La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 01, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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BW New Tear t ell.
Barv be tvrtuL Twte Is Wf Jar
, BTS. a4 gtrta, to. rtf Ttn
'Y He la from Cnlow today.
tostcM at Yfcx.
rMorrow evewlwg W twe regular
aareuac aidit tbe city council.
A. H. EHm. the plane maa
rorttud. Is here ea bsalaeas.
Frd Banter we over from Cove
Barry Clya of Bote, Idaho, la la
tba eKy looking orar le country.
Tba Heacock orchestra will furnish
Iha music at the ekatlng rink tonight
Sherwood William is able to be out
agaua after aa IHaeaa of a couple of
C H. Jordan returned yesterday
!rom a business trip to North Fow
' ar. '
A. 8. Cooiry and wife of Wallowa
coaaty, spent New Teara day la the
B. Logan, the real estate man. Is
eeaftaed to his borne today oa account
at sickness.
' Jeanle Smith of Island City, Union j
eletoa.-Pendleton Tribune.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flexor of Elfin,
are spending New Tear's day with As
sessor and Mrs. R. A. Hug. '
Tha January term of the county
soart begin tomorrow. This is ths
moat Important session of the year.
Engineer John Gardiner, returned
hat Bight from Portland, where he
Gerfdes Bros, start the new year off
with new ad. They propose to do as
larte a business la 108 as they did in
117. : '
WW TTflf 't-wwwvwwv V WWW WWW WVWWW ff fflTTff e WWTW WWVYS
Place Your Surplus Funds
Comparative Statement as Made to the Comptroller cf
the Currency
September 6, 1900,
September SO, 1901,
September IS, 1902,
September 9, 1903,
September 6, 1904,
June 18, 1905,
June 18, 1906,
June 81, 1907,
W pay you. Interest on your Savings Bank Accounts.
No Interest paid en Checking Accounts.
We an prepared to handla any Banking business entrusted to us with
cars, promptn w and safsty, .
With SO ytars sxpsriencs in Banking wa art confidant wa' can give you
Your business is appreciated by its officers :
J. W. SCRIBER. Cashiar
t m Jrx. fmm -v
,.To mako room for our new paint and wall pap
'efstock we hive decided to close out all our
stock of fine china. " Piates, cups and
saucers, chocolate sets, mush sets, tea sets,
;aake plates, everything in our fine china de
' partment to be closed out regardless of cost.
Come early and select your Xmas presents.
Hardwar. Furniture. Building Material and House
You'll Pay With Pleasure
was at t
today for the flnt time since nta re
cent attack of pweamoala. . - ,
Mm. tee MorM. who baa been
visiting rrh-rtda In the oily tor several
da;-, returned home to Kamela.
MIm Olive Joitea of alia vaua.
la the, lVfitlem fiieada for
few Uy Pendleton Tribuae.
Mi-. Mary Krouae Is la the city
from Oortam, Iowa, and la vhrftlng at
the home of her nephew, A. N. Krouae.
O. O. BroT, representing tha In
ternational Correspondence school of
Scrant, Pa- la la tha city today.
Rev. J. H. McSparraa of Nam pa.
Idaho, Is la La Grande to assist la the
revival services at the Central Church
of Christ.
Rev, W. TV. Deal of futon, preaches
the New Tear's sermon at the Melh'
odist church this evening. Everybody
Is Invited.
Mtas Laura Holm has returned to
school at Pendleton after speeding the
Christmas holidsys with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Holm of this city.
Rev. Fits Maurice occupied tha pul
pit this morning In lha Methodist
church.. He was greeted with a fair
sized audience and his sermon war
highly appreciated.
This being a legal holiday, with tat
city, county and federal offices closed
a number of stores closed all day, ant"
vi-vrH1n rto9 aftee noon 1
things might be termed rather quiet
from a newspaper standpoint.
J. D. McKennon received aaUafae
tory returns from a carload of applet
shipped several week sgo to Joplln
Mo. He considers himself quite for
tunate, considering the present mar
The Blue Mountain Marble Ic Gran
Ite works have an ad In this Issue ths'
will save you money if you are think
Ing of purchasing a monument. The.
are trying to retire from business am
desire to reduce their stock. .
With the Far-nets and J
3S- K ..wiitte
srs.. m a am
For svsry msal you sat hsra. It
will be a combination of good
food, good cooking and good ser
vice. Our rtstaurant is intend
ed for people who appreciate
gied sating, also for peopla who
like the good things of lira at a
moderate cost. If you belong to '
that cl .. cems in and set what
w can do foi you.
The Model ' Restaurant
W sill wtekly meaT ff h Cf
ticket for - 4T. JU
'iinL Aim i.uoe uaaty. at une umi
a student of the Blue Moyntatn unl
versty, and well known to those who
attended, la reported to be very sick
In the hospital at KanMS City. Mo.,
snd her recovery t considered doubt
ful. :
Wallowa county Is beginning lo
,a the benefit of her county high
school already. Tha preea of her
county stste that quite 'a number of
students who hsve been attending the
Weston Normal will enter the home
Institution. A well equipped high
school teaches practically everything
that hi taught In the Normals.
Jerry Brakesly, who to employed at
the Wilcox Lumber company, was
brought la from the mill at Ladd creek
last night, to be treated for blood
poisoning. About one week ago a
piece of timber fell on his foot, but
nothing was thought of It at the time.
Day before yesterday It began to pain
him and continued to get worse..
Sidney Haines, who for the past alz
months . has been working with . the
engineering corps at the Mare Island
navy yard to In the city spending the
holidays with his mother. Mr. Haines
will return about the 10th of the
month, when he wilt resume his work.
The company for which ha la working
has the contract for building the new
fovernment drydock and the work will
aot be finished before another year.
George Good, proprietor of the Ho
el Foley, last evening received ttu
unexpected Information that his sister
Mrs. Emma haw, was dead. On Sun-
lay last, he received a letter fron
her stating that she was well. Heart
failure was the cause. Mrs. Shaw hat
been a resident of Walla Walla foi
the past tO years, and was highly re
spected. The funeral will take plao
Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Good leave
n the morning.
Perhaps the mus:, Interesting per
lonallty In the present senate Is Thorn-
is P. Gore, the blind senator from Ok
ahoma. Doubled up In his square
irmed chair, the figure Is that of i
'at, pudgy boy with a round bullet
head, of which the drawn, contracted
irows, the long straight, prominent
lose and the thick Hps are the most
lonspicuous features. When, with
i thick hickory cane firmly gripped
n the right hand and thrust forward
the figure straightens up, long-hipped.
and very erect.
The head (a always lifted and
hrust forward. The blind senator has
i way while sitting, of holding his
.'ace on a line with the action for the
moment commanding attention for
Instance, that of a senator speaking or
the clerk reading. With his cane In
its right hand, his left drums on the
I ask at which he :its. He has a way
f snapping the thumb and fingers
f his left hand. During his first few
'ays in the senate alert page boys tool,
his for a summons.
The boyish-looking Oklahoma sen
itor he Is In the early fort 1-8 ha:
me characteristic unusual In bllnti
Persons. He addresses with accurate
nodulatlon of voice the peraon ti
hom he Is speaking. Most bllni'
ticn and women experience great dlf
'Iculty In "getting the range" of th
person they are addressing, and fre-
liiently speak either ot the'rlght or
eft of him.
Thus far the blind senator has not
toUK'it to participate In the proceed
ing, but as one senator put It, "lie in
tcaUIng in the ntmopphcrp."
When ready he Is expected to con
tribute one of the spectacular speechen
of t!:e session, because he Is a strong,
virile speaker, a fine elocutionist of
tho rough and ready sort, quick at
repartee and with an amazing com
mand of words.
Mr. Gore has been in his seat the
full length of every aeaslon sines ha
took office, sparing few minutea In
the cloak rooms, to which senator
flee to escape being bored by long
winded speeches.
And every minutes he is In his seat
"the little brown-eyed woman," Mrs.
Thomas P. Oore, sits In the gallery
watching ever gesture of the man' to
whose election she contributed more
than any one else. The senator him
self calls her "his eyes and right
hand." and says she knows more about
parliamentary law and politics than
uny other woman in the country. She
accompanies him to the senate and
lakes him away at tho close of the
day. She takes down the speeches
he dictates, attends to his mail and
supplies every function that his slght
'. eyes cannot perform.
. - BOCIETY. . ;
X 4
Mra. Elisabeth 8utfin Is entertain
ing Jamea Farquharson and family at
dinner today. .
Mrs. Nash Is entertaining a few
of her friends and iMatlvea at a New
Tear's dinner today at her home In
North La Grande. c .
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Logan enter
tained a few friends Isst evening at a
watrh party." Dainty refreshments
were served and a pleasant time was
enjoyed by all who were there.
Roadmaster and Mrs. O. W. Nelson
entertained a few friends last evening
at their home on M . street. Dainty
refreshments were served and a hap
py crowd watched the old year depart
and the new year enter.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scrlber are en
tertaining a few friends at dinner to
day. Their guests are Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bay, Miss Dorothy Zuber, Cam
and Glen Caylor and Ben Noyes. Mrs.
Scrlber was assisted In serving by her
sister, Miss Mary Pennington.
The Current Topic club will be en
lertalned by Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Mal
ory at the home of Mrs. Mallory next
Friday evening. The topic for discus
ion Is the new National Temperance
movement, Mr. Hanna being ttu
leader. Members are reminded that
the hour for assembling Is 7:30 o'clock.
The New Tear's ball given by thi
Firemen and Engineers last evening
In the Commercial club hall, was at
tended by many and will be long re
nembered as one of the special socia
wents of the year. The hall wa
leautifully decorated. The music wa
f the highest order and a most con
genial gathering.
Vow Films at tho Ehx-trlc Theatei
Tomorrow Evening1.
The regular change of program will
take place tomorrow evening. ' The
numbers are all good, but the one
which will create the greatest Interest
Is the "Clever Detective." This tells
the story of the kidnapping of a little
jlrl and the clever work and hair
breadth escapes of the detective, who
Inally, with the aid of the child. Is
ible to rescue her from the outlaws
tnd return her safe to her distracted
parents. The comic numbers are truly
un-makers, especially the one which
s entitled "Between Two Fires." The
Tired Tailor's Dream" is a mechanl
al wonder. The tailor had an order
or a suit for a really bad man, who
promised something rich If the gar-
nents were not ready for him at a
ertaln time. The tailor dreamed that
he various implements of his craft
uiddenly became animated and o.
their own free will set to work to make
he suit.
Mr. Feriln wilPsing the Illustrated
iong. "When 8weetheart Mary Whls
ered Yes." The sentiment of tht
ong Is good and the slides are al
tand-colored and pretty. Mr. Brucr
vlll preside at tho piano, and it Is safi
o say that he will be able to enter
aln the audience with his numerous
tnd timely selections. Mr, Bruce k
x performer of ability, and his happy
elections and splendid renditions add
much to the pleasure of the entertain
ment at the New Electric theater.
Palmer House for Sale.
We offer for sale the Palmer House
at a remarkably low price, and eas
payments if taken soon. - tf
M!ss Ascuro I've heard It said
doctor, -that a good big doso of anil
water will often euro seasickness.
Dr. Wis That's possible. .
Miss Ascum Indeed?
Dr. Wise Yes, If the quantity ol
salt water is sufficient to drown you.
Philadelphia Press.
Box Social.
mere win be a box social at the
Iowa school house In district No.
Saturday evening, January 4. Two
?akes will be sold: one to tho most
handsome man present, and tho other
to the ugliest lady. The proceeds are
to go for the benefit of the achool
There will be also an Interesting pro
irram In connection with the social
Kvery one Is cordially Invited to at
tend and bring some one with them
Boys, do not forget your pocketbooki
and have In mind the right lady and
Untill Febuaiylst l will give
ten per cent off oh cut glass
fancy china silver ware can
ers and heating stoves.
Headquarter for
' : Of. THE V
LA GrANCC, wn.
Woodmen of the World. - -La
Grande Lodge No. W. O.
W meets every Friday of each
month In .the K. of P. hall In Corpe
building. Al visiting members wel
come. N. U ACKLES.
f. H. KEENET, Consul Commander.
Clark. ,
La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. aV
A. M., holds regular meetings second
and fourth Tuesdays at 7:30 p. m.
C. D. HUFFMAN, Secretary.
Pythian Sisters.
Rowena Temple . No. 9, Pythian
Sisters, meets every Thursday evening
at 8 p. m In K. of P. hall, in the
Corpe building. Visiting members cor
dially Invited.
L O. T. M.
Hive No. 17, L. O. T. M., meets
every first and third Thursday of each
month at 2 o'clock In tha afternoon.
Visiting member! made welcome.
Brotherhood of Owls.
La Grande Nest No. 17, meets In
tha K. of P. halL every Tuesday eve-
ilng at 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers
ordlally Invited.
N. L. ACKLES, Executive.
D. L. LEAVITT, Secretary.
K. of P. .
Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meets
very Monday evening In Castle Hall,
.'orpe building. A Pythian welcome
to all visiting knlghls.
R. PATTISON, K. of R. & S.
Crystal Lodge No. 60, meets every
Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F.
lodge. All visiting members are In
cited to attend.
If you have any doubts regarding tha efficiency
of La Grande Beet Sugar for fruit preserving
purposes, a lonk at the display of preserved
fruit and Jellies at the Staple Grocery Store
will convince you that
will do the work.
'eeeeeeeeeeeeees ssvssst sss eeeeeeeaeeeeeev
gentlemnn who you are going to
port to help them get the cake.
thsitt w.,r
Holiday Goods.
Foreatera of America.
Court Maid Marian No. 12 meata
each .Wednesday night In Elks hall.
Brother are Invited to attend.
DR. a. L. BIGGERS, C. R.
Board of Trustee; Dr. G. L. Big
ger, Oscar Berger and Herbert Pat-
teronv : . if .
M. W. A.
La Grande Camp No. 7702 meet
very first and third Wednesday eve
ning at I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting
neighbors are cordially Invited to at
tend. . ' - F. B. CURRET, C.
-D. E. COX, Clerk, i X. y
F. O. E.
La Grande Aerie No. 251, F. O. E.,
meet every Friday night in Elks'
hall at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren in
vited to attend. J. H. PEARE, W. P.
GEO. J. ABEGG, W. 8.
I. O. O. F. -
Star Encampment .No. 81, L O. O.
F meeta every second and fourth
Wednesday In the month In Odd Fel
low' hall. Visiting patriarch always
welcome. . J. A. ARBUCKLE, C. P.
I. R. SNOOK. Scribe.
M. B. of A.
- Meets first and third Tuesday eve
it I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting members
il ways welcome.
st s
La Grande Lod.-'l f$
each Thuraday evenir.l ..JHTclock In V. v;
Elks' hall on Adam avenue. Visit
ing brother are cordially Invited to
W. B. SARGENT, Exalted Rultr.
G. E. M'CULLT. Rec. Sec
I. O. O. F.
La Grande Lodge No. 16, meet in
their hall every Saturday night Vis
iting brothers cordially Invited to at
tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at
Model Restaurant.
HUGH McCALL. Secretary. -
a Grande Beet Sugar
sup - not forget the date,
Dobcgln at 7:80.
The program will