WVCSUIO OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, OREOO. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY , 19"'8. I 5 If YOUR WATCH NfEDS ATTENTION Have it repaired by an experienced Jeweler. IF YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Hjv. tnem examined by an experiencec optician. J. H. PEARE, . A GRANDE'S LEADING! JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Opposite U. S. Land Office COiMVIIMCIIMG DEMONSTRATION 4 If you have any doubts rcgai dinj the efficiency of la Grande Eeet Sugar for fruit preserving f J purposes, a la k at the display of preserved $ fruits and jellies at the Staples Grocery Store 'v will convince you that " a Grande Beet Sugar j I will do the work. t ' f UVoD CANYOIV HUMS. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver and tittle f ''Mcme.v in the Bank" I : It's a sort of a password to a man's reliability In the business i ivor Id. At the La Grande National you havo the advan- Jj tage of a big and strung Institution whose policy la to Klvo $ : ihe name careful consideration to the amallea dpoeltor as to the largest. Along theso lines this Bank la increas- i tng lla deposits every day. We should . like to have yours. CAPITAL 931 00,000.00 J SURPLUS 5o,ooo.oo I UND. PROF". 25,000,00 OEOROB PALMER, Pies. W. L. BRENHOLDTS. Asa't Cas'.!. 3. M. UERRY, Vlc-Pres. S. O. WILLIAMS,! 2nd Ass't Cash. $ F. L. HQ YERS. Cashier. t DIRECTORS. F. M. Byrklt, J. M. Berry A. B. Conley, F. J. Holmes, C. 5 C. Ponnlngton, Oeorge Falmer, F. L. Meyers, Qeo. J L. Cleaver, W. L. Uronholta. La Grande National Bank f UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Z son, Russell, returned hume from La Grande Friday after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Russell. Mr. and Mm. T. S. Sherwood and daughter. Miss Jennie and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Braden were Christmas guesU at the home of Fied Braden. Mrs. Earl Jones spent Christmas with her parents at Elgin. Jerry Conuway, who had the nils fortune of breaking a leg some time ago, was able to leave the hospital and return home Friday. Misses Lulu and Mabel Counsell spent Christmas day with Misses Alta and Mary Banton. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Elliott spent Sunday with Mrs. Elliott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MeCauley. , Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gherwood and son, Cecil, spent Christmas with Mrs. Lucy Graham. The children of E. T. Feebler are confined to their home with the mumps. The following program which was arranged by Miss lintel Counsell, was rendered at literary December 20: Son? "farewell, Daisy Bell," by five girls. Recitation "Rapid Work," Irene MtilholJand. Recitation "A Christmas Eve Thought," Kelle Counsell. Dl.ilmrm "Saved," by 10 charac ters, In three scenes. Music Jennie .Sherwood. Recitation "The Boy and the Pitcher," Fred .Stump. Recitation "Tho Housekeeper's Struggle," Jean Smith. Speech by William Jones. Recitation "Pupa's Letter," ' Katie Counsell. Song "My Money Never Gives Out," Mabel Counsell. recitation "Paddy's Excelsior," Louis Murdock. nodding of the La:1d Canyon "Slodgc Hammer," Airs. C. A. Peterson. The next program will be conduct d by Miss Mary Ronton January 3. CORIll'GATED hTEEL. Raker County rt'UI Have No More Wooden Culvert. Testerday the county court ordered a carload of corrugated steel to be used In the construction of culverts throughout the county. This is con sidered a wise move by those who have had occasion to take notice of the expense the wooden culverts have boon, says the Paker City Herald. . There Is no doubt about the Impos sibility of being able to keep wooden culverts In repair for the freights wag ons strain them no matter how solid they may be constructed. With the corrugated steel -nothing will be nec essary only to make the grade, and they have a guaranteed life of SO years. The court ordered 8, 12, IS. 24 and a few 30-lnch sizes. 'Peal & Co. of Portland, will furnish the goods and the cost of f.hs carload .will be In the neighborhood of 11200. Tim Midland ju:iiK rangers. This excellent organization of col ored people will give an entertainment at the opera house on Thursday eve ning, January 9, under the auspices of the high school. Tho club Is said to be the finest college glee club no.v traveling. They sing the old planta tion songs with that utter abandon which characterizes the negro race. T!;cy i:!:o c'nj nvilo of moro diffi cult type, but there are no Black Pattls among them and no straining ufter operatic effects. Strayed. There came to my home Tuesday morning a horse ft tlh saddle and bri die. Owner will please call and get him and pay for this notice. E. P. STAPLES. Ttmt - mam"" ;i:i:n oins temporarily. Diirlns 'ui)i'Ul f' Coii;;n- He Will I-oy AMilo Pen. Having made a formal announce ment that I will be a candidate for the republican nomination for con-1 gress at the April piimaiics. I hereby ever my connection with Thu Tribune as Its editorial manager until further notice. It will not be the purpose to n p.ny sense make this paper a per- onal organ or to specially further my Interests In the campaign just U pi n lag, nor to make a fight on any other aspirant for the nomination. Its object Is to give the people the news and to fill the field In re for a bright morning newspaper, und this will not In any wise he interfered with by such a side Issue us a political cam paign. T. T. GEER. Childrens Golf Gloves Ladies' .Golf Gloves New Toys For 1908 E. M. Wellman&Co. ADSE Host Illinois Coal. Coal buyers should not overtook this opportunity to secure best Illi nois coal, delivered, at tlO per ton. This Is positively the best coal on the La Grande market. G. E. Fowler. 'Phono Main 10. r Foresters Attention. The annual Installation of officers f Court Maid Marlon No. 22 will take place next Wednesday evening sit Elks' hall. All members are re quested to be present. . G. L. BIGGERS. C. R. The Blue Mountain Cough Syrup Is not a new mixture for a cough. It Is an old standby for coughs, colds, la grippe, whooping cough ard sore throat. For sale by P.cd Crop drug store. tf FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations of people who j have been cured of coughs and colds by Cham berlain s Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and com merce over a large part of the civilized world. ' AN INSTANCE. Lucy Suddreth, of Lenoir, N. C, had been troubled with rery bad cough for over a year. She says: "A friend bought m bottle of Chamberlain's Cough rbmbdy, brought it to me and Insisted that I should take it I did so and to my surprise it helped me. Four bottles of it nred me of mj cough." t?UN OK ITU CO. CLOSING OUT SALE X t Notice of Meeting. Notice Is hereby given that the an mini meeting of the shareholders of the La Grande National bank will be I held at their banking house In La Grande. Oregon, on Tuesday, January Hth, 1808, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m for the election of a board of nine directors to servo for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may prop erly come before the meeting. La Grande, Ore., December 11th, 1907. F. L. MEYERS. Cashier. FOR A FINE DINNER Wa offer prefered stock canned goods That's Goodness. Prices on this line are all right That's Gracious. " Goodness gracious, what more do yoo wirrt f THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY C. PCUCK, Prcpr. Complete line of Eatables CiiNinirtvtiil tlub IMnr. Po not forget the regular Friday night dance at the Commercial elnb this evening. Come out and fear good time. For fNtl nr Trull. The blns,' etock and tools of the TUtte Mountain Marbls Ganlte company hi nffertd for sale or trade, for partlrulara sail er address ll-" . O. DAVW. rial Filed. Cnlted 3tati Land Office, La Grande Oregon, December 27, 107. Notice Is hereby given that the ap. proved plat of survey of T. 3 N., H. 3S, K. W. M., win be filed In this of fice on Monday th 10th day of Feb ruary, 10, at o'clock a. ni. On nu4 after aald date this offloe will reet-lTA applications for the entry of lands tn.std township. Said town.Mp a in the WnnSha for nt rtfeci orAated by proelitmattan of the pr'etddeut, dsted March!, 1907. K. w. nvz n.gist.r. A. A. KOHUiKTfl, necelvar. MEW ELECTRIC THEATRE A CH.Vi: DETIXTIVE. ! . V BKTW i;i.N TWO HRE8. 4 4 -r Illustrateil Son-;: 4 When Sweetheart Mury Whls- ' 4 porefl, Ycs,.M THE T1KLD TAIIX)Il'S DIIKAM. T11E TltOi nLESOME FLEA. Program changes each Monday 4 and Thursday. Ladles' souve- nlr matinee every Wednesday. S p. m. Children's Ec matinee 4 every Saturday, 3 p. m. New F.loctrlo ThcaUT. D. M. 6HEIIWOOD & CO., Proprietors. Mahaffey Building. To make room for our new paint and wall pap er stock we-havo decided to close out all our stock of fine china. Piates, cups and saucers, chocolate sets, mush sets, tea sets, cake plates, everything in our fine china de partment to b3 closed out regardless of cost. . W. It BOHNENKAMP& CO. $ Huriiuaiw Furniture, Building Material' a id Houie furnistsinSs You'll Pay With Pleasure Oall for tilt' . Notice U hirehjr r'en ( ut the county coert i Uiilo; 'our . .vlll re ceive sealed bids up 1:30 t :ln p. m.. Wedmwdajr, the Itk day of' February. l'JiH. for supplying Union county with 111 cords of Lr and y- -Unv pine wo.nl. to ba cut 1 feet Inches In length and to be piled n the base.nent of the court hour at L. Grande, Oiea-oa. The c.turs ifienn the right to r Jeet uay er s'l i tr. J. B. G1LIIAU. 1-1-t-i Couaty Clerk. illlSili 7.j r eviry meal you eat here. It I be a combination of., good !j3 d, good cooking and good ser tz e. Our restaurant is intend. -3d for people who appreciate go d eating, also for people ik) the good things of life m i derate cost, if you belong: to th i t class, ccme in and see what w can do foi you. X i i ciata i who X t a Arrival and Zkermrrarc of Train ai La Grande. No 1 stboj. In., ; c'i arrives 9:25 a. n- de .-' 9:'!- v ., I aeth'. ... . tr.i.U and exp, n . h. :4i a. m.; de pmt.' f :o f. n-. e ' --boui-1 t i;a.. i Sj.j .j an-lvos j p. tr : deirtf 8:10 p. m Ni t, westbound passenger mall nd express, arrHvca j:jo p. m.; flc pirts, 9:11 . m. Leaves La Grande at a. ia. and arrives in La Cranda at S ll. e Model Restaurant A. RBUCKLE, Prop. i i i We ssll w.eldy meal Cft Cl t tickeu for - iJTe JV ... J saa.Aa.,e4(,4.,,4,-4,t ,) BRICK IS CHEAPER buildirg, at the present pricu of lumber, is t cheaper as wall as better. It has been demonstrated tnat my brick is supsrior to any made in Oregon. . I 1 ' aan rurnsh common brick in tny quantity. No order I too large cr too email to receiva nromnt. iw;nn ' J Correspondence with contractors and builders solicited.' t Prices made knowrT Estimates cheerfully furnished. or. apriicatbn. a . GRO. KRIEGER! Phono-R,.;j,ct,ElaCU 701. Yard. R.dfi21. U Onr. Ongsn s s ssss64t.atsaa