, and he
'i n l lake eld anv more than the rest of ns.
tie vis-snis.ut iikr i he rest of l he children and
rays in i he is ii.t ,md hot weaiher."
It. Pierre's Common Sen-ie Medical
Adviser in paper covers is sent ret on
receipt of 3i one-cent stamjis to tiay
e-.yvenae of mailing only. Address 1
R. V. lierce. Buflalo K Y
All persona knowing themselves to
be Indebted to the"inderslgned, will
please call and aettlo. on or hefor.
turday. January is. 190S. After
that date all accounts will be left for
collection. dl.iT.t
Beat TTIInoU Coal,
foal buyers .should not overlook
Ms npportunlr.Vto secure best Till.
ioi coal, delivered, at 110 per ton.
"his Is poaltlveiv the best coal on the
' Orande eisrket O. E. Fowler,
'"--no Mala It.
Nevada, anil WiiHliinuton terrlioev
as extended to all the public lund
states by act of August 4. 1S92,
of Island City, county of I'nlon. state
of Oregon, has this day filed In this
office her sworn statement No. BUM.
for the purchase of the K',4 of the
M "i, and lots and K of section No.
6. In township No. 4 south, range No.
US. E. V. J!.. and will offer ruoof lo
show that the land soiiuht u n,oeu
valuable for Its timber or stone than
nir agricultural purposes, and to es
tahllsh her claim to said lnf li..f,-..
the register und receiver of the IT. S
iiiiiii on ice nr m (iiande. Oregon, on
.Monday, the 30th dav of March. 19ns
She niinnvi as witnesses: John Van
Hlokland. of La Orande, Ore.; George
r-ii ne, ot l,u lirande. Ore.; John
.-cnniing, jr., or Ijt Grande, Ore.
Daniel B. t'lapp, of Island City, Ore.
Any and all nerMorw eiuiminc u,i
versely the above described lund are
reiniested to file their claims In this
office on or before nnM .tmh h
l K ,nno
".Ol Vll, , "TOO.
K. W. DAVIS, Register.
L. S. Land Office, La Grande, Ore.,
December 13, 1907.
Notice in herehi li.As v,n. I.
. . - is'.i. umi in com
pliance With the lis .
of congress of June 3. 1878, entitled
An act for the anlo or tlmks. i
- v. umuri laiius
n the staes of California. Ore-rnn
Nevada and Wnshi
extended to all the public land state
by act of August 4. 1892,
of La Grande, county of Union, state
of Oreiron. hna tbia h enA.i
office his sworn statement No. 5863
for the purchase of lot 4, Sec. 22 lot
1 of Section No. 27. In townshln'vo
do, ellnnKe N 37' E' w- M-. In'
lll offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses and to establish his claim to
said lund before the register and re
ceiver of at La Grrtnde. Oregon on
Monday, the 9th day of March. 1908.
He names as witnesses; It. D. Ham
ilton. J. E. Nenkirehnnr 'AIK..- v....
klrehner. and 1). F. Glllst'rap, all ot La
ijiuuue, ore.
Any nnd all Persons clnlmlnie
versely the ahove-deserllio.i i.,.io
requested to file- their claims In thl
office on or before said 9th dav r
March, 1908.
E. W. DAVIS. Register:
Department of the Interior,
iMTHi orrice at La Grande, Or ,
December 28, 1907.
Notice in hnrnhv trk-cn hnt s ,
Until of Hilgnrd. Oregon, has filed
notice of his intention to make final
five-year proof In support of his
claim, viz: Homestead entry No. 11992
made October , 1902, for the Si
NWK. NE4 SW4, Section 21. town
ship 2 8., range 3, E. W. M and that
saiu proor win be mn.le h-rn .k.
----- - ' ' ' ' si.SS CJ . 55. 1RTIO
office at La Grande, Oregon, on Fib-
He names the following witnesses
to nrove his onniinon... . r.i .rrTZ
and cultivation of the land, vis: Oott-
., ..e,,iriiBinn, or Hllgard. -Ore1
Fred Dutll. of La Grande. Ore.; Kll
Rostl. of H 11 our n-. . c-'. '.. !''
of Hllgard. Ore. ' """" ,"c"
-c- w. DAVIS. Register.
Department of the Interior
,Lnnd Office at La Grande, Ore..
December 28. 1907
h..U c' J . ,h,"reby B,v"n Brn-
i hol,1".,r0ln- of Hllgard. Ore.
m Jirf d !"i lce of hl" '""ntlon to
make final fi-.-.,As- .
. , f.os.i in support
of Ma claim, viz: Homestead entry No.
Notice to Friends.
I, the undersigned, having been re
leased from the employment of the
Grande Ronde Meat Co.Jiave taken
an Interest In the La Gr'aJajla. Cash
Meat Co., and would be pleased' to
meet my friends In either of our
markets. 'Phones Main 98 and Main
1-21-23 WIN BUNKER.
Notice Is hereby given that the an- ;
derslgned has filed her final account
as administratrix of the estate of John
H. Hay, deceased, and - the countv
judge of Union county, Oregon has
appointed Tuesday, the 3rd day of
March. 19(18. at two o'clock n 4,
the court house In La Grande, Urilon
county, Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing of objections to such Una!
account and the settlement thereof
Dnted January n, 1908. '
1-24-2-21 MRS. ANNA B. BATt'
Administratrix of the Estate of Jofin
H. Bay, Deceased. , - B
Siotlce. ,
We will honor no checks signed
Mr. J. W. McCby, Mrs. J. W. M-.P
or Mrs. Wlnifre4ySicCoy, from this
uam uil.
MR. J. W. McCOT.
Much rain
the marble.-
lllUl'" al
g Gonglis.Colds
Iwmnuw Cmavatrmw
CfeamtMiialfl Ksdlclae C-).
Price 25 cenu i
adaoasl PM-almlla.
You want a remedy that will not
only give quick relief but effeot a
permanent cure.
You want a remedy that will re
lieve the lungs and keep expectora
tion easy.
You want a remedy that will coun
teract any tendency toward pneu
monia. You want a remedy that la pleas
ant and safe to take.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
meets all of these requirements, and
for the speedy and permanent cure
of bad colds stands without a peer.
A Severe Cold Quickly Cured by Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy.
"Last winter I caught a very aevere cold
which lingered for weeks," Bays J. Ur
qubart, of Zephyr, Ontario. " My cough
was very dry and harsh. The local dealer
recommended Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy and guaranteed It, ao I gave It a trial.
One small bottle of It cured me. I believe
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be th
best I have ever used."
It is Equally Valuable for Children '
It Contains no Narcotic and is Safe and Sure
Ask your Druggist for it
Now is the time to pur
chase breeding stock.
White and Brown Leg
horns and Buff Orp-'
ngton. Strong line of
Cocks, Pullets, and
Hens to select from.
Correspondence solicit
ed, rvcrre. in coo esn
b ovcouiie
L. P. DAY. ProDristor.
eseeeeee a uranda, Orejj -St.
rid rrrm
-l h r i a m f i