EIGHT PACES. EYENIXG OBSERVER. LA r.RAXDE. OREGON. FRIDAY, JANVARY 8, 1908 1 lot Boys Felt Hats 50c to 75c values now 1 lot Boys and Mens Hats $1.25 to $1.50 300 pair Mens Fancy Socks 25c values, this sale 28c 50c 9c DRY GOODS EMPORIUM LA grandi .oregon TEMPLE OF ECONOM Y Right here we want to say something about this name of ours. VJe haven't se le ctof '?e "J'J5 J. random or because hey are high sounding. They mgn somethmg-a great d'? them to mean as much to you. THE PEOPLE'S STORE:-a store for everybody. EV.r QRUM.-a plc.ee where everybody can rrsae. iuirLc vr lvjiwhu.h Union Woolen Mills VJhiie Blankets--' each $2.75---per pair $5.25. . I i OUR FIRST ANNUAL MID-WINTER CLEARING SALE Bens Friday omnia. nuarvM and will continue until Saturday Night, January 11th This announcement within itself is almost sufficient to crowd this store with eager customers every day during the sale, for the people of La Grande know us and the kind of mer chandise we carry. They also know that we never make an announcement unless it means something. Every stock in the store will contribute its quota of bargains to this sale. In fact,no piece or parcel of merchandise will escape the ruthless reductions of the price-cutter. To competition, apparently, we will be losing money on this sale, but we know our business well enough to know that 1907 has been a very profitable year to us, and that we can well afford to close out all goods in their season, whether it be at cost or a loss. The store will be transposed into a veritable fairyland of bargains, with counters of bargain lots here and there, and everything will be marked in plain figures, strictly one price to all. At this sale you can well affordto anticipate your wants for months to come, for it will be a great bargain event and an unnsual opportunity to save money. Below we quote a number of prices merely as examples of the values you will find when you come to the store. TABLE LINENS AXD TOWELS. Some of these goods are slightly nulled.' However, -after wash day you will not know anything of this, and for every five cents' worth of soil you will re ceive 25 cents reduction In juice. Blenched Cotton Huck Towels, 7 lie grade, this sule each 5c 121-aC Tnlon Huck Towels, this sale 80 15c I'nton Huck Towels, this sale 10o 25c All Linen Huck Towels, this sale 10c 60c bleached Table Damask, this sale 88c 75c bleached Linen Damask. 72-lnch, this sale ..63c 11.2a fine Linen Damask, this sale 88c JUST A FEW PRICES FOR COMPARISON MID-WIXTER HOSIERY BARGAINS. In wool arid cotton and fleeced, plain and fancy. Many lines of our hosiery have been reduced to small lots, and during the mid-winter clearing we will name prices that will clear them out entirely. Ladles', good grade, per pair 8o Ladles' 20c grade, per pair 11c Children's 1214c grade, now 8c Children's 2tlc grade .' lie WOOL DRI NS GOODS. The styles In woll Dress Goods have changed but slightly during the past several seasons, nnd to some It may look like business suicide for us to sell these goods at such price reductions. Hut when spring comes we want to start right off with the new goods unhampered by fall styles. Therefore, these reduc tions: 20c fancy Suitings, this sale He 25c fancy Suitings, this sale 18c 50c and fiOc Melrose Suitings, this sale 35c 75c fancy and plain Suitings, this sale 1.1c $1.00 fine Worsted Suitings, this sale G8c J 1.50 fancy Panamas and Camels' Hair 88o 12.00 fancy Suitings and Serges HALF PRICE WOMEN'S SVITS. CLOAKS AND SKIRTS. There is not an old style among these, but wo feel positive that we cannot afford to curry them over, no matter what 'lie lops may be. They must go now to mnke way for the new Spring, Goods that will come later on. Price reductions, in many In stances will be something phenomenal. H means that you can save from one-fourth to one-third on any of these garments during the mld-wlnter clear ing sale. $ 3.50 to $ 5.00 Children's Coats, new goods $ 2.08 I 4,50 to $ 7.50 Mlssi Coats, new goods . ...$ .1.1.1 $ 7.5" to $10.00 Ladles' Coats, new goods ....St A. .i $12.50 to $15.00 Ladles' Coats, new goods ....$10.1.1 $17.50 to $22. SO Ladles' Coats, new goods ....At 1. 15 $13.50 to $17.50 Tailored Suits $11.7.1 $20.00 to $2,5.00 Tailored Suits $18.7.1 $ 5.00 Skirts M.ftO $10.00 Skirts $ 7.7.1 A MID-WIXTKR CLEARING SALE OF DOMESTICS This domestic stock Is crowded now with several thousand dollars' worth of staple goods. It may seem foolish to many for us to reduce prices on merchan dise where the style is of but little consideration, but to add Interest to this sale we have cut all prices in this domestic department In harmony with the other prices quoted throughout the store. 10c bleached Muslin, now fVid 12 Vic bleached Muslin, now 10c 9-4 bleached Sheeting, Standard 27"2c AA Brown Sheeting, 36-lnch 7fac CLEARING ODDS AXD ENDS IN HANDKERCHIEFS. The great holiday Tush reduced this handkerchief stork to a medley of odds and ends In small lots. Some of them are badly soiled and some slightly soiled. We Intend to close out the entire aggregation of these goods by quoting the lowest prices possible on like goods. .50 Skills .$5.7.1 $15.00 Skirts $11.75 WINTER VXDERWEAR. It Is possible that you will need garments of this nature between this and the warm days of Spring. If so. you can buy them now In any quantity you wish at lis than If you were In a position to pur chase case lots of the manufacturer. Children's htnvy fleeced 250 grade 18c Children's fine wool lib. 40e grade 25c Ladles' fleeced. 25c grade 15c Ladles' heavy fleeced. 35c grade 2Hc Large lot odd garments HALF 1'llH'K Hoys' heavy fleeced. 35c grade 25c Men's heavy fieved. 50e grade 80c JAXIAUY NOTION SALE. During the Mld-Wlnter Clearing Sale we will hold one of the greatest notion sales ever given In La Grande. Oceans of notions are hero for your choos ing. The prices on these notions will be the littlest ever quoted In this town for these wares. The ex penditure of a dollar will practically give you a com plete supply for your -entire year's needs. Read ex amples of the price-selling below and come. Children's, misses' and ladies' rubber-button Hose Supporters, new goods . 5c CoatB' Darning Cotton, per spool ic Safety Pins, all sizes, 2 papers for 5c White cotton tape, per roll .. ic Armour's Toilet Soap, 25c box Lie Black and w hite Cube Pins, 2 cubes 5. Darning wool, per bunch ic Invisible Hair Pins, 2 packnges for , 5e Dressing Combs, metal back and chain jic ODDS AXD ENDS IN CORSETS. We do one of the biggest Corset businesses In La Grande. The consequence Is: lines have broken sizes. We have recently given an order to replete this Corset stock for Spring, and although the goods are staple, we will close out these odds and ends at reductions much lower than the regular prices. 60c Corsets with hose supporters 300 , 50c Corsets without'hose supporters ."Ho 75c Corsets, Princess hip '49,5 Odd lot $1.00 and $1.75 Corsets, sale price .."..!. 88c CLEARING ALL RIBBONS. This offer of ribbons consists of broken bolts In nearly every kind of ribbon made. Prices In each Instance will be made most satisfactory to you. MEN'S AXD BOYS' FTRXISinXGS. Now Is the time for the saving housewife to tench her husband how to practice economy in buying his furnishing goods. Lot boys' Caps, values to 50c, now 25c Lot boys' Knee Pants, values to $1.25, now' .' .'50c Lot boys' fancy Vests, values to $2.25, now .....25c Men's lined Gloves, new goods, 60c values, sale . !3c CLEARING SILKS. During the past season we have had an rxcep tlonal business In silks, with the consequence that we have many short ends left over.. These are In .pieces suitable for trimmings, waists and skirts, and In a few instances some are large enough for a eom plete costume. The prices are as follows: 50c fancy Draping Silk 3.1o R5c Peau do Sole black Silk 58c $1.25 MIsalHne black Silk 88V $1.75 Satin Duchesse $1.38 $2.50 Satin Duchesse $1.98 OVR MILLINERY MVST GO. All Fall and Winter Millinery and Millinery ac cessories will be Included In this sale at the lowest pi Ices ever quoted In La Grande for similar styles and qualities. If you need a new winter hat, even for only 30 days' wear, you can well afford to buy it now at the prices we shall quote. These examples: $2.00 to $3.00 Street Hats B8c $5.00 to $6.00 Trimmed Hats, all new goods' sale -price $2 08 $7.00 to $12.00 Trimmed Hats, new goodssale Prlce ...$3.08 LACES AXD EMBROIDERIES. . If you can anticipate your wants now for Spring dresses and Vnderwear trimming, you can buy Laces and Embroideries at half the prices you will be asked to pay for the same qualities elsewhere. MID-WIXTER CLEARING OF FANCY GOODS. ' This line comprises Gloves, ladles' Neckwear and Art Needlework novelties. Printers' Ink Is totally In adequate to describe the beauty and attractiveness of many of these. Therefore, wo advise that you stop at this counter when you visit the mid-winter clearing sale where you will find many phenomenal bargains. EXTRAORDINARY ITR BARGAINS. We still have a few choice Bons, Scarfs and Four. in-IlniidH, which must lie chmed out: $3.50 nnd $3.75 WATER MINK AND SQUIR REL SCARFS. NOW m45 ,5;YATER M1XK AND squirrel scarf's"'. NOW $345 222-f?iP S3l"IR"EL SCARFS NOW.' '.t'.n $20.00 ISABELLA FOX BOA NOW $14 00 $25.00 ISABELLA FOX BOA, NOW .$18.50 IVE ALWAYS DO EXACTLY AS WE ADVERTISE La Grande's Leading Dry Goods emporium and Temple of Economy. Th e PEOPLE'S TORE La Grande's Leading Dry Goods Emporium and Temple of Economy. JL.