et Gin rz: tXEXaa O sERVER, LA GRAXDG, OREGCC WEDNESDAY, JAYCARY I, JM8. PStTfTf", . FACE SETEX C it h ! i i - IF YOl'R WATIH NEEDS ATTENTION Hae it repaired by an experienced Jeweler. '; IF ;Y0UR EYES NEED ATTENTION v . tnc m examined by an experiencec optician. J. H. PEARL I . A GRANDE'S LEADING JEWELEt? AND OPTICIAN ! Opposite U. S. Land Offi:e ! : ! l Afow s fhc fmeJ To make your Mince Meat and Plum Pudding. We have received our " season's supply of Ficsh "uts, Raisins, Gider, Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel. E. P. Staples HEW YEAR'S OBSLRVfD AT THE WHITE HOUSt Washington, Jan. 1. One of the Japan, Mexico and Great Britain and most brilliant function! held at the tVh'te House in years van the reur'e reception of Presldeu'. New tn'l ''Money in the Bank" It's a sort of a password to a man's reliability In the business world. At the La Grande National you have the advan tage of a big and atroni Institution whose policy is to give the' same careful consideration to the smalles depositor as to the largest. Along these lines this Bank Is increas ing; its deposits every day. We should like to have yours. CAPITAL. $100,000.00 SURPLUS 50,000.00 UND. PROF". 25,000,00 GEORGE PALMER, Pies. ' W. L. BRENHOLDTS, Asa't Casa. J. M. BERRY, Vlc-Pres. 8. C. WILLIAMS, 2nd Ass't Cash. F. L. ME TER8, Cashier. DIR ECTORS. . F. M. ByrUlt,, J. M. Berry A. B. Conley. F. J. Holmes, C. C. Pennington, dcorco Palmer, F. L. Meyers, Geo. L. Cleaver, W. U Brenholta. La Grande National Bank UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY J i Si I ! ; i ; i :i 1 i s i -TTt$iIrJi:n: EUREKA HAY RACK LIFTER V, R. CAIIIIJj. of Portland, and J M. Kl'TIIKRLAM), or Villon, Inventor. A MODERN INVENTION FOR FARMERS. It saves your box. It saves yur rack. It saves your- etrentfth unil it saves your buck. It removes nnd replaces Hay Racks, . Header Beds, Wagon Poxes, Water Tanks, Wood Racks or Dump Boards WITHOUT LIFTING. To those jvho would know what others who have tried the Ktl'l'KA HAY RACK UrTKK think of It. we would refer thenr to the following well known clthuns: JAMES HUTCHINSON. Union, Oregon. "FRANK HALL, Union, Oregon. W. C). MILLER, Union, Oregon. W. M. STOCKER, Union, Oregon. REV. W. W. DEAL. Union, Oregon. W. W, RANDALL, La Grande. Oregon. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THIS LABOR SAVING DEVICE, CALL ON OR ADDRESS J M. .SUTHERLAND the ministers and . other diplomatic dignitaries from other countries. . -Following the diplomats came the Mrs. Roosevelt today. th: 1 ,!,., .v, .nnn,. ,,.1 lours of 11 and 1:30 the chief ex-.u- and the Judicial bench of the Wash Ive nnd the first lady of the land ingtn government. Chief Justice Ful mook hands with over 8000 persons, ler being given precedence. Then he former muttering an apparently camo tne officers of the army and dneeie "De-e-llghted," as many times, navy. In gay uniforms. Admiral Dewey dembers of the diplomatic corps. invading the jattt r. The general and brilliant uniforms, hob-nobbed with 8taff ot tne district national guard jablnet members, army and navy of- followed. ' ' ..u-Uu. .m u.r. govern- shortly afterward the members of ment officers, senators and represen- fte cab,net an(J thc,r wlves ,eft the tatlves and the plain people of the whUe Houge , hoM receptloni B, national capital. . - v.5. tv-m. President Roosevelt occupied a jfr,. Roosevelt alone received and place near the door at the head of greeted the great throngs of dlstln the receiving line. On the right was gulshed citizens who assembled In the Mrs. Roosevelt, to her right Mrs. Falr-(Dlue room to pay their respects to the banks, and so on down' the line, the head of the nation, and, wish him and ladles of the cabinet taking their po-'itirs. Roosevelt a happy New Year. iHnn m order of their precedence. Miss Ethel Roosevelt, charmingly but nenina tnem stooa vice-Tesiaent,slmDly gowned, was a La Grande Professional Directory . PHYSICIANS. O. L. BIGGERS. M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office Ralston Building, over 3. M. Berry's Store. Office 'Phone Black mi. Residence 'Phons Red 1001. DENTISTS. J. H. HUBBARD. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office. In New Bank; Building. Rooms 10-11. 'Phones: Residence, Main 89; Office, Main 7. ' DR; A. L. RICHARDSON. Physician and &nrgeoi. Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office 'Phone ISC'. Residence Main 85 Fairbanks and the members of the cabinet. Heading the diplomats, who were center ot in terest,, owing to the fact that she will soon make her social debut. The other Roosevelt children also witness- received first, was Baron Mayer des ed the reception. Many children were Planches, ambasasdor from Italy, the In line when the doors were, thrown dean of the corps, followed in turn open to private cltisens, and all were by the ambassadors from Austria, heartily greeted by the president and Fiance, Germany, Brazil, Russia, his wife. , N. MOLITOR. M. D., . Physician and Surgoon. ' . Corner Adumi A-.e. nr.J Lep.ii El. Office Main 8 -:- Residence Main (9 C. B. CAtTEORN. .. ' DHst, Office over Hill's Drug Etor. La Grande . Oregon. J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. v -Dentist. Room IS, La Grande National Bank Building. 'Phone Black 1991. La Grande Oregon. Dr. 8. II. Kanlojr Dr. J. E. Stevenson Res. Red 191. Res. Black SSI. EASLEY ft STEVENSON. . Dental Parlors and Laboratory. Aluminum Plates, Crown and Bridge i work, a specialty. Office Opiioslte Foley notefc. T Office 'Phone Black 911. BACON HALL, : Physicians and Burgeons. Offioe i Grand National Bank Building. 'Phone Main 19. C. T, Bacon, Residence, Main IS. m rin ft DR. F. B. MOORS . DR. H. C. P. MOOR1 Osteopathic Pliystclana, Klrksvllle Graduates Under Founder. ; Office Bommer Baildlng. Phone: Office Main S; Rea. Mala COL. MULIIALL RETIRES. ' . ceased to be a Gretna Green today. when the new marriage law went Into Served Time Once, Hut Was Pardoned effect. Hereafter no marriages may roKitloii AnoliHhod. - St. Louis, Mo Jan. 1. Colonel Zach Mulhall, the famous Oklahoma ranch man, who has been livestock agent of the 'Frisco railway system for many years, retired from that position to day. The position .will be abolished. Colonel Mulhall and hla daughters, Luclle and "BoSsie," the famous "cow Sirls," are known throughout the country. During the world's fair 'lere Mulhall went on the warpath and "shot up" the Pike, wounding three men. Ho was sentenced to three years In prison, but was later freed. Colonel Mulhall resides at Mulhall Okla., where he has a large ranch. RF.I'.R GOES CI. Ono Dollar Per !tni-rcl Moans an In crease of $10,(100,000. New York, Jan. 1. An advance of II a barrel In the wholesnle price 01 beer was put Into effect today by the 'ager beer brewers' . broad of trade and a similar Increase has been made by the New Jersey brewers. Owing to the raise in price, smaller glassef will be used In most bars, Ilighei prices of raw materials is given as thr reason for the Increase. It is statei' that malt has Increased from 62 centt U) $1.25 and other materials In pro portion. About 10,000,000 barrels of lieer urc consumed annually In New IX UTAH. Fuel Companies Itcccully Indicted to He Triinl Tomorrow. - Salt Lake, Utah, Jan. 1. Haerlng In the case of the Utah Fuel company and various. Individuals, Indicted by the United Slates grand Jury for al leged fraudulent methods of secur ing ownership of mineral lands, Is set for tomorrow In federal court here. Several prominent railway officials are Involved In tho charges. NOT SATISFIED. Imllaim Will Proceed to Make Their Ov.11 Ijiwk. Tishomingo, Okla., Jan. 1. "The date? We are the slate." So declare the malcontents anions the rcdmen of flie Chlckasnw nation, who will gnth- e ! er nt Tishomingo, the capital, this 'month, to convene the tribal lealsla- ' ! ture. The Indians w ill defy the ww- C.MOX OREGOX. f-yj - a a Wsjji Lj Li j .8 iQUR LINEof Dolis; you can't break Ihem'U aip a'l ol.h.r khl. with beautiful dressed kid boby. Also the prettiest Japanese ch na and Stork novelties. ly organized state government of Ok lahoma and will proceed to make their own laws. In accordance wltlr their old tribal f t-in laids. If Enforced. Santa Fe, N. M.. Jan. 1. All of the -a:iiti'l:i(j houses in New Mexico are closed today and wl'l remain rn, If the provisions of the new anti-gam-bllng law, whl-h went Into effect t -day, nre rigidly enforced. be performed In the state without a license. TMb provision will serve to prevent secret marriages, for which New York has been famous in the past.; " GUSEi w& TAB CURES Coughs andGoIdo PREVEHTS Pneumonia and Consumption Foley' Honey and Tap not only tops the cough, but heals and strength, ens the lungs and prevents serious re sults from a cold. There Is no danger of Pneumonia, Consumption or other serious lung trouble if Foley's Honey and Tar Is taken, as it will cure the most ktub born coughs the dangerous kind that settles on the lungs and may develop Into pneumonia Over night. If you have a cough or cold do not risk Pneumonia when Foloy's Honey and Tar will cure you quickly and strengthen your lungs. Remember the name Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered. Do not take chances with some unknown preparatiou that costs you the same when you can get Foley's Honey and Tar, that costs you no mora and is safe and certain in results. Cuntuius no opiates. ' Cured After Physicians Said He Had Consumption. E. H. Jones, Pastor M. E. Church, Grove, Md., writes: "About seven or eight years ago I had a very severe cold which physicians said was very near pneumonia, and which they afterwards pronounced consumption. Through a friend I was induced to try a sample of Foley's Honey and Tar, which gave me so much relief thut 1 bought some of the regular size. Two or three bottles cured me of what the physicians called Consumption, and 1 have never had any trouble with my threat or lungs since that time." Thiee sites 25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size- contains two and one-half times as much us the email size and the 11.00 bottle almost six times as much. ::. r. m..L, v.i-. 1. VlL-lbJltlNAHY bUUUUONbV DR. P. A. CHARLTON, Veterinary Surgecn. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grand Residence 'Phone Red 701. Office 'Phone Black ltd. ' . Independent 'Phone St. ATTORNEYS. Cha. E. Cochran Geo. p. Coobraa COCHRAN A COCHRAN Attorneys. La Orande National Bank Building. La Orande - - - ' Ores? VIA VI. MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 1171. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet . DR. II. W. RILEY. Graduato Ohio Btate University Vac cination, Dentistry and Surgery of all kinds. Country calls promptly aa swered. Office 1414 Adams' Ave. 'Phones, Pa cific, Black 1901. Independent, I White 20. ABSTRACTERS. J.R. OLIVER. Abstracts of Title. Fire Insurance, Office next door to La Grande Na tional Bank. La Orande - ... . . Oregor TEACHERS OF MTJSIC (CATHERINE! M.'QUINN. MUS. BAC Teacher of Piano and Harmony.' Studio 1401 Eighth Btreet ' ' ' 'Phone Black (41. IMBLER i DRUG STORE DR. 0. A. FISHER, Prop. Patent M e d i c e n s, S Perfumes, Toilet Articles Trusses, and Rubber Goods. Z: ; OPEN DAY OR NIGHT PHONE CALLS ANSWER- ED DAY OR NIGHT f PAIM AMD WALL PAPER STORE PROF. E. PORTER DAT, Trlnctv 1 La Orande School of Music Mrs. Day assistant. School oppo lite Foley Hotel. Phone Red 472. MIS8 STELLA l, OLIVER. Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio over J. M. Berry't Store. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. L. A. PICKLE R. Civil, Mining, Irrigation Englneerlni and Summing. Estimates, plans and specifications Office In Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande ...... Orcgoi PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING t t t t Staniels & Bug t 1420 ADAMS A ENUE ; t La Grsncfs, Orton : 1 Phono Red 1921 44 Remember. For tint mortgages on miprov farm property apply to Indian Vislley Realty Co,, Elgin, Oregon. Indepen dent 'phone No. 14-2. w-tf I HAY, GRAIN, W00D I We have in'stcck a lot of fine timothy, wild, grain and alfalfa hay, bought before the price advanced. We are selling this hay at low price, quality guaranteed. We buy andell oats, barley and mill stuff of all kinds. We'll sell flour at lower price than others. Try us. We'are closing out our wood business Have about 1 00 ccrds left. Get some at a reduced price before it is all gone. THE REAL ESTATE, LOAN AND COMMISSION CO. t TV - . I 5 E.M4WelIman&Co. ADAMS X EME I (T1t-M Rcnlrril. J jr.. 1. :Tcv.- V rk J