PAGE TWO. EVEXTXO OrrtVVH. LA GRAXDR. PRECOX. WEDNESDAY, JAXTARY 23. i " 1 44t-l4ill-l-'tZ-i- ter and force, that tne wnoie more like a bit of real life rrora tne , lAravalpa Valley Itself than the artls- HE 1 i STRONGPLAY PRESENTED The Steward was filled last night to the limit with an appreciative au dience, when "The Man of the Hour" was presented by a company that was as near the "O. K." mark aa any com- unii electric" theatre A VOYAGE AROUND THE 8TAK8. WHERE 18 MY HEAD? Illustrated Song: "MONTANA." IN DREAMLAND. A WIFE WANTED. DRAMATIC REHEARSAL. Program change each. Monday 4 and Thuraday. Ladles' aouve- 4 nlr matinee every Wednesday, 4 f p. m. Children's So matinee 4 very Saturday, 8 p. m. 4 4 New Kleotrlo Theater. 4 II. M. MIKItWOOn & CO., 4 Proprietor. 4 Mahaffey Building. 4 I-;: ; jf : i a : .y I I 1 ..: - tic creation of the playwright's brain. An essentially human play, throbbing with romance and sentiment, there Is withal a virile force In "Arixona" that Imparts a thrill to every word and action, while the climaxes are sur prises, wrought with skill that dis arms anticipation. Having a military background, there are moments too when the nation's Tag floats Into the story with a deft touch of patriotism. But "Arizona" Is humorous aa well as human, and behind each tear there lurks a laugh. In his treatment of the story, character and detulls Mr. Thomas has been notably realistic. "Arizona" will be seen at the Stew ard on Thursday, Jan. 22. Frank Koinble, as Rcrgonn Keller. In "Arizona.' 44444444444444 pany thut has visit-id In La Orande In several years pust. "The Man of the Hour" Is a play that pleases nil: the men because it teems with polities, rrriifji nnjr nnrn a imurr DILWHKU D UrLtin nUUDL D. H. STEWARD. Proprietor. und the women because- It throw more or less light on what their gen tlmen frlemls mean when they i "politics." I lie plot is strong cnouKh to hcilil rapt attention, but Is fur from heavy What branded the play presented last nlKht us, the best thinx seen In tlrunile in many n moon, Is the 4 I superb acting talent, and the wel 4 i 4 ! La THURSDAY. JANUARY 23 HOLLIS E. COOLEY Presents America's Greatest Play By Augustus Thomas I 'adapted physical make-up of eael I player.' There were-no slurs, bu 4 I OWA Same Great Company One Year Each: New York, Chicago, London, England GRAND PRODUCTION .... COMPLETE PRICES Orchestra and Orchestra Circle $1.00 Dress Circle 75c Gallery 25 and 50c. Saatt on sals Wednesday at Van 3uren't store ! 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 I h t nevertheless It would be hard to name one part that was In any way inferior to any other. All thu by ways anil tricks of political grafting were laid bare In a well-arrunged series of events that, nil combined, furnished food for thought und occa sion to laugh. An All-Aineiicnn IMuy. In "Arizona," an American play, by an Amerlcun author and played by American players, Mr. Augustus Thomas has written what critics and public have unanimously pronounced tho greatest dramatic success 'that America has seen in a generation. It teems with life and action, the dash of cowboy frolics, the military duties. while the atmosphere Is so subtle and real that one can almost catch the breath of the sagebrush and cactus, and feel the sting of the alkali dust In one's nostrils. This western flavor Isi so pungent with local color, charac- SsrarTirflEffaH FOR COUGHS FOR THROAT KING- F CURES colds THE WONDER WORKER I. hi ii j ICisSl AND LUNGS f PI li . Felines Hold a Reception. Washington, Jan. 22. The social leaders in feline circles of the nation al capital formally opened the season today with a reception, which will continue until Saturday night. The thoroughbred Toms and Marias of cabinet members, senators, congress. nen, department heads and diplo mats, assisted by their friends of the inny und navy and by . cats from ther cities, are taking pnii iffalr. which Is being1 held at the TIalls of the Ancients In New Vork avenue. The exhibition Is undoubted- y the greatest gathering of the feline irlstocracy ever held In the"- capital ind Is attracting much attention. Not ilone is the Persian, with Its gor geous ruff nnd plumy tall, to bf seen, but the Manx, without any caudal appendage, the Siamese, tho ihort-huired blues and even a few superb specimens of the ordinary short-haired English house cat. The membership of the Washington Cat club includes some of the most prom inent women In official and diplo matic society and there Is great rlv- ilry among them for the prizes of fered, Main 43 PHOIVE Main 43 SNODGRASS GROCERY You no doubt have heard of JERSEY CREAM f LOUR. If not, ask the many who use it. Try a sack next order. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded We have on hand a quantity of empty coffee cansJust the thing for bread or flour 25c each Will ProMvule l.MKI Saloons. State Treasurer Mills of Washing ton, will call upon prosecuting attor neys to prosecute ubout 1500 saloon keepers nnd other sellers of liquor who have failed to secure the $25 stale liquor license required by an act of the Inst legislature, says an Olymplii dispatch. So far about 160.- 100 has been collected from this source out of about lioo.nnn do The treasurer has just secured from the federal Internal rOVt? fll IO fill Itwritr for this slate a list of all who pay the government license. This license will be checked with those who have paid the state and the names of the delinquents will be furnished the pros ecutors. J AS. G. SNODGRASS SUCCESSOR TO E. P. STAPLES j.Mm.4444.i..i. ADAMS I 1316 AVENUE DAVIS-JORDAN-MUSIC CO. Rev. HuiulciLst-lilcltl Will Arrive. Rev. Haudenschleld, the evangelist who will begin a series of union meetings at tho M. E. church tomor row evening previous to going to La Grande for the same" purpose. Is ex pected to arrive tonight from Eugene, where he has closed a highly success ful series of meeting. He will be bf. ompanied by Mrs. Haudenschleld. The Hlnger who Is to assist In the nlon meetings is expected to arrive from Chicago today or tomorrow. The union meetings will be opened at the E. church at :30 tomorrow eve- Ing, when Kev. Haudenschleld will preach. Pendleton East Oregonlan. I FOR COUGHS AND COLDS I ZjUCIUSlia.SSSBBaSBMSSasaBBMBBaaBSBHBBBSBSaBBBHaBBl PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I bad tho most debilitating cough a mortal waa ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed It would aurely b for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case Incurable but thanka be to God, four bottlea of Dr. Klng'a New Dlocovery cured me ao completely that I am all aound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Piles 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free 8QA.P " GUARANTEED BY MT.WI.1X DIU'U X. Land With Wood on. We have 149 acres of land exactly six miles from here, up Fox Hill, and which has at least 2000 cords of excellent wood on. We will accent any reasonable offer for this tract If taken noon. The entire tract Is Ieve and a wagon can easily be driven on every foot of It. Make us an offer Terms. REAL, ESTATE, LOAN ft COMM18 SION COMPANY. Sec our line of Books. All leading authors. 1316 ADAMS AVENUE . . MM.M.M . .W,,,f,t(tttit,itf THAT PICNIC HAMPER Should alwayi contain a bottle or tVo of our pure and sparkline BEER No matter what your "solids" are, you'll oe right the liquid part of 6HM'lul for You.. We are closing out our doors and sash at 75 per cent discount. Old pat tern moulding, moulded gutter, bal uster, newels, brackets, blocks and other old mill work at 60 per cent off list. All other stuff si Id at cost (to you) no matter what It costs us. We dt not need the money, it Is the other fellow wants it. and we must get li for him. Just unloaded from the car a lose" of cedar shingles, and now we want to unload them again, for the money STODDARD LUMBER CO. Palmer Bouse ror Sale. We offer for tale the Palmer Hove at a remarkably low price, and easy payment If taken aoon. tf REAL ESTATE. LOAN A COMMIS SION COMPANY. ... -. '.j'ri,1.'!':,--v--:iii.., your refreshment if our Beer nestles in your basket wh in ycu start out. There will be no fear of its "going flat." It won't get a chance after you have sampled its exquis te flavor. Try a eample box even before your picnic, then you'll know the right kind to take. LaGrande Brewery JULIUS ROESCH." PROPR. Childrens Golf Gloves Ladies' Golf Gloves New Toys For 1908 E. M.WellmanaCo.nrEk a '-isp .v. . t 1 i tt ' z. V-HwhA-rvV-.