EIGHT PAGES. rICM?IO OHXFRVK.R. LA CRANUe.OIU.Wlfi. WEDNESDAY. JANI AKY 22, 15:3. eaiE THHKR. J ..' La Ggmde Professional Directory PHYSICIANS. , . O. I BIQGERS. M. D., ;i ' Physician, and Surgeon. Office Balston Building, over J. M. r Berry's Btore. Office 'Phone Black Ull. ' ' ' Residence 'Phone Red 1001. J. H. HUBBARD. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. -Office In New Bank Building. Rooms . 10-11. 'Pbonee: Residence. Main 8; Office, Main 71. DR. A. U RICHARDSON. ' Physician and Surgro. Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office 'Phone lift. Residence Main St P - N. MOLITOR. M. D., i- Physician and Surgeon. f. Corner Adama Ave. and Depot 8t. "" Office Main 68 -: Residence Main (0 BACON & HALL. -f. . Phvsiclana and Surgeons. Offloe '. A dranile National Barm Building. 'Phone Main It. C. T. Bacon. Residence, Main 18. t M. K. Hall, Residence, Main 2. DR. H. C. P. MOORF Osteopathic Physicians. KlrRsvllle Graduate! Under Founder i Office Summer Building. Phones: Office Main (3; Res. Main 04 VETERINADY BURGEONS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON, . Veterinary Surgecn. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grand. Residence 'Phone Red 701. Office 'Phone Black 1301. ' Independent 'Phone 68. DR. II. W. lin.EY. Graduato Ohio State University Vc clnatlun, Dentistry and Surgery of a) kinds. Country calls promptly an swered. Office 1414 Adams Ave. 'Phones. Pa ctflc, Black 1901. Independent, Whit SO. ABSTRACTERS. J.R. OLIVER. Abstracts of Title. Fire Insnranoo. Office next door to La Grande Na k tlonal Bank. 'La Grande Oregon TEACHERS OP MUSIC KATHERINE M. QUINN. MUS. BAC Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio 1401 Eighth Street 'Phone Black 841. "PROP. E. PORTER DAT. Princh. La Grande 8chool of Music J"- Mrs. Day assistant. School oppo eTte Foley Hotel. Phone Red 471. MISS STELLA V. OLIVER. Teacher of Piano and narmony. Btudlo over J. M. Berry"! 8tore. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. L. A. PICKLE R. Civil, Mining, Irrigation Enginecrta and Surveying. A Estimates, plans and specification. Office in Bohnenkamp Building. La Grands - - - - - . Oregot HAY, GRAIN, WQPP We have in'stcck a lot of fine timothy, wild, grain and alfalfa hay, bought before the price advanced. ' We are selling this hay at low price, quality guaranteed. We buy and sell oats, barley and mill stuff of all kind3. We'll sell flour at lower price than others. Try us. Were closing out our wood business. Have about I lOOWds left. Get some is all gone. THE REAL EST ATP, LOAN AND COMMISSION CO. DENTISTS, C B. CAfTEORN. Office over Hill's Drug Store. La. Grande ' Oregot I. C PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist. . Room 21, La Grande National Bank Building. 'Phone Black 19L La Grande ' ' Orgor Dr. S. H. Easley Dr. J. E. Stevenson Res. Red 191. Res. Black 851 EASLEY A STEVENSON. . Dental Parlors and Laboratory. Aluminum Plates, Crown and Bridge wk, t specialty. Office Opposite Foley Hotel. Office 'Phone Black 111. . . . . j i ATTORNEYS. Cha. E. Cochran Geo. P. Coctirar COCHRAN A CQCHjUN Attorneys. La Grande National Bank Rulldlng. La Grande - - Oregot MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 1876. IMBLER DRUG STORE DR. 0. A. FISHER. Prop. Patent M e d I c e n s, Perfumes, Toilet Articles Trusses, and Rubber Goods. OPEN DAY OR NIGHT PH0ME CALLS ANSWER ED DAY OR NIGHT PAINT AMD WALL PAPER STORE i PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Staniels &. Bugg 1420 ADAMS AENUE La Grande, Oregon Phone Red 1921 Remember. For tint mortgages on Improved farm property apply to Indian Valley Realty Co., Elgin, Oregon. Indepen dent 'phone No. 14-1. -r dw-tl at a reduced price before It TO RECOVER LOST TEES A Salem correspondent says of the suit of the state to recover fees to the amount of $160,000 from Dunbar and Klncald, former secretaries of state, who are alleged to have appro priated state fees without authority: ' When Judge Galloway opens court In this city on January 20, he will have the disposition of the two larg est suits" ever brough1 of late years In which the state is a party the. cases of the State "against Durbar and Klncald, former secretaries ytf state, one of whom J; jneJ ftf the f cover? &f 1100,000 and the other for $8(1,000 alleged to be due the state for fees collected and Illegally re tained by them when holding the of fice. The history of these cases is as follows. . " The suit against F. I. Dunbar was commenced soon after his term o' olfice expired, In the name tit UBU Sears of Polk county, who sued on behalf of himself as a citizen, and all others. After the suit was begun, the supreme court held In the case of Tnmn( ,nrmpn1enr of the state prlnson, that a private citizen cannot maintain this kind of a suit. (See 47th Ore., psge 50.) Attorney Mc Muhan of P:lem, who brought t mil' for Sears, then changed his complaint to State of Oregon, plaintiff, upon relation of District Attorney John ' H. McNary, who consented to be substi tuted as a party. Motions and demurrers will be ar gued Monday, but it is expected the enso will be set for trial on Its mer its, and an accounting will be ordered for the eight years of the Dunbar ad ministration. The. money Bought to bo recovered was collected from fi vers persons for fees, fines, commis sions, emoluments and perquisites at taching to that office by various meth ods and. It is claimed, in violation of the constitution, all that amount above $150 per year and the salary allowed for serving on various state boards, being Involved. Counsel Clyde Fulton and George O. Bingham for defendant offered to stipulate the amount collected during the period of eight years at $45,000 but the state expects to be able to show that $100,000' was received by Dunbar. The other suit for an accounting with Harrison R. Klncald was first brought In Lane county, but the dis trict attorney there 'declined to be made a party. When the plaintiff attended the last state fair service was secured In Marlon county and the Bult will be tried here on the same footing. The political interest In the case springs from the fact that Mr. Dun bar was elected the second time on a platform pledging the candidates to accept a flat salary such as was af terwards fixed by the legislature and Is now In effect. O. A. C. Oratorical Contest. On the 81st of this month the an nual oratorical contest will take place. The winner of the first place at this contest will represent O. A. C. at the state oratorical contest Each socie ty will have a representative in this ocal contest and all are working hard for, the first honors. Much in- ;? V - Arrival and Departure of Trains at Im Grande. ' NO. 1, westbound Portland Special arrives :2S a. m.; departs, 8:30 a. m. No. 4, eastbound passenger, mall and express, arrives at l:4S a. m.; de parts 6:60 a. m. No. 1, eastbound Chicago Special arrives 8:05 p. m.; departs, 8:10 p. m. No. 5. westbound passenger, mall and express, arrives 8:10 p. rruj do parts, 8:15 p. m. Elgin Branch. Leaves La Grande at t a. m. and arrives In La Grande at 6:86. tervst Is being taken in ihe contest I this year and an cxrlttns U:. I a i tlclpnted. Every one will do Wrll by j attending the con;est, as this Is al-j ways one of the principal event ol i the year. O. A. C Barometer. Anneal Meeting. - . The annual meeting of the share" holders of the Farmers A Traders Na tional bank will be held at their bank ing house on Tuesday, February 11. 108, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 1$ m., of said day, to elect a board of five directors to serve tor the .ensuing year and tor the trans action of such other business as may come before said meeting. Dated January 10, 1908. 3. W. SCRIBKR. Cashier. Board and Room. Oo to the Palmer house for board and room. ' juf "id cheapest place Mt cu. mm l in! Cures Kidney and Clad- dor Diseases In Every Form r.lany People Have EUdney Trouble and Do Hot Know It. HOW TO FIND OUT. . It is the function of the kidneys to Bltst and purify the blood which Is constantly easing through them. When the kidneys are out of order the ther organs are affected Immediately and you may have symptons of heart trouble, stomach and liver trouble, and ther ailments, which are all owing to the kidneys being weak and out ot order. If yon are sick Foley' Kidney Cur will strengthen and bnlld op the worn out tissues of the kidneys so they will act properly and the symptons of weakness, heart, stomach and livsf fouble will disappear and jrra will b restored to perfect health. Mow to Toll II Yas Hsvs Kidney Troebls. Yon can easily determine II your kid neys are oat ot order by setting aside tor M hoars a bottla ot the urine passed pon arising. It npon examination It Is cloudy or milky or baa a brlok-dust sed iment or small particles float about In ft, roar kidneys are diseased and Foley' Kidney Cure should be taken at one. Foley Kidney Cure Is pleasant to take and acta directly npon the parts affected and yon begin to teal better at once. It corrects slight disorders la a tew days and It hat cared many obstinate eases attar other treatment had failed. Doctors laid Hs Would Not Uvs. fr Frey, ot Woodruff, Pa., writes! After doctoring for two years with the hast physicians in Waynes burg, and still Fitting worse, the doctors advised ma It had any business to attend to I bad bet ter attend to it at once, as I could not possibly lira another month, as there waa aa cars for ma. Foley's Kidney Cora was recommended to ma by a friend, and I Immediately sent my son to the store tar It and after taking three bottles I ba gas to gat better and continued to to atwra nntll I was entirely wan.' . ; Two tbrea, IOa aaa SIM. ISU AE9 RECSCTEEOO IT A. T. inLU nrua-gte. - iilome Madej I a i CANDY a : Better than Ever : FRUITS NUTS CIGARS : SELDER : j CANDY ! ! STORE! a HFBJ e 'eeeee I Place Your Surplus Funis With ttie arme.s ' " ' Traders I NATIONAL BANK I Comparative Statement as - the Currency , September 6, i900. Deposits, $ 179.324.05 ; September 50, 1901. " 156,108.60 ' September 15, 1902. ' 194,041.94 . September 9, 1905, " . 226,904.70 -, ... September 6. 1904, ' " 184,443.64 - June 18,1905, -" 141,879.55 June 18, 1906, . . ; 143,255 24 ' June 21,1907, . " 218,731.09 Wt pay you Interest on your Saving Bank Accounts. , ' L. ; No Interest paid on Checking Accounts. W art prepared to handle any Banking buslnsss entrusted to Ui with car. promptne and safety. v nr yars experience in Banking we are confidant w can give you atisfaction, ' , Your business is appreciated by its officers! J. W, SCR1BER, Cashier JOSEPH PALMER, President IflUIICjr III UIC uctlliv I It's a sort of a password to a man's reliability In the business t rrt 4t h t. nranil National vou . have the advan tage of a big and strong Institution whose policy is to give uie same careful consideration to the smalles depositor as to the largest. Along these lines this . Bank is increase lng Its deposits every day. We should like to have yours. CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS 50.000.00 i;UND. PROF". 25,000,00 S - OKOROH PALMER. Pres. W. L. BRENHOLDT8, As"t CaaU. f J. M. BEItRT, Vlc-Pres. B.C. WILLIAMS, 8nd Aaa't Cash. F. L. METER8, Cashier. I ' I)IRKCTOR8. . F. M. Byrklt. J. M. Berry A. B. Conley, F. J. Holmes, C , O. Pennington, George Palmer, F. L. Meyers, Geo. L. Cleaver, W. T. Brenholta. La Grande National Bank UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY SIEGRIST & CO. JEWELERS We wish to call your attention to our REPAIR DEPARTMENT We are better prepared than ever to do first class work. If you have a watch that does not give you satisfaction, oring it to U3 and we will guarantee we can fix it. . Diamonds reset or mojnted in new mount ing is one of our specialties. AW our work guaranteed and promptly done. We will save you money SIEGRIST & CO JEWFLERS Blue Mountain The law requires mllkt9 test"3.2jper cent. Our milk Is tuarantecd to test 5ercent " Our sweet cream is pasteurized,' thereby", In surin purity. ' s Sweet'Mllk , 5c a quart Sweet Cream - 25ca quart Bitter Milk - - -Ds i i Blue Mountain Creamery Co. ttistttts44s4ti a-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaX 4 Made to the Comptroller cf . Q. E. McCL'l.!.Y. A. C AMD OPTICIANS AND OPTICIANS 4 Creamery , Co. s 1 i If t '