J imvnit' JWTABY 1$, t90. - 7 f EVE.lXJ OlwWtVEH. LA R- Woowww !f EAKL KILPA TRICK WOK. OBtuu.ii .""'""- r444-4-3i'448e t t 1 I S 1 k h V d it N tl tl a' il 4 THEA We44443444344444 I'NCXE TOM'S CABIN. TonUftit at Stewart's Opera Horn ' 25,000 Production. ftetaon's $25,000 production of lT)cl TWs Cabin" Is booked for to - night There It something about Un ci Tom that appeals to ' nJ old, ...t, both, young ..lned or coarse, th educat ed or uneducated. It Is the savor of the soil, the approved of nature which attracts, and It must be admitted, even by the bla.i amurment-seeker that "Uncle Turn's Cabin," when produced In the grand manner In which the Btetson performances are always launched, possesses a charm not found In other forms of theatrical vnter - tainment.. Yet, like everything else In this progressive axe. Stetson's Uncle Tom has Improved with time, and each yenr bring out fresh novelties, STEWARD'S OPERA HOUSE MONDAY, JANUARY 13 STETSON'S ORIGINAL BIG DOUBLE UNCLE TOM'S CABIN IHE BARNUM OF THEM ALL MDrlE GRAND NOVELTIES THAN EVER Two Brass Bands and Or chestra Two Tunny Marks Two Mischievous Topsics Gorgeous Scenery with Beau tiful Electrical Effects Grand Vision and Transform ation Scenes Genuine Southern Cake . Walkers Buck and Wing Dancers Male and Female Quartette Chariots drawn by llaudsome Shetland Ponies Col. Sawyer's Pack Siberian Blood Hounds WATCH FORTHE BIG STREET PARADE Prices: Orchestra and Or chestra Circle 75c; Dress Cir cle 50c; Gallery 25c and 50c. Seats on sale a'. Van Buren't Saturday MEW ELECTRIC THEATRE A VOYACitC AltOUNU THE STAUS. W1IKUK IS MT HEAD? llhiHlralitl Kong: 4 "MONTANA." IN DUBAMLAND. A WIFE WANTED. DRAMATIC REHEARSAL. Program chances each Monday 4 and Thursday. Ladles' souve 4 nlr matins every Wednesday, I p. m. Children's lo matinee every Saturday, I p. m. ' Now F.lcctrlo TheaCr. IV M. SHKRWOOI) CO.. lrirkura, Mahkffav RulMin. 444444 I ATTRACT new feature, pleasing effects. With uch an elegant and complete organi zation as the Stetson company with almost unlimited capital at Its back there Is nothing which Is really good omitted and even the old drama which FnellNh tins been scon much of late years, Is enhanced with new Ideas to give the nlr of novelty. "THK I)i:VlI.'S Al'CTIOX." Slrwiird's x-ru House Friday, uiiry 17, Jnn- Manngor Charles H. Yale has an nounced for the coming season, the 26th edition of that phenomenal piece of theatrical property, "The Devil's Auction," surnamed ''Everlasting," and properly, too, for It seems des tined to run on forever, and from all appearances, a few days after that. There is, however, no discounting the wonderful record of this favorite For 25 years It hns, making Phila delphia, Its staring point, yearly vis ited almost every Important city, stute and territory, Including nearly 11 the Canadian provinces. In a scanson's travel It has covered tlio south and Texas to El Paso, the Pacific coast, the northwest as fur as Vancouver, 11. C, to Winnipeg, Mani toba; the middle states to Canada; the maritime provinces, Including Halifax and St. John, to Cape Breton, finally ending with a complete tour of New England and to financial receipts that have become the talk of the the atrical world. Notwithstanding the yearly opposi tion of the many new musical come dies and spectacles, Imported and otherwise, the "Devil's Auction" has gone on In the even tenor of Its way. having established apparently a uni versal clientele who can be depended upon to "wait for the llg show," and reward It yearly with remunerative receipts. As some one has aptly remarked. "There Is a reason," and the reason In this case Is careful management, l-berifllly in production and always a dean attraction and timely perform ance. In the 26th edition Manager Yule promises many new scenic, mechanical and elei'tiUul novelties; a large and splendid company of specially select 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444444444444 J. I. MARS, . Contractor uud Builder, and Dealer In Building Material. 4 BUILDING STONE. CLEAN COArlSB SAND AND GRAVEL DELIVERED. Drop a line, nun, Ing work, and I will name the right price. :: :: :: :: I.a Grande, Ore iron. 444444444444444444444 2 , 5 V I ' ed artists; new and costly costuming, novel ballads, vaudeville acts and ex clusive features. The Han of the Hour." T" W,n vijfw with s A" i i ft. I iff 4 I F.niplrei Girls In "To Devil's Auction." great favor "The Man of the Hour," I from today. The negative team chosen which will be seen at Steward's opera will go to Washington, while the af house Tuesday night, January 21, be-1 flrmntive team will remain In Eugene Ing presented here with a special se lected company under the manaRe ment of William A. Brady and Joseph R. Grlsmer. "The Man of the Hour" from all reports, easily ranks as one of the most substantial hits of the past season of the new one. It is said to contain more generous laughs than many a farce, and the love Interest Is absorbing. The play Is suid to be strong, convincing and uncommonly Interesting and proves particularly ef fective as a dramatic vehicle, because It deals with a familiar subject in most virile manner. WYOMixu xi:i:is tkachkrs. Statp Schools Are .Not Supplied With (iiNHl Instructor. . Jn speaking of the shortage of school teachers in Wyoming the Chey enne Tribune says: One of the most perplexing prob lems which the board and the stute superintendents have to meet is the shortage of teachers. Some months ago the Tribune made mention of the many vacancies, but there has been little Improvement since and vacancies are being reported lit serious numbers from all partB of the state. A part of the duties of the board has been to Issue the examination pa pers for certificates to teach, and to Issue the certificates to those who have successfully passed the examin atlon. The members of the board al so examine the papers, Instead of leaving It to the county superintendent as was formerly the case. - Of course there are many young women who take the examination who have never had special training or study and who fall to pass the ex amination. In some Instances this means that the school "must be closed as there Is no one to take the place of the teacher who has been In charge of the school pending the report of the examiners. So many schools are thus short of teachers that the hoard has seriously considered the wisdom of permitting these teachers, even though they are not competent, to continue to teach until they either fit themselves to pass the examination or until another can be found for the district. In this manner. It has been sug gested to the board by resident of the districts affected, the children will have the advantage of some Instruc tion, even If not the best, which la believed to be better than closing the school entirely. One of Debaters In tlio In- Cliown tersta.le Team, in the try-out debate held Satur- day at the State university to choose eight men who will debate again determine the Interstate debating teams, the following men were suc cessful: Clarence L. Whealdon, 10; Thomas W, Townsend, OS; Jesse Bond, 64; Bail f. "klipatrlck, 10; Earl Strong. 09; Walter Eaton, 08; Wil son Nicholas, 10., and Cecil Lyons, 08. The dgoat in which the two teams lneet Washington and Idaho, wl" be picked, will be held two . weeks V and meet Idaho's negative team. The judges of today's debate were Presi dent Campbell, Professor DcCou and Dr. H. D. Sheldon. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 'Phone Red 251. l-13tf Notice of Finn! Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final account as administrator of the estate of George McFatridge, deceased, and the county court of the state of Oregon for Union county, has fixed Tuesday, the 4th day of February, 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m., as the time, and the court house at La Grande, Union coun ty, Oregon, as the place for the hear ing of any and all objections to said account and the final settlement there of and the distribution of said estate. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, , this the 2nd day of January, 1008. B. L. LEAVITT, Administrator of the Estate of George McFatridge, Deceased. COCHRAN & COCHRAN, Attorneys for Administrator. DJ4-11-1H-25-D1 Notice or Meeting. Notice Is hereby given that the an nual, meeting of the shareholders of the La Grande National bank will be held at their banking house In La Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 14th, 1908, between the 'hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., for the election of a board of nine directors to serve for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may prop erly come before the meeting. La Grande, Ore., December Hth, 107. F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. The greatest time saver for human endeavor In the home singer Sewing machines. Bold, exchanged and rent ed, on most liberal terms. 'Phone Red 1561. A. J. TITUS, Agent. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the share holders of the Farmers ft Traders' Na tional bank will be held at their bank ing house on Tuesday, February 11, 1908, at It o'clock m., of said day, to elect a board of five directors to serve for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may come before said meeting. . . . s. v i :-(.. ;S".i .-.- . r ' " , Blue Mountain The law requires milk to test,3.2 per cent. Our milk is guaranteed to test 5 per cent Our sweet cream Is paseurlzed, . thereby In suring purity, Sweet Milk Sweet Cream - -Butter Milk - i Blue Mountain ORCHARD GROVE L. P.DAY, Proprietor, 4 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444t44 Youlll Pay STEWARD'S 4 P. H. STEWARD, Proprietor. FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 CHARLES It YALE Submits for your pleasure THE EVERLASTING Devil's Auction Has delighted Young and Old, just one quarter of a Centuty Superb Scenic Investiture. Novelties. Singing and t Dancing. Eye Bewildering I Extravagantly Costumed. t DPIPFC Orchestra $1.60 4 Dress Circle 4 Seats on sale Saturday 4444444444444 444004444444444444444444444 tanners & Tinders' National Bank. By J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier. Dated this 10th 1908. day of January, IN A HURRY? THEN CALL THE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than it takes to tell it. Day phone Red 761 Night " Black 1792 Wegsr. always ier'.; Creamery Co. ! So a quart 25c a quart 10c a gallon Creamery Co, DO NOT DELAY .T, J 1U 1 U1W Uiity, put' chase breeding stock. While and Black leg- horns and Buff OrffV ington. Strong line of t Gocks, Pullets and Hens to select from. Correspondence solicit ed. Eggs in season. POULTRY FARM R. F. D. No. 1, La Grande, Oregjn With Pleasure For every meal you eat here. It will be a combination of good food, good cooking and good ser vice. Our restaurant is intend ed for people who appreciate gjod eating, also for people who like the good things of life at a moderate cost. If you belong to that class, ccme in and see what we can do foi you. The Model Restaurant J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. We ssll weekly meal tf h Cfl tickets for - J7Jv OPERA H0US&1 t Effects. Large Company Orchestra Circle $1.00 Hi 75c . Gallery 25 and 50c. at Van Quren's store LA GRANDE SCIIOOLofMUSIC Studio . over Selder's candy parlors. : : ' PROF. DAY, Principal